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which mortar to use for barbecue? was: Re: Bill Gates, Thank You( Is this thread Y2K compliant? )

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Oct 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/20/98
In article <70gk6r$ll0$>, wrote:
> In article <>,
> (Theresa Willis) wrote:
> >
> > Now that I'm a suburbanite, I tried making a brick barbecue pit
> > out of rock solid photons, but I couldn't figure out what sort of
> > mortar to use. Suggestions?
> >
> i would use 80mm mortars. 60mm mortars are too small to do any
> real damage to the armoured police vehicles. they do have a
> satisfying effect against personnel in the open however. maybe
> a combination of the two? don't forget to set up barbed wire
> entanglements in the routes where the police are likely to
> attack along. remember that the barbed wire is not to stop
> the police, but to line them up so that the machine guns
> firing along the wire can do maximum damage! too many people
> don't realise this and set up their crack house^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
> defensive position all wrong.
> this diagram should help:
> o o o oo o <--<
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> u--u
> u u
> u u
> legend:
> o = cops
> x = barbed wire
> <--< = machine gun
> u = mortars
> hope this helps! happy barbequeing!

i've got quite a lot of email since my last post, and
yes, i admit, i did leave out a lot of important information.
this post will remedy that, i hope.

while the above barbecue plan would be ok if the status quo
had been maintained, a recent united nations resolution has
banned the barbecuing of any food items other than sausages.
the barbecuing of steaks, chops, shrimps (sorry roger, "prawns")
and other comestibles has been strictly verboten! the united
nations has decided in its infinite wisdom that since not
everybody in the world can afford steak, only sausages will
be allowed to be barbecued.

what this means for your backyard suburban barbecue, is that
rather than merely defending against a few dozen police, a
swat team and a couple of armoured cars, you will have to
withstand the full force of a united nations armoured
battalion of "peace keepers". hopefully their rules of
engagement will state that they may not initiate a firefight,
but are you going to risk having your barbecue disrupted by
a peace keeping force rolling through your back yard, squashing
your garden furniture with their main battle tanks, to keep
your steaks away from your hotplate? you must admit, that would
certainly be a bit of a dampener for your guests. especially
if colonel mike "the bastard" zeares arrives in his flame-thrower

so if you intend to cook steaks at your next barbecue soiree,
the setup you will need is diagrammed below. the above setup
is ok if you will just be barbecuing a few sausages and maybe
selling a bit of crack.

o = united nations "peace-keeping" force
x = barbed wire
* = land mine
u = mortar
<--< = machine gun
w = weapons pit
a = anti-armour crew (tow, sraaw, karl gustav etc)
d = anti-armour obstacle (trench, dragon's teeth etc)

oo o o o o
*** o o ooo o *** <--<w
ddd *** ddd *** ddd
a a a
x x x
x x x
x x x
*** *** ***
w w w
^ ^
| |
^ ^

u u
u u

note how the wire and mines channel the peace-keeping force
into the fields of fire of the machine guns so that they will be
caught in a deadly crossfire. also, when the united nations
armour tries to get around the anti-tank obstacles, this is
when the anti-armour crews have to fire and move back to the
weapons pits. the machine guns and the riflemen in the pits
give covering fire to give the anti-armour d00ds some chance
of making it to the pits. but let's face it, your going to
lose a couple of these guys. it is best to use some of your
more expendable guests in this role, maybe somebody who
didn't bring any meat or booze? meanwhile, the 60mm mortars
in the bbq baseplate should direct fire onto the peace keepers
hung up on the wire and also the ones being marshalled for a
counter attack. use the 80mm mortars against any armoured vehicles
that the anti-armour d00ds may have missed, or who may be trying to
flank your position.

if there is any interest, i also have some plans for defending your
bbq against united nations air raids.

how did the united nations get to be world government anyway?
i didn't vote for them!

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

David Pacheco

Oct 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/20/98
In article <70h89n$gid$>, beable@my- says...

> oo o o o o
> *** o o ooo o *** <--<w
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ddd *** ddd *** ddd
> a a a
> x x x
> x x x
> x x x
> *** *** ***
> w w w
> ^ ^
> | |
> ^ ^
> u--u
> u u
> u u

So you two will block forward, the tight end will fade back*, and
Charlie, you'll go deep for the Hail Mary Pass... it's our only
chance, son. Now go out there and win one for the Gipper!

Alternately, that's the worst ASCII Snoopy I've ever seen.




Oct 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/20/98
to wrote in message <70h89n$gid$>...

