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ILLEGAL ALIEN SANCTUARY CITY VALUES: Swarms of drunk illegal alien drivers? A-OK, amigos! Trim your trees 'wrong'? U.S. citizens fined $347,600!

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George Washington Admirer

Dec 3, 2007, 1:39:51 AM12/3/07
In the same city where SWARMS of illegal aliens drive sans licenses,
registrations or insurance (and, frequently enough, drunk) clog the roads the
powers-that-be see fit to direct their attention not on apprehending such
homicidal foreigners who daily take the lives of so many American citizens
(25+ a day, as per one state senator) but instead on fining law-abiding U.S.
citizens almost $350,000 because they failed to trim their trees to the
bureaucrats' satisfaction.
If this poor young American mother-to-be who's being hounded by the
government suffers a miscarriage because of the stress of this over-the-top
persecution by a government which otherwise wouldn't DREAM of going after the
hordes of illegal aliens in its midst I place the blame squarely on the
heartless bureaucrats themselves!
Out on a limb over trimming fiasco
November 28 2007,1,7564240.column?coll=la-headlines-california&ctrack=1&cset=true

"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents,
there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that
original right of self-defense which is paramount to all
positive forms of government ... The citizens must rush
tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system,
without resource; except in their courage and
despair ...

"The natural strength of the people in a large community, in
proportion to the artificial strength of the government, is greater
than in a small, and of course more competent to a struggle
with the attempts of the government to establish a tyranny ...
the people, without exaggeration, may be said to be entirely
the masters of their own fate."

-- Alexander Hamilton

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of

-- Thomas Jefferson

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the
right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to
protect themselves against tyranny in government."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"As our enemies have found we can reason like men,
so now let us show them we can fight like men also."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on
certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of
any government, and to protect its free expression should
be our first object."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"We in America do not have government by the majority.
We have government by the majority who participate."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of
good conscience to remain silent."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"Every government degenerates when trusted to the
rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are
its only safe depositories."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"In matters of style, swim with the current; in
matters of principle, stand like a rock."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"Don't talk about what you have done or what you are
going to do."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case
with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every
free state."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act!
Action will delineate and define you."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand
on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that
from which they draw their gains."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our
monied corporations which dare already to challenge
our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance
to the laws of our country."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous
to our liberties than standing armies."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"Experience demands that man is the only animal which
devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to
the general prey of the rich on the poor."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms
of government those entrusted with power have, in time,
and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then
by deflation, the banks...will deprive the people of all
property until their children wake-up homeless on the
continent their fathers conquered... The issuing power
should be taken from the banks and restored to the
people, to whom it properly belongs."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"If ye love wealth better than freedom, the tranquility of
servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from
us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands that feed you.
May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity
forget that ye were our countrymen."

-- Samuel Adams


"The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave" by Heather MacDonald

See the COLOSSAL costs of illegal aliens to the American taxpayer:

Just two of MANY American cops murdered by illegals:

"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an
irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of
freedom in the minds of men."
-- Samuel Adams
"Unfortunately, the majority of illegal aliens who are here
are engaged in criminal activity. Identity theft, use of
fraudulent social security numbers and green cards, tax
evasion, driving without licenses represent some of the
crimes that are engaged in by the majority of illegal aliens
on a daily basis merely to maintain and hide their illegal
status. In addition, violent crime and drug distribution and
possession is also prevalent among illegal aliens. Over 25%
of today's federal prison population are illegal aliens. In some
areas of the country, 12% of felonies, 25% of burglaries and
34% of thefts are committed by illegal aliens."

-- Testimony of District Attorney John M. Morganelli before
the House Subcommittee on immigration, Border, Security
and Claims

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