Russ Iwanchuk wrote in message <345A86...@concentric.net>...
Robert Huebner wrote in message <63e6r6$dua$1...@ha1.rdc1.occa.home.com>...
>A lot of Win95 utilities that give special behavior to your middle button
>can confused JK as well because it is processing the button before JK gets
>it and makes it looks like something else. So if you are running a util
>that makes the MMB look like a double LMB click, this is probably what JK
>sees as well. Best thing is to make sure you turn off any such utilities
>before launching JK..
Translated: Turn off the double click in the mouse settings (In the Control
Panel for MS and Logitech mice) and assign it to 2nd button, or 3rd button,
or whatever.
I expect this is the same as for winquake, try setting your middle mouse
button to the "middle button" option instead of "double click"
This works for me so try it