>In article <70gk6r$ll0$>,
> wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> (Theresa Willis) wrote:
>> >
>> > Now that I'm a suburbanite, I tried making a brick barbecue pit
>> > out of rock solid photons, but I couldn't figure out what sort of
>> > mortar to use. Suggestions?
>> >

You're a cross posting asshole with no clue!
Go somewhere else and pollute!!

David DeLaney

Oct 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/21/98
to writes:

You misspelled something...

-o = united nations "peace-keeping" force
-x = barbed wire
-* = land mine
-u = mortar
-<--< = machine gun
-w = weapons pit
-a = anti-armour crew (tow, sraaw, karl gustav etc)
-d = anti-armour obstacle (trench, dragon's teeth etc)
- oo o o o o
- *** o o ooo o *** <--<w
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- ddd *** ddd *** ddd
- a a a
- x x x
- x x x
- x x x
- *** *** ***
- w w w
- ^ ^
- | |
- ^ ^
- u--u
- u u
- u u


Dave "bottoms up! IYKWIM" DeLaney
\/David DeLaney "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK> - net.legends FAQ/ I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.

Oct 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/21/98
In article <70ieut$>,

"CeeJay" <> wrote:
> wrote in message <70h89n$gid$>...
> >In article <70gk6r$ll0$>,
> > wrote:
> >> In article <>,
> >> (Theresa Willis) wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Now that I'm a suburbanite, I tried making a brick barbecue pit
> >> > out of rock solid photons, but I couldn't figure out what sort of
> >> > mortar to use. Suggestions?
> >> >
> You're a cross posting asshole with no clue!
> Go somewhere else and pollute!!

Beg your pardon, but I'm not an asshole, I'm a bozo. There's a difference.


P.S. Good thing I ego-surf on Deja News, else I wouldn't have seen this 'cause
you forgot to include the ark in the newsgroups lines. HTH.

Oct 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/22/98
actually, numbnuts, he didn't see the legend on the post that he read,
which explained the meaning of the symbols as military in nature,
thereby qualifying the post, at least marginally, for this group(afm).
he also showed the courage of his convictions by not crossposting his
reply, since that was the point of his message.
any questions?
redc1c4 wrote:

> In article <70ieut$>,
> "CeeJay" <> wrote:
> >
> > wrote in message
> <70h89n$gid$>...

> > >In article <70gk6r$ll0$>,
> > > wrote:
> > >> In article <>,
> > >> (Theresa Willis) wrote:
> > >> >
> > >> > Now that I'm a suburbanite, I tried making a brick barbecue pit
> > >> > out of rock solid photons, but I couldn't figure out what sort
> of
> > >> > mortar to use. Suggestions?
> > >> >
> >

> > You're a cross posting asshole with no clue!
> > Go somewhere else and pollute!!
> >
> >
> Beg your pardon, but I'm not an asshole, I'm a bozo. There's a
> difference.
> --Terri
> P.S. Good thing I ego-surf on Deja News, else I wouldn't have seen
> this 'cause
> you forgot to include the ark in the newsgroups lines. HTH.

Oct 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/22/98
In article <>, wrote:
> actually, numbnuts, he didn't see the legend on the post that he read,
> which explained the meaning of the symbols as military in nature,
> thereby qualifying the post, at least marginally, for this group(afm).
> he also showed the courage of his convictions by not crossposting his
> reply, since that was the point of his message.
> any questions?


1. What, exactly, is the major agricultural export of Peru?
2. What, exactly, is off-topic in a.r.k.?
3. What, exactly, has Mr. Eable gotten me into?



P.S. Please do not tell my girlfriend I have numb nuts. I don't want her to
know that I've been faking it.



Oct 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/22/98
to wrote in message <>...

>actually, numbnuts, he didn't see the legend on the post that he read,
>which explained the meaning of the symbols as military in nature,
>thereby qualifying the post, at least marginally, for this group(afm).
>he also showed the courage of his convictions by not crossposting his
>reply, since that was the point of his message.
>any questions?
> wrote:


Oct 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/22/98
CeeJay wrote:

> <snip lecture>
> Gracias!

de nada, amigo..... but if we ever meet, i will take a cerveza, if
you've got one.......
known to have a beer now and then ;-)

David DeLaney

Oct 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/23/98
to writes:
>> any questions?
>1. What, exactly, is the major agricultural export of Peru?


>2. What, exactly, is off-topic in a.r.k.?

