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не прочитано,
29 сент. 2006 г., 11:44:0529.09.2006
Fri Sep 29 2006 09:04:05 ET

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore warned hundreds of U.N. diplomats and
staff on Thursday evening about the perils of climate change, claiming:
Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"

Gore, who was introduced by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, said the world
faces a "full-scale climate emergency that threatens the future of
civilization on earth."

Gore showed computer-generated projections of ocean water rushing in to
submerge the San Francisco Bay Area, New York City, parts of China, India
and other nations, should ice shelves in Antarctica or Greenland melt and
slip into the sea.

"The planet itself will do nicely, thank you very much what is at risk is
human civilization," Gore said. After a series of Q& A with the audience,
which had little to do with global warming and more about his political
future, Annan bid "adios" to Gore.

Then, Gore had his staff opened a stack of cardboard boxes to begin selling
his new book, "An Inconvenient Truth, The Planetary Emergency of Global
Warming and What We Can Do About It," $19.95, to the U.N. diplomats.

Roger Coppock

не прочитано,
29 сент. 2006 г., 14:25:3629.09.2006
James wrote:
> Fri Sep 29 2006 09:04:05 ET
> Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore warned hundreds of U.N. diplomats and
> staff on Thursday evening about the perils of climate change, claiming:
> Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"

Building a strawman is tactic, but telling a bold face lie is just
plain dishonest.

Though I find this on the net:

You are going to have to show me a video clip before I'll believe this
I'm a skeptic, a true skeptic.


не прочитано,
29 сент. 2006 г., 16:53:5029.09.2006

"James" <> wrote in message

> Fri Sep 29 2006 09:04:05 ET

Nice try James.....everyone knows its cigars and tequila...

не прочитано,
29 сент. 2006 г., 16:55:4229.09.2006
James wrote:

> Fri Sep 29 2006 09:04:05 ET

Al Gore did visit the U.N. but the only claim of a cigarette/AGW
connection appears in a story by someone named Stewart
Stogel (a floater shill of some sort). It would be interesting to know
if Gore mentioned cigarettes in any context. NewsMax rarely delivers
stories without a sardonic spin. "James" is shy about his sources for
good reason. Anti-environment campaigns depend heavily on half-truths
that become "facts" after sufficient repetition.


Roger Coppock

не прочитано,
29 сент. 2006 г., 18:19:2029.09.2006

There is no half-truth here. James, Stewart Stogel, and NewsMax
are all simply lying.

Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE

не прочитано,
29 сент. 2006 г., 18:29:1629.09.2006

Soon to be in the $2.99 dump-bins at Borders.


не прочитано,
29 сент. 2006 г., 18:30:5929.09.2006

"Roger Coppock" <> wrote in message

It came from the Drudge report.

Fri Sep 29 2006 09:04:05 ET

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore warned hundreds of U.N. diplomats and


Roger Coppock

не прочитано,
29 сент. 2006 г., 20:30:2929.09.2006
Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE wrote:

> James wrote:
> > Then, Gore had his staff opened a stack of cardboard boxes to begin selling
> > his new book, "An Inconvenient Truth, The Planetary Emergency of Global
> > Warming and What We Can Do About It," $19.95, to the U.N. diplomats.
> Soon to be in the $2.99 dump-bins at Borders.

Hardly, Gore's book is a total success.

"An Inconvenient Truth, The Planetary Emergency of Global

Warming and What We Can Do About It" has been on the
NY Times nonfiction paperback best seller list for 17 weeks.
It is currently #8.

Recently, some books by denialists, like "Meltdown" by
Patrick Michaels, have made it to the pulping mill in
under a year. The book market can smell a phony
and reject it quickly.

