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Need Sagat Info

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Huy T. Nguyen

May 19, 1993, 10:10:47 AM5/19/93
Starting to learn Sagat now 'cause boring defensive Ryu got just that, boring.
Most important thing I want to get straight is the TU. If I understand
correctly, waiting until your opponent is close to the ground before you executeit will negate the vulnerability? I mean can you still get knocked out of a
deep_ TU? By knocked out I mean cleanly, no trading shots ('cause I'll take thatall match ;-).
Secondly, how do I handle Blanka? Especially the ball attack. If I'm on the
ground and waiting, is there any way I can take out a ball attack cleanly like
Ken/Ryu/Guile, etc. can do with their jabs? How about when I'm jumping up or
back? How do I avoid getting Blanka-balled? Stick out a roundhouse early?
Any help or tips would be appreciated.

-- Huy Nguyen (Huyster) Internet: --
-- --
-- "Stimpy, you fat, bloated, IDIOT!!!" --

Thomas Calvin Cannon

May 20, 1993, 3:42:55 AM5/20/93
In article <> (Huy T. Nguyen) writes:
>Starting to learn Sagat now 'cause boring defensive Ryu got just that, boring.
>Most important thing I want to get straight is the TU. If I understand
>correctly, waiting until your opponent is close to the ground before you executeit will negate the vulnerability? I mean can you still get knocked out of a
>deep_ TU? By knocked out I mean cleanly, no trading shots ('cause I'll take thatall match ;-).

A "deep" TU is indeed an uppercut executed _right_ before your opponent hit's
the ground. This will nearly always either trade damage or hit your opponent
cleanly. Keep in mind that the horizontal range of the deep TU is greater
than even Ken's DP, so you can deep TU someone even if no part of their body
is directly above you when you execute the move.

>Secondly, how do I handle Blanka? Especially the ball attack. If I'm on the
>ground and waiting, is there any way I can take out a ball attack cleanly like
>Ken/Ryu/Guile, etc. can do with their jabs? How about when I'm jumping up or
>back? How do I avoid getting Blanka-balled? Stick out a roundhouse early?
>Any help or tips would be appreciated.

A TU will always take Blanka out of the ball w/o trading. Also, a standing
short works pretty well. If you use the standing short, time it. Jamming
on short repeatedly will NOT work. Sagat's standing short normally hits
twice, but in this situation, you want to hit the ball with th first of these
hits. (The second won't connect 'cause Blanka flies back)

DELIBERATE PLUG: My Sagat workbook is availiable via the UIUC ftp site. (You
can find the address in the FAQ) It provides some tips and insights for
players just starting to learn Sagat. =)

>-- Huy Nguyen (Huyster) Internet: --
>-- --
>-- "Stimpy, you fat, bloated, IDIOT!!!" --

Tom Cannon

Frank M. Lin

May 21, 1993, 4:48:49 PM5/21/93
>Starting to learn Sagat now 'cause boring defensive Ryu got just that,
>boring. Most important thing I want to get straight is the TU. If I
>understand correctly, waiting until your opponent is close to the
>ground before you execute it will negate the vulnerability? I mean can

>you still get knocked out of a deep_ TU? By knocked out I mean cleanly,
>no trading shots ('cause I'll take that all match ;-).

If you want clearn TU with Sagat, you either doing it very late, or you throw
it out very early. ( I like the later better :) ie, you anticipated your
opponent jumping in ( lot of Blanka players comes to mind ), and you just do a
fierce TU. It looks awesome ( the other guy will feel stupid ). And for
Sagat, his TU takes about the same amount of energy during any position of the
arc. Unlike Ken/Ryu, which takes more at the last second.

>Secondly, how do I handle Blanka? Especially the ball attack. If I'm
>on the ground and waiting, is there any way I can take out a ball
>attack cleanly like Ken/Ryu/Guile, etc. can do with their jabs? How
>about when I'm jumping up or back? How do I avoid getting
>Blanka-balled? Stick out a roundhouse early? Any help or tips would be

Be prepared to to TU, of course. Either that, or keep you hand on the short
button, and do the standing forward ( the double thing ). This works very
well. Or, if he caught you off-guard, simply block. It doesn't take that much
energy when you block.

Another thing you can do is keep jumping back, and do the roundhouse kick in
the air... Most Blanka will try to ball, and if you miss the roundhouse, do a

Note that differenent stratigies applied to different player. You'll have to
learn to adapt. There are other things to keep in mind such as the distance
between you and your opponent, but I'll get in to that later.

