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Aug 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/24/96

ok, i'm sorry, i promised i wouldn't do this, but after reading all
that has been said here i NEED to say something.
let me introduce myself, i'm a friend of josh lenius. i'm sure most
of you don't know who that is, but that's ok because this letter is
only addressed to those of you who do.
let me explain a little. josh lenius is the boy that ellie burian
'eloquence' was madly and 'truly' in love with. they had given each
other rings and decided to get married, and they had even moved in
together and had been sharing the same bed up until a week or two ago.
then she went to convergence, that gothic convention you guys had in
boston. needless to say, she treated my friend like utter and
complete shit, betrayed his trust in the worst way, and doesn't feel
bad at all about doing so. let me explain a little more. if you
don't give a damn about any of this, or don't know these people,
please stop reading now. this will only waste your time.
and by the way, i'm changing my return email address because im
going to write this one thing and then im off of here for good. i
just have some things to say and i dont need or even want any
responses. i know there are two sides to EVERY story, and i always
give people the benefit of the doubt, but after reading what has been
posted on this news list and listening to josh for the past year, ive
seen both sides and i really need to say something about it.
maybe some of you who have been reading alt gothic for a while can
remember to last year at around this time. maybe you remember how
ellie went on and on about how great it was to find the ONE and TRUE
love in josh, and the glory of finding her soulmate and all those
other fabulous lies. apparently she went on about it for a long time,
but for those of you who didn't read that, let me give you an idea
with what ellie had written about josh on her homepage. josh mailed
this to me a long time ago, and at first i though it was very
charming. apparently ellie has now taken it off her homepage, which
is no suprise. it would suck to advertise what a liar and flighty
brat you are, but let me reprint part of what she had said for context
'I realized that I loved him so much more than I had ever loved
anyone else, and we together understood that we were made for each
other and all that romantic silliness that sounds so beautiful. It was
True Love (tm), and we were now very determined that nothing would get
in our way, and it hasn't. We have learned so much from each other,
and I personally have become an improved person for meeting him. He
has taught me so much in the way of being a more relaxed and less
stressed person (I'm _still_ working on it, believe me...).
Josh is my soulmate, and we are engaged to be married in, well, a
couple of years... "Fuck me and marry me eventually for tax purposes."
But we do both have rings, very thin silver bands that cost five
dollars each at a cheesy jewelry store in town. But we love the fact
that they are so simple and yet so ultimately meaningful. I love him
with all of my heart, unconditionally, and I never want to be with
anyone else ever. It's rather intense. We're living together now,
which is a wonderful thing... we get to snuggle to sleep every night
and bicker in the morning. I will always love him forever and ever.'
let me add a few details to this fun story. ellie and josh were far
from a perfect relationship, but from what i SAW, he really did love
her, and from what she SAID she really loved him. there was no doubt
they were having VERY rough spots for some time, but they were trying
very hard to keep it all together. i know josh fucked up a LOT in
that relationship, but i also know that ellie did too. the cool thing
though was that it seemed like they were always willing to try to make
their love work out, because they seemed to know that they really were
in TRUE love, something many people is worth living and dying for.
anyhow, after a struggling through a lot of difficult and painful
times they had BOTH agreed to keep trying and not see other people
until they really decided whether or not they wanted to be together.
(even though i guess that ellie just told josh the other day that 'he
decided that' and not her. yeah, whatever ellie. if that were true
you should've said something right then and there instead of creating
this convenient excuse after the fact) then she went to convergence
and met this 'boo' guy. i'm sure from the drivel that those two have
been posting that all of you are more than aware of their newfound
'relationship', and any of you at convergence know that they were more
than a little close. it goes without saying that ellie and boo did
what they did despite her promises to josh, despite and 'love' she
felt for him, and despite any feeligs he had for her, and that she
suddenly 'decided' it was ok for her to betray her 'love' and
committment to him.
ok boo, i don't blame you and you couldn't have known the truth
about elly, i've now seen what a brilliant deciever she is, and i'm
sure she did more than a good job of keeping josh out of conversation
enitrely. however, you should've been at least smart enough to ask
the question, because you knew about josh and you knew they lived
together. but i guess if you knew all that and didn't care you're
jsut as much a shit as ellie is. and you say that you two had been
flirting since FEBRUARY?! and you knew that ellie and josh were
heavily invloved?! actually i take it back, you ARE just as much a
shit as ellie is. perhaps you two really do deserve each other.
and don't you dare gimme some line about how you two met and it jsut
clicked and it was all shiny and happy. infatuation exists for sure,
but people usually learn to deal with and control those rushes of
emotion in middle school. there is such a thing as loyalty and
honesty and i will never accept the idiotic idea that 'you just
couldn't help yourselves' or 'it just felt so right'. those are
pathetic excuses to cover the fact that you were betraying someone
else, and it DOESN"T EVER make it ok. it's called learning to be an
adult, maybe someday you'll try it someday.
to make this long story a little shorter (too late), after she got
back from convergence, ellie lied up and down about what happened, and
josh had to find out bit by bit on his OWN what she had really done.
i don't know if any of you have ever been dumped for someone else, but
its the worst fucking feeling in the world, and finding out on your
OWN is even worse. a few years ago my now ex-boyfriend dumped me for
some other girl and i felt like the smallest lowest most worthless
piece of shit in the universe, even though i hadn't done anything
wrong. its very VERY difficult to recover from, and the fucking
shittiest part is that this little brat was able to drop josh from her
heart and change her emotions completely overnight!!! she met someone
new and after knowing him for THREE DAYS (i don't care what you say
boo, it was three days - can you honestly tell me that you KNOW
someone from over e-mail and a few phone calls? NOBODY is their
absolute true self over the internet, NOBODY), then she DECIDES that
he is her new love and josh is out the fucking door. just DAYS before
that josh and ellie were sleeping in the same bed and doing things and
saying that only lovers do. and in a matter of days ellie decides
that she doesn't want that or feel any of that any more, and that its
all over and she needs to 'be alone'. ALONE? yeah right ellie, youre
not alone, youve just run to the arms of someone else!!! you two may
not live in the same city but its obvious that your not 'alone'! you
fawn over him like no tomorrow, and you even go so far as to call
yourself his PROPERTY!? the incredibly weak and callow mentality that
it takes to do that blows my mind! my god, am i back in kindergarten?
you sound like a couple of children with your giggles and your
promises and insinuations! you two may call yourselves sickeningly
sweet, but trust me youre just sickening.
and believe me, i bitched at josh for hours after i found out that
you dumped him. why? because you had done it to him before! last
year you dumped josh for another guy, out of the blue just like this
time, when a new, far more exciting possibility cropped up! and i had
to be there for him THAT time too! i suppose it's his own damn fault
for putting his faith in such a flighty little brat a second time,
huh? and apparently you've done it to others even before josh!!!
are you EVER going to grow up??
and now reading what those two have posted on here, i'm just
FLOORED! you two think you LOVE each other? and now you've decided
that you're MOVING there to be with boo?? after THREE DAYS? damn, i
just can' t BELIEVE this! that's the most childish and abusrd thing
ive heard in my entire life! Are you two 21 or 12!?
and ellie i'm sorry if this stuff hurts, but i hope youre reading
this in tears because i know josh and i had to listen to him crying
over you for too fucking long. don't worry though, i told him to get
over you because god knows someone like you isn't worth it. i cant
believe he even stood UP for you and tried to defend your cruelty,
after how youve treated him. youre 21 years old for gods sake, start
acting like a woman and not a fucking GIRL! josh put his faith in you
and belived in you and tried despite all the difficulties to keep you
two together, because he knew he LOVED you and foolishly believed that
you loved him! he did things he knew would hurt BOTH of you, not
because he wanted to, but because he needed to prove to himself and to
you that it was pure, TRUE love (HA!). he NEVER once emotionally
betrayed you. but you, you little insecure brat you have the BALLS to
fall for the next best thing that you think comes along, and throw
away everything else you had like a bad habit, call yourself his damn
PROPERTY , claim youre in 'love' and then pack up your entire life and
move out there!! just read what you had written about him on your
homepage!! do you even REMEMBER how you used to feel, or are you so
entirely inhuman that you can erase it altogether, just like that? it
would certainly appear that way, since you didn't even mourn your loss
for a second, he was out and boo was in, just like that don't even
blink a goddamnned eye! youre such a fucking little selfish, flighty,
immature liar!! and don't give me that line about 'over time people
change', because i know they DO, but they don't completely REVERSE
their feelings over-goddamned-night! if you felt that you two were
drifting apart, you should have said something to josh LONG ago! if
you didn't want to stay faithful to him, you should never have said
you were going to! and if i ever hear anyone say the line 'i lied
because i didnt want to hurt you' ever again im going to scream. you
say things like that in middle school, and then you realize that being
an adult means being honest and not rationalizing your lies by
claiming that its to protect the other person and not your own
worthless ass. ellie, you need to grow the fuck up, and trust me,
running away to another city to simply become dependent on boo, your
thrilling new three day lover, is NOT the way to do it...
i hope you regret this mistake for the rest of your life ellie,
because you had true love and you threw it away, and true love is the
honestly rarest thing on this planet. even if you really DID manage
to fall out of love with josh, you handled it in the most insecure,
selfish, childish and absolutely WORST way possible. and boo i hope
you have the common sense to recognize ellie's ability to do this,
over and fucking over again, and the fuck out NOW. if you fall for
her, she'll just do the same damn thing to you, she's proven that
she's more than capable of turning her emotions off just like THAT.
so there, i've said my piece, and it was mean and whatever. yes,
its a 'flame', its vicious, and i'm sure that more than one of you are
amazed that i feel i have the right to say all those things. i'm
usually a very calm and understanding person, but i just couldn't
believe what those two were saying, and i will not listen to anyone
discredit a true love. i apologize wholeheartedly to those of you who
weren't involved, and i apologize even more to those of you who don't
care, and i'm sorry i took up your time and space. ill have to
apologize even more to josh because i told him id stay out of it. but
after reading all this first hand i felt that someone needed to pierce
this childish lie that ellie and boo keep spewing over this news list
and shine some painful truth onto their storybook 'love'. for those
of you who are amazed at my gall, dont worry, im never going to post
on this news list again. i just needed to vent this one time. im
very sorry if i irritated any of you who were not involved in this in
any way. please, just delete this message and pretend it never even
as for you 'eloquence' (as ironically poor a choice that is for your
name), even if the worst possible things happens to you and your life
is utter shit, you deserve it, because you threw away true love for a
fling. and if you believe that you and boo even have a prayer in hell
of working out, im sorry to inform you that youre going to be
painfully mistaken. but dont let me stop you two from deceiving
yourselves into thinking otherwise, maybe you'll actually learn
something from the pain and regret youre going to experience from such
a stupid decision. i just hope now that josh has the common sense to
get you out of his mind and heart forever and realize that hes
incredibly LUCKY to have lost you. if you've hurt him so that he
can't believe in love ever again, i swear i'll find you and make your
life even more horrible than it is. you can just stop with your
little moronic romantic letters about your sickening infatuation,
because its so obvious that they're written by someone with the
emotional experience and capabilities of a 5 year old and they're just
not true. i hope you live the rest of your life in total regret over
your idiotic childisih decision. i hope you never EVER recover.