не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 02:50:1330.09.2006
"James" <> wrote in message

> "Roger Coppock" <> wrote in message
>> wrote:
>> > James wrote:
>> >
>> > > Fri Sep 29 2006 09:04:05 ET
>> >
>> > Al Gore did visit the U.N. but the only claim of a cigarette/AGW
>> > connection appears in a story by someone named Stewart
>> > Stogel (a floater shill of some sort). It would be interesting to know
>> > if Gore mentioned cigarettes in any context. NewsMax rarely delivers
>> > stories without a sardonic spin. "James" is shy about his sources for
>> > good reason. Anti-environment campaigns depend heavily on half-truths
>> > that become "facts" after sufficient repetition.
>> >
>> > P.T.
>> There is no half-truth here. James, Stewart Stogel, and NewsMax
>> are all simply lying.
> It came from the Drudge report.
> Fri Sep 29 2006 09:04:05 ET
> Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore warned hundreds of U.N. diplomats and
> staff on Thursday evening about the perils of climate change, claiming:
> Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"

Note that the above,

Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global

is not the same as a real quote like

"Cigarette smoking is a significant contributor to global

What did Gore really say?

Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE

не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 03:04:1930.09.2006

Roger Coppock wrote:
> Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE wrote:
> > James wrote:
> > > Then, Gore had his staff opened a stack of cardboard boxes to begin selling
> > > his new book, "An Inconvenient Truth, The Planetary Emergency of Global
> > > Warming and What We Can Do About It," $19.95, to the U.N. diplomats.
> >
> > Soon to be in the $2.99 dump-bins at Borders.
> Hardly, Gore's book is a total success.
> "An Inconvenient Truth, The Planetary Emergency of Global
> Warming and What We Can Do About It" has been on the
> NY Times nonfiction paperback best seller list for 17 weeks.
> It is currently #8.

What's it doing in the non-fiction section though?

не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 05:12:0630.09.2006
James wrote:

> It came from the Drudge report.
> Fri Sep 29 2006 09:04:05 ET

I find Matt Drudge to be a stone-cold, right-wing bore with a knack for
scooping news and not much else. There are strong similarities between
the partial Drudge account and the NewsMax story, which contains this
unusual disclaimer:

"NewsMax requested from UNTV an audio copy of Gore's address. At first,
NewsMax was told a copy would be provided by the U.N. audio library.
Later, NewsMax was told that copies of the Gore speech would not be


It looks like we may never know what Gore actually said unless someone
honest was in the audience. The story has already spread since this
morning like so many Internet rumors. I'm guessing Gore was making his
frequent comparison of tobacco industry denial to global warming denial
and some halfwit took it out of context.


не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 05:27:3230.09.2006 wrote:

> > It came from the Drudge report.
> >
> > Fri Sep 29 2006 09:04:05 ET
> >
> > Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore warned hundreds of U.N. diplomats and
> > staff on Thursday evening about the perils of climate change, claiming:
> > Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"
> Note that the above,
> Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global
> warming!"
> is not the same as a real quote like
> "Cigarette smoking is a significant contributor to global
> warming!"

Good observation. It looks like a cut-and-paste job from guys who
easily lie twice before breakfast. I'd kick myself if I had to be that
dishonest to make a point. That's why these people are so disturbing.
Lies empower them. On a science note, people breathe out CO2 with every
breath, smoking or not. Cigarette fumes are mostly known for tar and
carbon monoxide, not carbon dioxide.


не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 05:41:3130.09.2006
Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE wrote:

> What's it doing in the non-fiction section though?

Sort of like all those Holocaust books, you mean? And while you're
writing your great thesis on global warming, tell us how you plan to
make those "global warmers" DIE? I'd tone it down before you really
offend someone. You could be just some joker or a major creep. We have
no way of knowing.


не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 06:26:2730.09.2006
I thought I would work out how significant tobacco smoking was so I
looked up world tobacco production.About 6 million tons. GORE IS
TALKING THROUGH HIS HAT in the same way as he does in his misleading

Philip Hart

не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 08:19:1330.09.2006

Please talk us throught the film, Tom Bol(locks). Many of us haven't
had the chance to see it and your first-hand experience could be most

Oh. While you are at it, as somebody clearly obssesed with the whole
truth and nothing but the truth, can you tell us how to verify the
statement attributed to Al Gore concerning tobacco smoke and GW.