Things that are Not Allowed. This changes every so often.

>3. What, exactly, has Mr. Eable gotten me into?

Dunno. Send GIFS and we'll find out...


Advancing in thanks! I remember _my_ Latin!

>P.S. Please do not tell my girlfriend I have numb nuts. I don't want her to
> know that I've been faking it.

Terri's got a _girl_friend! Terri's got a _girl_friend! ... Wait. That would
mean either that Terri's a guy posting under a girl's name [le shock! le
horreur!] or ...

Dave "PGP PGP PGP!!1!" DeLaney


Oct 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/23/98
to wrote in message <70nrrf$a3b$>...
>> actually, numbnuts, he didn't see the legend on the post that he read,
>> which explained the meaning of the symbols as military in nature,
>> thereby qualifying the post, at least marginally, for this group(afm).
>> he also showed the courage of his convictions by not crossposting his
>> reply, since that was the point of his message.
>> any questions?
>1. What, exactly, is the major agricultural export of Peru?

Cocaine ( who cares?)

>2. What, exactly, is off-topic in a.r.k.?

Who cares....It's off topic in A.F.M.......

>3. What, exactly, has Mr. Eable gotten me into?

Sounds a little too personal for me to inquire.....

>P.S. Please do not tell my girlfriend I have numb nuts. I don't want her to
> know that I've been faking it.

She probably fakes too.....

Oct 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/23/98
In article <70okv6$>,

"CeeJay" <> wrote:
> wrote in message <70nrrf$a3b$>...

> >1. What, exactly, is the major agricultural export of Peru?
> Cocaine ( who cares?)

Crap. I put down "hemp". Maybe the teacher will give me half-credit.

> >2. What, exactly, is off-topic in a.r.k.?
> Who cares....It's off topic in A.F.M.......

What's A.F.M?

> >3. What, exactly, has Mr. Eable gotten me into?
> Sounds a little too personal for me to inquire.....

That's OK, I was the one inquiring.

> >P.S. Please do not tell my girlfriend I have numb nuts. I don't want her to
> > know that I've been faking it.
> She probably fakes too.....

Ah well, that's probably OK then. Thanks!



Theresa Willis

Oct 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/23/98
"CeeJay" <> wrote:

>>actually, numbnuts, he didn't see the legend on the post that he read,
>>which explained the meaning of the symbols as military in nature,
>>thereby qualifying the post, at least marginally, for this group(afm).
>>he also showed the courage of his convictions by not crossposting his
>>reply, since that was the point of his message.
>>any questions?

>> wrote:

Hey! I did not either write that. I don't even know any Italian.



Oct 25, 1998, 2:00:00 AM10/25/98

>> >2. What, exactly, is off-topic in a.r.k.?
>> Who cares....It's off topic in A.F.M.......
>What's A.F.M?

The NG you're cross posted on....


Oct 25, 1998, 2:00:00 AM10/25/98
in amazement, I beheld "CeeJay" <>
write in alt.religion.kibology:

who is "you"?

funny, I'm reading ark, and I can't see why you call it "A.F.M."
unless maybe you're reading news with a weid font. I suppose
a lowercase "r" might look like an "f", and maybe some kind of
stylized "M" would look like a "k"...

welcome to alt.feligion.mibology!

chimpanzees are virtually never particularly
snake-like in the midst of the joy of battle.
His Most Feathered Eminence, the Ur-Beatle
Last Hidden Ascended Master


Oct 25, 1998, 2:00:00 AM10/25/98

>funny, I'm reading ark, and I can't see why you call it "A.F.M."
>unless maybe you're reading news with a weid font. I suppose
>a lowercase "r" might look like an "f", and maybe some kind of
>stylized "M" would look like a "k"...
>welcome to alt.feligion.mibology!

Look at the top of the page....Good! Look where it sez newsgroups
(right above the letters "Cc" and the word "subject".
Now in between the little newspaper icon and the words
"alt.religion.kibology" you'll find the answers you seek, not kibbles and

Richard Morse

Oct 25, 1998, 2:00:00 AM10/25/98
In article <7106qr$>, "CeeJay"
<> wrote:

>Look at the top of the page....Good! Look where it sez newsgroups
>(right above the letters "Cc" and the word "subject".
>Now in between the little newspaper icon and the words
>"alt.religion.kibology" you'll find the answers you seek, not kibbles and

Unless, of course, you're using something other than Outlook Express to
read email. I use a mac, with newsreader. My newsgroups line is below
the organization line. Talysman seems to be using a unix newsreader
(yet-another rn? maybe?). So it may be different for him. Jaffo used to
use a different newsreader, I don't remember what it was, and he might
have newsgroups in a different place as well.