Lady Bathory

Aug 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/24/96

"s." <vo...@void.void> wrote the tackiest piece of shit i've ever had the
misfortune to sift thru on this newsgroup, & hid behind an anonymous
address revealing herself for the cowardly cunt that she obviously is.

Elly: I obviously don't know what if any of this is true, & frankly, i
don't give a flying fuck. My sincerest sympathies go out to you that this
"s." person felt justified in airing your dirty laundry world-wide simply
because her pal felt burned in the whole situation. If you fell out of
love w/this josh guy, well, that happens. If he didn't get the message
until a couple weeks ago, well, that too happens. Whatever the situation,
remember that this is *your* life, & you make the decisions, no matter
what somebody else throws at you.

There may be ppl on here who eat up this post & write you off, but hey,
most of us are anonymous, faceless ppl whose given names you don't even
know. Fuck it. Do what you feel you need to do.

Raphrat: Stick by yr gal, my boy. After this sort of personal attack,
she'll likely need it. I would.

BTW, re the following quote:

>if you've hurt him so that he
>can't believe in love ever again, i swear i'll find you and make your
>life even more horrible than it is.

I'm sure Madison, WI isn't so small & "Josh's" circle of friends so vast
that you've no clue who this chickie-poo is. The above constitutes
assault (i don't think one has to jump to conclusions to interpret the
above as a threat), & i'd wager that the entire post could be construed
as slander, esp since it was posted to Usenet. If sure a bit of
a.g.SF-style research can yield the girl's service provider, the
postmaster of which should definitely receive a letter.

Lady Bathory

e. rainbow burian

Aug 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/25/96



'I used some of your lipstick...' | cofounder and QUEEN DIVINE:
"Get the duct tape!" "We win!" | alt.gothic.CRs
-=+{}+=- | -=+{}+=-
PROPERTY OF: raphrat |-=


Aug 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/25/96

You can say a lot of things about that post. You can agree or
disagree with the content if you know the couple or you can state your
own views on the validity of the statements on 'true love'.

But I'll say this one thing.

That has to be one of the most impelling flames I have ever read. I
don't know any of the players mentioned but, for sheer mastery of the
medium, I am utterly impressed.

It's a shame she'll never know.

Choke on guilt that's far too good for you
/\_/\ F Say one word I'll laugh and bury you
\O O/ O Leave you in the place where you left me
\o/ X Garbage - As Heaven Is Wide

Bradley W Zimmerman

Aug 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/25/96

do not reply to this thread, let it die.

a few facts:
1. the "Josh Lenius" page at -eloquence-'s
URL was put up during the first month they
were going out.

2. since then Josh had been psychologically
abusing her and treating her like a lesser
individual, which escalated as the relationship

3. i knew about all of this several months in
advance BEFORE C2.

4. i bear no personal ill will to Josh Lenius
who was always cordial to myself. the person
who wrote the "fools" post is NOT Josh Lenius,
so please do not email him.

5. the opinions of the one writing the "fools"
post are simply one side of the story. the side of a
friend of the one who got the short end of the stick.
at least Josh still has friends in Madison....

6. if you have not read the "fools" post, don't
bother. it is simply PUBLIC character assassination upon
an alt.gothic regular by one who's sole purpose
for logging onto the newsgroup was to slander.

once again,


_______________________________THE RAPHRAT_______________________________
rap...@CMU.EDU =
*bounce*ing, 2tone-skanking | PROPERTY OF -eloquence-
chain-smoking perky-gothpunk | "Can i use some of your lipstick?"
from "da 'burgh" | -The Cure
________________________CO-FOUNDER: ALT.GOTHIC.CRs________________________


Aug 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/25/96

Lady Bathory wrote:

> There may be ppl on here who eat up this post & write you off, but hey,
> most of us are anonymous, faceless ppl whose given names you don't even
> know. Fuck it. Do what you feel you need to do.

I agree with Lady Bathory. Every story has at least two sides, this one
appears to have three. Elly doesn't have to justify her actions to
anyone, except herself, and if she is happy with the decisions that she's
made, then that's all that matters.

An attack of this manner is not only cowardly, but essentially useless.
It accomplishes nothing except to make all of us wonder what kind of
loser this "S" person is, and why isn't Josh out there fighting his own
battles? Even if he is as hurt as she says he is, even if everything she
says is true, is it really any of her business?

Shit happens, and everyone goes through emotional traumas like this one.
It's never enjoyable, but we ALL have been, or will be in a relationship
that breaks down. Posting a message like this one only makes matters far
worse for everyone involved.

Elly, although we've never met, or even corresponded through mail or on
this ng, you have my support; do what makes you happy, and be true to
yourself. In the end, that's all that really matters.


Lady Bathory

Aug 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/25/96
to (Fox) wrote:
>You can say a lot of things about that post. You can agree or
>disagree with the content if you know the couple or you can state your
>own views on the validity of the statements on 'true love'.
>But I'll say this one thing.
>That has to be one of the most impelling flames I have ever read. I
>don't know any of the players mentioned but, for sheer mastery of the
>medium, I am utterly impressed.
>It's a shame she'll never know.

Don't read Usenet much, eh?

& no, i *don't* consider myself to truly know raphrat or elly, except via
email, or this josh fella at all. But i found the post to be a pathetic
attempt at personal slander & ranks down there on my flame-o-meter w/"I
know you are but what am i?" & "i'm rubber, you're glue."

Cheap shots, threats, & dragging personal life BS onto a national forum
are to my mind in NO way impressive. The entire thing was witless,
lacking in humourous zingers that defy comeback, verbose, & stylistically
poor. "Mastery of the medium?" Egads, man, get yr ass over to alt.flame &
obtain a frame of reference.

