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Another week of GW news - June 4

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H. E. Taylor

não lida,
6 de jun. de 2006, 15:52:1206/06/2006
[Sorry this is late. The NNTP server I use has been down.]

The treat of the week has to be that Quark Soup is back:

Quark Soup

2006/05/30: Stoat: David Appell back

And before we get started, this is what passes for humour nowadays:

2006/06/02: Deltoid: Global Warming Links

2006/05/31: WorldChanging: An Inconvenient Truth - the Onion Review

Real Climate had a good article on the Walker Circulation:

2006/06/01: RealClimate: On a Weakening of the Walker Circulation

Some Arctic sediment cores intrigued a lot of people:

2006/05/31: Eureka: North Pole's ancient past holds lessons for future global warming

2006/06/01: SciDaily: North Pole's Ancient Past Holds Lessons For Future Global Warming

2006/06/01: ABC(Au): Sediment core hold secrets of Arctic climate

2006/06/01: Scotsman: Humble ferns that saved the planet

2006/06/01: ENN: Scientists Say Arctic Once Was Tropical

2006/06/01: PlanetArk: Sediment Core Hold Secrets of Arctic Climate

2006/05/31: NSU: Polar core is hot stuff - There was once little difference
between equatorial and arctic climates.

2006/05/31: PhysOrg: North Pole's ancient past holds clues about future global warming

2006/05/31: Brown: Climate History Rewritten: Arctic Ice an Early Arrival

2006/05/31: Eureka: Ocean-drilling scientists cite history of Arctic climate change

2006/05/31: BBC: Arctic's tropical past uncovered - Fifty-five million years ago
the North Pole was an ice-free zone with tropical temperatures, according to research.

2006/05/31: Yahoo: Scientists say Arctic once was tropical

The hurricane wars are picking up:

2006/06/01: GovExec: Government continues to subsidize building in hurricane-prone areas

2006/06/03: JFleck: Journalism, Hurricanes and Climate Change

2006/06/02: Prometheus: Comment from Judy Curry [Florida, hurricanes, Jeb Bush etc]

2006/06/01: BBC: New Orleans braces for hurricane season

2006/06/02: KRN: Experts: Severe weather ahead [Florida]

2006/06/01: CliSci: A Science Reality Check on the May 31, 2006 NY Times article on
Hurricanes and Global Warming

2006/05/26: WunderBlog: High wind shear over the Gulf of Mexico

2006/06/01: PlanetArk: US Forecaster [William Gray and the Colorado State
University forecasting team] Sees 17 Storms, 9 Hurricanes in '06

2006/06/01: PlanetArk: Five Facts About Hurricanes

2006/06/01: ENN: Scientists Say Warming Threatening Florida

2006/06/01: TCR: At the start of hurricane season?

2006/06/01: Guardian(UK): Ill wind blows over storm-hit lands -
The US hurricane season starts today with predictions of severe turbulence ahead

2006/05/31: CSW: NOAA's misleading internal Congressional briefing points on
hurricanes and global warming

2006/05/31: CSW: Two new studies link increased hurricane intensity to global warming

2006/05/31: QuarkSoup: Hurricanes and GW

2006/05/31: CCM: Just in Time for Hurricane Season

2006/05/30: BSD: Updating Bill Gray's Wikipedia page

2006/05/31: UPI: Cyclone strength linked with sea temps

2006/05/31: ClimateArk: 2 Studies Link Global Warming to Greater Power of Hurricanes

2006/05/30: SciDaily: Climate Change Responsible For Increased Hurricanes, Researchers Find

2006/05/31: CDreams: NYT: 2 Studies Link Global Warming to Greater Power of Hurricanes

2006/05/31: NYT: As Hurricane Season Looms, States Aim to Scare

2006/05/30: CCM: First Storm of the Season? NOT

2006/05/30: PhysOrg: Warming Oceans Linked to Global Rise of Cyclone Intensity

2006/05/30: AScribe: Research Links Warming Oceans to Global Rise of Cyclone Intensity

