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I did a deja search on David M, just out of curiosity

බැලීම් 6
පළමු නොකියවූ පණිවිඩය දක්වා මඟ හරින්න


2000 ජන 26, 03.00.002000-01-26
and this is what I found

>David, talking to a surprisingly large number of people and thinking that
evidently Terry's life doesn't like >having him in it any more than mine

>Oh... and by the way, Dez:

>Desirée Guzzetta
>***** calle sombra #***
>************, ca 9**** (I blocked out the city and numbers out of respect
for privacy - Brian)

>| David Migicovsky, Evil Overlord of ACF
>| Dean, Faculty of Felching, Bungmunch University
>| Mimes! Monkeys! More! alt.culture.fabulous
>| E-mail: d m i g i c o v at a l t dot n e t

Now, I have seen a LOT of people jump all over other people who dare
criticize Mr. Migicovsky. Is there anyone in here who thinks that they can
defend his posting someone's home address in a newsgroup? I have no idea if
the address is accurate or not, but let's assume it is. I seem to remember
a few of you, Billie for one, having very strong opinions about when things
that go on in usenet cross over to real life (it was something about someone
getting fired from a post I think. Perhaps Maryanne Kehoe was involved. I
don't really remember the details). Anyway, I have seen plenty of "david's
always been nice to me" or "he has a good sense of humor so we like him"
type posts. Does that compensate for this? Now normally, I am sure as hell
not into netecopping, but I thought that this was an EXTREMELY disgusting
thing to do to anyone, no matter what went on in a newsgroup. I love
lurking in this group, and like most of the regulars, although I am sick to
death of this whole david, linda, judith, etc thing. However, from now on,
any time I see someone defend David in here, I'm going to have to think that
you condone posting people's home addresses on the net, and who knows what
could come of that. It so happens that Dez lives about 45 minutes from me.
If I were so inclined (which I am definitely not), and had a grudge against
her for some reason, I could easily pop over to her house and do something
hideous. This could be any one of you guys too. Do you want your address
posted in here? Anyway, I just thought I would share my discovery with
y'all, and let you see what level David is taking things to. I personally
think he's slime, and can only hope that karma exists.



2000 ජන 26, 03.00.002000-01-26
Razz rewrote the past:

>I don't condone nor attempt to excuse David's behaviour. I'm only
>pointing out that these things were done to him first and that he
>decided to retaliate in kind.

What Razz fails to mention is that David did this kind of stuff not only to
those who did it to him first, but to people totally uninvolved in his
squabbles with the trailer park crowd. To people who made homophobic comments
on usenet, or made a comment about his looks when disagreeing with him. David
did not only retaliate. He was vindictive towards total strangers whose
opinions he happened to agree with. It gave him power and fulfilled his
Napoleon complex. Short, unattractive man with no friends in real life makes
himself a force to be reckoned with on the Internet. Gawd.

>My only reason for taking up
>the fight now is a desire not to let these bastards get away with it.
>Even when David announced his departure (he did it once before and they
>persisted in attacking him) they still couldn't let it go.

Please. You're enjoying it as much as everyone else. Else you'd have shut up
about it days ago. Give yourself a bolus.



2000 ජන 26, 03.00.002000-01-26
In article <>, wrote:

> Brian wrote:
> >
> > Now, I have seen a LOT of people jump all over other people who dare
> > criticize Mr. Migicovsky. Is there anyone in here who thinks that they can
> > defend his posting someone's home address in a newsgroup? I have no idea if
> > the address is accurate or not, but let's assume it is. I seem to remember
> > a few of you, Billie for one, having very strong opinions about when things
> > that go on in usenet cross over to real life (it was something about someone
> > getting fired from a post I think. Perhaps Maryanne Kehoe was involved. I
> > don't really remember the details). Anyway, I have seen plenty of "david's
> > always been nice to me" or "he has a good sense of humor so we like him"
> > type posts. Does that compensate for this? Now normally, I am sure as hell
> > not into netecopping, but I thought that this was an EXTREMELY disgusting
> > thing to do to anyone, no matter what went on in a newsgroup. I love
> > lurking in this group, and like most of the regulars, although I am sick to
> > death of this whole david, linda, judith, etc thing. However, from now on,
> > any time I see someone defend David in here, I'm going to have to think that
> > you condone posting people's home addresses on the net, and who knows what
> > could come of that. It so happens that Dez lives about 45 minutes from me.
> > If I were so inclined (which I am definitely not), and had a grudge against
> > her for some reason, I could easily pop over to her house and do something
> > hideous. This could be any one of you guys too. Do you want your address
> > posted in here? Anyway, I just thought I would share my discovery with
> > y'all, and let you see what level David is taking things to. I personally
> > think he's slime, and can only hope that karma exists.

