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More Guile VS. Ryu/Ken strategy

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Soobum Cho

May 10, 1993, 11:58:33 PM5/10/93
I had a friend help me do a little more Guile-VS-Ryu testing. I tested
what counterattacks worked best for Guile when Ryu jumps from about
2-3 bodylengths over a SB....

o Ryu is about 2-3 bodylengths away
o Guile throws a SB and crouches
o Ryu jumps-in with a Roundhouse over the SB.
o Guile blocks the Roundhouse or sac throws.

Ryu's aerial Roundhouse has priority over any counter that Guile can do in
that situation. Guile can sometimes, get a clean crouching Fierce, but that
is pure luck .... Actually, I haven't tried the standing Roundhouse yet,
but I don't see why that would have priority over Ryu's aerial Roundhouse and
not anything else .... the standing Roundhouse after the SB works really well
against Blanka though....


Eu-Ming Lee

May 11, 1993, 1:26:31 AM5/11/93
to (Soobum Cho) writes:

>I had a friend help me do a little more Guile-VS-Ryu testing. I tested
>what counterattacks worked best for Guile when Ryu jumps from about
>2-3 bodylengths over a SB....
>o Ryu is about 2-3 bodylengths away
>o Guile throws a SB and crouches

Don't do this. Guile's advantage is that his SB stun time is short.
Guile needs precise positioning to keep his advantage. So either
move forward, backward, or jump, but DON'T stay in one place and charge.
Crouching Guile is a sign of an amateur Guile and there are 1001 ways
to take advantage of crouching Guiles.

>o Ryu jumps-in with a Roundhouse over the SB.
>o Guile blocks the Roundhouse or sac throws.

If you had moved around after throwing the sonic boom, you would have
many more options open. Here are some of the typical ones:

Forward sweep, roundhouse sweep, aerial throw, walk under and throw,
jump up and roundhouse kick very early, crouching uppercut. All of
these are effective at certain ranges. It's up to you to finagle the
ranges to your advantage. If Ryu jumps in EVERY time you throw a SB,
then you have the advantage, since you have many more options. Just
be sure to know what options you DO have.

>Ryu's aerial Roundhouse has priority over any counter that Guile can do in
>that situation. Guile can sometimes, get a clean crouching Fierce, but that
>is pure luck .... Actually, I haven't tried the standing Roundhouse yet,

Actually, Ryu's flying fierce is better against Guile than the roundhouse
kick... in all versions.

>but I don't see why that would have priority over Ryu's aerial Roundhouse and
>not anything else .... the standing Roundhouse after the SB works really well
>against Blanka though....

Nah... Fierce claw hits the roundhouse easily. Blanka just has to
remember not to jump in from too close otherwise he'll get thrown or

Eu-Ming Lee (aka CyberGeek)
Be there when I feed the tree.

Thomas Calvin Cannon

May 11, 1993, 11:59:01 AM5/11/93
In article <> (Soobum Cho) writes:
>I had a friend help me do a little more Guile-VS-Ryu testing. I tested
>what counterattacks worked best for Guile when Ryu jumps from about
>2-3 bodylengths over a SB....
>o Ryu is about 2-3 bodylengths away
>o Guile throws a SB and crouches
>o Ryu jumps-in with a Roundhouse over the SB.

* Jump straight up + roundhouse can kick some butt here....(not sure @ this
distance though) If not, surprise 'em with an aerial throw.

>o Guile blocks the Roundhouse or sac throws.

* Or steps back and sweeps Ryu's leg. Disadvantage: Get's you closer to the
corner everytime you do it.

>Ryu's aerial Roundhouse has priority over any counter that Guile can do in
>that situation. Guile can sometimes, get a clean crouching Fierce, but that
>is pure luck .... Actually, I haven't tried the standing Roundhouse yet,
>but I don't see why that would have priority over Ryu's aerial Roundhouse and
>not anything else .... the standing Roundhouse after the SB works really well
>against Blanka though....

Tom Cannon

cho soobum

May 11, 1993, 3:08:10 PM5/11/93
to (Jay Ongg) writes:

>In article <> (Eu-Ming Lee) writes:

> [stuff about crouching after SB]

>>Don't do this. Guile's advantage is that his SB stun time is short.
>>Guile needs precise positioning to keep his advantage. So either
>>move forward, backward, or jump, but DON'T stay in one place and charge.
>>Crouching Guile is a sign of an amateur Guile and there are 1001 ways
>>to take advantage of crouching Guiles.

>Well, one reason guile would crouch after a SB is because the delay after
>a SB is shorter when guile crouches immediately after throwing it on the
>HF. IF he starts pulling back or something the delay would be longer and
>mostly all he would be able to do is block.

Yes!! That's what I've been saying for the last week. Guile can't
manuever around to get a clean counterattack because his SB delay
won't let him walk before Ryu gets a chance to go for a head shot.
The best Guile can do if Ryu jumps in immediately after the SB from
that distance is to crouch(shorten the SB delay), and block or sac
throw. If Guile pulled straight back after SB, he would get nailed
in the head because of the longer delay.


>Just my .02..

Jay Ongg

May 11, 1993, 1:52:45 PM5/11/93
In article <> (Eu-Ming Lee) writes:

[stuff about crouching after SB]

>Don't do this. Guile's advantage is that his SB stun time is short.
>Guile needs precise positioning to keep his advantage. So either
>move forward, backward, or jump, but DON'T stay in one place and charge.
>Crouching Guile is a sign of an amateur Guile and there are 1001 ways
>to take advantage of crouching Guiles.

Well, one reason guile would crouch after a SB is because the delay after

a SB is shorter when guile crouches immediately after throwing it on the
HF. IF he starts pulling back or something the delay would be longer and
mostly all he would be able to do is block.

Just my .02..

Sung H. Yi

May 11, 1993, 2:40:45 PM5/11/93
to (Soobum Cho) writes:

Jumpy Ryus are much better to play against those who are always on their
feet. Some things that work great against jumpy Kens and Ryus are
(when they're jumping at you, usually after a SB):
- walk forward until the jumping Ryu/Ken is almost right above you
and do crouching jabs. This is infallible, as long as your distancing
is right. The timing of the jumping Ryu/Ken's fierce/roundhouse
does nothing to hit you as long as you're positioned correctly (takes
some practice, but not too hard). Problem is, it doesn't do any damage
to counteract all those fireballs you've blocked.
- a very early crouching fierce. This has to be EARLY. fake the sonic
boom and just do a crouching fierce. Or just walk right up to the
Ryu/Ken and do a crouching fierce.. they just might jump into it
on their own. The key is, get the fierce started before they jump.
- right after a sonic boom, jump at the jumping Ryu/Ken and do a fierce
chop as soon as you leave the ground. If they anticipated your
sonic boom and jumped a little earlier, jump away and do a flying
roundhouse just as you leave the ground.
- if the Ken/Ryu jumps at you over a sonic boom relatively far away, use
a crouching roundhouse to knock them off their feet just as they land.
These are most likely old news to all you Guile players out there, but
I can't tell ya all my little tricks.

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