2006/05/30: Eureka: Climate change responsible for increased hurricanes

2006/05/29: PhysOrg: New Orleans again vulnerable as new hurricane season opens

2006/05/29: ENN: Repeat Hurricanes Test Coastal Recovery

2006/05/29: TheAge: [Innisfail after cyclone Larry] It's hard to rise from the canvas
when you live under it

2006/05/29: WaTi: Gore's 'Truth' splits hurricane scientists

CO2 levels continue to rise:

2006/06/03: PhysOrg: Emissions grow, temperatures rise,
talks advance as globe confronts warming

2006/06/01: RadioNZ: CO2 levels reach record highs in NZ

2006/06/02: ENN: Emissions Grow, Temperatures Rise,
Talks Advance as Globe Confronts Warming

2006/06/01: CDreams: IPS: Conservation Lagging as Emissions Climb

That leak of the AR4 is still echoing:

2006/06/01: Stoat: Leaking of AR4 precedented

2006/05/29: Cryptome: State RFC on Climate Change
[_Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability_]

More GW impacts are being seen:

2006/05/30: SwissEduc: Morteratsch ice retreat - Ice retreat at high and low altitudes

2006/06/01: PlanetArk: Global Warming Threatens Baltic Sea Marine Life

2006/05/31: Eureka: Sun's past strength took toll on tropical glaciers,
worsens today's outlook

2006/05/29: JFleck: Drought in Northern China II

2006/05/30: NSU: Greenhouse gas breeds venomous vines -
Mounting carbon dioxide could fuel more poisonous ivy

2006/05/30: UPI: Global warming seen in Alaska's greening

2006/05/29: CBC: Poison ivy itchier when carbon dioxide levels increase

2006/05/30: Guardian(UK): Strange but true: shoddy building work in Exeter
kills people in Ethiopia

2006/05/29: JFleck: Drought in Northern China

2006/05/29: PlanetArk: Toepfer Warns Climate Change Could Destabilise World

2006/05/29: ENN: Toepfer Warns Climate Change Could Destabilise World

2006/05/29: DeseretNews: Air pollution warming up Arctic

2006/05/31: ERabett: Man bites dog...[poison ivy]

The prospect of rising sea levels has some preparing:

2006/06/04: Guardian(UK): 'God's Railway' under threat

2006/06/02: APP: Coastal forum: Prepare now for rising sea -
Strategies for global warming discussed

2006/06/02: DSH: Sea level rise threatens fishery, study says -
Just a 15-inch rise could reduce habitats 90 percent

2006/05/31: ENN: Study Finds Global Warming Boosts Poison Ivy

2006/05/31: ENN: Dutch Preparing for 14-Inch Ocean Rise by 2050

2006/05/30: ERabett: Parsing greenhouse gas driven sea level rise...

2006/05/29: MiamiHerald: Rising sea is future threat
In a hundred years, South Florida's beaches could be smaller,
bays deeper, marshes saltier and fish fewer, according to
a sea-level-rise study by conservation groups.

And then there is the Amazonian rainforests:

2006/05/30: ENN: Poorly Mapped and Policed, Amazon Rain Forest
Suffers from a Settler Influx

Elsewhere on the mitigation front:

2006/06/02: Yomiuri: Cool Biz expands to Cool Asia

2006/05/31: ClimateArk: [London Mayor, Ken] Livingston's Green Plan For London

2006/05/30: WorldChanging: You Control Climate Change - Or Do You?

2006/05/30: PlanetArk: EU Tells Citizens to Help Fight Climate Change

2006/05/30: ENN: E.U. Urges Europeans to Act Locally to Help Stop Global Warming

2006/05/29: BBC: Europe urged to help save climate

2006/05/29: BBC: Europeans urged to act on climate -
A campaign to convince Europeans they can help stop climate
change is being launched by the European Commission.

2006/05/29: RealClimate: Buying a stairway to heaven?

Carbon sequestration is still kicking around:

2006/06/01: GristMill: Sequestration

And then there is adaptation:

2006/06/03: GristMill: Adaptation and political context

2006/05/29: GristMill: Adaptation

James Annan did some kvetching about a rejected comment and then considered peer review:

2006/05/31: JEB: The twilight zone [GRL regarding comment on Frame et al.]

