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AGD2 Europe meeting: Berlin is it

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Gundemarie Scholz

Jul 1, 2004, 5:17:55 PM7/1/04
As the people who actually do have time say Berlin is fine, plus Babe
is booking his flights right now, I guess one could say "Alea iacta

Dates: July 14-20 (umm, whenever you want, basically)

Location: My place, address available on request by mail

Accomodation: If more than Hansi, Kris and Babe want to come, please
bring some kind of mattress and sleeping bag with you.

Cultural programme: To be discussed

D2 playing: Possible, but not mandatory

Other games: I know that Kris and Hansi are quite fond of board and
card games, and they have a huge stack of them at home, so we might be
able to talk them into bringing some of them.

Next meeting: Probably in September

Gundemarie Scholz

Jul 1, 2004, 5:22:16 PM7/1/04
Addition for all interested Germans:
There is currently a summer tariff available if you want to travel by

All the way through Germany for 29 Euro, but you can't change the
chosen trains once you have booked. And you should book a week in
advance if you want to actually have a chance to book the connections
you want.

Babe Bridou

Jul 1, 2004, 5:32:01 PM7/1/04
Gundemarie Scholz wrote:

> As the people who actually do have time say Berlin is fine, plus Babe
> is booking his flights right now, I guess one could say "Alea iacta
> est".

As Martin Luther-King once said, "Some people look at things and say
'why?' I look at things that never were and say 'why not?'"...

> Dates: July 14-20 (umm, whenever you want, basically)
> Location: My place, address available on request by mail


> Accomodation: If more than Hansi, Kris and Babe want to come, please
> bring some kind of mattress and sleeping bag with you.

I can bring a sleeping bag, if needed!

> Cultural programme: To be discussed

A perfect opportunity for me to learn a bit of German ;)

> D2 playing: Possible, but not mandatory

Does that mean my laptop would be welcome?

> Other games: I know that Kris and Hansi are quite fond of board and
> card games, and they have a huge stack of them at home, so we might be
> able to talk them into bringing some of them.

that would be nice, yep.


Jul 1, 2004, 6:22:33 PM7/1/04

"Babe Bridou" <> wrote in message

> Gundemarie Scholz wrote:
> > As the people who actually do have time say Berlin is fine, plus Babe
> > is booking his flights right now, I guess one could say "Alea iacta
> > est".
> As Martin Luther-King once said, "Some people look at things and say
> 'why?' I look at things that never were and say 'why not?'"...

I thought that was attributed to Robert F. Kennedy as quoted by his brother
Edward at his eulogy.

(I know Eddy said it, but who first said I dont recall)


Babe Bridou

Jul 1, 2004, 6:32:14 PM7/1/04

Actually I learned this sentence by
*turns ashamed mode on*
listening to Michael Jackson's HIStory album, the worst of them all...

I only heard the speech, and always thought that was MLK... never
checked, though.

So you might pretty well be right on that


Jul 1, 2004, 6:54:30 PM7/1/04

"Babe Bridou" <> wrote in message

Ashamed mode?????? I should be ashamed. I was incorrect. This doesnt
happen to me. Ever. I am always right, ask my friends, family co-workers....
It was John F Kennedy during his innaugural address that the quote is
attributed to.

(I just had to know)

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