не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 08:32:4430.09.2006

Do you mean to say you don't believe media reports. What a Surprise!
Yet you give credance to the worst excesses of GWalarmism in the press
and try to convince us that they are true with psuedo scientific
arguments which can easily proved wrong.


не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 11:00:2930.09.2006

"Roger Coppock" <> wrote in message

> Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE wrote:
> > James wrote:
> > > Then, Gore had his staff opened a stack of cardboard boxes to begin
> > > his new book, "An Inconvenient Truth, The Planetary Emergency of
> > > Warming and What We Can Do About It," $19.95, to the U.N. diplomats.
> >
> > Soon to be in the $2.99 dump-bins at Borders.
> Hardly, Gore's book is a total success.
> "An Inconvenient Truth, The Planetary Emergency of Global
> Warming and What We Can Do About It" has been on the
> NY Times nonfiction paperback best seller list for 17 weeks.
> It is currently #8.

Of course you'll get the useful idiots out there snapping up their hero's
book. It makes them feel their activism is genuine concern. There are many
of them. Gore is clever even if he is as dumb as a post. Is your copy


не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 11:20:2630.09.2006

"Roger Coppock" <> wrote in message
September 30, 2006
Al Gore's Totally Lost It This Time
Thanks to Rush for this one, but apparently Al Gore was speaking up at the
UN in New York -- for like three hours (gawd!). Along the way, among other
whoppers, he apparently said that cigarette smoking is a significant
contributor to global warming. What's next, exhaling?

Oh yeah, and he said that "Greenland runs a real risk of splitting in two,
and if that happens substantial parts of Manhattan, Shanghai, and Bombay
will disappear." Apparently, plain hysteria wasn't working so he's now in
hysteria overdrive. Maybe it's time for Al to lay off the anti-oxidants.

Fresh from our visit with our Aussie friends (see below), we can only say,
"Crikey!" The guy just gets kookier.

Oh, and by the way, reportedly the UN has decided to renege on its original
plan to post a video or transcript of his remarks. That's OK, sounds like
it's not worthy of such a prestigious site. Probably more suitable for


не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 12:13:1230.09.2006

It doesn't matter, dunce.

Both statements are delusional.

You GW liberal cultists will defend any absurdity AlphaBore spews.


не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 12:14:4730.09.2006

Tell it to AlphaBore, retard.

Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE

не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 16:16:0030.09.2006

People prefer reading about disasters happening than about them not
Why confuse the need for the unwashed to be titilated with true
scientific curiosity?

Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE

не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 16:18:0830.09.2006

So now the global warmers are not only leftwing clowns, they're
dragging the albatross of the
Holocaust in to bolster their weak arguments? You remind me of the
leftists who squeel with glee
everytime some soldier dies in Iraq.

Philip Hart

не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 16:23:2330.09.2006 wrote:
> Philip Hart wrote:
> > wrote:
> > > wrote:
> > > > Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > What's it doing in the non-fiction section though?
> > > >
> > > > Sort of like all those Holocaust books, you mean? And while you're
> > > > writing your great thesis on global warming, tell us how you plan to
> > > > make those "global warmers" DIE? I'd tone it down before you really
> > > > offend someone. You could be just some joker or a major creep. We have
> > > > no way of knowing.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > P.T.
> > > I thought I would work out how significant tobacco smoking was so I
> > > looked up world tobacco production.About 6 million tons. GORE IS
> > > TALKING THROUGH HIS HAT in the same way as he does in his misleading
> > > film.
> > Please talk us throught the film, Tom Bol(locks). Many of us haven't
> > had the chance to see it and your first-hand experience could be most
> > helpful.
> >
> > Oh. While you are at it, as somebody clearly obssesed with the whole
> > truth and nothing but the truth, can you tell us how to verify the
> > statement attributed to Al Gore concerning tobacco smoke and GW.