Alex Suter

Oct 25, 1998, 2:00:00 AM10/25/98
Thus spake
>Please don't tell Yonderboy, though, because he doesn't know it's not

And I don't know it's not angora either. I'll tell you

What, is that velvet? It's beautiful!

>In conclusion, I would just like to say that dancing hurts.

So does Tae Kwon Do. Ouch.

Let this be a warning though, if you try to attack me and
you stay about three feet away at all times and don't run
around too much or get any closer I will KICK YOU INTO THE

Not you, Lisa. I think you're dreamy. I'm just saying...

>Mrs. Smoldering Styrofoam, Monkey Love Machine.

Go Lisa! Not Ape!

Lupus Yonderboy


Oct 25, 1998, 2:00:00 AM10/25/98
in amazement, I beheld "CeeJay" <>
write in alt.religion.kibology:


">funny, I'm reading ark, and I can't see why you call it "A.F.M."
">unless maybe you're reading news with a weid font. I suppose
">a lowercase "r" might look like an "f", and maybe some kind of
">stylized "M" would look like a "k"...
">welcome to alt.feligion.mibology!

"Look at the top of the page....Good! Look where it sez newsgroups
"(right above the letters "Cc" and the word "subject".

it says "From", "Subject", and "Date". I don't see a Cc line.
does that have something to do with drugs? I am not a drug
user. there's no "newsgroups" line either. what are you talking
about? who let you on this board? the sysops should be more
careful, instead of allowing any old geek wannabe in here...

"Now in between the little newspaper icon

newspaper icon? what are you talking about?
I don't have ANY icons!!!!

and how come you never answered my other question?

"Mrs. Peal, we're in slow motion!"

His Most Feathered Eminence, the Ur-Beatle

High Holy Hekkador of alt.slack

Lisa Pea

Oct 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/26/98
So then, (Richard Morse) is all like:

>Unless, of course, you're using something other than Outlook Express to
>read email. I use a mac, with newsreader. My newsgroups line is below
>the organization line. Talysman seems to be using a unix newsreader
>(yet-another rn? maybe?). So it may be different for him. Jaffo used to
>use a different newsreader, I don't remember what it was, and he might
>have newsgroups in a different place as well.

I use my blender, set on frappe with a little thingy over the 'e.' I
smell like old candy and chicken sandwiches that got left under the
carseat for a week. I love you very very much, and right now, I am
wearing your other sock.

Please don't tell Yonderboy, though, because he doesn't know it's not

In conclusion, I would just like to say that dancing hurts.

Feebly, falteringly, flusteredly,

David DeLaney

Oct 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/26/98
to (Richard Morse) writes:

>"CeeJay" <> wrote:
>>Look at the top of the page....Good! Look where it sez newsgroups
>>(right above the letters "Cc" and the word "subject".
>>Now in between the little newspaper icon and the words
>>"alt.religion.kibology" you'll find the answers you seek, not kibbles and
>Unless, of course, you're using something other than Outlook Express to
>read email. I use a mac, with newsreader. My newsgroups line is below
>the organization line. Talysman seems to be using a unix newsreader
>(yet-another rn? maybe?). So it may be different for him. Jaffo used to
>use a different newsreader, I don't remember what it was, and he might
>have newsgroups in a different place as well.

At least one a.r.k denizen erads news on an abacus, and I believe another
has it delivered piecemeal by trained cockroaches.

Dave "My posts never have icons on them; I am emoticonoclasmic" DeLaney

Oct 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/26/98
In article <70u207$>,

"CeeJay" <> wrote:
> >> >2. What, exactly, is off-topic in a.r.k.?
> >>
> >> Who cares....It's off topic in A.F.M.......
> >
> >What's A.F.M?
> The NG you're cross posted on....

No, I only subscribe to a.r.k. Maybe someone is forging me. There's a lot of
that going on, lately.




Juergen Nieveler

Oct 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/26/98
Maybe you only subscribed to a.r.k, but this messages went to
alt.religion.kibology AND alt.folklore.military. Every time somebody hit the
answer button, his posts went to BOTH groups, which is a bad thing because
some people in a.f.m get a bit irritated and might start using heavy
artillery instead of flames.

So PLEASE, let everybody stop crossposting, or you´ll find out what happens
when we drop MS on you (Warning! This is the a.f.m-only MS, not related in
any way to Microsoft...)

