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Kirk Is

Aug 2, 2006, 12:45:02 PM8/2/06
Sigh... I used to save up hacks in case I wanted to chime in on a
coversation here but those days of alt.hackers seem to be behind it...

Anyway, small file hack: we have this db delete stored procedure that was
taking about 1 1/2 minutes per item, and I had about 1000 items to delete.
My first attempt was just to paste 1000 calls to the stored procedure into
SQL Enterprise Manager... but the remote desktop call crapped out for
reasons unknown, and nothing seemed to have been deleted.

So I used a small existing "execute one query" java program I had made,
and then filled up a directory with empty files, one per item I'm trying
to delete. When the batch file runs the script, it moves the file from the
"todo" directory to the "done" directory, so if something gets interrupted
I can pick up where it left off...

"When life gives you poop, make poop juice." --Max Canon's Red Meat

Aug 25, 2006, 1:33:22 AM8/25/06
Kirk Is wrote:
> Sigh... I used to save up hacks in case I wanted to chime in on a
> coversation here but those days of alt.hackers seem to be behind it...

...But on the other hand, when there are new posts here you can pretty
much count on them being interesting. Though I haven't posted anything
in recent memory, today's hack will be courtesy of my friend Robert.

Our small company is moving our office into an old house that needs some
serious renovation. Since construction labor here on Kaua`i is
expensive and unreliable, a few of us with servicable abilities have
volunteered to help out. So, today we rented a few 6 ton jacks to raise
a sagging corner of the house. That job accomplished, Robert had the
bright idea to re-purpose those jacks for a new task: Knocking out an
ugly but solid entryway made of lava rock, some sort of concrete and
many layers of paint. Laying the jacks over on their sides and
stretching a 4x4 between them provided an excellent mechanism to knock
the bugga's over.

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-troy (damn, almost forgot to wave the chicken)

Kirk Is

Sep 7, 2006, 2:22:11 PM9/7/06
to wrote:
> ...But on the other hand, when there are new posts here you can pretty
> much count on them being interesting.

Or at least on-topic. Auto-moderation is surprisingly effective at keeping
out the noise, or maybe there's some other vigilance at work.

Speaking of rubber chickens, I only know one way of waving it, which is
one reason why I still use my academic account for it.

ObHack: (which is actually why I'm posting) On a recent trip to a Vermont
B+B we had ordered a botte of champagne to be waiting for us. The cork got
away from me when I opened it but I wanted to reseal it... I remembered
the basket of apples they had out near the place's office. Tada,
insta-cork! Worked pretty well at keeping it fresh and bubbley overnight.


"Our research and experience show that there is nothing in life
more fun than the military." --Capt. Mike Doubleday

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