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7 visualitzacions
Ves al primer missatge no llegit

Kirk Is

no llegida,
8 de jul. 2006, 8:23:458/7/06
Yes, gogglehacks, not google...

Well, hack, anyway.

The one time in my life when I was able to sleep 'til one or two was on a
visit to Portugal, where the guest bedroom had these great european style
shutters (shutter on the outside, pullcord on the inside, and lightproof)
that made the room *completely* dark. Now I have to wonder if there could
have been a jetlag thing, but I still have an inkling it was a combination
of being tired and completely in the dark, so that there were no light
cues telling me to get up.

I've put some efforts into darkening my current bedroom, but it's tough,
especially if I want to be able to let light or air in at other times.

Most sleep masks kind of suck I've found. So on a whim I decided to try
the following hack:

I bought a cheap pair of swim goggles, adjusted the band so they're as big
as possible,and then used black electrical tape to make them opaque. They
look pretty freaky to the person who's not wearing 'em, but over all they
work pretty well as a cheap, not-too-much-face-covering, effective

fight fire with napalm

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