For now, have paitience, trust your self on doing TU on the last second.

frank m. lin

Seth James Killian

May 22, 1993, 11:34:13 AM5/22/93

I actually find the majority of Blankas to be meat vs. Sagat.
Blanka truly does have the advantage, but Blankas seem drawn to
playing stupid against Sagat. For some reason, they like to *jump
in* to begin their attack. Deep TU. That is the key. If you have
a jumpy Blanka, he is dead. Like Tom mentioned, the standing short
works pretty well vs. the ball, but the horizontal range on the TU
makes it surprisingly easy to TU Blanka out of the ball on pure
reaction. Do not bother with throwing FB's unless your opponent
is already down and will be forced to block, or he is _completely_
on the other side of the screen. Other than that, Blanka can jump
in pure reaction and still hit your limbs. He can also *walk under*
high tigers or do a standin roundhouse through low ones. The jab
TU is your life here. Also, try hanging around the corner and
jumping straight up when he balls. You come down right on his back
and may land a pretty little combo to send him dizzy :)

PS- Sagat question of my own. When I jump in, I often use aerial
roundhouse, crouching short, short kick FB. It comes out very
quickly but I have been told that you must make the FB a roundhouse
to ensure the combo. Anyone playtested this to death yet???

Seth Killian

Thomas Calvin Cannon

May 22, 1993, 2:29:41 PM5/22/93
In article <> (Seth James Killian) writes:
[Sagat vs. Blanka stuff deleted]

> PS- Sagat question of my own. When I jump in, I often use aerial
> roundhouse, crouching short, short kick FB. It comes out very
> quickly but I have been told that you must make the FB a roundhouse
> to ensure the combo. Anyone playtested this to death yet???

A jab FB will work to complete the combo. I guess the reason why is because
Sagat sticks his arms out so d*mn _far_ when executing it. At any rate, why
not just to a TU or a Tiger Knee instead? They do more damage.
> Seth Killian
Tom Cannon

Eu-Ming Lee

May 22, 1993, 8:17:22 PM5/22/93
to (Seth James Killian) writes:

> PS- Sagat question of my own. When I jump in, I often use aerial
> roundhouse, crouching short, short kick FB. It comes out very
> quickly but I have been told that you must make the FB a roundhouse
> to ensure the combo. Anyone playtested this to death yet???

True if you've jumped in from medium range. If it's short range, any
Fireball will complete the combo, just like Ryu's short range FB combos.
However, if you jumped in from short range, you should have done the
Tiger Knee instead of the FB anyway.

Here are the various Sagat combos:
Long Range:
flying roundhouse, tiger knee - two hits (good after jumping over fireballs)

Medium Range:
flying roundhouse, crouching short (or jab), fireball (or tiger knee)
- three hits

Short Range:
flying roundhosue, crouching short (or jab), tiger knee - four hits.

> Seth Killian

Eu-Ming Lee (aka CyberGeek)
Be there when I feed the tree.

Chad E. Reznicek

May 23, 1993, 1:06:02 AM5/23/93
to writes:
> (Seth James Killian) writes:
> > PS- Sagat question of my own. When I jump in, I often use aerial
> > roundhouse, crouching short, short kick FB. It comes out very
> > quickly but I have been told that you must make the FB a roundhouse
> > to ensure the combo. Anyone playtested this to death yet???
> Here are the various Sagat combos:
> Short Range:
> flying roundhosue, crouching short (or jab), tiger knee - four hits.

my personal favorite [when im feeling cocky :) ]
[and i know no one on agsf2 is ever cocky :):) ]

flying roundhouse [or fierce], standing jab [_with_ the elbow], and
finishing it off with a tiger upper.

this brings up a question i have referring to local sf2 demeanor...
im proud to say that in omaha, we are pertty much pro-throw and
pro-tick. so when a person gets in stars, it is the darn cockiest
thing to do [especially when theres a crowd and its a close match]
to simply elbow [or short if the player lacks an elbow] the starred
person instead of throwing or comboing them. is this reminiscient
of your local arcades?... give me some feedback.

Chad E. Reznciek
when are we gonna see S F I I F E
that the power to change SSS FFFFF I I FFFFF EEEEE
has got to come from S F I I F E
someone greater SSSS F IIIII IIIII F EEEEE
you or me... "

Chad Reznicek

Eu-Ming Lee

May 23, 1993, 8:33:12 PM5/23/93
to (Chad E. Reznicek) writes:

> this brings up a question i have referring to local sf2 demeanor...
> im proud to say that in omaha, we are pertty much pro-throw and
> pro-tick. so when a person gets in stars, it is the darn cockiest
> thing to do [especially when theres a crowd and its a close match]
> to simply elbow [or short if the player lacks an elbow] the starred
> person instead of throwing or comboing them. is this reminiscient
> of your local arcades?... give me some feedback.

Yeah, that's one thing that people do. There's always the danger that
you lose in that close match, however. One thing even more obnoxious,
is going up to the dizzied character, and making like you'll just jab
him out of dizzy and jump away. But instead, you jab and then throw
him, winning the close round.

>Chad E. Reznciek
> when are we gonna see S F I I F E
> that the power to change SSS FFFFF I I FFFFF EEEEE
> has got to come from S F I I F E
> someone greater SSSS F IIIII IIIII F EEEEE
> you or me... "
> (Whiteheart)

>Chad Reznicek

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