Lady Bathory


Aug 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/25/96

Alright, I suppose I should stand up from the back row and say
something. Hello, yes, this is Joshua Lenius, the *one* that has been
mentioned regarding the 'fools' thread, among other things. There are
just a few points I really need to bring up.
Even as I'm typing this, I'm debating whether or not I should hit the
"send" key... This is not my forum per se, and elly has already
expressed a severe distaste to the idea of me invading 'her' newsgroup.
Therefore please realize that I say what I say with extreme
apprehension, but again, I feel I must say something... Along those
lines, after reading some of the rather intriguing posts on here
(completely irrelevant of elly), I haven't decided whether or not I will
continue to read and/or post here. If I DO decide to post ever again,
it will be completely REGARDLESS of elly's presence and simply for my
own curiousity and interest. If I choose read this newsgroup, I have
just as much right (and enough sympathies) as anyone else to post here.
If you don't want me to read what you post, send it over e-mail.
First of all, just to clarify a bit, I asked my friend ("s.") NOT to
post anything on here. She has been a very close friend of mine for a
long time, and has followed my relationship with elly from start to
finish. I had merely told her of recent events and she wanted to see
what alt.gothic was like to get a first hand view of the situation...
In fact, I made her PROMISE not to post anything, which she chose to
forego. I still haven't had a chance to speak to her since it was
posted, but as of now I'm still not even sure what I'll say to her...
I'll speak more on "justice" later...
Secondly, there are NOT two sides to every story. There are as many
sides to a story as there are people on this planet, making that about
TWO TRILLION sides, non? There is NEVER a "right" and a "wrong" side to
take, and even if only ONE person in the entire world disagreed with the
other two trillion, that person is NO less right or wrong than the rest
of them. There is NO such thing as an absolute TRUTH when it comes to
judgements of right and wrong. Statements like "Josh had been
psychologically abusing her" and "youre [elly] such a fucking little
selfish, flighty, immature liar" and even "That has to be one of the
most impelling flames I have ever read." are ALL JUST OPINIONS BASED
UPON A SOLE VIEWPOINT...their own. NO ONE is right and NO ONE is wrong.
Unfortunately, often times people will neglect solid evidence of a
statement's validity and instead choose to believe the side that makes
them happiest. Whether or not this is "wrong"...who can say? It just
reflects how opinions can become seriously tainted by what a person's
heart tells them versus their mind. (But that's what makes a person a
person, non?) My point to this statement is that everyone operates from
the window of their own side. Boo has only ever seen elly's side, from
elly's mouth, as is true with the rest of you. I believe this is why my
friend said a lot of what she said; to inject a secondary viewpoint
into a one-sided conversation. Whether or not she had a "right" to do
that will never be answered.
Thirdly, elly has been airing her personal laundry on here for some
time now. I therefore hold nothing against my friend for deciding to
air some of the negative laundry. Again, I guess my friend read what
had been written and disliked the one-sidedness of it all. This is,
after all, a public newsgroup.
And Stained, I agree, elly does not have to justify her actions to
ANYONE. She DOES however, have to deal with the repercussions.
EVERYONE must take responsibility for their actions, and if someone
believes that have made the best choice, he or she should face the
consequences of it proudly and firmly. And as you can see, yes I WILL
fight my own battles here (no offense, please :).
And Boo, when you say that this thread is "CAUSING MUCH PAIN TO ONE
PERSON WHO DOES NOT DESERVE IT", bear in mind what I said about facing
the consequences of actions. The word "deserve" is a painfully loaded
term, and again two trillion people would all have two trillion
different opinions about whether or not elly "deserved" that post. All
I ask of anyone is that they face the consequences of their actions,
whatever they may be, justified or not. If elly believes in herself and
is resolute in her decisioins, that post should not have made her blink
an eye.
As a personal note, attempting to detach myself from situation as much
as possible (very difficult, yes I know), I need to agree with Fox...
deserved or not, painful or not, >I< thought it was a rather impelling
flame... But again, I can recognize that hell hath no fury...
One final note from myself to elly: Why did you call *me* for support
after reading that post? I asked you NOT to call me anymore. Can you
understand the annoying confusion that puts in my heart? I am NOT the
one for you to run to anymore. You threw that away.

"Out of its own ashes
Anubis is born the Phoenix..."
- Egyptian Proverb


Aug 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/25/96

elly and boo --

I'm really sorry that someone out there felt that the best form of seeking
revenge was to slander your names on usenet.

whatever did happen was none of our business and is something that needs
to be dealt with yourself in whatever way you felt justified in doing it.

Haveing been on the bad end of a bitter ex-lover I know how shitty this

Whoever wrote this has a lot of gall and is obviously all the names he was
calling elly. If he was anything worth his shit he would have AT THE VERY
LEAST had the balls to post his name with it. If he was a true adult he
would have spoken with you directly and not felt that slandering you was
the "adult" route to go.

Whoever this is is no worse than the trolls on here.

I just want you to know this didn't do squat to what many of us think
about both of you.


(who also thinks his little "threat" was inane)


Aug 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/25/96

Anubis ( wrote:

well i award elly like *2 trillion* points for dumping this loser.

he's obviously really good at doing the mindfuck thing.

he won't be all that good at doing it here though.

sorry whoever you are your post gets no cookie from me. I never once say
elly hanign her dirty laundry up here.

thank-you for stinking up tha place.


(who more than anything else despises people who think that mindfucking
people is a good way to hurt them)


Aug 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/25/96

s. wrote:
(published sob novel snipped)

> not true. i hope you live the rest of your life in total regret over
> your idiotic childisih decision. i hope you never EVER recover.
> s.

Yes. I followed the soap opera. I guess writing a fucking novel was good
theapy for you. So, here is the response you didn't want.

"That was then, this is now; people change; so don't have a cow."

They have a drug for people like you. It's called prozac.

Good luck to you and Josh. I'm glad you've found someone.

P.S. people fall out of love sometimes, live with it.

face iz white! eyes iz tired!

Aug 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/25/96

In article <4vr0at$>, wrote:

[some stuff about dirty laundry (people love it when you lose...)[

> so someone cheated on your friend

> damn that pissed me off
> good job, troll god

i think i like erin. not only is nimue an *excellent* choice of account
names, but the idea that this whole thing really didnt need to be aired
here is quite agreeable to me.

thats all.

so i give her the official "hey! you stole my thoughts!" award of
the day from perkygoff world headquarters.



joel metz magpie@{sirius, echo}.com
-=oOo=- -=oOo=- -=oOo=- -=oOo=- -=oOo=- -=oOo=- -=oOo=- -=oOo=-
"all good people lost in love should never lose their souls" - sdc
-=oOo=- "they all call me crazee... ...but im free!" -=oOo=-
v perkygoff world headquarters, sf, ca v


Aug 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/26/96

> and by the way, i'm changing my return email address because im
going to write this one thing and then im off of here for good.

thats prolly as good thing
regardless of what is true, or how much
personal problems are PERSONAL
if you have such an incredibly problem with this person, why didnt you
PERSONALYLY email her?
were you that convinced that she would be more likely to read it on
an international newsgroup than in her own mailbox?
or are you really that interested in trying to make everyone possible
hate someone they may not even know

that is the shittiest and cruelest post ive ever seen
and wish i hadnt
and i didnt even read the last few pages, which i can only imagine
were even worse

so someone cheated on your friend

damn that pissed me off
good job, troll god



Aug 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/26/96

Previously, Lady Bathory wrote:

>Cheap shots, threats, & dragging personal life BS onto a national forum
>are to my mind in NO way impressive. The entire thing was witless,
>lacking in humourous zingers that defy comeback, verbose, & stylistically
>poor. "Mastery of the medium?" Egads, man, get yr ass over to alt.flame &
>obtain a frame of reference.

OK, I'll admit I don't read many groups on the usenet so my 'frame of
reference' is a tad limited. I'll bow to your greater wisdom on this

/\_/\ F Fear! Chaos! Anarchy! Now that's FUN!
\O O/ O
\o/ X Top Dollar - The Crow

William C Isenhour

Aug 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/26/96

that was fun.
Everyone had their say?
Have everything off of your chests?

I hereby declare this thread dead.

Please honor this,
I despise seeing my friends miserable.
It makes me ANGRY.


Bradley W Zimmerman

Aug 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/26/96


A. Dominy-Cusraque

Aug 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/26/96
to (Fox) is Easy:

>That has to be one of the most impelling flames I have ever read. I
>don't know any of the players mentioned but, for sheer mastery of the
>medium, I am utterly impressed.

Do U Jest,
Need U Get Out More?

Monkeys can Fling Shit 2.

Stay Intact,
- A

<oOo----------<>--------------<Wretched Design>--------------<>----------oOo>
Indeed, This Face A.Dominy-Cusraque
has been Burned by Tears Praefectus
My Lace is Tattered, & I Am On Fire...
<oOo--------------<"Purveyors of Elegant Nastiness">---------------oOo>


Aug 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/26/96

Previously, oddlystrange wrote:

>(who more than anything else despises people who think that mindfucking
>people is a good way to hurt them)

So, if Elly did call Josh for support after S.'s post (as he claims)
who would be doing the mindfucking?

I ask merely out of curiosity of course.

/\_/\ F "You never fail to restore my sense of humor and
\O O/ O my sense of superiority at the same time."
\o/ X


Aug 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/26/96

s. wrote:
> ok, i'm sorry, i promised i wouldn't do this, but after reading all
> that has been said here i NEED to say something.

ugg. I'm usually silent, but I can't believe I wasted my time reading
this; what a collosal waste of disk space. It belongs on the bottom of
a bargain bin in Walmart with trashy novels.

As usual I concur w/ Cusraque & Lady Bathory on their comments.



Leonora The KittenLady

Aug 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/26/96


If you're going to correspond about it , do it through email or

| I Don’t Know But I’ve Been Told | *Official Pig Carrying KittenLady* |
|The Streets of Hell Are Paved with Gold| *Goth Of the New York Rangers* |
| -Alice Cooper- | *~"Be True To Yourself-MOPE"~* |

Ken Nagle

Aug 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/27/96

Also sprach Anubis:

: *sigh*

: Alright, I suppose I should stand up from the back row and say
: something. Hello, yes, this is Joshua Lenius, the *one* that has been
: mentioned regarding the 'fools' thread, among other things.

Well hello Mr. Fancy Pants....

<twenty goth points and a used shower head for the first person to
correctly identify the quote>

From my position, which I deem as the most important side of the story, I
see some major problems with you and your friend's little posts, esp.
considering you never wanted to be contacted regarding this again. [1]
If you want to be left alone, it is best you do your best to leave the
other person alone. Attempts to "get back" at them on an international
forum look quite petty, despite any intentions to the contrary.

