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Celebrity Apprentice - The Final Two

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no leída,
4 may 2009, 9:22:334/5/09
Well, so much for Joan Rivers ranting about supporting her poor loser
daughter. Guess her will to win was stronger than her loyalty because
surprise surprise, look who showed up last night? So now it's down to
Joan and Hitler, alias Annie. Both Piers and Trump again questioned
the semi-comatose Jesse on not calling on his famous wife to help with
fund raising and commented on how she has obviously "figured him out"
because God knows, nobody else can. Again, he failed to see how the
whole competition IS about raising money for charity. Did he think he
was there for his sparkling personality? He just doesn't get it. That
and the concept of wearing deodorant.

It should make for an interesting finale with these two hating the
sight of each other. Joan was her usual graceless, bitchy self when
Annie offerred a congratulation on making to the end and she rudely
brushed her off. For someone who has made a career of making people
laugh, she is such a miserable, spiteful shrew. I feel sorry for
anyone who had to work with her over the years. Must have been a


no leída,
4 may 2009, 10:01:174/5/09
In article
captainspalding <> wrote:

> Well, so much for Joan Rivers ranting about supporting her poor loser
> daughter. Guess her will to win was stronger than her loyalty because
> surprise surprise, look who showed up last night? So now it's down to
> Joan and Hitler, alias Annie. Both Piers and Trump again questioned
> the semi-comatose Jesse on not calling on his famous wife to help with
> fund raising and commented on how she has obviously "figured him out"
> because God knows, nobody else can. Again, he failed to see how the
> whole competition IS about raising money for charity. Did he think he
> was there for his sparkling personality? He just doesn't get it. That
> and the concept of wearing deodorant.

The whole competition is about RATINGS! That's why they goose it up with
"drama" (will Joan come back? Has she bailed? Tune in at 9 on Sunday).

It's also why they pit Joan against Annie.

We've been set up to believe they hate each other.

Joan has been a horror show - and yet The Donald keeps bringing her back
and telling her how great she is.

> It should make for an interesting finale with these two hating the
> sight of each other. Joan was her usual graceless, bitchy self when
> Annie offerred a congratulation on making to the end and she rudely
> brushed her off. For someone who has made a career of making people
> laugh, she is such a miserable, spiteful shrew. I feel sorry for
> anyone who had to work with her over the years. Must have been a
> nightmare!

And, this one you can take to the bank, whoever wins, there will be a
sickening hugfest in which Joan and Annie say things like "I love you."


�The fox knows many things - the hedgehog, one big one.�


no leída,
4 may 2009, 10:55:324/5/09
On May 4, 10:01 am, MC <> wrote:
> In article
> <>,

I wonder if Donald promised Joan she'd be in the finals if she
hauled her tiny fur-coated self back into the game.

That would be my bet. I do hope Annie beats her.
However, Annie is unbelieveably self centered.
I couldn't stand to be around her for very long.
Brag, brag , brag.

Anyway, it's all for show and ratings as you


no leída,
4 may 2009, 11:00:234/5/09

Is there anyone out there who couldn't see who the final two would be,
and who couldn't see that Clint would lose the "jingle" task?? I
never thought there was a lot of scripting before this, but now I'm
convinced that the whole thing is set up from the get-go.

Of course, the final two are Joan and Annie because Joan hates her
guts (I don't think that's scripted - and I don't think there will be
any "lovefest" at the end, because Joan truly thinks that poker
playing isn't legitimate or something.)

And of course, Clint lost the task - because "everyone" thought he
should win easily.

(And for whoever thinks Jesse is wrong and it is all about raising
money, Donald himself said it wasn't just all about fund-raising.)

I wanted to see Jesse and Annie in the final just to watch Jesse knock
her down. Which I'm sure would have happened.


no leída,
4 may 2009, 11:09:534/5/09
> > Joan has been a horror show - and yet The Donald keeps bringing her back
> > and telling her how great she is.

Absolutely! When she called Annie Hitler, that should have been the
end of her. How offensive was that? And this coming from someone who
is Jewish!! Why the hell did Trump keep protecting her? I'm sure he
must have received a ton of hate mail over that but yet he kept her on
the show.

