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не прочитано,
2 нояб. 1998 г., 03:00:0002.11.1998
Since my interests oddly include both following the "first-person
shooter" computer gaming community and afu, I'm in a position to know
something that I suspect most other afu'ers don't know: longtime afu
contributor Harry 'mf' Teasley is getting to be a bit famous.

For those that don't know, Harry is with the game company "Valve", which
is developing the highly anticipated game "Half-Life". Lately Harry has
frequently been in the gaming biz media spotlight, talking about the game
and game design. This is no small thing: particularly the FPS gaming
"community" is quite large, and developers and designers can become quite
famous -- people who have never even *seen* the game "Doom" have heard of
John Romero, for example. Harry, thankfully, is not the self-promoter
that Romero is (doesn't self-promotion cause blindness and hairy palms?
Does anybody know any songs about self-promotion?), but he has, for some
reason, been selected by either Valve or the gaming press as a
spokeperson for Half-Life. He comes across quite well in print -- as we
all know here - although I've yet to see the delightful flamethrower
aspect of his personality in an interview. (C'mon, Harry, I'd love to
see you flame Paul Steed. Please? Pretty please?)

Half-Life is rumoured to be *the* killer game of 1998 -- perhaps the
first worthy succesor to "Doom". This would be a Big Deal, at least in
some circles.

So, anyway, I just wanted to report on the somewhat odd but pleasurable
experience of reading interviews with someone I've felt like I've come to
knopw over many years here on afu. Good luck to your game, Harry!

-Keith "and would you believe that my girlfriend plays 'Quake' more than
me? But then, I don't *play* the games, I just read about them..." Ellis

Harry MF Teasley

не прочитано,
2 нояб. 1998 г., 03:00:0002.11.1998 wrote:
> Since my interests oddly include both following the "first-person
> shooter" computer gaming community and afu, I'm in a position to know
> something that I suspect most other afu'ers don't know: longtime afu
> contributor Harry 'mf' Teasley is getting to be a bit famous.

Rumors of my fame have been greatly exaggerated, but thanks for the
thought. Yer all my Best Mates, and I luuuurrrrrrve you all. Especially
Keith, and his lame attempts to get a free copy of the game, the punk....

Harry "famous to those who know me" Teasley

"Nonsense. I'm an ancient crone" -MP

Visit the AFU archives at

не прочитано,
3 нояб. 1998 г., 03:00:0003.11.1998
Harry MF Teasley <> spake thusly:

> Rumors of my fame have been greatly exaggerated, but thanks for the
> thought. Yer all my Best Mates, and I luuuurrrrrrve you all. Especially
> Keith, and his lame attempts to get a free copy of the game, the punk....

Oh, I don't need a free copy of the game. An *advance* copy of the game,
though... Well, if it's as good as some of the previews are saying it is,
I'll be buying it when it hits the shelves (Thanksgiving-ish?).

What I wrote in my internym(!) in the last note is true: I buy lots of
games, research them, continue to read about them, but rarely end up
playing them very much. I guess I like the *idea* of most of these games,
but very few have been compelling enough for me to play long-term.
"Civilization" is an exception, "Doom" was another.

But if your game is as immersive, fully-realized, and yet still fast and
fun as it promises to be -- well, then, maybe I'll be playing it for

Anyway, my post really wasn't intended as a kiss-ass sort of a thing -- it
really is kinda neat to to see you becoming high-profile in the gaming
world. I feel like I know you, via afu (although I don't *really*, of
course). And I've also been struck by the fact that you're, er,
articulate and, er, mature. Two qualities that *don't seem* to be in
great supply in the gaming industry.

-Keith "or in USENET, for that matter" Ellis

brian tivol

не прочитано,
3 нояб. 1998 г., 03:00:0003.11.1998 writes:
> -Keith "and would you believe that my girlfriend plays 'Quake' more than
> me? But then, I don't *play* the games, I just read about them..." Ellis

You, um, you mean "more than I", right?


Helge Moulding

не прочитано,
4 нояб. 1998 г., 03:00:0004.11.1998
brian tivol wrote:
> writes:
> > -Keith "and would you believe that my girlfriend plays 'Quake' more
> > than me?
> ^^
> You, um, you mean "more than I", right?

Why would he mean that? Unlike folks from MIT, Keith knows how to speak

ObUL: Someday none of this will matter.
Helge "Repetitive chatter" Moulding Just another guy with a weird name

Becca Ward

не прочитано,
4 нояб. 1998 г., 03:00:0004.11.1998
On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, Helge Moulding wrote:

> brian tivol wrote:
> > writes:
> > > -Keith "and would you believe that my girlfriend plays 'Quake' more
> > > than me?
> > ^^
> > You, um, you mean "more than I", right?
> Why would he mean that? Unlike folks from MIT, Keith knows how to speak
> English.