Many of us have been in nasty situations. I can discuss my ex and
problems I had with her, problems that were solved only by ignoring her.
I recommend you do the same.

: As a personal note, attempting to detach myself from situation as much

: as possible (very difficult, yes I know), I need to agree with Fox...
: deserved or not, painful or not, >I< thought it was a rather impelling
: flame...

Actually, in terms of raw flamage, it sucked. Too long and repetitive.
Add to it the fact that it was a petty stab in the back, it gets no point
and no cookie for little miss muffit.

: But again, I can recognize that hell hath no fury... a woman scorned. Now how exactly has she been scorned? None of
Raph's and Elly's post were directed at her.

: One final note from myself to elly: Why did you call *me* for support

Because it's obvious that you are the only person who could intercede in
this situation. Elly or Raph talking to S. would be meaningless.

Despite S.'s statement, I quite believe she is still lurking here on the
group, trying to see what damage she caused. Rarely does someone who puts
that much into a post not stick around to see what happens. She's no
better than any other troll except that she really hurt a few of my
friends. For that, I will work hard to make her feel unwelcome. That is
something I do very rarely. Congratulations, S., you've worked hard more


1- "I asked you NOT to call me anymore."

"Feeling the monster climb deeper inside of |
me, feeling him gnawing my heart away |
hungrily..." the cure |


Aug 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/27/96

Lady Bathory wrote:

> Now, following my own advice, who wants to talk about desserts?
> --
> Lady Bathory

Well, someone will prolly tell us to go to, or, but the girl with the big knives and the silly white hat
is always up for talk about food, or eating food, or playing with food...

I made a pretty cool black forest birthday cake for the guys from DHI
over the weekend. Cream cheese frosting and all.

Any favourites out there? Lady B? Christabel?

(If I knew you were comin', I'd have baked a cake..."

Lady Bathory

Aug 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/27/96

Did you know that one definition for a fool is "A cold dessert made from
whipped cream mixed with fruit puree"?

& why am i responding to "the taboo thread", you ask? Because all you
peripherals are being hamhanded *idiots*. You want a thread to die? Don't
respond to it. Period. Even to peal out yr desperate plea of "please stop
responding to this thread." Or change 1.) the subject line, & 2.) the
topic of discussion. (You are at present reading a prime example.)

"fools" would have died Sunday w/no responses other than a smattering of
supportive rallies if a drove of well-meaners hadn't cascaded the
aforementioned sentence.

Truth is, if you *really* give shit one about a couple of ppl, you'll
start a million new threads on topics like "Describe your favorite PVC
clothing item!" or "My gothic orgasm" or some such. You'll stop
stealthily underscoring their hurt by implying yr own on-the-sly email
involvement by yeah-ditto-ing the 3-5 forerunners.

Rosaleen Dhu

Aug 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/27/96

In article <5000n7$>, Lady Bathory
<> wrote:

> Now, following my own advice, who wants to talk about desserts?

mmmmm....Creme Brulee....vanilla custard with a carmalized
sugar crust....white chocolate and berries all over the top...

Blast...CRAVING!!!!! Why can't that french place

(ps Lady B you are the shit *grin*)
May all your evenings be irrationally enchanting,
Rosaleen Dhu
---<--{<@ ^*^ @>}-->---
In turmoil and torture we trust.
"And he tells himself, it'll be ok....
happiness is just a life away"

Jen Radon

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

Stained ( wrote:
: I made a pretty cool black forest birthday cake for the guys from DHI
: over the weekend. Cream cheese frosting and all.

Mmmmm! My mom told me she was going to make a black forest cheesecake
for my birthday this weekend! <drool>

I've got a small can of green chilies that I'm going to throw in a
brownie mix one of these nights. Has anyone here ever done this? The
Frugal Gourmet highly recommends it, so I thought I'd give it a try.
I haven't a clue what it will taste like, but hey, would The Frugal
Gourmet lie???


____, Webmistress |86 | Jen Radon - "ATOMIC #86"
Systems Alternatives, Inc. | | AKA Persephone |__Rn|

Rosaleen Dhu

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

In article <5006v8$>, (Jen Radon) wrote:

> I've got a small can of green chilies that I'm going to throw in a
> brownie mix one of these nights.

humm...sounds rather intimidating. Let us know how it
turns out.

What next? Cajun Cheesecake anyone? ;>


Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

Jen Radon wrote:
> Jillian Sutter ( wrote:
> : (See what you've started. Now I'm gonna have to go bake this weekend.)
> net.goth Bakeoff, anyone? <g>


You were just joking weren't you? :(

Awwwww, heck!

Trying to decide if it's too much trouble to make biscotti today.

William C Isenhour

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

Whatever happened to those instructions
on how to make black Jell-o?

I think I'm going to make
someone a Cockroach jiggler. . .


Rosaleen Dhu

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

> William C Isenhour <> wrote:
> > Whatever happened to those instructions
> > on how to make black Jell-o?

That reminds me of something fun a friend of mine
does whenever we're feeling creepy and we want to get
plastered (read: every other weekend).
She makes up a huge batch of cherry jello with the
ultra fun additives of vodka and chambord. After it's
set a bit she scoops the concoction into these pretty
little skull cups (the top shuts for easy transport
to the Den of Iniquity of choice).
Alchoholic sweet squishy BRAINS. Generally takes
only two before the world starts lookin' REAL purty.

Jen Radon

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

Rosaleen Dhu ( wrote:

: In article <5006v8$>, (Jen Radon) wrote:
: > I've got a small can of green chilies that I'm going to throw in a
: > brownie mix one of these nights.
: humm...sounds rather intimidating. Let us know how it
: turns out.

Well, if you can believe The Frugal Gourmet ;) chocolate and chilies are
quite a popular combination in traditional, Mexican food. I did try his
suggestion of cocoa in your favorite chili recipe, and it really was pretty
good. I still can't imagine chilies in brownies, but I'll let you know.

Perhaps chocolate really does go with everything! (I mean if you can eat
it with ants, are chilies really that dramatic??? ;)

: What next? Cajun Cheesecake anyone? ;>

...a little onyeeeon...a little - oh hell, A LOT of wiiiiine...OOOOO-WEEEE!

Breton M Bienvenue

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

William C Isenhour ( wrote:
: Whatever happened to those instructions
: on how to make black Jell-o?

OK, here's three easy ways to make black JELL-O.
1) buy it. JELL-O makes a black berry flavored JELL-O that isn't too bad,
or at least they did six months ago when I last bought it.
2) dye it. Black food coloring does exist although it is hard to find.
Also try using normal (red, green, blue) dyes and mixing it with various
JELL-O colors to make black, blood red, or whatever color you want.
TSM, as an art-major goth, probably has a better grasp of color theory
than I do and could give better instructions.
3) try it. Coffee jello. You have to do this from scratch and it is
actually dark brown, not black, but it tastes so good. Also, it is
the only jello with caffine in it :) First buy knox unflavored gelatin.
This is the part of JELL-O that makes it gel. It's usually in the
baking goods section or next to the JELL-O in the grocery store. Next
make a pot of coffee. Drink most, but let some sit on the warmer all
day and get good and strong. Use this as the boiling liquid to make the
jello. Add sugar too or it is a bit bitter.

: I think I'm going to make

: someone a Cockroach jiggler. . .

The coffee jello might work well for this. It has that shiny-brown
chitinous exoskeleton look you want to achieve for a good cheap scare.

: --TSM
-Breton(I can't believe I wrote a whole post on JELL-O)Bienvenue

PS: If any CMU goth (or any Pa goth) wants to send me some Apple Butter,
I'll mail you some Buffalo Wings or some other Buffalo only food item.

Matthew M Mckeon

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96
to (Jillian Sutter) writes:
> In article <5006v8$>, (Jen Radon) wrote:
> > I've got a small can of green chilies that I'm going to throw in a

> > brownie mix one of these nights. Has anyone here ever done this? The
> > Frugal Gourmet highly recommends it, so I thought I'd give it a try.
> > I haven't a clue what it will taste like, but hey, would The Frugal
> > Gourmet lie???
> >
> > -'Seph

> huh? you mean hot chilies in brownies? hmmm...
> (stares off into space vacently for a few minutes).

For a chocolate lover, there is _nothing_ more decadent.

Okay, now imagine the foodgasm one gets from, say, an ultra
rich gooey brownie.

Now imagine the endorphin rush you get from a good mouthful of
Dan T.'s Inferno Sauce.

Now imagine the two happening at the same time.


<little bits of Xthlc speckle the walls and ceiling>

> Let me know how that turns out. It *sounds* like it would be good, but a
> little
> weird.
> I wonder how diced-up tomatillos would taste added to brownies. Or maybe
> added to some sort of fruit tart...

Fresh tomatillos are fairly good in a non-citrusy tart.

I dunno about brownies.

> (See what you've started. Now I'm gonna have to go bake this weekend.)

> -Jilli
> **"Gracious pet, ** "Anyway, thank-you-for-having-me **
> **I'm a supernatural being."** at-your-party, Mister Dreamy. **
> ****************************** I had a lovely time." **
> ******************************************************************
> (honest, none of this reflects my workplace's opinion.)