> That would be my bet. I do hope Annie beats her.
> However, Annie is unbelieveably self centered.
> I couldn't stand to be around her for very long.
> Brag, brag , brag.

You're right about Annie. She has got one huge ego and the way she
would just totally take over every single task, regardless of who was
project manager really showed what a barrel of laughs she'd be. Last
night she would not shut up about how fantastic she did with coming up
with that jingle. She just went on and on and on....I guess the
concept of humility is beyond her but then again, with the exception
of Brande, they all seemed to be in love with themselves.


no leída,
4 may 2009, 11:18:514/5/09
On May 4, 8:22 am, captainspalding <> wrote:
> Well, so much for Joan Rivers ranting about supporting her poor loser
> daughter. Guess her will to win was stronger than her loyalty because

Oh, one more thing that says this was totally scripted: Anyone
(Chicken of the Sea execs) who said Clint didn't win because his
jingle was too country had to have been told how to judge...the only
country thing in his jingle was the fact that Clint Black is a country

It was so obvious...I'm disappointed on how transparent the scripting
was during this episode.



no leída,
4 may 2009, 11:21:424/5/09
>Both Piers and Trump again questioned
> the semi-comatose Jesse on not calling on his famous wife to help with
> fund raising and commented on how she has obviously "figured him out"
> because God knows, nobody else can. Again, he failed to

I am disgusted with Trump and Piers for continually nagging Jesse
about how he hasn't used his wife's fame to raise money. Why should
he? She isn't on the show.

It makes it very obvious that Trump asked him to be on the show
because he was married to Sandra Bullock, instead of basing their
choice on his own background - extremely disappointed they continue to
make such a big deal out of it.



no leída,
4 may 2009, 11:32:574/5/09

Sidetracking from Joan and Annie, did anyone else find themselves
getting pissed from Trump and Piers constantly saying "I don't see
what Sandra Bullock sees in him?", "why did she marry someone like
him?', etc. I don't know, maybe because he's a nice guy and treats
her well. I know the word had been thrown around a lot since the
presidential election, but it comes off sounding a bit elitist. My
only wish is for Sandra is show up at the finale and have her snub


no leída,
4 may 2009, 11:37:594/5/09

Well, I loved Jesse since the beginning so I was hoping that he would
be in the final two, but I realize the show is all about Celebrity and
who can garner the best ratings. An all-out catfight between Joan and
Annie is what Trump and the netowkr wanted, so that's what they got.

But speaking about Annie, one of the things I noticed is that she
seems to have the passive-agressive thing down. Even in the boardroom
on last night's episode, she made some comment like "I'm sure Joan can
get a lot of money from her friends. If she wanted to" and she also
said something about Joan being pathetic and then tried to backtrack


no leída,
4 may 2009, 11:57:304/5/09
> Trump.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I doubt we'll see her at the final ... if I were she, I certainly
wouldn't be there. The snub sounds enticing, though ;-)


David E. Powell

no leída,
4 may 2009, 12:52:024/5/09

Not only that, the ad they did was a million times better. A "fast
forward" sounding ad like Brande's is a joke, I hate them and
invariably change the channel when one comes on my car radio. I felt
that even if their jingle were a bit better, the ad more than made up
for it. (Also "Too Country" yeah right, not everyone who buys Tuna
lives in NYC - and even if they did, they should check the country
music sales and demographics. Plus you have a name recognition singer
you can hype as opposed to studio musicians, always a huge point.)

If they were gonna fire Brande anyway might as well fire her then, and
do the rest in the final four, but this has been what they've been
aiming for since last week I guess.

I also felt Jesse got a bit of a raw deal, forget his wife, he could
always call Jay Leno, a fellow gearhead, to help him in the finale.

D. Stussy

no leída,
4 may 2009, 14:16:354/5/09
"Nancy2" <> wrote in message

On May 4, 8:22 am, captainspalding <> wrote:
> Well, so much for Joan Rivers ranting about supporting her poor loser
> daughter. Guess her will to win was stronger than her loyalty because

Oh, one more thing that says this was totally scripted: Anyone
(Chicken of the Sea execs) who said Clint didn't win because his
jingle was too country had to have been told how to judge...the only
country thing in his jingle was the fact that Clint Black is a country

star. ...