> Do you mean to say you don't believe media reports.

As sceptical scientist, what I see is an absence of media reports on
this particular matter. Perhaps you can tell me how many of the leading
European and American newspapers carried the story of Al Gore and
cigarette smoke. After all, a big UN gathering of dignitaries like this
must have seen many newshounds hanging on to his every word. Was it in
the New York Times? Daily Telegraph? Die Zeitung? Le Figaro?......

> Yet you give credance to the worst excesses of GWalarmism in the press
> and try to convince us that they are true with psuedo scientific
> arguments which can easily proved wrong.

What "psuedo(sic) scientific arguments" do you have in mind, exactly?
And so far you haven't talked us throught the film as I requested. I'm
really anxious to hear a frame by frame account from the irreproachable
keyboard of tom-bol(locks)


не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 18:04:1730.09.2006

"Philip Hart" <> wrote in message

ROTFL If you don't recognize a political speech when you hear about
it............ My God man, you don't think the NY Times is going to publish
a negative on Gore unless they have to do you? Also, the video and text of
the speech is not going to be released.Where does the NY Times publish all
their retractions after publishing some whopper in screaming headlines on
page 1? Why deep inside and even sometimes in a different section. Don't
insult our intelligence as a sceptical scientist.

> > Yet you give credance to the worst excesses of GWalarmism in the press
> > and try to convince us that they are true with psuedo scientific
> > arguments which can easily proved wrong.
> What "psuedo(sic) scientific arguments" do you have in mind, exactly?
> And so far you haven't talked us throught the film as I requested. I'm
> really anxious to hear a frame by frame account from the irreproachable
> keyboard of tom-bol(locks)

The film, if you still haven't pieced it together, has been both praised and
debunked in several stories. Sounds like you just want an argument. Great
scientific work if yoiu can get it.


не прочитано,
30 сент. 2006 г., 20:39:5030.09.2006

Most "scientists" can do the google, retard.
You should be sceptical that you're a scientist.
Everybody else is.

> what I see is an absence of media reports on
> this particular matter.

Au contraire, lib-tard:
Results 1 - 10 of about 188,000 for GORE: CIGARETTE SMOKING

> Perhaps you can tell me how many of the leading
> European and American newspapers carried the story of Al Gore and
> cigarette smoke.

Do your own homework, Phart.

Let's see you debunk all 188,000 hits.

I'm sure you'll follow with a non sequitur or a lib-turd cut and run.

No way will you be honest about your delusional cult leader.

Lib-turds are like that.

Philip Hart

не прочитано,
1 окт. 2006 г., 02:30:4201.10.2006

James wrote:

> > > Do you mean to say you don't believe media reports.
> >
> > As sceptical scientist, what I see is an absence of media reports on
> > this particular matter. Perhaps you can tell me how many of the leading
> > European and American newspapers carried the story of Al Gore and
> > cigarette smoke. After all, a big UN gathering of dignitaries like this
> > must have seen many newshounds hanging on to his every word. Was it in
> > the New York Times? Daily Telegraph? Die Zeitung? Le Figaro?......
> ROTFL If you don't recognize a political speech when you hear about
> it............ My God man, you don't think the NY Times is going to publish
> a negative on Gore unless they have to do you?

Would you like me to list ALL the world newspapers that have failed to
report on this statement. That's rather a long list so instead I'll
list the major newspapers that did carry he item. Here they are:

Philip Hart

не прочитано,
1 окт. 2006 г., 02:40:3201.10.2006

Here's just one from your idiot's list. Don't you even know how to do a
google search, you moronic piece of nose excreta.

Washington -- Calling cigarette smoking the most significant public
health problem faced by the U.S. population, President Clinton says he
has signed an executive order banning smoking in all federal

Joined by Vice President Gore during his radio address on August 9,
Clinton said the ban is needed to protect federal employees from the
potential threat of second-hand tobacco smoke.