+ +
| Xthlc /|/|. |
+--+--+ *GawthCode 4+06* +--+--+
| geek moerky dreamer steeltoes Curehead caffeine pain |
| (is that succinct enough for you?) |
| |
+ +

Jen Radon

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

Jillian Sutter ( wrote:
: (See what you've started. Now I'm gonna have to go bake this weekend.)

net.goth Bakeoff, anyone? <g>

Jillian Sutter

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

In article <5006v8$>, (Jen Radon) wrote:

> I've got a small can of green chilies that I'm going to throw in a
> brownie mix one of these nights. Has anyone here ever done this? The
> Frugal Gourmet highly recommends it, so I thought I'd give it a try.
> I haven't a clue what it will taste like, but hey, would The Frugal
> Gourmet lie???
> -'Seph

huh? you mean hot chilies in brownies? hmmm...
(stares off into space vacently for a few minutes).

Let me know how that turns out. It *sounds* like it would be good, but a

I wonder how diced-up tomatillos would taste added to brownies. Or maybe
added to some sort of fruit tart...

(See what you've started. Now I'm gonna have to go bake this weekend.)

Lady Bathory

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

William C Isenhour <> wrote:

> Whatever happened to those instructions
> on how to make black Jell-o?

I assume it's the same as making black party punch, which my long-lost
friend Wendy used to traditionally make for her weekly shitfaced house
parties. She got the recipe out of a Halloween edition of Good

> I think I'm going to make
> someone a Cockroach jiggler. . .


Lady Bathory


Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

: Now, following my own advice, who wants to talk about desserts?

Vanilla - Fudge Ice Cream swirl covered in chocolate.


C.K. Derrick

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

Ah, desserts! If it weren't for the fact that all of the decent ones are
fattening, and of no real nutritiononal value, they are all I'd ever eat.
Bannana splits, pecan pie, Baklava, vanilla ice cream with amaretto, and I
once made some rum ice cream, but it didn't freeze worth a damn, it kind
of ended up being rum slushie, which was good regardless. I like German
cakes alot, so long as they are made with whipped cream and not butter
cream, which is too heavy. French pastries, particularly strawberry
Napoleons are lovely. ANd if you are travelling in the desert, as I am
about to do, you really should take a box of Baklava along. The stuff
holds up well in heat, and lasts for weeks without losing flavour or
edibility. Just about the only desserts I do not like are the various
bulletproof cookies that they put in MRE's.

Honour, Justice, Courage, Loyalty, Duty.


Ken Nagle

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

Also sprach William C Isenhour:

: Whatever happened to those instructions

: on how to make black Jell-o?

: I think I'm going to make

: someone a Cockroach jiggler. . .

I recommend orange and grape. Makes a muddy blackish brown. Tastes good too.



Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

Previously, William C Isenhour wrote:
> Whatever happened to those instructions
> on how to make black Jell-o?

You lot are going to think I'm strange but is it possible to make a
plate of Jello hold together firmly enough by dumping sand in the mix
so you can light a (non-safety) match on it?

There is a reason for asking this, honest!

Marshall and I did pretty good. A young couple were finally
reunited. Sure, they had to die to do it but better late
than never, right? - Eerie Indiana

Lady Bathory

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96
to (Jen Radon) wrote:

>I've got a small can of green chilies that I'm going to throw in a
>brownie mix one of these nights. Has anyone here ever done this? The
>Frugal Gourmet highly recommends it, so I thought I'd give it a try.
>I haven't a clue what it will taste like, but hey, would The Frugal
>Gourmet lie???

I've heard of this. Actually, it seems that whenever one hears of tossing
odd shit into dessert concoctions, it's *always* brownies. Nobody ever
makes habanero eclairs or pot torte.

Lady Bathory

Jillian Sutter

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

In article <502005$>, (Jen Radon) wrote:

> Jillian Sutter ( wrote:
> : (See what you've started. Now I'm gonna have to go bake this weekend.)
> net.goth Bakeoff, anyone? <g>
> -'Seph

only if we promise to figure out a way to mail samples of the results to
each other! <drool, drool> What the heck, I'll just up the time on the
treadmill workout...

besides, I've only *just* started experimenting with baking and cooking.
I have a housemate who is a WONDERFUL cook, and he's kinda teaching me.
(But, he wants me to specialize in desserts, 'cos his strength is in
entreés.) The deal is, he'll make a special dinner & play chef for my
boyfriend & I, if I promise to make some sort of nifty dessert for him on
some evening.
(who was gonna make gingerbread bats this weekend, anyways.)

Christabel La Motte

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

In <>,
Jillian Sutter <> wrote:

> besides, I've only *just* started experimenting with baking and cooking.
> I have a housemate who is a WONDERFUL cook, and he's kinda teaching me.
> (But, he wants me to specialize in desserts, 'cos his strength is in
> entreés.) The deal is, he'll make a special dinner & play chef for my
> boyfriend & I, if I promise to make some sort of nifty dessert for him on
> some evening.

Sounds like a great deal to me...making the dessert is always the best
part! (Yes, I often enjoy making the damn things as much or more than
EATING them. I know I'm a freak.)

Christabel "Mmmmm. Forbidden donut..." La Motte

Christabel La Motte

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

In <501v1u$>,
Jen Radon <> wrote:

> Well, if you can believe The Frugal Gourmet ;) chocolate and chilies are
> quite a popular combination in traditional, Mexican food.

He's right. If you have a *good* Mexican restaurant in your area, go
in and order somethign made with "mole". 'Tis quite divine.

Christabel "hmmm...needs more peppers...hon, is your tongue on fire
again?" La Motte

Hardrock and Arethusa

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Thus saith Lady Bathory the Unworthy, in the Year of Our Lord 28 Aug 1996 16:10:54 GMT :

> (Jen Radon) wrote:
> >I've got a small can of green chilies that I'm going to throw in a
> >brownie mix one of these nights. Has anyone here ever done this? The
> >Frugal Gourmet highly recommends it, so I thought I'd give it a try.
> I've heard of this. Actually, it seems that whenever one hears of tossing
> odd shit into dessert concoctions, it's *always* brownies. Nobody ever
> makes habanero eclairs or pot torte.

Actually, habaneros would probably be good in some sort of fruit desert,
since they have a very fruity/perfumy taste.

As for pot, it generally tastes like yard waste, so anything it is put in
will have to be able to camoflague that fairly well. And it needs a lot
of heat to become really useful ;) A good stir-fry or Cajun style dish
would work well.


Hardrock Llewynyth BOFH, DNRC and Arethusa Nightshade
"There is no Cabal."
Cabal Special Agent #007 Full membership application pending

Jillian Sutter

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

In article <504djh$>,
(Hardrock and Arethusa) wrote:

> Thus saith Jillian Sutter the Unworthy, in the Year of Our Lord Wed, 28
Aug 1996 09:43:43 -0800 :

> > I wonder how diced-up tomatillos would taste added to brownies. Or maybe
> > added to some sort of fruit tart...

> Oooo, the tomatillos' tartness should be an excellent compliment to the
> sweeter fruits. Let me know if you try that tart idea.

> >
> > (See what you've started. Now I'm gonna have to go bake this weekend.)

> > -Jilli
> Can i like the ... Bowl :)
> Hardrock

<politely dubious tone of voice> uh-huh. Suuuure, Hardrock. If it'll
make you feel better..

Seriously, tho'...Seattle net.goth baking party? C'mon, one of us has to
have a house that would work for this...
<stares off into space again>
my house just might work, actually. The housemates prolly wouldn't be
that unnerved..I think.

but I would want control of the invite list..
(who really *IS* going to have to bake this weekend. Dammit.)


Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Lady Bathory <> wrote:
>Did you know that one definition for a fool is "A cold dessert made from
>whipped cream mixed with fruit puree"?

>Now, following my own advice, who wants to talk about desserts?

Where does one start?
I really like to bake them, and many have tried my brownies, banana
bread and chocolate chip cookies. I can make cakes as well, and many
have enjoyed various flavors that I have baked over the years.

But, if I am indulging, I do like anything with dark (plain)
chocolate, Ben and Jerry's or Hagendaaz (sp?) ice creams, and a good
cheesecake or key lime pie.

One regret in living where I live now is the size oven the oven: it's
so narrow, I cannot fit a cookie sheet into it. Also, one cannot buy
proper chocolate chips here.

Another speciality: English toffee squares.

GothPat...should not be doing this before having lunch.

Hardrock and Arethusa

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Thus saith C.K. Derrick the Unworthy, in the Year of Our Lord Wed, 28 Aug 1996 16:41:12 -0500 :

> bulletproof cookies that they put in MRE's.

If you mean the oatmeal Presto-Log looking things, i always loved those :)

And if you ever run out of trioxane tabs, they burn pretty well too.

I miss the Maple Nut Cake.

Hardrock, who will probably hit the surplus stores looking for this shit

Hardrock Llewynyth BOFH, DNRC and Arethusa Nightshade

He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.
- Thomas Paine


Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Jen Radon wrote:

> I've got a small can of green chilies that I'm going to throw in a
> brownie mix one of these nights. Has anyone here ever done this?
> The Frugal Gourmet highly recommends it, so I thought I'd give it a

> try. I haven't a clue what it will taste like, but hey, would The
> Frugal Gourmet lie???