I thought that the CotS execs might actually use Clint Black's version -
especially in "Middle America" and perhaps reserve the other version for
the large cities. Just because half our population is coastal-city-bound
is no reason to alieniate the rest of America by not giving them a version
targeted at their demographic.

Annie vs. Joan: Who didn't see that catfight coming?

Jesse: OK, maybe he didn't step up as he should have, but he was right NOT
to use his wife and her connections. He wanted to stand on his own. The
Donald was wrong to attack him on this; although not illegal, there are
just certain things one doesn't do. He still should have been fired
because he didn't demonstrate sufficient initiative. - Correct result but
wrong reason.

no leída,
4 may 2009, 14:43:034/5/09
On May 4, 11:52 am, "David E. Powell" <>

> On May 4, 11:18 am, Nancy2 <> wrote:
> > On May 4, 8:22 am, captainspalding <> wrote:
> > > Well, so much for Joan Rivers ranting about supporting her poor loser
> > > daughter. Guess her will to win was stronger than her loyalty because
> > Oh, one more thing that says this was totally scripted:  Anyone
> > (Chicken of the Sea execs) who said Clint didn't win because his
> > jingle was too country had to have been told how to judge...the only
> > country thing in his jingle was the fact that Clint Black is a country
> > star.
> > It was so obvious...I'm disappointed on how transparent the scripting
> > was during this episode.
> > N.
> Not only that, the ad they did was a million times better. A "fast
> forward" sounding ad like Brande's is a joke, I hate them and
> invariably change the channel when one comes on my car radio. I felt
> that even if their jingle were a bit better, the ad more than made up
> for it. (Also "Too Country" yeah right, not everyone who buys Tuna
> lives in NYC - and even if they did, they should check the country
> music sales and demographics. Plus you have a name recognition singer
> you can hype as opposed to studio musicians, always a huge point.)

I agree. Totally thought that what Clint presented was a *song.*
Annie's was simply a jingle. There's a big difference. I'd stop and
listen to Clint's song. There was nothing about Annie's jingle that
captured my attention.


no leída,
4 may 2009, 16:31:194/5/09
Nancy2 <> wrote in news:5810ac74-946b-4304-b86b-

I disagree. I thought it was *very* country and very retro. I think I heard
that the execs were looking for something contemporary, but this had a
Prairie Home Companion feel to it, as if it could have been a radio spot
from the '50s or the '40s or even the '30s.

As for which was better, I kind of prefered Annie's because it seemed more
upbeat and more to the point, but I don't really have a strong opinion.

Beth W

no leída,
4 may 2009, 17:31:274/5/09
I am surprised that Jesse was even on the show. He's a nobody. He just
acted like he had a recent lobotomy.

I am surprised that they didn't put Brandee in a mermaid costume as part
of their ad.

I was impressed that Brande did so well. She did have to fight the
stereotype that she's just a dumb tits and ass girl. I thought that the
final two should be Brande and Annie. Brande raised the second most

Does Trump really want a rude, name calling, has been like Joan to be
the winner? If Joan had called Ivanka a stupid blond Trump would of
fired her immediately.

no leída,
4 may 2009, 17:50:034/5/09
> captured my attention.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Annie's and Brande's radio spot was worse than nothing. Totally
unimaginary and boring. Two moms talking about how they're pressed for
time and need something natural and healthy for the family. I don't
know how they won that challenge.


no leída,
4 may 2009, 18:18:544/5/09
> I wanted to see Jesse and Annie in the final just to watch Jesse knock
> her down.  Which I'm sure would have happened.

There's no way Jesse would have won over Annie. No way.

I do wish he was in the finals though. Having Joan there is basically
rewarding her for acting like a pathetic psycho bitch. I would much
rather see Jesse than her.

And if Annie doesn't win, then it's obviously been set up from the
start because she is clearly the most effective person out of the 16.
I'm not saying she doesn't have an ego problem, she needs to learn how
to be gracious. But then again, this is about business tasks and she
gets the job done, which is what they are being judged on. Trump keeps
saying how "great" Joan has done yet she hasn't done crap!