Gore said that the Environmental Protection Agency has put second-hand
smoke in the same category as the most dangerous carcinogens, such as
asbestos and radon, and that many employers are now starting to realize
that second-hand smoke may do harm to non-smoking workers.

Clinton said the ban is the latest of several initiatives to reduce
smoking in the United States, especially among young people.

Following is the text of the Clinton and Gore radio address:

(Begin text)

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Vice President Gore has joined me today to
talk to you about what we're doing to reduce smoking, especially by
young people, and to protect Americans from the potential threat of
second-hand tobacco smoke.

Cigarette smoking is the most single, significant public health problem
facing our people today. Every year, more Americans die from
smoking-related diseases than from AIDS, car accidents, murders,
suicides and fires combined, taking a terrible human toll and putting
great financial burdens on our health care system and on businesses all
across America.

Last year, we took bold action to shield our children from tobacco,
telling the tobacco companies: market and sell your products to adults
if you wish, but you must draw the line at children. And we launched a
comprehensive plan that prohibits retailers from selling tobacco to
minors, and requires clerks to check IDs (identifications) before
selling cigarettes to the young people. These regulations are critical
to our goal of keeping tobacco out of our children's lives -- but they
must be enforced. I requested $34 million for enforcement in my 1998
budget, but Congress has cut that funding.

I urge the Congress to do the right thing and restore the full $34
million when they return in September. We need to do more to cut off
our children's access to tobacco -- and this is no time to cut corners.

This week, I signed historic legislation that balances the budget in a
way that protects our values, invests in our people and prepares us for
the 21st century. Our balanced budget includes a 15-cents-a-pack
cigarette tax to help states provide health care for up to 5 million
uninsured children, and helps to prevent many young people from taking
up smoking in the first place.

But we must do more to protect all Americans from the dangers of
smoking. One of the most important things we can do is to protect those
who don't use tobacco from the threat of second-hand smoke. And I'd
like to ask the Vice President to say just a few words about what that
threat means to our families and children.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you, Mr. President. Second-hand smoke
isn't just unpleasant, it is a risk to the public health. Our
Environmental Protection Agency puts it in the same category as
asbestos, radon and benzene -- and those are some of the most dangerous
of all carcinogens.

A Surgeon General's report found that second-hand smoke is a cause of
disease among non-smokers, including the disease of lung cancer.
According to other studies, second-hand smoke also increases children's
risk of respiratory infections and aggravates the symptoms of asthma.

The answer as to what to do is simple -- we've got to do more to
protect people from second-hand smoke in our public places and clean up
the air that all of us share.

One important place to start is in the American work place. Lots of
employers are now starting to realize that smoking hurts not only those
who smoke, it may well harm other workers. And it also harms America's
businesses through higher disease rates, higher health care costs,
greater absenteeism and lower productivity on the job. That is why
President Clinton has worked so hard to make federal government work
places smoke-free.

One of the first things he did when he took office in 1993 was to ban
smoking here in the White House. Since then, many of our federal
agencies have taken steps to protect their employees from second-hand
smoke. But that's just the beginning.

Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Today I am signing an executive order that
takes the next step and bans smoking in all federal facilities under
the control of our administration. A year from today, every federal
agency and office building, every visitors center at every national
park, every facility owned or leased by the executive branch must be

Now, this order does allow agencies to designate smoking areas for
their employees who smoke, as long as these areas are ventilated to the
outside and non-smoking employees do not have to enter them. Our
federal workers and the thousands of people who visit federal
facilities will now be protected from the risk of second-hand smoke.

This fall, I hope we'll begin an important national debate on
additional measures we can enact to reduce smoking, especially by
children. I applaud the state Attorney's General and public health
advocates for providing us an extraordinary opportunity to engage in
this debate and to build on the progress we've already made. I'm
particularly pleased their plan includes a proposal, based on a bill by
Representative Henry Waxman, to protect all Americans from second-hand
smoke. And I look forward to working together in the months ahead to
meet this challenge.

