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Re: Quick poll: Anyone buying into Ray's message?

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Raymond Karczewski

Jul 2, 2008, 2:50:13 AM7/2/08
Re: Quick poll: Anyone buying into Ray's message?

scott copeland <> [Add to Address Book]

Raymond Karczewski <>

Date: Jul 1, 2008 8:35 PM

sc: > I, for one, believe most of your message. I say most because
if I believed all of it, I would then have to believe that you are the
second coming of Christ; someone that I do not believe that even you
(even when you have just have waken from a very deep sleep, with a
concussion, and possibly drunk (please, do not, if you do not drink,
be offended)) will say that you are He!

rk: Scott, you are correct. I am not He. The "He" you speak of is
an institutionalized concept impressed upon the minds of blind
believers who sell their souls for the promise of security and
dependance upon a satanic idea. By doing so, they have taken the long
"Fall from Grace,." and turned their lives into hell on earth.

rk: Did Jesus of Nazareth exists. Yes.

rk: Does the idea of Jesus of Nazareth exist in the minds of
civilized Westerners? Of course it does.

rk: Is the idea of Jesus of Nazareth the very essence of the Truth
that was Jesus of Nazareth? Of course it is not.

rk: The dualistic idea can NEVER be that "nondualistic essence" of
Truth which it professes to represent.

rk: The idea is counterfeit. The idea is Satanic. It is Illusion.
It is fantasy imposed upon an impressionable intellect.

rk; Belief in the illusion exists only in those who have opted to
be spiritually blind, incapable of discerning the nondualistic Truth
in the moment of Now. Therefore it believes in such false ideas which
can only be found in the Satanic aftermoment of Intellectualism.

rk: You see Scott, you and millions of others would rather believe in
a dead thought than observe a living truth. That is the nature of the
Living Dead.

rk: You, and millions of others believe in deception and it has
created the hell that your personally experience as you perceive them
through your own satanic implanted filters.

rk: What I am speaking of is what is called "NORMAL CONSCIOUSNESS."
You look around yourself and see the everyone you know believes to a
greater or lesser degree in the same satanic illusions you do, and
you don't want to be seen as being different from the herd mentality.

rk: Hence you go along to get along.

rk: When a Christ, an outsider comes along, one who resonates with an
extraordinary different vibration, you side with the familiar, the
Secure, the Normal, the Living Dead. Look at the world such normalcy
has created. Hell, isn't it?

rk: No scott, I am different from you and others at the very core
of my being. That is what offends most about my writing.

rk: I do not speculate. I leave that for the intellectuals. I
speak only Truth.

rk: Many who hear my message are incapable of grasping its
simplicity, let alone acting upon it.

rk: Many see that unmistakable energy as pomposity, as arrogance,
as self-promoting. I merely speak from who I am, and of what I
understand and let Satan take the hindmost.

rk: You will see that those who administer Internet Forums, take
umbrage with my clarity and look for every opportunity to ban me from
their groups to keep their subscribers dithered and confused and
therefore controllable.

rk: To each of you, I say beware of the disinformation agents and
mind controllers which proliferate on the internet. They appear as
sheep, not unlike the average sheeple they are able to corral with
their petty gossip and debasement, but they know they are safe from
discovery because the average sheeple cannot and does not want to
break his life-long sheeple habit and wake up as an aware Living,
breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, natural man or woman.. As such
they rely upon the disinfo agents and administrators as they would any
shepherder charged with bringing the lambs to be fleeced and then

sc: > Have a great week! Scott Copeland


--- On Tue, 7/1/08, Raymond Karczewski <> wrote:

Re: Quick poll: Anyone buying into Ray's message?

The Awakened One wrote:

Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:

a: > I'm curious to learn if anyone actually believes the
statements Ray makes to the groups so often. I'm not going to judge
you good or bad either way, whether you do or you don't (though others
might), I just want to know who in this forum finds anything
worthwhile in the things he posts.

rk: Why are you so Threatened by my messages that you should take
a poll of the Satancally conditioned collective?

rk: Why does my message threaten the Status Quo that
government/media disinformation agents should conduct a failed 12 year
Libel/Defamation campaign? You have served a purpose though. You
disinformation folks have established my credibility like none other
could. Who else could stand stronger at the end of 12 years of
defamation than at the beginning but a simple man of Truth, a Christ?.

rk: Clearly my message is not for everyone. Petty gossips such
as yourself who immerse themselves in sheeple polls are not worthy of
my time. You are lost and require herd mentality to establish
identity, even though such identity is of group idiocy. I write to
those who have the spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear.

rk: Take it or Leave it!!