Juergen Nieveler


Version: 3.12
GCM/S d+ s:- a->? C++$>++++$ UHL--@ P- L+ E--- W-@ N++@ o? K?
w++++$ O---($) !M V-- PS+ PE++ Y+>++ PGP++>+++ t+ 5++ X++ R*
tv+ b+++ DI++ D++ G>++++ e* h+ !r y?

PGP-Key available under

Brian Yeoh

Oct 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/26/98
tOn Mon, 26 Oct 1998 wrote:

> In article <70u207$>,
> "CeeJay" <> wrote:
> >
> > >> >2. What, exactly, is off-topic in a.r.k.?
> > >> Who cares....It's off topic in A.F.M.......
> > >What's A.F.M?
> > The NG you're cross posted on....
> No, I only subscribe to a.r.k. Maybe someone is forging me. There's a lot of
> that going on, lately.


Being the klutz that I am, I can't set followups. Could someone with a
more friendly newsreader (i.e. not pine) please set followups to this
thread to alt.folklore.military?

Thanks, all ye bozotic ones.

Brian "roadkill on the ... nevermind" Yeoh

-- It is like making love in a confessional with a prostitute
dressed in a prelate's liturgical robes reciting Baudelaire while ten
electronic organs reproduce "The Well Tempered Clavier" played by

Umberto Eco, "Faith in Fakes"

Michael J. Sacks

Oct 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/26/98
On Mon, 26 Oct 1998, Juergen Nieveler wrote:

> Maybe you only subscribed to a.r.k, but this messages went to
> alt.religion.kibology AND alt.folklore.military. Every time somebody hit the
> answer button, his posts went to BOTH groups, which is a bad thing because
> some people in a.f.m get a bit irritated and might start using heavy
> artillery instead of flames.

"Every group has a couple of experts. And every group has at least one
idiot. Thus are balance and harmony (and discord) maintained. It's
sometimes hard to remember this in the bulk of th flamewars that all of
the hassle and pain is generally caused by one or two highly-motivated,
caustic twits." --Chuq Von Rospach

"Obviously anyone who DOESN'T wear a clown wig while handing out Kibology
is a TWIT." --Kibo

> So PLEASE, let everybody stop crossposting, or you´ll find out what happens
> when we drop MS on you (Warning! This is the a.f.m-only MS, not related in
> any way to Microsoft...)

Hmmm....I wonder if I can be the a.r.k-only MS, (not related in any way to
Microsoft, a.f.m., master's of sciences (not YET), multiple sclerosis,
Mississippi, or Ms. America (although I'd LIKE to be)). I'd like to be
dropped on people who transgress the bounds of insanity.

Ack, not a, how to end this....

"Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome
for children to be always and forever explaining things to them."
--Antoine de St. Exupery

"Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms." --Groucho Marx

"Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting." --John Russell

M.S. (Mike Sacks)


Oct 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/26/98
Your Usenet lets you send posts to more than one newsgroup at a time? What
server are you using?


In alt.religion.kibology, on Mon, 26 Oct 1998 20:59:11 +0100, Juergen
Nieveler said:

:Maybe you only subscribed to a.r.k, but this messages went to

:alt.religion.kibology AND alt.folklore.military. Every time somebody hit the
:answer button, his posts went to BOTH groups, which is a bad thing because
:some people in a.f.m get a bit irritated and might start using heavy
:artillery instead of flames.

:So PLEASE, let everybody stop crossposting, or you?ll find out what happens

:when we drop MS on you (Warning! This is the a.f.m-only MS, not related in
:any way to Microsoft...)

:Juergen Nieveler

On Larry King Live, Marlan Brando made the shocking statement that
Hollywood is "run by Jews." In response, outraged Jewish groups made it
snow in New York in April.

Nick S Bensema

Oct 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/27/98
In article <712q20$>,

Juergen Nieveler <> wrote:
>Maybe you only subscribed to a.r.k, but this messages went to
>alt.religion.kibology AND alt.folklore.military. Every time somebody hit the
>answer button, his posts went to BOTH groups, which is a bad thing because
>some people in a.f.m get a bit irritated and might start using heavy
>artillery instead of flames.
>So PLEASE, let everybody stop crossposting, or you´ll find out what happens

>when we drop MS on you (Warning! This is the a.f.m-only MS, not related in
>any way to Microsoft...)

uhhh... if there is an ambiguity regarding acronyms, maybe it'd be a good
ideal to just spell it out so I and my people can understand what you mean.

