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Letter to the Editor: Concord Monitor Regarding Trial of Ed and Elaine Brown

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Raymond Karczewski

não lida,
28 de abr. de 2009, 07:14:0928/04/2009
Letter to the Editor: Concord Monitor Regarding Trial of Ed and
Elaine Brown

Submitted on Mon, 04/27/2009 - 20:07

Why won't the Court, a fictional entity created by Living Breathing,
Flesh-and Blood-Sentient Natural Sovereign Men and Wome answer the
Question put to it which would free Ed and Elaine?

Origins of Law:

1. God, the Creator,

2. Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural Man, the

3. Government, a fiction, created by Sovereign, Natural Men and
Women, the Creator.

4. Juristic Persons, a fictional Corporate Entity, created by a
Fictional Government, and is declared subject to the Legislative
Policies of the Fictional Government. It is the only "person" which
government actually does have jurisdiction over.

Ed and Elaine have challenged the courts to prove jurisdiction as the
law provides for, yet the court refused to ANSWER THE QUESTION.

What is that Question? Simply this. Does a Fictional Administrative
Unconstitutional, Non-Article III Court have JURISDICTION over a
Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient Natural Man or Woman who
are standng with full legal capacity in Common Law, and have not
waived their rights, nor entered into contract with the court, thereby
granting the Limited Courts jurisdiction over them.

As stated above, a Fictional Court only has jurisdiction only over
other fictions of its own creation, in other words, the JURISTIC
PERSON/DEFENDANT, and thus operate on the presumption that Ed and
Elaine Brown, the Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient Natural
man and woman consent to acting as a surety or underwriter for the

This is not hooey, as government would have you believe. THIS IS LAW.

Let the People require the Judge or Prosecutor answer the question
under Oath or Affidavit. If they will not. and seek to imprison a
couple to a life term, who merely pose a fundamental question of
freedom and liberty which the courts refuse to answer, then there can
be no JUSTICE in the courts of America, there is only Tyranny and

Ms. Sanger, Please do your duty as a journalist and SEE THAT THE

If it is not, Ed and Elaine Brown MUST BE SET FREE. and the real
criminals indicted.

Raymond Ronald Karczewski�
Cave Junction Oregon
"No other man but I in the recorded History of
mankind, including JESUS CHRIST, has directly
revealed to the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to
enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

Raymond Ronald Karczewski� http://www.arkenterprises.com

Raymond Karczewski

não lida,
28 de abr. de 2009, 15:20:0528/04/2009
Letter to the Editor: Concord Monitor Regarding Trial of Ed and
Elaine Brown

godsmystery <godsm...@impulse.net> wrote:

Raymond Karczewski (ark...@earthlink.net) wrote:

gm: > Dear Ray,

gm: > You are right. Can the truth be that the Browns are in
prison, because we are a conquered nation, where we don't have
now our laws any more?

rk: There you have it. You have said it, simply and directly. Why
does the average Christian turn away from such simple Truth in favor
of listening to their Federally subsidized preachers?

rk: What the hell does it take for them to wake up? They have lost
their jobs. They have lost their homes, They have lost their wealth.
They are about to lose their freedom and after the weeping and
gnashing of teeth, they will lose their lives.

rk: The average Christian is a catatonic sonambulist, an individual
incapable of taking direct action because of their life-long satanic
imposted, hypnotically induced trance state.

rk: The purge of population control has begun, People are dying due
to a unique flu epidemic in Mexico in addition to isolated sections
of this continent.

rk: Martial law will soon be declared. Its all going according to
the Satanic driven NWO plan, yet all that Christians and others
experience in response to it is FEAR and INACTION. It is such fear
that paralyzes them from taking living action, the action demanded of
Sons and Daughters of God, Sovereign Men and Women.

rk: The average Christian serves Satan and doesn't even know it.
They live in a topsy-turvy world of spiritual BASSACKWARDS.

gm: > Is it possible that we can only be separate from the
government which conquered us,by having a "diplomatic" immunity, by
following God's request to "come out" from this world Rev.18:4, and
be in His Kingdom's Embassy Mat.6:10,33?

rk: That tom, is the sum total of my internet message for the last 14
years. You can see how it has been ignored aside from
Government/media attacks upon the messenger. They don't know the
Truth when they hear it.

rk: Americans shall reap what they have sown. Death by Ignorance.


Raymond Ronald Karczewski� -- A Living Christ

Raymond Karczewski

não lida,
29 de abr. de 2009, 23:58:4029/04/2009
Letter to the Editor: Concord Monitor Regarding Trial of Ed and
Elaine Brown

Edgar Wolphe (Spam...@spamcop.com) wrote:

Raymond Karczewski (ark...@earthlink.net) wrote:

ew: > Raymond Karczewski Furiously scratching in the sand,

rk: >> Letter to the Editor: Concord Monitor Regarding Trial of Ed
and Elaine Brown Why won't the Court, a fictional entity created by

Living Breathing, Flesh-and Blood-Sentient Natural Sovereign Men and
Wome answer the Question put to it which would free Ed and Elaine?

ew: > Because it does not have to answer to the Court of Ray.
Because the "fiction" espoused by Ray exists only in Ray's fevered
delusions. Because the quasi-legal arguments put forth by Ray, and Ed
and Elaine, have absolutely no basis in U.S. Law. And mainly because
it is Ray's argument that is the real Fiction here.