"No other man but I in the recorded History of
mankind, including JESUS CHRIST, has directly
revealed to the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to
enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

Raymond Ronald KarczewskiŠ

Raymond Karczewski

Jul 3, 2008, 1:15:40 PM7/3/08
Re: Quick poll: Anyone buying into Ray's message?

bmxninja357 wrote:

Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:

rk: >> rk: Clearly my message is not for everyone. Petty gossips

such as yourself who immerse themselves in sheeple polls are not
worthy of my time. You are lost and require herd mentality to
establish identity, even though such identity is of group idiocy. I
write to those who have the spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear.

b: > my message is also not for everyone. i think I'm funny and i
think your a douchebag. as i stated, prove me wrong. i will let you
stay at my pad if you are willing to raise one dead guy of your

rk: Spoken like a Satanically conditioned, ignorant christian
believer. Is not the source of your life-long Christian Conditioned
consciousness based on the maggot infested dead imagery which has
nourished your deathgrip on life? . Perhaps when you understand what
I have just said, the very shock of it shall cause you to be raised
from a Dead Image bearer to one resonating with the Living Truth.
That shall be the only proof that shall "raise the dead". i.e., your
present consciousness. .

b: > god says your lying,

rk: Flesh out that extraordinary comment out if you will. Stupid
people, those whose ignorance (intellectual limitations) which is
pointed out to them, and who lash back with empty words such as your
"god" comment above, must sheild themselves from their own ignorance
by saving face.

rk: I understand your discomfort in speaking from a limited
perspective. I also understand your foolish pride of identifying with
an intellectual illusion perceived greater than oneself..

b: > prove me wrong
Charlton sell snake oil else where.

rk: In your demonstration of prideful illiteracy, is not the word
your were searching for "Charlatan?"

rk: I am not bringing this out as an attack upon you, but only to
mirror to you your own lacking level of consciousness which claims to
speak for God.

rk: Such is the consciousness of legion-driven, 'lemming-like" blind
believers led to their own destructions by the dead words of dead men.
Such is the fate of the "Living Dead."

Raymond Karczewski

Jul 6, 2008, 7:01:56 AM7/6/08
Re: Quick poll: Anyone buying into Ray's message?

The Awakened One wrote:

Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:

a: >>> I'm curious to learn if anyone actually believes the statements
Ray makes to the groups so often. I'm not going to judge you good or
bad either way, whether you do or you don't (though others might), I
just want to know who in this forum finds anything worthwhile in the
things he posts.

rk: >> Why are you so Threatened by my messages that you should take a
poll of the Satancally conditioned collective?

rk: >> Many readers of this Forum are outraged about what I have
brought into their lives.. What did I bring to them? I BROUGHT SIMPLE,

a: > You flatter yourself to think it rises to the level of "outrage".
Humorously so, in fact. I keep feeling nothing but pity towards you,
you pathetic, floundering little waste of a man. You're broken,sitting
in your own splintery, glass-cracked filth, flailing about fustily in
an effort to prove to someone - anyone, not the least of which is
yourself - that you're right, that you're meaningful, that you matter
to anyone on the planet but your own wretched, coulda-been self.
You've learned not even the first lesson, let alone all lessons. Your
own self-worship has blinded you to your own sorry state of affairs. I
mean just look at yourself - without the Christ-colored glasses for
just two fucking seconds. Look at yourself as a human being, where you
are, what you've accomplished, whom you've impacted. Surely if you
look at yourself thusly and do it with even just an ounce of
sincerity, you won't even be able to stand up for the realizations
that would dawn upon you.

a: > You had so much potential. Why did you let vanity steal it away?

rk: That Satanic mask of hypocrisy wears pretty heavy, doesn't it? You
couldn't keep it on very long, could you?

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