Ken: Flying roundhouse, standing fierce, jab DP.
You can substitute a fierce DP, but if you mess up ONCE, especially
against another good Ken player, it may mean YOU lose the round.
Ryu: Flying roundhouse, jab DP.
Does very good damage for a two hit combo.
Chun Li: Flying fierce, standing strong, crouching forward.
Boring, but better than a throw. Use standing fierce instead of
crouching forward if the opponent is in the corner.
E. Honda: Flying fierce, crouching strong, HHS.
Hard to get this one timed just right, often the HHS comes out too
early. If your opponent is bad at counter-throwing, you might
try close standing forward followed by a throw. Not a combo, but
hard for some people to get out of.
Zangief: Flying body slam (fierce + down) over their bodies so you
fall behind the opponent, crouching jab (x2), crouching short, SPD.
Every so often this combo actually dizzies! Never seen ANYONE survive
two of these :).
Blanka: Flying fierce, standing strong, crouching forward.
Boring. So boring in fact that you can often follow the standing
strong with a bite because the opponent is so used to getting spoon
fed this generic combo.
Guile: Flying roundhouse, crouching strong, forward razor kick.
I don't understand why Guile players still insist on using fierce to
start their combos all of the time. The roundhouse hits ALL crouching
opponents (read BLANKA). Anyway, I don't use the sonic boom combo
unless the opponent is in the corner.
Dhalsim: standing strong, fireball.
I'm not even sure this is a combo, but it's fun for me to do the
few times I play Dhalsim.
Vega: Throw or do some combo followed by a 'surprise' throw.
Balrog: Flying fierce, crouching short, standing short, rushing uppercut.
Sagat: Flying roundhouse, crouching short, tiger knee.
Bison: Don't play him.
Eu-Ming Lee (aka CyberGeek)
"Error - Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to continue."
- From the wisdom of DOS 5.0
There seems to be a strange double standard here concerning safe,
and powerefull. Here is my list of "beginner" and "expert" combo's
which both do a substantial amount of damage.
>Ken: Flying roundhouse, standing fierce, jab DP.
>You can substitute a fierce DP, but if you mess up ONCE, especially
>against another good Ken player, it may mean YOU lose the round.
This combo seems a little odd to include as reliable. It is hard to
get a hold of and assumes knowledge of how to buffer.
Jumping roundhouse, standing roundhouse.
Easy and painfull.
Neck kick, standing fierce, fierce DP.
Four hits on almost everyone. (Not so sure about Bison).
>Ryu: Flying roundhouse, jab DP.
>Does very good damage for a two hit combo.
Jumping roundhouse, standing roundhouse.
Neck kick, standing fierce, jab DP, or
Jumping fierce, standing fierce, fierce fireball.
Both do a good deal of damage.
>Chun Li: Flying fierce, standing strong, crouching forward.
>Boring, but better than a throw. Use standing fierce instead of
>crouching forward if the opponent is in the corner.
Same as above.
Jumping fierce, standing fierce, lightning kick.
Very hard to do esp. on HF but very effective.
>E. Honda: Flying fierce, crouching strong, HHS.
>Hard to get this one timed just right, often the HHS comes out too
>early. If your opponent is bad at counter-throwing, you might
>try close standing forward followed by a throw. Not a combo, but
>hard for some people to get out of.
Jumping fierce, crouching forward (two hits), HHS.
very easy to do, a good deal of damage.
Actually the above is one of the best I know.
One might try the following (I'm not sure it is more damaging, and
it only works on HF)
Jumping fierce, torpedo, HHS.
In both of these the HHS should be blocked, and may be vulnerable to
the DP.
>Zangief: Flying body slam (fierce + down) over their bodies so you
>fall behind the opponent, crouching jab (x2), crouching short, SPD.
>Every so often this combo actually dizzies! Never seen ANYONE survive
>two of these :).
Body slam (as above), jab until they are almost out of range.
Body slam (as above), crouching forward, SPD.
Does damage and not as much finger flicking as above.
This is buffered and thus the timing is difficult.
>Blanka: Flying fierce, standing strong, crouching forward.
>Boring. So boring in fact that you can often follow the standing
>strong with a bite because the opponent is so used to getting spoon
>fed this generic combo.
Blanka aint got no koo' combos that I know of. The above works.
I have seen the
Jumping fierce, standing strong, standing fierce hit quite often,
but I am not sure if this is a true combo, as I don't play Blanka:)
>Guile: Flying roundhouse, crouching strong, forward razor kick.