rk: People of America. Are you paying attention to the news? You'd
better be. Life as you have known it is no more. You've been
ignoring my words for 14 years and your time has run out. However, as
the old saying goes, "It isn't over till its over."

rk: Perhaps in your conditioned lack of discrimination, you are not
able to separate Truth from Illusion. It is a malady which has
enslaved you, and now will KILL YOU.

rk: This is a point by poing demonstration on how Government/Media
mind control/disinformation agents operate on the Internet. The
subject who calls himself ed wolphe is such an agent. Pay very close
to his techniques of misdirection, for it is such that has deceived
you and redirect your attentions onto tangents away from the Simple
Truth which would set you free. Follow with me as we examine wolphe's
responses. They do tell the story for those who have the "eyes to

rk: >> Origins of Law:

rk: >> 1. God, the Creator,

ew: > Ever hear of the separation of Church and State that your
b'loved "sovereign" founding fathers wrote into the CONSTITUTION?

rk: What has that to do with the origins of law which are traced back
throughout millenia?

rk: >> Ed and Elaine have challenged the courts to prove

jurisdiction as the law provides for, yet the court refused to ANSWER

rk: >> What is that Question? Simply this. Does a Fictional

Administrative Unconstitutional, Non-Article III Court have
JURISDICTION over a Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient
Natural Man or Woman who are standng with full legal capacity in
Common Law, and have not waived their rights, nor entered into
contract with the court, thereby granting the Limited Courts
jurisdiction over them.

ed: > Yup! Seeing that Ray's Common Law does not carry even a
scintilla of authority in a U.S. court, Ray's argument is, as always,
specious at best; sounds good but is merely legal baloney.

rk: Note there is no such thing as "Ray's Common Law." Do you see
what one can do with simple sound byte responses twisted and
misdirected? Note how he even attempts to twist your minds by
stating "SOUNDS GOOD, but is merely legal baloney." Where does
wolphe offer a reasonable rebuttal to fortify his argument. He can't
because he can't function beyond the ignorant level of word-twisting.
You will note that this is the level wolphe operates in all his
attacks upon my writing. See if you can find any articles from wolphe
that are not attacks upon me and/or others who are targetted as
threats to the present criminal shadow government.

rk: >> As stated above, a Fictional Court only has jurisdiction only

over other fictions of its own creation, in other words, the JURISTIC

ERSON/DEFENDANT, and thus operate on the presumption that Ed and
Elaine Brown, the Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient Natural

an and woman consent to acting as a surety or underwriter for the

rk: >> This is not hooey, as government would have you believe. THIS

ew: > No- it is pure, unadulterated hooey. Unfortunately for Ray,
Ms. Sanger is an intelligent, educated woman, and she will no doubt
get a good laugh out of Ray's puffery.

rk: Note that wolphe's statement is pure hogwash. He has no personal
contact with either Ms. Sanger or myself and so is limited in his
intimate information regarding either subject he expounds on.

ew: > But I am sure that there are at least a couple of career
criminals out there who will buy into this gross misrepresentation of
what is "law".

rk: Again, where is his verification of the law he speaks of?. He
can't produce it, because he is really just a verbally talented
IGNORAMUS, a government pied piper, whose talent lies in leading herd
mentality driven sheeple to oblivion.. Ask yourself how millions of
you can be led by slick politicians and their henchmen into
enslavement and personal destruction.

rk: >> Let the People require the Judge or Prosecutor answer the

question under Oath or Affidavit. If they will not. and seek to
imprison a couple to a life term, who merely pose a fundamental
question of freedom and liberty which the courts refuse to answer,
then there can be no JUSTICE in the courts of America, there is only
Tyranny and slavery.

ew: > Of course, the Court of Ray has already absolved the Browns of
lying on their tax returns, failure to pay their fair share of the
cost of running this nation, evasion from lawfull prosecution for the
above crimes, willfully attempting to harm and/or kill their fellow
citizens, and inciting others to cause harm to these same citizens.

rk: Superimposing an opinion upon the facts is what disinformation
agents do. Note how wolphe draws upon the reader's sense of shame
for not supporting a criminal government. Would you support a Mafia
thug who extorts your hard earned money for the promise of protection?
Isn't that what lies at the root of the problems now being experienced
by Americans through this land?

rk: Learn to see THE BIG PICTURE.

ew: > Ray calls his demands and his hooey "justice". The citizens
of New Hampshire have an entirely different view.

rk: Where is wolphe's evidence for such an empty opinion? As can be
expected, THERE IS NONE!!!


ew: > No one in history, since the beginning of recorded time, has
written directly, based on first hand understanding, as I have,
including Jesus of Nazareth.
--Raymond Ronald Karczewski

rk: You bet I wrote that. You bet, I meant what I said. Where is
the hard evidence to contradict such simple statement of Truth. Are
you seeing that it is noticeably absent?

rk: Wake up American. You are responsible for your future and the
future of your kids. If you can't rise to the challenge, all you can
expect is the death of a slave who lives in fear of his Master. The
joke is on you, since your illusory "master" is really in fact your
servant, serving you, the true Sovereign Master. How is it that I
understand that and you don't?

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