> You're right, Brian, but the TP crowd had started posting addresses long
> before this happened. In fact, not only addresses, but had contacted
> people's employers and tried to get them fired. In fact, it was a matter
> of pride for them and they boasted of it frequently in ASG. As a matter
> of interest you might care to do a Deja on Jesse Garon and see some of
> the things they did to him. David was not their first victim.

> I don't condone nor attempt to excuse David's behaviour. I'm only
> pointing out that these things were done to him first and that he

> decided to retaliate in kind. I made a point of staying out of the whole
> fracas and warned the group that they would be wise to do the same. Jack
> Paar and myself once tried to broker a truce, but it became evident that
> it was impossible. Both sides had too much invested to let it go.
> It was, and still is, a very nasty episode. My only reason for taking up

> the fight now is a desire not to let these bastards get away with it.
> Even when David announced his departure (he did it once before and they
> persisted in attacking him) they still couldn't let it go.

> David may not be a paragon of Usenet virtue, but believe me the TP scum
> are infinitely worse. I understand your feelings, Brian, but if you have
> the patience Deja the bloody debacle and I think you'll come to the same
> conclusions I have. Speak to Billie about their behaviour in email to
> her and you might also get some idea what these vile scum are like.
> Razz

Razz, you obviously weren't around at the beginning of all this or you
wouldn't think that David was first a victim. That's just not true. And
Ron Hogan, aka Jesse Garon, was a horrible person once he decided he had
been wronged. David delighted in attacking women and he loved to call them
fat and use many adjectives that described how unattractive they were. I
never heard David's weight referred to until he had called many women
obese. The first time I heard any reference to his weight was in the
context of someone saying he had a lot of nerve attacking anyone for looks
or weight considering. But he loves to maintain the fiction that he was
held up to ridicule first, when that simply isn't true.

David joined in with Hogan (Garon) because he loves try to enlist people
on his side, no matter how slimey. Hogan/Garon became infuriated when
someone alluded to a bathroom tryst at the infamous party. The reference
was so obscure no one would have ever guessed that anything had occurred
if Hogan/Garon hadn't made sure that everyone did find out. He attacked
everyone who so much as liked the people he decided were his enemies, much
like David did (and does). He even repeated taunted a woman, who had never
done anything to him at all but was known to like the people he hated, for
a miscarraige she had. He found out about it from searching dejanews (when
it was called that) and finding posts from her to a support group and then
he mercilessly taunted her from then on, although she had never done
anything to him. And this was the person that David holds up as an
innocent victim all the time. Ron/Jesse posted home addresses and did
everything he could to destroy ASG for everyone there, attacking those
involved and anyone who was friends with them no matter how they avoided
the quarrel. All because of an obscure hint. Sure things escalated and
the affair was spelled out eventually, but only because Garon/Hogan pushed
the people involved into these actions that they are so vilified for.

And David has long contacted employers and posted personal information
about people. He is very manipulative and will flatter and side with
anyone he thinks will help him in his cause to somehow win this unwinable
war he started. And he did start it.

The fact that Billie got some email from one or more parties about her
siding with David (I believe that's what she said it was about) does not
make those persons part of some conspiracy with this mythological "trailer
park gang". The Trailer Park was a fun fantasy that many people engaged
in, much like the keeper bit that some do around here. Those people are a
hugely diverse group of people, many of them unacquainted with the rest.
They do not do things inconcert. There only crime was enjoying ASG before
David and Ron drove away many of the regulars. There are plently of bad
feelings left by David and Ron's actions and some will still defend
themselves from David's attacks. (Thier big crimes are refusing to just
silently take his abuse.) He follows people from newsgroup to newsgroup
and then claims they are stalking him - and some naive people actually
believe it. David is great to read when he is not posting attacks on
people. He is brilliant and witty. But he is also deranged and vindictive
and paranoid.

If you really believe he is only doing what was done to him first, you
have no idea about what really happened.



Write me at


2000 ජන 26, 03.00.002000-01-26
razz wrote:

> Reets wrote:
> >
> > Please. You're enjoying it as much as everyone else. Else you'd have shut up
> > about it days ago. Give yourself a bolus.

> While you're at it, Brian, do a Deja on Reets the Hyena. Most of her
> life online has been dedicated to attacking David.



Mr. O'Neill: "Daria! You'll never guess who's waiting by the phone to hear from
Daria: "That's why they took away my psychic hotline."


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27

Reets wrote:
> Razz rewrote the past:

> >I don't condone nor attempt to excuse David's behaviour. I'm only
> >pointing out that these things were done to him first and that he
> >decided to retaliate in kind.

