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Walking on the right/left side?

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Krista Zeidler

Jun 25, 1992, 2:29:05 PM6/25/92

In article <medic.709425757@milton>, (Travis Lauricella) writes

>> (Joe Polvino) writes:
>>>After reading the extensive history of hot dogs, I'd like someone to answer
>>>this nagging question. It's not legend, but more of an interesting bit of
>>>trivia to use at a party where everyone's bored!
>>>Q: Why do people in the UK drive on the left side of the road?
>I know that people in the UK drive on the left side, but what do they do when they're walking? Do people walk on the left side of the sidewalk? Does the flow of traffic in a shopping mall go clockwise, with people staying to the left?
>I asked a British friend of mine, but he told me "We walk wherever the hell we want!" Some help.

I have no direct experience (that I remember) with Britain, but since Australia
also drives on the left, I assume that they are the same. What I found,
on a vacation down there is that:

you walk on the right (facing traffic) if you walk on the side of the
people tend to "keep left" in pedestrian traffic (sidewalks, shopping malls,
stairwells, etc)
revolving doors go backwards - I can't of course offhand figure out which
way ours go, so I can't say if this is clockwise or counter-clockwise in
Australia, but I know that it was definitely "wrong" to me. I guess
since you approach it from the other side, it makes more sense to rotate
the other way


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