>I don't understand why Guile players still insist on using fierce to
>start their combos all of the time. The roundhouse hits ALL crouching
>opponents (read BLANKA). Anyway, I don't use the sonic boom combo
>unless the opponent is in the corner.
Well were dealing with dizzied characters, so I'll use the jumping fierce.
Jumping fierce, crouching strong, razor kick.
Jumping fierce, standing fierce, razor kick.
Very hard to do! This is because the crouching fierce can't be
buffered and so you have to time the standing Fierce very well.
Jumping fierce, standing fierce, sonic boom, crouching forward.
The backhand can be blocked too often to be considered valid.
>Dhalsim: standing strong, fireball.
>I'm not even sure this is a combo, but it's fun for me to do the
>few times I play Dhalsim.
Just throw the bum, and hit him with a Yoga flame as he gets up.
Also the double head butt does beaucoup de damage.
jab, crouching forward, fireball (or flame)
I have only done this combo once and I don't know if it does more
than just throwing them or the double head butt.
>Vega: Throw or do some combo followed by a 'surprise' throw.
Just throw him.
Find the range for the roll either by jumping in or by sliding forward,
and then do a short kick, roll combo.
If you slide forward while they are still getting up you will miss
them and get real close to them for max damage during the roll.
>Balrog: Flying fierce, crouching short, standing short, rushing uppercut.
Jumping roundhouse, crouching roundhouse.
Jumping roundhouse, standing roundhouse, rushing roundhous.
This is a buffered move and it hurts a lot.
>Sagat: Flying roundhouse, crouching short, tiger knee.
Jumping roundhouse, crouching roundhouse.
same as above.
>Bison: Don't play him.
Whole hearted agreement.
Whether the meaning is "I don't play him"
or "You there, do not play him"
Both responses are wise.
>Eu-Ming Lee (aka CyberGeek)
>"Error - Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to continue."
> - From the wisdom of DOS 5.0
Andrew Prock
does this work? it sounds too good to be true...
sounds viscious, though.
- Phil
|> E. Honda: Flying fierce, crouching strong, HHS.
|> Hard to get this one timed just right, often the HHS comes out too
|> early. If your opponent is bad at counter-throwing, you might
|> try close standing forward followed by a throw. Not a combo, but
|> hard for some people to get out of.
I'm fond of the belly flop to land behind the opponent (jumping forward)
followed by one of his double hits. Standing roundhouse for a standing
(or stunned) opponent (MASSIVE damage for no special move involved) or
crouching forward for ducking opponents. The flop/roundhouse was fatal on
|> Sagat: Flying roundhouse, crouching short, tiger knee.
Flying roundhouse/standing short/fierce uppercut is more damage, but
much more difficult.
Here's one novel one. Flying strong, crouching strong, Roll/Ball (fierce
or strong). Also, on the issue of blocking combos awhile back, I've
had the above combo stopped by a Ryu player after the standing strong.
He DP'ed my crouching fierce and he didn't do it just once. I think it's
definitely doable...
//Lui Sieh |How seldom we weigh our neighbor in the same
Mail: |balance with ourselves. -- Thomas A. Kempis
Disclaimer: These are my opinions...but others may share them as well
//Lui Sieh |How seldom we weigh our neighbor in the same
Mail: |balance with ourselves. -- Thomas A. Kempis
Disclaimer: These are my opinions...but others may share them as well
>In article <>
>(Lee Eu-Ming) writes:
>>These are my standard combos to use on dizzied opponents. Note, there
>>are many other combos, some which do more damage, but these are the
>>most reliable and most damaging combos (read SAFE) to perform.
>>Blanka: Flying fierce, standing strong, crouching forward.
>>Boring. So boring in fact that you can often follow the standing
>>strong with a bite because the opponent is so used to getting spoon
>>fed this generic combo.
>Here's one novel one. Flying strong, crouching strong, Roll/Ball (fierce
>or strong). Also, on the issue of blocking combos awhile back, I've
>had the above combo stopped by a Ryu player after the standing strong.
>He DP'ed my crouching fierce and he didn't do it just once. I think it's
>definitely doable...
What about flying Fierce standing jab crouching jab/jab DP(buffered)? I was
trying this against the car in SF (tough opponent, right? :) ) and it looked
rather cool but I don't know if it would be doable or not. I did 3 jabs
and still connected with a DP once, so it's possible.
Joe Zell * "I knew Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was my * friend..."
* -Ronald Reagan, 1992 GOP convention speech
Actually, I've done this many times...I always considered it a screw up on
my part because the second jab should have been a jab DP. How the jab DP
hits after the second? I guess that's the opponent's screwup? I would think
that he should be able to reverse-throw before the jab DP...or something.