> What Razz fails to mention is that David did this kind of stuff not only to
> those who did it to him first, but to people totally uninvolved in his
> squabbles with the trailer park crowd. To people who made homophobic comments
> on usenet, or made a comment about his looks when disagreeing with him. David
> did not only retaliate. He was vindictive towards total strangers whose
> opinions he happened to agree with. It gave him power and fulfilled his
> Napoleon complex. Short, unattractive man with no friends in real life makes
> himself a force to be reckoned with on the Internet. Gawd.

> >My only reason for taking up
> >the fight now is a desire not to let these bastards get away with it.
> >Even when David announced his departure (he did it once before and they
> >persisted in attacking him) they still couldn't let it go.

> Please. You're enjoying it as much as everyone else. Else you'd have shut up
> about it days ago. Give yourself a bolus.

While you're at it, Brian, do a Deja on Reets the Hyena. Most of her
life online has been dedicated to attacking David.



2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27
Razz wrote:

>While you're at it, Brian, do a Deja on Reets the Hyena. Most of her
>life online has been dedicated to attacking David.

And your point is?



2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27
Give yourself a bolus.
> Reets

two questions:

what's a bolus?
what're TP people?

inquiring minds want to know.....

spaniel spice


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27
razz wrote:
> While you're at it, Brian, do a Deja on Reets


did reets useta be reetsworth?



2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27
Very well said. Thanks for injecting the real truth into this mess.

Linda C.


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27

parismom wrote:

> razz wrote:
> > While you're at it, Brian, do a Deja on Reets
> Razz
> did reets useta be reetsworth?
> parismom

I really don't know. I think she had a variation on Reets at one time.



2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27

mslinda wrote:
> >
> Very well said. Thanks for injecting the real truth into this mess.

If you say it's the truth, we know there must be lies somewhere there. I
call it 'The Linda Effect'.

Razz - back to your List, bitch!


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27
razz wrote:

> mslinda wrote:
> >
> ma
> > >
> > Very well said. Thanks for injecting the real truth into this mess.
> If you say it's the truth, we know there must be lies somewhere there. I
> call it 'The Linda Effect'.

So prove it. List the lies or shut up. If you can't prove anything,

> Razz - back to your List, bitch!

The last time I looked, it was perfectly legal for me to post to *both.*

Linda C.

The great and powerful Oz

2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27
moos linda:

>The last time I looked, it was perfectly legal for me to post to *both.*

There's a difference between "legal" and "wanted."

=Uncle Robbie are neither (hee-hee)...


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27
The great and powerful Oz wrote:
> moos linda:
> >The last time I looked, it was perfectly legal for me to post to *both.*
> There's a difference between "legal" and "wanted."

You can enforce one but not the other, so you might as well quit wasting
your time. Try posting some *gossip* for a change.

Linda C.


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27

Jeg7777 wrote:
> razz wrote:

> > Reets wrote:
> > >
> > > Please. You're enjoying it as much as everyone else. Else you'd have shut up
> > > about it days ago. Give yourself a bolus.
> >

> > While you're at it, Brian, do a Deja on Reets the Hyena. Most of her
> > life online has been dedicated to attacking David.

> Most?

Be fair, Joe. She's attacked me frequently, too and she has posted or
rather replied to the odd gossip post.

Razz - but, I admit, it a close run thing


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27

mslinda wrote:
> razz wrote:
> >
> > mslinda wrote:
> > >
> > ma
> > > >

> > > Very well said. Thanks for injecting the real truth into this mess.
> >

> > If you say it's the truth, we know there must be lies somewhere there. I
> > call it 'The Linda Effect'.
> So prove it. List the lies or shut up. If you can't prove anything,
> apologize.
> >
> > Razz - back to your List, bitch!

> The last time I looked, it was perfectly legal for me to post to *both.*

Yes, but you're not wanted here I believe. Vote anyone?

Razz - no sockpuppets please


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27

Thanks so much for that well reasoned reply. It is about time someone told
the ~real~ story.

Sig on back-order

"Smoot" <> wrote in message

Reality's bitch

2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27

> It is about time someone told the ~real~ story.

Personally, I think it's time everyone forget the friggin' story. And
this version is no more "real" than any others floated over the years.
As they say...the Truth is always somewhere in the middle...


At last...nepotism I can appreciate.


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27

Baranduyn <> wrote in message
> All I know is that he hasn't posted openly for days and the bs is still
> on. My curiosity as to who's more obsessed is pretty well satisfied.
So how long do you think it will be before 'Josh' blows a gasket.
Maybe we should start a pool.-heehee-


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27

Brian <> wrote in message
> One more thing - do you guys think that this group will ever get back to
> anything like it was before David started posting regularly? It used to
> such a great group before it went into bizarro land.
No it won't Brian


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27

Janette <> wrote in message
Fuck off, troll.