Sometimes I'll throw 1-2 tsp. of vietnamese style garlic chili paste
into a batch of chocolate chip cookies, that makes some pretty HOT
snacks. Of course, green chiles are relatively mild.

I've actually been dipping brownies and Oreos in salsa since I was a
lad-- It's one of my favorite foods.

Now Playing: Savage Republic- Trek, Siege, Assembly, and Trudge

"Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom,
wisdom is not truth, truth is not beauty, beauty is
not love, love is not music. Music is the best."
-- Frank Zappa, 'Joe's Garage', 1979

Hardrock and Arethusa

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Thus saith Jillian Sutter the Unworthy, in the Year of Our Lord Wed, 28 Aug 1996 09:43:43 -0800 :

> I wonder how diced-up tomatillos would taste added to brownies. Or maybe
> added to some sort of fruit tart...

Oooo, the tomatillos' tartness should be an excellent compliment to the
sweeter fruits. Let me know if you try that tart idea.
> (See what you've started. Now I'm gonna have to go bake this weekend.)
> -Jilli

Can i like the ... Bowl :)


Hardrock Llewynyth BOFH, DNRC and Arethusa Nightshade

Allison C Serpe

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Excerpts from netnews.alt.gothic: 28-Aug-96 Re: Desserts! (was Re:
fools) by Jen
> I've got a small can of green chilies that I'm going to throw in a
> brownie mix one of these nights. Has anyone here ever done this? The
> Frugal Gourmet highly recommends it, so I thought I'd give it a try.
> I haven't a clue what it will taste like, but hey, would The Frugal
> Gourmet lie???

just take into consideration that one of his favorite things is tripe.

Excess and Oohs,

William C Isenhour

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Excerpts from netnews.alt.gothic: 28-Aug-96 Re: Desserts! (was Re:
fools) by Lady Bat...@casbah.acns
> I've heard of this. Actually, it seems that whenever one hears of tossing
> odd shit into dessert concoctions, it's *always* brownies. Nobody ever
> makes habanero eclairs or pot torte.

pretend that you're stoned off your ass for a moment.
You got to this state by eating
So you're sitting there listening
to the mold in your mouth grow,
and a friend strolls into the room
and notices just how stupid you are.
They ask:
"So, how'd you get stoned?"

Do you think that you could manage
to say something like "POT TORTE"
without choking on your own tongue
from laughing?

> --
> Lady Bathory


PS- Brownies are a dish that are
known for a real strong flavor that hides
other flavors quite well. . .

Allison C Serpe

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Excerpts from netnews.alt.gothic: 28-Aug-96 Re: Desserts! (was Re:
fools) by Breton M Bien...@cs.bu
> PS: If any CMU goth (or any Pa goth) wants to send me some Apple Butter,
> I'll mail you some Buffalo Wings or some other Buffalo only food item.

You don't get apple butter in Buffalo?
Send me your addy.
(No need to reciprocate -i'm used to it).

A. Dominy-Cusraque

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96
to (Jen Radon) Intoned:

>Rosaleen Dhu ( wrote:
>: What next? Cajun Cheesecake anyone? ;>

>...a little onyeeeon...a little - oh hell, A LOT of wiiiiine...OOOOO-WEEEE!

Cayn't Fuhget
a lil' Ciiiuyeeon Peppuh.

Stay Intact,
- A

<oOo----------<>--------------<Wretched Design>--------------<>----------oOo>
Indeed, This Face A.Dominy-Cusraque
has been Burned by Tears Praefectus
My Lace is Tattered, & I Am On Fire...
<oOo--------------<"Purveyors of Elegant Nastiness">---------------oOo>

Lady Bathory

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

William C Isenhour <> wrote:

> Do you think that you could manage
> to say something like "POT TORTE"
> without choking on your own tongue
> from laughing?

Knowing me, i'd prolly try to say it 3 times fast, & likely followed by
"One smart fellow, he felt smart."

Lady Bathory

Jen Radon

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

William C Isenhour ( wrote:
: Do you think that you could manage
: to say something like "POT TORTE"
: without choking on your own tongue
: from laughing?

<LOL!> "POT TORhhhhggggccckkkk<choke-cough-gasp!> ...<thud>

Jen Radon

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

: Vanilla - Fudge Ice Cream swirl covered in chocolate.

Like peanut-butter? Take a spoonful or two and add it to your
Vanilla - Fudge Ice Cream swirl covered in chocolate. Trust me.
...Especially crunchy PB!!! <drool>

Cascading like the Rain (Eric Oehler)

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Jen Radon wrote:
> I've got a small can of green chilies that I'm going to throw in a
> brownie mix one of these nights. Has anyone here ever done this? The
> Frugal Gourmet highly recommends it, so I thought I'd give it a try.
> I haven't a clue what it will taste like, but hey, would The Frugal
> Gourmet lie???

I once ate a peach custrad pie that had a little extra "bite."

The person cooking had grabbed the wrong little cannister from the spice
cabinet...instead of the nutmeg, she grabbed the cayenne.

It was actually pretty good...


=--------------------------Eric Oehler-----------------------------=
| |
We have no image, we're just called the good friends.


Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

The esteemed, (Leonora The KittenLady) hathe written,


We could just discuss your nose again...



Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Previously, Rosaleen Dhu wrote:

> Alchoholic sweet squishy BRAINS. Generally takes
>only two before the world starts lookin' REAL purty.

We sometimes do that when we have parties. The problem I find is that
the vodka has a tendency to stop the jelly from setting properly. You
end up with this sort of amorphous goo. It still knocks you under the
table after a couple of cups but it's just not the same.

Maybe I'm putting too much vodka in. Oh, hang on, you can never have
too much vodka. Silly me.

/\_/\ F Fear! Chaos! Anarchy! Now that's FUN!
\O O/ O
\o/ X Top Dollar - The Crow

Miss Heidi M. Evans

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Well, one caveat. Whatever you do, don't ever try to use Irish creme
in cooking. I did, thinking it would simply evaporate the alcohol and
leave creamy sugary stuff. Wrong. The batter tasted absolutely
delicious, but the end result was muffins that tasted like they'd been
soaked in rubbing alcohol---and I only used about a shot. If anyone
knows the chemical reaction or what-have-you that causes it to do this,
I'd be curious to know.

'Jherek' W. Swanger

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Jillian Sutter <> wrote:

>Seriously, tho'...Seattle net.goth baking party? C'mon, one of us has to
>have a house that would work for this...

Lauren and Elanah's house has a tremendous kitchen, renovated by the
owner of the house, who is a gourmet cook.

BTW, a few cruched chipotles might work in brownies. I know they're
wonderful with mole.

(not jherek)


Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Jen Radon wrote:
> Rosaleen Dhu ( wrote:

> : In article <5006v8$>, (Jen Radon) wrote:
> : > I've got a small can of green chilies that I'm going to throw in a
> : > brownie mix one of these nights.
> : humm...sounds rather intimidating. Let us know how it
> : turns out.

> Well, if you can believe The Frugal Gourmet ;) chocolate and chilies are
> quite a popular combination in traditional, Mexican food. I did try his
> suggestion of cocoa in your favorite chili recipe, and it really was pretty
> good. I still can't imagine chilies in brownies, but I'll let you know.

there is some traditional mexican sauce that contains cocoa powder (non
sweetened) but i cant remember what its called cause i'm brain dead at
the moment.
re chilies in brownies: is that for taste or does it make the brownies
really moist?
re frugie: i think he bullshits quite often about stuff, but seems to
always pull it off.
i prefer julia child. she gets tanked on the wine and drops whole sides
of beef on the floor, picks em up, brushes them off and uses it anyway.



Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Lady Bathory wrote:
> Did you know that one definition for a fool is "A cold dessert made from
> whipped cream mixed with fruit puree"?

fools are actually very good desserts and easy to make. they were very
popular back in colonial days. mock fools are disgusting because they
are not made out of real whipped cream, but rather whipped topping and
they dont use fresh fruit either. icky.

i've always wanted to make a charlotte russe but never had the time nor
the patience. as desserts go i highly reccommend english triffle as an
alternative to your standard cake or pie or ice cream. much more


Breton M Bienvenue

Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Hardrock and Arethusa ( wrote:

<stuff deleted>
: Can i like the ... Bowl :)

Yes, of course you can like the bowl. The spoon too, for that matter. As
for me, I'm going to LICK the bowl :)

-Breton (I love food threads) Bienvenue


Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

TSM wrote:
> I think I'm going to make
> someone a Cockroach jiggler. . .

So, um...

Are Jell-o Jigglers goth?


[Ducking behind the table, running for my life]

Midnight | This space for rent -- YOUR QUOTE HERE! | "Make friends and influence people with cool .sig
Me@416.703.4640 | quotes! email for details."


Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

While oiling his chainsaw, Ken Nagle wrote:

> Well hello Mr. Fancy Pants....
> <twenty goth points and a used shower head for the first person to
> correctly identify the quote>
I got news for you, Vlad. I ain't identifyin' but two quotes right
now -- Jack and Shit.

