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Mistwalker nerferd for the 3rd time!

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Nov 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/17/99
Yes it it true the mistwalker has been nurfed for the 3rd time. I am sure
not many people are aware of this since its a rare dragon loot item. To give
you an idea of how rare this item is, we have killed vox apro 15-20 times in
the past 3 months and Vox has dropped this item 3 times.

1st nerf, Cant hp buff pet (Understand this one)
2nd nerf, Cant rune pet
3rd nerf, Once pet procs and hit the mob, the mob will super aggro it
killing it within 1-2 hits.

Verant has basicaly put a cheat code in the AI. So the way it is, even if a
wiz had dumped 4000kdmg on the mob and the mob is beating on the wiz, If the
pet hits the mob it will instantly turn and aggro the pet killing it, even
if the pet does 1dmg.

What gets me the most is the fact they NEVER put what nerfs changes they put
into the patch msg. I am sure their theory is what they dont know want hurt
them. The only reason they posted the monk changes is people yelled and
screamed for a day. What used to be a worthy dragon item has become a desent
10dmg 25dely weapon.


Nov 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/17/99

That sounds like a side effect of an AI upgrade. Monsters should go after
the thing with the highest damage/hp ratio. Mistwalker pets would rank
pretty high on that scale.



Nov 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/17/99

> What gets me the most is the fact they NEVER put what nerfs changes they
> into the patch msg.

They put the HP buff nerf in the patch messages.

JubJub McRae

Nov 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/17/99
On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 05:13:19 -0500, "Elderan" <> wrote:

>Yes it it true the mistwalker has been nurfed for the 3rd time. I am sure
>not many people are aware of this since its a rare dragon loot item. To give
>you an idea of how rare this item is, we have killed vox apro 15-20 times in
>the past 3 months and Vox has dropped this item 3 times.
>1st nerf, Cant hp buff pet (Understand this one)
>2nd nerf, Cant rune pet
>3rd nerf, Once pet procs and hit the mob, the mob will super aggro it
>killing it within 1-2 hits.
>Verant has basicaly put a cheat code in the AI. So the way it is, even if a
>wiz had dumped 4000kdmg on the mob and the mob is beating on the wiz, If the
>pet hits the mob it will instantly turn and aggro the pet killing it, even
>if the pet does 1dmg.

>What gets me the most is the fact they NEVER put what nerfs changes they put

>into the patch msg. I am sure their theory is what they dont know want hurt
>them. The only reason they posted the monk changes is people yelled and
>screamed for a day. What used to be a worthy dragon item has become a desent
>10dmg 25dely weapon.

It is an item that never should have existed - whoever designed it was
probably the same twit who designed the Butcherblock hammer (the 30dam
45delay weapon that procs superior heal) and Bladestorm (sword that
procs a L49 magician AOE spell). There's a difference between a
powerful, treasured weapon and an insanely unbalancing
monty-haul/Godly Plate of The Whale type super item, and someone at
verant seems to have trouble perceiving it.


Nov 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/17/99

> 1st nerf, Cant hp buff pet (Understand this one)
> 2nd nerf, Cant rune pet
> 3rd nerf, Once pet procs and hit the mob, the mob will super aggro it
> killing it within 1-2 hits.

You forgot the REAL first nerf.

On the test server this Scimitar was usable by Druids and Rangers.

Now it is Ranger only...

Can't have us druids have a nice weapon now can they...

They put the druid scimitar (I think 10 damage, 19 delay) on the
Friggin GOD in HATE. No stat bonuses, no PET, nothing.


Sent via
Before you buy.


Nov 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/17/99
Druids shouldn't melee anyway. Even if they could use it, giving a
Mistwalker to a Druid would be a waste of a Mistwalker.

Slice <> wrote in message


Nov 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/17/99

"Morgan" <> wrote in message
> Elderan wrote:
> > [snip

> > Verant has basicaly put a cheat code in the AI. So the way it is, even
if a
> > wiz had dumped 4000kdmg on the mob and the mob is beating on the wiz, If
> > pet hits the mob it will instantly turn and aggro the pet killing it,
> > if the pet does 1dmg.
> > [snip]

> That sounds like a side effect of an AI upgrade. Monsters should go after
> the thing with the highest damage/hp ratio. Mistwalker pets would rank
> pretty high on that scale.

Actually, if you're intelligent, you'll completely ignore the pet and go
after the master:
If it has a pet, it has low health.
If low health, it can be killed fairly quickly.
If I kill the master, the Pet will 32k itself.
ergo, ignore the pet and go after the master.


Nov 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/17/99
For necros, mages, and shaman, yeah, but not if it's mistwalker pet. The
thing has 1 hp and it hits very hard. If I was dueling someone with a
mistwalker and it summoned a pet I sure as hell wouldn't stay on the player.

Nov 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/18/99
In article <>,

Ya Druids should just sit down in the party and only heal! who cares
if they have to defend themselves and they are getting hit too much to
cast a spell on a mob they could easily kill with a decent weapon!

Seriously though, everyone should have a decent melee weapon. Warriors
have langsaex and exec axe, Rangers have a whole bunch of crap, and
everyone has something. even wizards have a staff. in fact, all
casters have something unique. Druids didn't get anything with the new
class specific armor. well... there is a quest for a scimitar thats
about as good as a well balanced, but you also have to give up 2
extremely rare loot items (Lion hide bag and Laceless Sandle). Also,
the scimitar that they added that you have to kill the giant for? and
get the plans? Druids cant use that.

Basicly, they want druids to use blunt weapons it would seem

For magical scimitars, we can only use Combine, well balanced,
Obsidian, and Runed falchion. not much of a choice there.

Kiena, 36 Drood (woohoo)
Bristlebane server
Succoring Winds


Nov 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/18/99
But we are talking Mobs here not players. Mobs dont have web pages and
newsgroups to see what the new weapons are. So all they see if the pet is
100% of its hp so how do they know its low hp? Simple they cheat, thier code
tells them. If I were to duel you and you never heard of the mistwalker you
would got for me not my pet. I would do the same.


Freeze <> wrote in message


Nov 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/18/99


never seen a druid actually melee until the mob is running away after
being kited... if they did melee they be dead, point?

"I can picture in my mind a world without war , a world without hate . And I can picture us attacking that world because they'd never expect it. " -Jack Handey

Anonymous Browser

Nov 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/18/99
I've kited all of one creature up through level 20 on my Druid. I blast
while fighting, which is, basically, Ranger style. ;)

Twilight <> wrote in message

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