2000 ජන 27, 03.00.002000-01-27

Janette <> wrote in message

Fuck off, troll.


2000 ජන 28, 03.00.002000-01-28

razz <> wrote in message

Thank you for the offer, but I definitely do NOT have the patience to sort
through the whole sordid mess. Even at this point in time, I only have the
faintest understanding of what was going on. But by now, does it really
matter how it started? This thing has definitely evolved into something
that is greater as a whole than the sum of its parts. It has been, what, 3
years since the beginning? Who the fuck can hold a grudge for that long?
It definitely says something about the mental state of the participants on
both sides. It really cracks me up that adults can go on and on for years
about something because "he started it first". I'll bet these same adults
tell their kids, when the kids say "he started it first", that it doesn't
matter who started it. Or maybe my parents were just strange that way. I
do know that the ONLY thing that could maybe sort of possibly justify the
posting of Dez's home address is if she posted David's home address.
However, I doubt that this is the case, and no, I'm sure as hell not gonna
do another search to find out if this is true.

So I'm kind of curious to hear from some of the regulars who have been so
quick to defend David to others in the past, such as Volfie, Jenni, Billie,
the uncles, and so on. Do you guys feel he was justified in doing this? I
personally only know of Dez's posts in this group, and she seems pretty
harmless to me, and certainly pleasant enough. So does David's posting
history in this group outweigh Dez's? Or do David's sometimes witty
comments make up for all the *other* types of posts? I'm not trying to be
finger pointing here, but I really am curious to know why he is so accepted,
even with all the bile he has been known to spew. And please don't use the
"he was always nice to me" defense, because I'd bet that if OJ started
posting pleasantly in here, most of you wouldn't use the same logic.

One more thing - do you guys think that this group will ever get back to
anything like it was before David started posting regularly? It used to be
such a great group before it went into bizarro land.



2000 ජන 28, 03.00.002000-01-28
razz wrote:
> mslinda wrote:
> >
> > razz wrote:
> > >
> > > mslinda wrote:
> > > >
> > > ma
> > > > >
> > > > Very well said. Thanks for injecting the real truth into this mess.
> > >
> > > If you say it's the truth, we know there must be lies somewhere there. I
> > > call it 'The Linda Effect'.
> >
> > So prove it. List the lies or shut up. If you can't prove anything,
> > apologize.
> > >
> > > Razz - back to your List, bitch!
> >
> > The last time I looked, it was perfectly legal for me to post to *both.*
> Yes, but you're not wanted here I believe. Vote anyone?
> Razz - no sockpuppets please

If only the few people anointed by you and Billie posted here, it would
be deader than ACF.

Linda C.


2000 ජන 28, 03.00.002000-01-28
All I know is that he hasn't posted openly for days and the bs is still going
on. My curiosity as to who's more obsessed is pretty well satisfied.


Keeper of Antonio Banderas and Chris Gaines.

The great and powerful Oz

2000 ජන 28, 03.00.002000-01-28
moos linda:

>If only the few people anointed by you and Billie posted here, it would
>be deader than ACF.

But so much nicer to read...

=Uncle Robbie
Cogito Eggo Sum
(I think, therefore I'm a waffle.)

The great and powerful Oz

2000 ජන 28, 03.00.002000-01-28
moos linda:

>Try posting some *gossip* for a change.

Is that an order, Cow? Are you running this group now?
How, now, Linda Cow?


2000 ජන 28, 03.00.002000-01-28
"Baranduyn" <> wrote in message

> All I know is that he hasn't posted ~~openly~~ for days and the bs is

still going
> on. My curiosity as to who's more obsessed is pretty well satisfied.

Give it a while to die down. After all, it went on for more than three
so it won't stop overnight.


2000 ජන 28, 03.00.002000-01-28
Jeg7777 wrote:

> Janette <> wrote in message
> news:86r8g8$btd$
> >

> > Baranduyn <> wrote in message
> >

> > > All I know is that he hasn't posted openly for days and the bs is still

> > going
> > > on. My curiosity as to who's more obsessed is pretty well satisfied.
> > >

> > So how long do you think it will be before 'Josh' blows a gasket.
> > Maybe we should start a pool.-heehee-
> >
> Fuck off, troll.

Here we go again. Someone using my name. But at least this time the troll is
actually saying what I would....


Mr. O'Neill: "Daria! You'll never guess who's waiting by the phone to hear from
Daria: "That's why they took away my psychic hotline."

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