2006/06/02: JEB: Resurrected [GRL regarding comment on Frame et al.]

2006/06/04: JEB: Is Peer Review a Game of Chance?

Before we get into politics, there was some science done:

2006/06/02: SciDaily: Where Climate Is Made In A Greenhouse World

2006/06/02: ClimateArk: How does Siberian forest respire

2006/06/01: Eureka: Where climate is made in a greenhouse world

2006/05/30: PNAS: Dynamic fragility of oceanic coral reef ecosystems by Nicholas A. J. Graham et al.

The Pielkes continue their valiant fight for the longest URLs on the net:

2006/06/02: CliSci: A Missed Opportunity To Highlight The Vulernerability Perspective

2006/06/02: Prometheus: Like a Broken Record

2006/05/31: CliSci: New Valuable Professional Journal

2006/05/31: Prometheus: Cherrypicking at the New York Times

2006/05/30: Prometheus: Dave Roberts Responds on The Climate Debate

2006/05/29: CliSci: Are Multi-Decadal Global Climate Simulations Hypotheses?
Have They Been Tested, and, If So, Have the Hypotheses As Represented By
the Models, Been Falsified?

Meanwhile on the Kyoto front:

2006/06/02: TStar: China beats Canada on Kyoto, [Maurice] Strong says -
'No reason' to criticize emerging giant - More advanced on anti-pollution policy

2006/05/31: PlanetArk: US Has Easy Ride Under Kyoto - UN Official

2006/05/31: PlanetArk: UN Kyoto Chief Judges Climate Change Options
[quality of life, clean energy and climate change]

2006/05/31: ENN: U.S. Has Easy Ride under Kyoto, U.N. Official Says

2006/05/29: CanWest: Canadians fuzzy on details of Kyoto agreement

2006/05/28: ENN: Kyoto States to Discuss Post-2012 Cuts

And on the emissions trading front:

2006/06/02: ClimateArk: Australia: Families launch into carbon trading

2006/05/30: VOA: Carbon Trading: How the Chicago Climate Exchange Works

2006/05/30: ENN: Pollution Market Collapses -- But Without Triggering Concern Among Experts

And to keep things interesting on the APPCDC front:

2006/05/29: ABC(Au): Funding blocked to Kyoto alternative
The US House of Representatives has blocked funding for the [APPCDC]
Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Change,
which was launched last year by Prime Minister, John Howard.

And on the American political front:

2006/06/02: CentreDaily: Curbing Global Warming - Bush's tepid strategy
Here's an inconvenient truth for President Bush: His voluntary attack on
global warming isn't working. The Government Accountability Office reported
last week that projects begun in 2002 and 2003 to encourage private businesses
to reduce greenhouse gases "appear not to be progressing at the rate expected
by the sponsoring agencies."
That's an understatement.
As of November, only 38 of 74 companies in the Environmental Protection Agency's
"Climate Leaders" program had set emissions reduction targets. Eleven of 15
trade groups in the Energy Department's "Climate VISION" had targets, and five
had even reported their emissions. But goals varied widely in terms of measurement,
geographic scope and time period. Many companies are making their goals contingent
on federal paybacks, such as tax incentives or regulatory relief.
But neither the EPA nor the Energy Department seemed too concerned. The GAO found
the agencies negligent by failing to set deadlines or benchmarks for progress.
Neither agency spelled out consequences for scofflaws. Even if these programs
were working, results would be suspect because overlapping enrollments mean
reductions could easily be counted twice, the GAO found.

