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Vostok ice core data

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Feb 19, 2007, 11:02:44 AM2/19/07
In respect of the Vostok ice data:

1) Can AGW proponents explain why one sees temperature fluctuations
preceding CO2 fluctations?

2) For the last 10 thousand years temperature has been relatively
stable but CO2 is on a rising curve. How does that fact fit with
current AGW theory?

Feb 19, 2007, 3:11:30 PM2/19/07

A true analyses of the ice core data shows that CO2 is not affecting
the temperature at all. It is also a myth that grenhouse gases
increase the temperature of the earth 33C. This is neccasary for their
theory that minute increases raise the temperature. They must
attribute warming to the gases that are already present in order to
justify their hysteria at the minute increases of 100ppm. The warming
precedes the CO2 and is causing the CO2 rise. This rise in CO2 does
not affect the temperature upswing and certainly is not determining
the temperature downswings.

This is an article to the US government from a highly qualified Polish
scientist with a great deal of experience with ice cores. He makes the
case that it is not proper to adjuct the ice core data 80 years as
they have done to match the data with the theory of great increase
since industrialization. Without this adjustment, the concentrations
were about 320 ppm in the late nineteenth century.

It may be the pressure on older ice cores or release of this pressure
gives false readings. This expert in the field goes over the basics of
ice core data.

This is very serious fraud and culturing of data that this scientist
points out in the IPCC conclusions

If you recognize the higher preindustrial levels, and then look at the
normal increase that has been occuring, the effect of humans is
negligible. And in this you must calculate the effect of 'change in
use of tropical land', which means burning down the jungle for
agriculture. This has been going on as long as industrialization and
releases about 1/3 as much CO2 as all of the fossil fuels and cement
production. It is also culmulative reduction of the plant conversion
of CO2 to oxygen. It is said that since industrialization, 20% of the
worlds forests have been removed.

Exxon Creams on Hanson

Feb 26, 2007, 12:52:36 AM2/26/07
On Feb 19, 12:11 pm, wrote:

> A true analyses of the ice core data shows that CO2 is not affecting
> the temperature at all. It is also a myth that grenhouse gases
> increase the temperature of the earth 33C. This is neccasary for their

> case that it is not proper to adjuct the ice core data 80 years as

> normal increase that has been occuring, the effect of humans is

> production. It is also culmulative reduction of the plant conversion

> Deatherage

Death-Rag said: A true analyses grenhouse gases neccasary to adjuct
occuring culmulative.

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