Americans who have made the choice not to use tobacco products should
not be put at risk by those who choose to smoke. With this step we're
taking today, millions of Americans will be able to breathe just a
little easier.

Thanks for listening.


не прочитано,
1 окт. 2006 г., 09:55:5701.10.2006

Philip Hart wrote:
> Bawana wrote:

> > >
> > > > Do you mean to say you don't believe media reports.
> > >
> > > As sceptical scientist,
> >
> > Most "scientists" can do the google, retard.
> > You should be sceptical that you're a scientist.
> > Everybody else is.
> >
> > > what I see is an absence of media reports on
> > > this particular matter.
> >
> > Au contraire, lib-tard:
> > Results 1 - 10 of about 188,000 for GORE: CIGARETTE SMOKING
> >

> > Do your own homework, Phart.

> > Let's see you debunk all 188,000 hits.

> > I'm sure you'll follow with a non sequitur or a lib-turd cut and run.

> > No way will you be honest about your delusional cult leader.

> >Lib-turds are like that.

> Here's just one from your idiot's list.

So you took the non sequitur option, Phart.

You lib-tards are just too easy.

No way will you be honest about your delusional cult leader.

> Don't you even know how to do a
> google search,

I do believe you're more delusional than your cult leader.

Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"

File under 'fact stranger than fiction'.

Really, lib-turd, who could make this stuff up?

John Morgan

не прочитано,
1 окт. 2006 г., 12:19:4801.10.2006

"James" <> wrote: 451ee9dd$

> "Philip Hart" <> wrote in message
> >
> > wrote:
> > > Philip Hart wrote:
> > > > wrote:


> > > Do you mean to say you don't believe media reports.
> >
> > As sceptical scientist, what I see is an absence of media reports on
> > this particular matter. Perhaps you can tell me how many of the leading
> > European and American newspapers carried the story of Al Gore and
> > cigarette smoke. After all, a big UN gathering of dignitaries like this
> > must have seen many newshounds hanging on to his every word. Was it in
> > the New York Times? Daily Telegraph? Die Zeitung? Le Figaro?......
> ROTFL If you don't recognize a political speech when you hear about
> it............ My God man, you don't think the NY Times is going to
> a negative on Gore unless they have to do you? Also, the video and text of
> the speech is not going to be released.Where does the NY Times publish all
> their retractions after publishing some whopper in screaming headlines on
> page 1? Why deep inside and even sometimes in a different section. Don't
> insult our intelligence as a sceptical scientist.

Why didn't the right-leaning titles like "The Times", "Daily Mail", "Daily
Express" and "The Sun" run the piece? They'll usually dive straight in with
stories against a political adversary - although they may be reluctant to
publish mis-information and myth as it can ultimately reduce their cred.,
just as you say has happened to the NYT.


не прочитано,
1 окт. 2006 г., 17:39:1001.10.2006

"Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE" <> wrote
in message

Only squeeling around coming from you squeeling about cults
and your yuppie lifestyle bring threatened...


не прочитано,
1 окт. 2006 г., 17:36:3201.10.2006

"Bawana" <> wrote in message

> You lib-tards are just too easy.
> No way will you be honest about your delusional cult leader.
> > Don't you even know how to do a
> > google search,
> I do believe you're more delusional than your cult leader.
> Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"
> File under 'fact stranger than fiction'.
> Really, lib-turd, who could make this stuff up?

Look the king of babes has woken up with astute reasoning powers....
don't you have biking to do or some poetry essay? Your are becoming
a boreturd ya know...