The show (and The Donald) don't have any credibility at all. They
should bring in a REAL executive (who hasn't gone bankrupt repeatedly)
to host the show.


no leída,
4 may 2009, 18:26:284/5/09
> Sidetracking from Joan and Annie, did anyone else find themselves
> getting pissed from Trump and Piers constantly saying "I don't see
> what Sandra Bullock sees in him?", "why did she marry someone like
> him?', etc.  I don't know, maybe because he's a nice guy and treats
> her well.  I know the word had been thrown around a lot since the
> presidential election, but it comes off sounding a bit elitist.  My
> only wish is for Sandra is show up at the finale and have her snub
> Trump.

Because in their world, relationships mean nothing. Trump is on wife 3
and is a known cheater. He has no clue what a real woman wants in a

Jesse might have all the things Sandra wants. Also, Sandra has always
seemed like a very down-to-earth person. So I don't she'd be into
someone like The Donald. Her previous BF was Matthew McConaughney.

Ironically Jessie has 3 kids from 2 ex-wives. One of his ex's is porn
star Janine Lindemulder. So Sandra doesn't necessary fit his previous
"type" of woman. But hey, love is love.


no leída,
4 may 2009, 18:43:254/5/09
In article
SoCally <> wrote:

Don't they bring back all the previous players to "work" with the

How much do you want to bet they put Melissa on Annie's team?


no leída,
4 may 2009, 18:45:054/5/09
In article <>, (Beth W) wrote:

What Trump wants is ratings. Nothing else matters. Nothing else is real
or credible. So of course he wants Joan Rivers there.


no leída,
6 may 2009, 23:33:596/5/09
Interesting to see who wins........surprised Joan made it........but
the conflict of personalities and problems they had with each setup
the final episode suspense.



no leída,
7 may 2009, 3:51:267/5/09
On May 6, 8:33 pm, jessica_smith_nyc <> wrote:
> Interesting to see who wins........surprised Joan made it........but
> the conflict of personalities and problems they had with each setup
> the final episode suspense.

I'm pretty sure Annie wins because on Ellen she says the finale was
"so fun" or something. We'll see I guess.

I'm kind of looking forward to the show, but wondering why they have
to drag it out for 3 hours.

It will be fun to see everyone. I doubt Sandra Bullock will show up
since the Donald insulted her a couple times.

Brian Smith

no leída,
7 may 2009, 10:27:487/5/09
"SoCally" <> wrote in message


Is it on for 3 hours? That will suck big time if true. Why would they want
to start off by going up against the finale of TAR?



no leída,
7 may 2009, 21:32:407/5/09
> Is it on for 3 hours? That will suck big time if true. Why would they want
> to start off by going up against the finale of TAR?

Yeah, it's 3 loooooooooong hours.

David E. Powell

no leída,
8 may 2009, 10:20:198/5/09

He mentioned her but I don't recall him insulting her.

If she doesn't show up it will probably be for the same reason she
hasn't yet... Jesse and her keep business for business and personal
stuff personal.


no leída,
8 may 2009, 15:16:428/5/09

> > It will be fun to see everyone. I doubt Sandra Bullock will show up
> > since the Donald insulted her a couple times.
> He mentioned her but I don't recall him insulting her.
> If she doesn't show up it will probably be for the same reason she
> hasn't yet... Jesse and her keep business for business and personal
> stuff personal.

Well, he said a couple things that are bordeline insulting. He kept
mentioning how she could have any man in the world, then made a point
to say "except me or you" to Pierce.

Even the whole conversation about how Jesse must be good in bed or why
else would she want him is kind of disrespectful to their marriage.

I think if he would have been in the final she would have come but
there's no need to now. He did mention early in the season he wasn't
going to go out of his way to bring in money unless he was the project
manager. He's got plenty of rich friends, he would never need to call
his wife for money.


no leída,
8 may 2009, 15:27:108/5/09

Let's face it , "the donald" has a very tacky side.


no leída,
8 may 2009, 15:49:068/5/09
In article
robbielynn <> wrote:

> Let's face it , "the donald" has a very tacky side.

Does he have another one?


"All of life's riddles are answered in the movies."
- Steve Martin

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