And Jack left town.


Now, all I need to do is get into the bonus round for my chance at
an all black, glow in the dark shower curtain, and my life will be


[And no comments about being given 'Shower head'. This is a family
newsgroup, after all.]

Midnight | "...When you don't know the gender of the person | doing it for the first fifteen minutes..."
Me@416.703.4640 |

William C Isenhour

Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

Excerpts from netnews.alt.gothic: 29-Aug-96 Re: fools by
> We could just discuss your nose again...
> {exile}




William C Isenhour

Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

Excerpts from netnews.alt.gothic: 29-Aug-96 Somebody just shoot me
(was.. by
> Now, all I need to do is get into the bonus round for my chance at
> an all black, glow in the dark shower curtain, and my life will be
> complete.

You use lead soap, don't you?

> -D
> [And no comments about being given 'Shower head'. This is a family
> newsgroup, after all.]

That's right,
remember kids,
you can't say "pigfucker" in front of Jesus.


Jen Radon

Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

Isolate ( wrote:
: re chilies in brownies: is that for taste or does it make the brownies
: really moist?

I'm not sure. He just said it was "suprisingly delicious" or something like

: re frugie: i think he bullshits quite often about stuff, but seems to
: always pull it off.

I think most chef's do.

: i prefer julia child. she gets tanked on the wine and drops whole sides

: of beef on the floor, picks em up, brushes them off and uses it anyway.

<LOL!> Yep. Have you seen the episode of her show where she makes...
(ARGH!...oh, I can't remember what it was) maybe bisquits or pastries,
and at the end of the show when she's talking about how wonderful they are
she pops one in her mouth and decides they're too disgusting to fake it?
She turned to the sink and spat it out, and the faces she was making!!!
She apologized and said that it had just so "revolting" she couldn't
eat it. I wish I could remember how she recovered from that one, but I was
so busy laughing my ass off, I just don't remember the end of that show.

Jen Radon

Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

Isolate ( wrote:
: fools are actually very good desserts and easy to make. they were very
: popular back in colonial days. mock fools are disgusting because they
: are not made out of real whipped cream, but rather whipped topping and
: they dont use fresh fruit either. icky.

Knowing how I sometimes like to bake (and keep my co-workers fatter than I ;)
one of my friends once offered me a faux-apple pie recipe. Supposedly you
can make a pie with Ritz crackers in such a way that it tastes like apples.
I never tried it. I just can't understand why someone would want to do that.


Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

One of my all-time favorite desserts when I was a kid was something called
"Fairy Pie". It was basically a meringue shell with whipped cream & fruit
cocktail (sort of a white-trash Pavlova), and it was terribly easy to make
and sooo yummy! Unfortunately I've lost the recipe, which was originally
printed in this funky little cookbook my mom had, published by the Native
Daughters of the Golden West in 1939 or something. If anybody has ever
heard of this or has a recipe, let me know.


Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

Previously, Lady Bathory wrote:

>Knowing me, i'd prolly try to say it 3 times fast, & likely followed by
>"One smart fellow, he felt smart."

Hadn't heard of this one before.

Just tried it

Now I feel REAL stupid *8)


Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

Jen Radon wrote:

> one of my friends once offered me a faux-apple pie recipe. Supposedly you
> can make a pie with Ritz crackers in such a way that it tastes like apples.

Eeeeewwwww! Gross!

That's scarier than those silly housewife cakes with sauerkraut in them.

(who is all for creative cooking, but really does wonder about people
some times)


Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

Jen Radon wrote:

> : re frugie: i think he bullshits quite often about stuff, but seems to
> : always pull it off.
> I think most chef's do.

That's because after going through years of training and really crappy
work, being told that what you've made is not suitable to feed the Sous
Chef's dog, once people start appreciating and raving about what you've
created, well, it tends to go to your head a bit. And what you don't
know, you fake.

> : i prefer julia child. she gets tanked on the wine and drops whole sides
> : of beef on the floor, picks em up, brushes them off and uses it anyway.

Martha Stewart is the worst for faking stuff on her show, and for
screwing stuff up and covering it up. I watched her make a simple gravy
once (after she had burned and massacred an innocent turkey), it had big
chunks of burnt stuff floating around in it. She strained it, which got
out the chunks, but it probably tasted like hell. It's a good thing!



Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

Jen Radon wrote:

> Supposedly you can make a pie with Ritz crackers in such a way that

> it tastes like apples. I never tried it. I just can't understand

> why someone would want to do that.

I actually tasted it years ago (my grandmother made it). As I recall
it didn't taste bad, but it didn't taste like apple pie either.

I have to agree with you, the real question should be why, WHY,

Now Playing: The Birthday Party - Hits

"Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom,
wisdom is not truth, truth is not beauty, beauty is
not love, love is not music. Music is the best."
-- Frank Zappa, 'Joe's Garage', 1979

C.K. Derrick

Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

On Fri, 30 Aug 1996, Stained wrote:

> Jen Radon wrote:
> > one of my friends once offered me a faux-apple pie recipe. Supposedly you

> > can make a pie with Ritz crackers in such a way that it tastes like apples.

> Eeeeewwwww! Gross!
> That's scarier than those silly housewife cakes with sauerkraut in them.
> Blech!

It is on the back of the Ritz Crackers box, or at any rate was the last
time that I bought them. I've never been foolish enough to try it, though,
as I fail to see any resemblance (or taste, or smell, for that matter)
between Ritz Crackers and apples.

Honour, Justice, Courage, Loyalty, Duty.


Leonora The KittenLady

Aug 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/31/96

In article <>,

William C Isenhour <> wrote:

What is this??? I go away for FOUR DAYS...and people are talking about my
nose AGAIN???

/me kicks TSM and {exile}

-Leonora (Mistress of All Evil & Goddess Material :)
Just wait...I'll get you both :P

| I Don’t Know But I’ve Been Told | *Official Pig Carrying KittenLady* |
|The Streets of Hell Are Paved with Gold| *Goth Of the New York Rangers* |
| -Alice Cooper- | *~"Be True To Yourself-MOPE"~* |


Aug 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/31/96
to (Leonora The KittenLady) hathe written,


} What is this??? I go away for FOUR DAYS...and people are talking about my
} nose AGAIN???

You've got to admit... it's an interesting subject for discussion.

} /me kicks TSM and {exile}
} -Leonora (Mistress of All Evil & Goddess Material :)
} Just wait...I'll get you both :P

Hmmm... I pay her just a little attention... what do I get...?

A kick and a vendetta.


Peter H. Coffin

Aug 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/31/96

In article <>
Stained <> writes:

> > : i prefer julia child. she gets tanked on the wine and drops whole sides

OOoooh!! Topic Drift Alert!

> > : of beef on the floor, picks em up, brushes them off and uses it anyway.
> Martha Stewart is the worst for faking stuff on her show, and for
> screwing stuff up and covering it up. I watched her make a simple gravy
> once (after she had burned and massacred an innocent turkey), it had big
> chunks of burnt stuff floating around in it. She strained it, which got
> out the chunks, but it probably tasted like hell. It's a good thing!

Anyone else out there think Graham Kehr has lost it since his discovery
of low-fat cookery? The first recipe I ever made from a book was his
scrambled eggs from the Galloping Gormet Cookbook in about 1976, and
the recipe called for greasing the pan with butter, and pouring fresh
cream into the mix "to stop the cooking". I still make this...

And why do I find Yan Can Cook so fascinating???

(So can you!)

Homepage is at | No skeletons in my closet; they're all
the usual address. | in the living room drinking martinis.


Aug 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/31/96
to (Christabel La Motte) hathe written,
} Jen Radon <> wrote:

} > Well, if you can believe The Frugal Gourmet ;) chocolate and chilies are
} > quite a popular combination in traditional, Mexican food.

} He's right. If you have a *good* Mexican restaurant in your area, go
} in and order somethign made with "mole". 'Tis quite divine.

Jalapeno jelly... I only wish I could find it in


Charlotte Ashley

Aug 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/31/96

Jen Radon ( writes:
> Stained ( wrote:
> : I made a pretty cool black forest birthday cake for the guys from DHI
> : over the weekend. Cream cheese frosting and all.
> Mmmmm! My mom told me she was going to make a black forest cheesecake
> for my birthday this weekend! <drool>

I spent all last week at an awful training camp where they fed us no
dessert but chocolate cake without the chocolate. I would kill for
anything with sugar in it right about now, but I'm broke. :~(

Leanan Sidhe

"Go away cat. You make me smile too much." - The Crow
GothCode2.5A GoAt TAnSeH cBKBDBR(DBR)w8 P!RPeMo M1p11wg zGoFozClbFo C6o
a? b64T H160 g7! w6T r3(8)I h7! s8 k? Rz SsYy ?N0494 LcaON

Charlotte Ashley

Aug 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/31/96

William C Isenhour ( writes:
> Whatever happened to those instructions
> on how to make black Jell-o?

> I think I'm going to make
> someone a Cockroach jiggler. . .

> --TSM

Black jello kicks! Really, it works and everything. Tastes depressingly
fruity, but hey. For genuine black wiggly bits, who the hell cares!