не прочитано,
1 окт. 2006 г., 18:19:5401.10.2006

"Bawana" <> wrote in message

Au contraire Monsieur Buttheadturd... 188,000 of nothing but blogs and
personal websites,
the source of the Gore story is that oh so credible
media outlet called drudge? Maybe you just best research Mr. Drudge first,
considering not one other news outlet has bothered to jump all over that so
Gore idiotic remark...and yes CNN and others would certainly love to make an
out of any politician, so given there is no other commentary from any
newspaper says a lot...
all you got is a bunch of websites pulling the story with an unnamed
contributor on it.... I would say...its bullshit...
from a guy running his website out of Miami.....yeah first rate
journalism...... move over National Inquirier..
and don't tell me.....your're a drudge-turd? Of course you are.....


не прочитано,
1 окт. 2006 г., 18:27:3101.10.2006

MrX wrote:
> "Bawana" <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> > You lib-tards are just too easy.
> >
> > No way will you be honest about your delusional cult leader.
> >
> > > Don't you even know how to do a
> > > google search,
> >
> > I do believe you're more delusional than your cult leader.
> >
> > Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"
> >
> > File under 'fact stranger than fiction'.
> >
> > Really, lib-turd, who could make this stuff up?
> >
> Look the king of babes

> Look the king of cornholers


не прочитано,
1 окт. 2006 г., 18:32:0801.10.2006


Let's see:

Drudge or the king of cornholers?

Drudge or the king of cornholers?

Drudge or the king of cornholers?

Drudge or the king of cornholers?

Drudge or the king of cornholers?

Drudge or the king of cornholers?

You loose, king of cornholers.

You must be used to that by now.


не прочитано,
1 окт. 2006 г., 18:37:4201.10.2006

The king of cornholers talking about squeeling...

> is coming from you squeeling about cults
> and your yuppie lifestyle bring threatened...

Your dirt poor lifestyle is safe, king of cornholers.


не прочитано,
1 окт. 2006 г., 22:15:4601.10.2006

"John Morgan" <> wrote in message

It is my understanding that the UN will not release the text of the speech
so they can't see for themselves.

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2006 г., 03:54:2702.10.2006 wrote:

> I thought I would work out how significant tobacco smoking was so I
> looked up world tobacco production.About 6 million tons. GORE IS
> TALKING THROUGH HIS HAT in the same way as he does in his misleading
> film.

Fool. Nobody has proven he even made such a connection. He was likely
referring to tobacco industry denial which is part of his normal
presentation. Do jabber on, though.


Philip Hart

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2006 г., 03:55:0502.10.2006

Bawana wrote:
> Philip Hart wrote:
> > Bawana wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Do you mean to say you don't believe media reports.
> > > >
> > > > As sceptical scientist,
> > >
> > > Most "scientists" can do the google, retard.
> > > You should be sceptical that you're a scientist.
> > > Everybody else is.
> > >
> > > > what I see is an absence of media reports on
> > > > this particular matter.
> > >
> > > Au contraire, lib-tard:
> > > Results 1 - 10 of about 188,000 for GORE: CIGARETTE SMOKING
> > >
> > > Do your own homework, Phart.
> > > Let's see you debunk all 188,000 hits.
> > > I'm sure you'll follow with a non sequitur or a lib-turd cut and run.
> > > No way will you be honest about your delusional cult leader.
> > >Lib-turds are like that.
> > Here's just one from your idiot's list.
> So you took the non sequitur option, Phart.

Obviously you have no idea what a non-sequitur is. Buy a dictionary
before you post again.


не прочитано,
2 окт. 2006 г., 14:11:4202.10.2006

So you took the non sequitur option again, Phart.

Philip Hart

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2006 г., 02:57:3903.10.2006


не прочитано,
3 окт. 2006 г., 23:14:4103.10.2006

Whatever, Phart.

Your cult leader Alpha Bore didn't say

"Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"

and you didn't reply in a predicted manner.

You lib-turd cult zoombies are just too easy.

I'm sure you'll follow with a non sequitur, a lib-turd cut and run or a

Philip Hart

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2006 г., 08:18:1004.10.2006

> > Obviously you have no idea what a non-sequitur is.

> Whatever, Phart.