2006/06/02: TruthOut: Curbing Global Warming: Bush's Tepid Strategy

2006/05/30: CentreDaily: Time is ripe to address climate change

Some have noted that Henry Paulson, ex-Goldman Sachs CEO, brings a global warming
message to the Bush cabinet:

2006/06/02: ENN: Treasury Nominee Brings New Views on Environment to Bush

2006/06/02: SacBee: A global warming believer in Bush Cabinet

2006/05/31: WorldChanging: Treasury Secretary Nominee
Calls Kyoto Rejection a U.S. Economic Blunder

2006/05/30: QuarkSoup: Paulson and Kyoto

2006/05/30: TP: Treasury Secretary Nominee [Henry M. Paulson Jr.] Says
Failure To Ratify Kyoto Undermines U.S. Competitiveness

The Gore-apalooza is still roaring along:

2006/06/02: GristMill: [Slate's editor, Jacob] Weisberg on Gore

2006/06/02: WaPo: In 'Truth,' A Planetary, And Personal, Sea Change

2006/06/02: ClimateArk: It's about the planet, not Al

2006/06/02: WaPo: Gore and Guggenheim: Speaking 'Truth' to Power

2006/06/02: TStar: Al Gore proves the truth hurts

2006/05/31: Guardian(UK): Born again - Al Gore was the nearly man of US politics...

2006/05/30: KRN: He's back: Al Gore is getting noticed, again, being ... himself

2006/05/29: BBC: Gore in Hay climate change plea

2006/05/30: Guardian(UK): Gore's plea on climate change wins ovation
"We're running the planet like a company in liquidation,"
the former US vice-president Al Gore told an audience...

2006/05/28: Time: Lights, Camera, Al Gore!

2006/05/29: SHNS: Ozone man is back

USA Today has been running a global warming series all week:

2006/06/01: USAToday: Celebs turn the spotlight on global warming

2006/06/01: USAToday: Corporate America warms to fight against global warming

2006/06/01: USAToday: Green gambit: Carbon-trading programs help underwrite renewable energy

2006/06/01: USAToday: Corps: Levees' design caused deadly failure
New Orleans' levees failed during Hurricane Katrina because federal engineers
for decades did not anticipate the potential height of storm waters
and underestimated the strength required to hold them back, the Army Corps
of Engineers concluded Thursday.

2006/05/30: USAToday: Animals scramble as climate warms

2006/05/30: USAToday: Global warming worry flows from Arctic ice to tropical waters

2006/05/30: USAToday: It happens like a boat tipping

2006/05/30: QuarkSoup: USA Today on GW

2006/05/30: USAToday: Alaska the 'poster state' for climate concerns

Dave Roberts at the GristMill has continued putting up sections of the Yale report:

The Yale Project on Climate Change

2006/06/03: GristMill: Americans and Climate Change: Diffusion of responsibility II

2006/06/02: GristMill: Americans and Climate Change: Diffusion of responsibility I

2006/06/01: GristMill: Americans and Climate Change: Incentives: Environmentalists

2006/05/31: GristMill: Americans and Climate Change: Incentives: Business and financial leaders

2006/05/30: GristMill: Americans and Climate Change: Incentives: Politicians

2006/05/28: GristMill: Americans and Climate Change: Incentives: Educators

Some activists saw fit to protest NOAA over GW & hurricanes:

2006/05/31: TruthOut: [NOAA] Protest Decries 'Global Warming Cover-Up'

2006/06/01: Prometheus: NOAA Protest

2006/06/01: NoSeNada: Protesters demanding the resignation of
a science guy for ignoring science that doesn't exist

2006/06/01: CCM: Should [head of NOAA] Max Mayfield Resign?

And in Canada, PM shrub and company are getting flack:

2006/06/03: REA: A Misguided Canada
The Harper government's latest plans to cut energy efficiency and
renewable energy programs will set Canada back a decade
in its efforts to reduce energy costs for homeowners and
curb the environmental impacts of high energy use

2006/06/01: Canoe: Group calls for action on climate change
[600+ Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society]

2006/05/31: DeSmogBlog: Bush's Chief Climate "Spinmaster" [Luntz] Tells Harper How It's Done

2006/05/31: TStar: We can afford to reduce emissions

2006/05/31: Globe&Mail: Ottawa airs credit plan for climate change

2006/05/30: DeSmogBlog: National Post: Manipulating Rather Than Reporting the News

2006/05/29: Rabble: Holding Harper's hand to the fire on environment

2006/05/25: RepublicNews: Ottawa absent at major climate change conference
[Climate Change Technology Conference (CCC2006)]