Aug 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/31/96

Stained wrote:
> Martha Stewart is the worst for faking stuff on her show, and for
> screwing stuff up and covering it up. I watched her make a simple gravy
> once (after she had burned and massacred an innocent turkey), it had big
> chunks of burnt stuff floating around in it. She strained it, which got
> out the chunks, but it probably tasted like hell. It's a good thing!
> Cheers
> Sheryl

i like the woman who does new southern cooking, i cant remember her name,
but she screws up all the time but owns up to it and says things like "it
happens to all of us" makes me feel about myself when my pie crusts arent
tender and my cheese sauce is lumpy. but there were the amazing
delicious vegetable and beef kebobs, yummmmmmy. and for desserts out of
the fannie farmer cooking book the lemon pudding. creamy and definately
tangy. has the neat layer of light sponge cake type fluff on top and
creamy lemony pudding underneath, and its simple to make. hardest thing
to do aside from separating the egg white and whipping them is taking the
zest off of the lemons. i call it citrus premature balding.



Aug 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/31/96

Peter H. Coffin wrote:
> And why do I find Yan Can Cook so fascinating???
> (So can you!)
> hmm lets see cheesy jokes and puns, talented with a cleaver, makes good
food. what more could you ask for?


Christabel La Motte

Aug 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/31/96

In <5071vl$>,
Lacrima <> wrote:

Hrm. I've never heard o' that one...

But if it would suffice, I've got a very nice Pavlova recipe, and you
could just try to downscale it...

Christabel "decadent desserts" La Motte


Sep 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/1/96

s. (vo...@void.void) wrote:
: ok, i'm sorry, i promised i wouldn't do this, but after reading all

Jealousy, like coal, will either dirty your hand or burn it

She came & departed as a shadow

Peter H. Coffin

Sep 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/1/96

In article <509vev$> (Leonora The KittenLady) writes:

> What is this??? I go away for FOUR DAYS...and people are talking about my
> nose AGAIN???

Obelix: "These Egyptians are crazy."

| Congratulations! |
| Your display has been certified as an off-site |
| repository for the contents of my .signature |
| file. |


Sep 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/1/96

In article <>,
(Ligeia) wrote:

-> s. (vo...@void.void) wrote:
-> : ok, i'm sorry, i promised i wouldn't do this, but after reading all
-> <delete>
-> Jealousy, like coal, will either dirty your hand or burn it


-> Aaron

My Very Own Web Site:

"I need no signature. Put together your own conglomeration of words and stick it onto the tail of your email messages in hopes of coming off as clever or deep. My messages speak volumes enough."
- Anonymous

"I don't need luck on my exam, I have knowl... oh damn, I need luck."
- Joe Bayer


Sep 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/2/96

In article <>, Isolate <> wrote:

> i've always wanted to make a charlotte russe but never had the time nor
> the patience. as desserts go i highly reccommend english triffle as an
> alternative to your standard cake or pie or ice cream. much more
> exciting.

well seeing as oddly does not eat half of what i make -- i will make you
one later this week or next week,, have to have the urge to bake again


because in the end it all catches up with you


Sep 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/2/96

In article <5046rr$>, (Jen Radon) wrote:

> GERALD J. LA CORTE ( wrote:
> : Vanilla - Fudge Ice Cream swirl covered in chocolate.
> Like peanut-butter? Take a spoonful or two and add it to your
> Vanilla - Fudge Ice Cream swirl covered in chocolate. Trust me.
> ...Especially crunchy PB!!! <drool>

chubby hubby
(vanila malt icecream, with fudge, peanutbutter ripple w/ choclate
covered, peanutbutterfilled pretzel chunks)


Sep 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/2/96

In article <>, Stained <> wrote:

> Jen Radon wrote:
> > one of my friends once offered me a faux-apple pie recipe. Supposedly you
> > can make a pie with Ritz crackers in such a way that it tastes like apples.
> Eeeeewwwww! Gross!

second, from someone who has had it, it is much better to make tham from
scratch,, and adding red wine to crackers just makes them soggy


Sep 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/2/96

In article <504meg$>,
(Miss Heidi M. Evans) wrote:

> Well, one caveat. Whatever you do, don't ever try to use Irish creme
> in cooking. I did, thinking it would simply evaporate the alcohol and
> leave creamy sugary stuff.

nonono,, irish cream should be used in icings and sauces,, it does not
work well in baking,, if you have to use some sort of alcoholic substance
i reccomend kahlua or grand mariner(orange) these work well in baking.


Sep 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/2/96

In article <>, Isolate <> wrote:

hardest thing
> to do aside from separating the egg white and whipping them is taking the
> zest off of the lemons. i call it citrus premature balding.
> Isolate

use a cheese grater to xest lemons,, it is really hard to do it with a
knife and fork... and to seporate eggs -- break te shell and pour the
white in a cup and hold the yolk in the shell, then put the youk in a cup
and freeze if you are not going to use that day( and mark how many are in
the cup/jar

(or you could go the cheesy way and buy an egg strainer)

Raistlin Majere

Sep 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/2/96

On 27 Aug 1996 23:35:03 GMT, Lady Bathory <>
hath spoken thus:

>>Now, following my own advice, who wants to talk about desserts?
I have to tell You that one of the nicest things I ever saw was when
the gals in a company I worked in mada a birthday cake for me that had
dark chocolate covering and a skull and crossbones done in white
icing. That one was really sweet.


|Industrial Homepage:|
|Randomly selected Quote of the day: |
| |
|"There are places in my empire, black, grey, foggy, foul |
| Which I call Hell and You call Home" |
| -- Project Pitchfork|

Fire Wield

Sep 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/3/96
(Miss Heidi M. Evans) writes:

>Well, one caveat. Whatever you do, don't ever try to use Irish creme
>in cooking. I did, thinking it would simply evaporate the alcohol and

>leave creamy sugary stuff. Wrong. The batter tasted absolutely
>delicious, but the end result was muffins that tasted like they'd been
>soaked in rubbing alcohol---and I only used about a shot. If anyone
>knows the chemical reaction or what-have-you that causes it to do this,
>I'd be curious to know.

Sorry not on deserts, but cooking with alcohol. Cooking a chicken dinner
for some one I was interested in I discovered I was out of Teriaki <sp>
sauce, so decided to try useing some of the Cabernet Sauvignon I had
planned to go with dinner. The Chicken tasted great, just be sure to
serve under very low light conditions. The meat was stained a rather
putrid purpulish color.



Sep 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/3/96

Anubis ( wrote:

: *sigh*

The only thing that you said that makes sense.

: Even as I'm typing this, I'm debating whether or not I should hit the
: "send" key... This is not my forum per se, and elly has already

So your relationship broke up, "Deal"

And stop sending your little friends over to do your dirty laundry


Sep 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/3/96
to (exile) spake thus:

> Hmmm... I pay her just a little attention... what do I get...?

> A kick and a vendetta.

Hey, I wouldn't knock it-- vendettas are pretty hard to come by these

Darkest of the Brilliants
"When he went away I felt a sweetness
like music, if music could pleasure the
skin with a little chill." --Steinbeck

Jillian Sutter

Sep 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/3/96

It's all your guys' fault. I went and made brownies this weekend. AND
put a can of diced green chilis in them.

Then turned out surprisingly well. The chilis added a nice undertone of
heat and spice, and made them very moist & chewy. I think next time tho',
I'll use fresh chilis, and see what sort of difference that makes.
(and the gingerbread bats turned out great as usual.)

**"Gracious pet, ** "Anyway, thank-you-for-having-me **
**I'm a supernatural being."** at-your-party, Mister Dreamy. **
****************************** I had a lovely time." **
(honest, none of this reflects my workplace's opinion.)

Hardrock and Arethusa

Sep 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/4/96

Thus saith Jillian Sutter the Unworthy, in the Year of Our Lord Tue, 03 Sep 1996 11:42:27 -0800 :

> It's all your guys' fault. I went and made brownies this weekend. AND
> put a can of diced green chilis in them.
> Then turned out surprisingly well. The chilis added a nice undertone of
> heat and spice, and made them very moist & chewy. I think next time tho',
> I'll use fresh chilis, and see what sort of difference that makes.
> -Jilli
> (and the gingerbread bats turned out great as usual.)

Oh, sure. Don't give us any. Tease.


Hardrock Llewynyth BOFH, DNRC and Arethusa Nightshade
Through the darkness of future passed
The magician longs to see,
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire, walk with me.

Loon Iam

Sep 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/4/96

Alot of women wrote about FOOD:


< insanity> Loon jumps up from his computer, runs into his kitchen.
He looks nerotically around for FOOD! He do not see any. Screaming, he
jumps out the third story window of his apartment building, "FOOD"!
Hitting the ground running, Loon soon finds himself at a local grocery
store. Men fear, women run, and children scream; The Loon is loose in
row 5, the bakery. Frosting is flying, cookies are contorting, and
strudel is sliding. Suddenly the National Guard appears, surrounding
the gory scene. Helicopters are flying over the top of the store and
the President is notified. </insanity>

With his stomach full of crappy store bakery, our hero, under the
cover of the night, walks back home, makes a pot of coffee, and
promptly goes to sleep in front of his monitor. ( where else? )

With wishes of Prosperity,
Loon Iam.

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