In which case, why not look it up. Then you can use the term correctly
in future ,and everybody will be impressed by your 'savoir faire' and

> Your cult leader Alpha Bore didn't say
> "Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"
> and you didn't reply in a predicted manner.

So, all-knowing oracle, what exactly did he say to the UN diplomats?
And he's not the leader of anything as far as I'm concerned. Attila the
Hun had the correct approach to global politics - kill everyone that
gets in the way.

> I'm sure you'll follow with a non sequitur, a lib-turd cut and run or a
> lie.

Wrong. And still you have no idea what non-sequitur means.


не прочитано,
4 окт. 2006 г., 11:07:0104.10.2006

You know how the right just makes crap up, figuring if they can fling
enough some will stick. Did you see O'Reilly's show identifying Foley
as a Democrat? 3 times?


не прочитано,
4 окт. 2006 г., 11:13:2704.10.2006

Roger Coppock wrote:

> James wrote:
> > Fri Sep 29 2006 09:04:05 ET
> >
> > Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore warned hundreds of U.N. diplomats and
> > staff on Thursday evening about the perils of climate change, claiming:
> > Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"

Note that "significant contributor to global warming" is in quotes,
"cigarette smoking" isn't. So whatever it is Drudge is claiming Gore
said, it isn't even what he's claiming Gore said. And whatever it was
Gore said, Drudge thinks wouldn't grab headlines if he quoted exactly.


не прочитано,
4 окт. 2006 г., 15:17:5704.10.2006
James wrote:
> Gore is clever even if he is as dumb as a post.

The basic thought process which you have to be able to reproduce to
become a climate change denier. It's not getting warmer, it's just
getting less cold. CO2 is not rising, it's just going up. Burning
carbon isn't increasing CO2, it's just creating more of it. Increasing
greenhouse gases doesn't make it warmer, it just alters the energy
balance in favor of energy retention. And of course..... we're not
losing the war in Iraq, we're winning, given unlimited time and money.


не прочитано,
4 окт. 2006 г., 16:40:5504.10.2006

You provide enough examples.

> Then you can use the term correctly
> in future ,and everybody will be impressed by your 'savoir faire' and
> worldliness.

Like you impress everybody with your non-sequiturs, Phart?
No thanks.


не прочитано,
4 окт. 2006 г., 16:47:0804.10.2006

z wrote:
> wrote:
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I thought I would work out how significant tobacco smoking was so I
> > > looked up world tobacco production.About 6 million tons. GORE IS
> > > TALKING THROUGH HIS HAT in the same way as he does in his misleading
> > > film.
> >
> > Fool. Nobody has proven he even made such a connection. He was likely
> > referring to tobacco industry denial which is part of his normal
> > presentation. Do jabber on, though.
> >
> > P.T.
> You know how the right just makes crap up, figuring if they can fling
> enough some will stick. Did you see O'Reilly's show identifying Foley
> as a Democrat? 3 times?

Simple mistake.

Foley was just acting like a demonkrap, zturd.


не прочитано,
4 окт. 2006 г., 16:49:2004.10.2006

Zturd or Drudge?
Zturd or Drudge?
Zturd or Drudge?
Zturd or Drudge?
Zturd or Drudge?
Zturd or Drudge?
Zturd or Drudge?
Zturd or Drudge?
Zturd or Drudge?


Philip Hart

не прочитано,
5 окт. 2006 г., 11:56:5505.10.2006

Bwahahahaha.... The best yet - you've really excelled yourself, Retard.

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John M.

не прочитано,
5 окт. 2006 г., 12:04:0505.10.2006

So Drudge couldn't see it, but reported what Gore said anyway. That
does tend to strain my credulity just a touch


не прочитано,
5 окт. 2006 г., 16:30:5705.10.2006

Most news stories are not first person observations, retard.
Any fucking idiot knows that.
That would put you some place lower than 'any fucking idiot'.


не прочитано,
5 окт. 2006 г., 16:34:2605.10.2006

Kudos to your retarded self, Phart.
You managed to post without changing my text.

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