2006/05/29: CanWest: Asia-Pacific Partnership outpolls Kyoto Accord [in Can biz]

The movement toward ecologically based economics is glacial:

2006/05/15: Oikos: The economics of Kyoto and the business of ideas

2006/05/18: Oikos: Global warming: A tragedy of the commons

2006/05/29: Oikos: Global warming: legislating for temperance

2006/05/29: JQuiggin: Prices and quantities in climate change

And for your film & video enjoyment:

2006/06/02: SeattlePI: Gore's global-warming film is riveting, inspiring

Developing a new energy infrastructure is the fundamental challenge of
the current generation:

2006/06/01: EUO: Submarine farms could help EU face climate change threat
Norwegian firm Statkraft says subaquatic sea tide-harnessing machines
could in future provide 3 percent of the EU's electricity, as new research
shows rising CO2 levels are causing epochal changes in the Arctic seas.

2006/06/03: PhysOrg: Ethanol grabs attention of White House

2006/05/31: GCC: Researchers Modify Bacterium to Produce Ethanol Directly with High Yield

2006/06/02: FramingScience: Going Nuclear: 'Science and Media' Column Examines Framing
and Poll Trends on Nuclear Energy

2006/06/02: PopMech: How far can you drive on a bushel of corn?
Crunching the numbers on alternative fuels.

2006/06/02: EnergyBulletin: Preparing for the Post-Carbon Age

2006/06/02: PlanetArk: [Albertan] Oil Sands' Natural Gas Demand Expected to Triple

2006/06/02: ClimateArk: Australia: Nuclear remains too expensive to curb emissions

2006/06/01: UPI: Tide machines may be major power sources

2006/06/01: PlanetArk: Fear of CO2 Regime Helps Spur US Coal Rush

2006/06/01: Guardian(UK): Energy firm explores greener way of using coal

2006/05/31: CourierMail: Cleaner energy key to future

2006/05/31: CSM: Bush energy plan whacks conservation -
More than a dozen efficiency efforts are set for trims or elimination
as the administration pushes long-term projects.

2006/05/31: WaPo: Canada Pays Environmentally for U.S. Oil Thirst -
Huge Mines Rapidly Draining Rivers, Cutting Into Forests, Boosting Emissions

2006/05/31: UPI: Hungary: Renewable energy 'pipe dream'

2006/05/31: Eureka: Biodiversity key to sustainable biofuel
according to University of Minn. researcher's findings

2006/05/30: MktWatch: Silicon supply could limit solar energy boom

2006/05/30: ClimateArk: America's energy shortage

2006/05/30: ClimateArk: Government, VCs invest in alternative energy

2006/05/30: BBC: Germany's wind farms challenged -
Germany is the world's biggest user of wind power,
and it has ambitious plans to build even more wind turbines.

2006/05/29: GristMill: Coal, coal, and more coal

2006/05/29: WorldChanging: GE Invests in China's Green Future

2006/05/29: ENN: From Biofuels to Wind, Quest for Energy Alternatives Steps Up

2006/05/29: Eureka: How to cut energy waste in China, India,
Brazil said crucial to forestalling climate change

2006/05/28: Turkish Press: Blackouts plague South Asia nations as mercury boils

2006/05/29: BBC: Higher nuclear usage recommended
Nuclear power should supply around 30% of Britain's energy needs,
tackling the impact of climate change, Tony Blair's chief scientific
adviser suggests. Sir David King said as many as 20 new nuclear plants
could be needed to increase the power generated by the current 12 sites
from the current 12%.

