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Just a lowly miner and blacksmith

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John Fuesting

Aug 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/8/98
My days in Minoc aren't very exciting. Mine the ore. Smelt the ore. Make
some stuff. Sell the stuff. Not as exciting as things seem to be for others
that come through town. Well, I take that back. Every now and then, some
lowlife will try and steal my ore, or steal my ingots. I've even had a
couple people kill my pack animal when I was outside of town. They left me
alone, but they just killed my horse.
Well, with every swing of the pickaxe I grow stronger. With every swing of
my smithy's hammer, finer armour and blades forge forth.
I am compiling a list.
When great, shimmering armour, and maginficent blades
are emerge from my forge,
I will find you
I will kill you
All of you
I will decorate the walls of my smithy's shop with your heads.

Charles Myers

Aug 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/9/98
YEAH!!! Me to , and I think the same people attacked my Lama.....:( Any way
.... Good on ya...... Im a miner aswell , so ONE DAY we will have our


(ICQ 8844332)


John Fuesting wrote in message <>...


Aug 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/9/98

John Fuesting wrote in message <>...
> My days in Minoc aren't very exciting. Mine the ore. Smelt the ore.
>some stuff. Sell the stuff. Not as exciting as things seem to be for others
>that come through town. Well, I take that back. Every now and then, some
>lowlife will try and steal my ore, or steal my ingots. I've even had a
>couple people kill my pack animal when I was outside of town. They left me
>alone, but they just killed my horse.
> Well, with every swing of the pickaxe I grow stronger. With every swing
>my smithy's hammer, finer armour and blades forge forth.
>I am compiling a list.
>When great, shimmering armour, and maginficent blades
>are emerge from my forge,
>I will find you
>I will kill you
>All of you
>I will decorate the walls of my smithy's shop with your heads.


Ryan Faber

Aug 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/9/98

About 9 and a half month backs I started as a miner/smithy, went through the
same old crap being attacked, harassed, etc..., but now I'm master armsmen and
paybacks are so so sweet, even though majority of the people I'm after are no
longer around which sucks. Also a word of advice to you miner types this is a
great trick to play on potiental pk's invest in some magic then cast magic
reflect on yourself and carry a recall scroll and rune, it's saved my ass on
many occasions, nothing like the look on a pk'ers face when a miner reflects
back a e-bolt and then recalls away hehehe it's a riot.


Hal Reed

Aug 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/12/98
> Well, with every swing of the pickaxe I grow stronger. With every swing
>my smithy's hammer, finer armour and blades forge forth.
>I am compiling a list.
>When great, shimmering armour, and maginficent blades
>are emerge from my forge,

Several months ago, I felt the same way. I trained, I grew strong, I made
friends. We formed a Miner's Guild, we practiced tactics, we prepared.

Last night, revenge was ours. Not to an old enemy, there are too many to
count. Even better, we came to the aid of a young miner. This miner had
all his gold stolen by a thief as he mined just outside of guard range. We
'resolved' the issue, and returned the stolen gold to its rightful owner.
It felt good, wonderful in fact, to be there for a newer character -- to
return to the places where once I was a victim, and to turn the tables on
the scum that steal other's hard-earned gold and ingots.

Let the thieves beware; we are here, watching you, ready to protect anyone
who earns an honest living mining the mountains of Britannia from your
greedy hands.

P.S. Thanks for the reagents :)

John Fuesting

Aug 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/13/98

Just thought I'd follow up with my current list honoraries, so that if you
run across these bastards, just give them a bolt or two.

Most of these guys were either nude, or in various nondescript clothing
(Keep in mind these are all on Baja)
Pikkle on LS
Sir Matthew

Luna-ul-Laputa(wearing fancy black robes, plate gorget)

Jade wearing some kind of armour, with some yellow and orange jester
shit over the top
Carries a heavy crossbow(Go figure)

Hal Reed

Aug 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/13/98
>Just thought I'd follow up with my current list honoraries, so that if you
>run across these bastards, just give them a bolt or two.

Alas, we have no presence on Baja yet, but I'm happy to offer the following

First, most nude thieves are weak, and are in the habit of grabbing then
hiding. A greater explosion potion thrown in the spot that you know they
are hiding will usually solve that problem :). Second, find other starting
miners, and pool your resources for a house and guildstone -- this will
allow you to share pack animals, friended to all members of the guild, so
that all members can share the benefit, and to spar together safely to
increase your combat skills. Third, ore thieves (players who grab the ore
you are leap-frogging back to the forge) are at the mercy of Blade Spirit
scrolls -- they usually grab more ore than they can carry, thus casting a
Blade Spirit on them gives them the simple choice of dropping your ore and
running or dying where they stand, and it works even if they are hidden.
Finally, I found that specializing in mining at the outset works better than
trying for mining and smithing -- an expert miner with a pack animal can
bring in over 1K gold an hour, and I personally went from str 46 to str 95
through mining alone in only a few days.

As for the good PKers (usually archers), keep in mind that a moving target
is harder to hit... running away is usually the best bet, but if you choose
to fight them, KEEP MOVING. Remember also that as your strength increases,
so do your hit points. I recently was attacked by 5 honorable players due
to a case of mistaken identity (my name was too close to a known villian) --
I was in full armor and survived 3 Corp Pors, all the while shouting that I
was not the villian they were mistaking me for. They realized after 3 Corp
Pors that only a miner could survive that much punishment, and apologized
profusely for the attack (healed me up and adventured with me in the dungeon
for several hours afterward).

Good luck, and feel free to ask advice -- our guild exists to help all
miners, even those on shards that we do not yet inhabit.

John Fuesting

Aug 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/13/98
I tried this. Unfortunately 15,000 fucking houses and tents all over the
fucking place makes it difficult to run anywhere. Throw in a pk with good
tracking skills, and yer plain screwed. I'm not wandering around again until
I get a few marked runes back to town.

Milan Bonegryme

Aug 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/14/98
I too am a miner on the shard known as catskills. I ply my trade at
the forge in an abandoned house on the west side of the migthy city
of Britain. I grow weary of the constant ore thieving and
pickpocketing. I wonder, is it possible to summon a blade spirit in the
confines of the city, or will that bring the wrath of the guards down
upon me? I would like to know if there be a more productive place to
mine, I can smelt about 300 ingots in an hour, maybe more if I am not
practicing my magery between trips to the forge. If any care to join
me, send me an e-mail and we can perhaps loosen a few rocks together.

Milan Bonegryme: Mining Mage, Catskills

Hal Reed

Aug 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/14/98

Milan Bonegryme wrote in message <>...

>I grow weary of the constant ore thieving and
>pickpocketing. I wonder, is it possible to summon a blade spirit in the
>confines of the city, or will that bring the wrath of the guards down
>upon me? I would like to know if there be a more productive place to

While I am certain that doing so would bring the guards down upon you,
I do not know if the guards would also kill the blade spirit. If not, then
might I
suggest a mule character with 50 magery and a blade spirit scroll?

Of course, the best defense against ore thieves is pack animals. In my
experience the stables west of Britain are always full, but if you can
a house, try what we do... We leave our horse in the house all the time,
then re-tame it as needed. It requires only 35 taming to tame a pack horse,
and since taming is 14% based on strength, a miner with str 90 only needs a
'displayed' skill level of about 25 to accomplish this. Thus, you have
on demand access to a pack horse for an initial outlay of only 700, plus
up a modest level of taming skill and the cost of an occasional apple while
you're out mining. It is about the finest investment in the game.

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