I thought Keith was complaining that his girlfriend should spend more time
playing him than playing Quake.

> ObUL: Someday none of this will matter.

Today is someday.

Becca "my boyfriend spends more time playing `Imperialism' ..." Ward

[S]pontaneous vomitting for no reason is a great
addition to any story. -- Mike Sphar

Helge Moulding

не прочитано,
4 нояб. 1998 г., 03:00:0004.11.1998
Becca Ward wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, Helge Moulding wrote:
> > brian tivol wrote:
> > > writes:
> > > > -Keith "and would you believe that my girlfriend plays 'Quake'
> > > > more than me?
> > > ^^
> > > You, um, you mean "more than I", right?
> > Why would he mean that? Unlike folks from MIT, Keith knows how to
> > speak English.
> I thought Keith was complaining that his girlfriend should spend more
> time playing him than playing Quake.

Sounds good to me.
Helge "E-Z" Moulding

JoAnne Schmitz

не прочитано,
4 нояб. 1998 г., 03:00:0004.11.1998
On 03 Nov 1998 10:29:44 -0500, brian tivol <> wrote:

> writes:
>> -Keith "and would you believe that my girlfriend plays 'Quake' more than

>> me? But then, I don't *play* the games, I just read about them..." Ellis

> ^^
>You, um, you mean "more than I", right?

Not necessarily.

JoAnne "case sensitive" Schmitz

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brian tivol

не прочитано,
4 нояб. 1998 г., 03:00:0004.11.1998
Helge Moulding <> writes:

> brian tivol wrote:
>> writes:
>>> -Keith "and would you believe that my girlfriend plays 'Quake' more
>>> than me?

>> ^^
>> You, um, you mean "more than I", right?

> Why would he mean that?

Why? He'd mean that if he wanted to tell us that his girlfriend plays
Quake more frequently than Keith plays Quake.

> Unlike folks from MIT, Keith knows how to speak English.

You're right; here on AFU, we all should assume that if Keith says
that he is played less frequently by his girlfriend than Quake is
played by her, then that's what he means.

Because there are folks from MIT (and elsewhere) don't know about this
distinction, I thought that Keith's inserted quote[1] was a clever
play on words. You know, like saying, "A clever dog should recognize
it's master." However, I also thought that it might be too subtle for
those same folks from MIT (and elsewhere) to get.

My follow-up was intended to subtly help out those who didn't get it
the first time around, the same way that many other frequent posters
grow little one-liner threads out of seeds like this. On the
off-chance that Keith didn't intend the clever bit of wordplay, my
follow-up would have been a fresh one-liner in and of itself! Don't
you see? My plan was brilliant! Either way, regardless of Keith's
intent, I was guaranteed a witty, witty follow-up that would make
people laugh in this lovely, literate newsgroup! It couldn't fail! I
am so smart! But where, where has all the laughter gone?


[1] I'm already on the defensive; I'm not about to announce which
word I prefer for the quote that replaces one's middle name.

не прочитано,
5 нояб. 1998 г., 03:00:0005.11.1998
brian tivol <> spake thusly:

> Why? He'd mean that if he wanted to tell us that his girlfriend plays
> Quake more frequently than Keith plays Quake.

As much as it pains me to admit my error in the face of Helge's defense,
and in front of the wonderfully intelligent people here on afu (and
particularly when I've elsewhere been arguing that articulation, spelling,
grammar, and the like all *do* indicate something) the truth is that I
*did* mean "Erin plays Quake more than I play Quake".

My grasp of English grammar is not what I wish it were (in spite of my
periodic study of Strunk and White in the hopes that I will someday manage
to completely memorize the damn thing). After reading Brian's post, I
immediately read it to Erin (who was conveniently nearby) and asked "Is he
right? I don't see how 'I' am the subject of that sentence..." She
patiently explained it to me.

Mea cupla. Thanks anyway, Helge.

-Keith "but, just to be on the safe side, Erin tried to rectify the
imbalance of her Quake playing and her Keith playing" Ellis

Jake Kesinger

не прочитано,
5 нояб. 1998 г., 03:00:0005.11.1998
brian tivol ( wrote:
: writes:
: > -Keith "and would you believe that my girlfriend plays 'Quake' more than
: > me? But then, I don't *play* the games, I just read about them..." Ellis
: ^^

: You, um, you mean "more than I", right?

: --brian

What makes you think Keith knows how much Quake you play, Brian?


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