2006/05/25: FBNC: Growing use of corn for conversion to fuel may push up world prices of food

2006/05/29: Xinhuanet: China advised [by Lester Brown] for more renewable energy

2006/05/29: ClimateArk: Germany Leading the Future of Renewable Energy -
The potential of photovoltaics, wind power and biomass soars since German law passed

2006/05/29: PlanetArk: Asian Utilities May Use Palm Oil to Ease US$70 Pain

The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:

2006/06/02: CCTimes: Climate change may aid business
Increased demand for alternative power sources leads to potential profit
opportunities, report finds

2006/05/31: WorldChanging: Kyoto By Choice for Savvy Businesses

Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:

2006/06/04: EnergyBulletin: Oil shortages: the next Katrina [Implications for Insurers]

2006/06/02: PlanetArk: US Hurricanes May Wipe Out 20-40 Insurers -
AM Best co. [a leading rating agency for insurers]

The carbon lobby are up to the usual:

2006/06/02: QuarkSoup: Exx-Cons

2006/06/03: TPM: A refusal to believe that Global Warming exists
has become something like an article of faith
within what passes today as conservatism...

2006/06/02: TWM: A Bestiary of Skeptics

2006/06/02: BSD: Denialists: Warming won't be bad (if you don't listen to us)

2006/06/01: BDL: Why Oh Why Can't We Have a Better Press Corps? (Gee It's Hot in Here Edition)

2006/06/01: BDL: Why Oh Why Can't We Have a Better Press Corps? (Yet Another National Review Edition)

2006/06/01: BDL: Why Oh Why Can't We Have Better Think Tanks? (Yet Another Cato Edition)

2006/06/01: BDL: Matthew McIrvin on Achenbach on Global Warming Denial...

2006/06/02: TP: Key Fact In National Review's Global Warming Article Is "Completely Wrong"

2006/06/01: DeSmogBlog: An Impartial Climate Change Campaigner

2006/05/31: DeSmogBlog: Smug Corcoran Celebrates Kyoto's Demise

2006/06/01: GristMill: Skeptics

2006/06/01: Attytood: Not from The Onion: "Global Warming Beach Parties"

2006/05/27: AchenBlog: Global Warming Skeptics: The Tempest

2006/05/30: AchenBlog: The Blowback on "The Tempest"

2006/06/01: Deltoid: Global Warming Skeptics: Crazy or Disingenuous

2006/06/01: TP: Climate Scientist [Curt Davis]:
National Review "Misrepresented My Study Just Like CEI Did"

2006/05/31: Deltoid: You call it lying, CEI calls it earning a living

2006/05/31: TP: Gore on Climate Skeptics: Some People Are
Still Debating "Whether The Moon Landing Was Staged"

2006/05/31: TCR: "Is God really going to let the Earth burn up?"

2006/05/30: Deltoid: The perils of cherry picking

2006/05/28: QuarkSoup: Skeptics [WaPo Mag Tempest article]

2006/05/30: TP: National Review: ThinkProgress Doesn't Have The "Slightest Idea
What They Are Talking About"

2006/05/30: TP: Fox Analyst: Global Warming is "Bogus --
Dreamed Up by The Greens Because They Hate Industry"

2006/05/28: ERabett: Achenbach does a Colbert on Bill Gray...

2006/05/29: GristMill: Patrick Michaels hackery through history

2006/05/29: DeSmogBlog: Lionizing Skeptics: National Post Defends Endangered Species

2006/05/29: FramingScience: Krugman's Orwellian Vision: Swift Boating the Planet;
If Gore Runs, He Better Be Prepared for Claims That He Lies About Global Warming

2006/05/29: Deltoid: Roy Spencer's questions answered

2006/05/29: YAGDB: Paul Krugman: Swift Boating the Planet

2006/05/29: TP: Leading Climate Skeptic Compares Gore to Hitler

Exxon corp had a shareholder's meeting:

2006/05/31: TruthOut: Consumer, Environmental Fury Kicks Off Exxon Meeting

2006/06/01: TruthOut: An Immovable Obstacle to Action on Climate Change

2006/06/01: Independent(UK): An immovable obstacle [Exxon] to action on climate change

2006/06/01: Independent(UK): Anger at oil chief's $400m retirement package
Lee Raymond, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, has bowed out from the oil giant
with a $400m pay and retirement deal that has caused outrage among environmentalists.
In his 12 years at the top of the company, Exxon has pumped an estimated six billion
tons of carbon into the atmosphere and has led the opposition to action
on climate change

2006/06/01: CDreams: Independent(UK): An Immovable Obstacle to Action on Climate Change [Exxon]

2006/05/31: TStar: Pressure on for oil giant [Exxon] to change ways

2006/05/31: Yahoo: Consumer, environmental fury kicks off Exxon meeting

Some denialists have made a pastime of attacking James Hansen
which has caused more than a little commentary:

2006/06/03: ERabett: Update on scenerios...

2006/06/01: Deltoid: Hansen et al: Global climate changes as forecast by GISS 3D model

2006/06/01: TP: How The National Review Bastardizes James Hansen's Global Warming Research

2006/05/31: Prometheus: Scenarios, Scenarios: Hansen’s Prediction Part II

2006/05/30: Prometheus: Evaluating Jim Hansen’s 1988 Climate Forecast

2006/05/30: Yahoo: A Global Warming Hero: James Hansen

2006/05/29: BDL: Paul Krugman on James Hansen

2006/05/30: THP: A Global Warming Hero: James Hansen

2006/06/01: ERabett: As Mr Dooley says, trust everyone, but cut the cards... [J.Hansen]

The Skeptics Society conference in Pasadena went off this week:

The Environmental Wars

2006/06/04: CCM: My Debate Comments [at Skeptics Conf.]

2006/06/03: DeSmogBlog: A Conference with No Skeptics

2006/06/03: DeSmogBlog: Distorting Science - Left vs Right?

2006/06/03: DeSmogBlog: Good Morning from Pasadena

2006/06/03: DeSmogBlog: Morning Speakers at the Environmental Wars

2006/06/01: DeSmogBlog: DeSmogBlog Gears Up for Skeptics Conference

Then there was the usual news and commentary:

2006/06/02: Edie: Climate policies to cut pollution-related deaths

2006/06/02: BBC: The real cost of going green - Is it really possible
to cut your carbon emissions enough to save the planet?

2006/06/01: TimesOfMalta: The climate refugees

2006/06/01: USNews: Temperature Rising - Feeling a bit warm?
You may just have to live with it

2006/05/31: DeSmogBlog: Educated Majority is Still Losing the Climate Debate

2006/05/30: GristMill: Fee to be carbon free

2006/06/01: AFTIC: Arguing with Old Data

2006/05/31: TWM: Optimism...what the word optimist means when the subject is global warming...

2006/05/30: AFTIC: Cross Indexing Brainstorm

2006/05/30: GristMill: Bucking conventional wisdom: the new black

2006/05/28: ERabett: What the devil are they doing in the Virgin Islands....

2006/05/28: GristMill: Easterbrook's disincentives

2006/05/29: GristMill: Peak oil will not help us in the climate change fight

2006/05/29: Guardian(UK): The iceberg cometh - Ministers may have wet feet
before they confront the imminent dangers of climate change

2006/06/02: Stoat: Global warming and extremes

And here are a couple of sites which you may find interesting &/ useful:

SOLA: Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere

IODP Proceedings - Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX)

Yahoo: Science - Environment & Nature

The Great Warming [three-hour television series]

Quark Soup

LDEO: Global Standardized Precipitation Index Analyses

Oikos: Greenomics

StephenSchneider: Climate Change

StephenSchneider: An Overview of the Climate Change Problem

European Environment Agency on Climate Change

NOAA: Real-time, global, sea surface temperature (RTG_SST) analysis

NOAA: Gulf Stream Finder Project

New Scientist

Nature Science Update

Science Daily

Eureka Alert

CDIAC CO2 Info Analysis Centre

Real Climate

Wikipedia: Global warming

WGMS: World Glacier Monitoring Service

BAS: The British Antarctic Survey


You can access the previous postings of this series at:
which should open to:


"We're running the planet like a company in liquidation." -Al Gore

Global Warming: http://www.autobahn.mb.ca/~het/enviro/globalwarming.html
GW News: http://www.autobahn.mb.ca/~het/enviro/gwnews.html
GW News Archive: http://www.autobahn.mb.ca/~het/enviro/gwna.html
H.E. Taylor http://www.autobahn.mb.ca/~het/

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