The idea that MS could stand for anything else is frightening and confusing
to us, and we won't accept it without some sort of evidence. Apparently
it, like Microsoft, is extremely harmful when dropped on someone using
a computer. Thus, it sounds very much related in at least one way.

Followups redirected so when you hit the answer button, it'll only go
to alt.religion.kibology. That way maybe you won't fire your Microsoft
missiles at me for posting this.

Nick Bensema <> 98-KUPD Red Card #710563 UIN: 2135445
~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Theresa Willis

Oct 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/27/98
"Michael J. Sacks" <> wrote:

>"Every group has a couple of experts. And every group has at least one
>idiot. Thus are balance and harmony (and discord) maintained. It's
>sometimes hard to remember this in the bulk of th flamewars that all of
>the hassle and pain is generally caused by one or two highly-motivated,
>caustic twits." --Chuq Von Rospach

In kibology, everyone is an expert AND an idiot. I should know.


Theresa Willis

Oct 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/27/98
to (Jaffo) wrote:

>Your Usenet lets you send posts to more than one newsgroup at a time? What
>server are you using?

You should be careful with these guys, Jaffo. I think they are
hackers or something. I think one of them (although it could have
be that Hipcrime person) forged me saying "Gracias" but you could
tell it wasn't really me on account that everyone here I don't
know any Italian. So be careful!

Word to the wise, dude!


Chris Franks

Oct 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/27/98
Theresa Willis wrote:
> In kibology, everyone is an expert AND an idiot. I should know.
> --Terri

But the "bo" in kibo stands for bozo, not idiot. You are an expert[1]
and a bozo.

[1] Expert: ex= has-been spurt= drip under pressure

Michael J. Sacks

Oct 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/27/98
On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Theresa Willis wrote:

> In kibology, everyone is an expert AND an idiot. I should know.

"To generalize is to be an idiot." --William Blake

"An expert knows all the answers - if you ask the right questions."

Mike Sacks


Oct 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/28/98

Actually it was your wierd reader or your complete inabillity to read and
understand posts...I posted the "gracias" to a brother who spared me the
trouble of making my point for me ( a point I might add that seems to elude
you kibbles and bitz people).


James Kibo Parry

Oct 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/28/98
In alt.folklore.military and alt.religion.kibology,

David DeLaney ( wrote:
> At least one a.r.k denizen erads news on an abacus, and I believe another
> has it delivered piecemeal by trained cockroaches.


-- K.


Theresa Willis

Oct 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/28/98
"CeeJay" <> wrote:

>>You should be careful with these guys, Jaffo. I think they are
>>hackers or something. I think one of them (although it could have
>>be that Hipcrime person) forged me saying "Gracias" but you could
>>tell it wasn't really me on account that everyone here I don't
>>know any Italian. So be careful!
>>Word to the wise, dude!
>Actually it was your wierd reader or your complete inabillity to read and
>understand posts...I posted the "gracias" to a brother who spared me the
>trouble of making my point for me ( a point I might add that seems to elude
>you kibbles and bitz people).

Oh, you're just upset that I caught you trying to forge me. But
that's OK, I forgive you. All's fair in Usenet and War, right?

Your pal,


P.S. You're not that HipCrime Dude, are you?

Juergen Nieveler

Oct 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/28/98

Theresa Willis schrieb in Nachricht <>...

>Oh, you're just upset that I caught you trying to forge me. But
>that's OK, I forgive you. All's fair in Usenet and War, right?

Don愒 tempt us!!! Does anybody know where Mike Sparks hangs out? I guess
it愀 time to let him loose on A.R.K......

Juergen Nieveler
Not Airborne, No Shit!

Francesco Benvenuto

Oct 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/28/98
On Mon, 26 Oct 1998 02:55:25 GMT, in
alt.folklore.military, (isn't this a dangerous place to crosspost to?)
Lisa says:

$ In conclusion, I would just like to say that dancing hurts.

You *can* dance, though. Sally can't.

I'm looking for another place, somewhere else to be, looking for
another chance to ride into the sun where everything seems so pretty.
When you're lonely and tired of the city remember: it's a flower made
out of clay. To the city where everything seems so ugly; when you're
sitting at home in self pity, remember you're just one more person who's
living there.

In a night like this, would you mind if I gave you a kiss?
fB "Walking on the wild side, but carefully avoiding
to quote Sister Ray, not that Lisa would mind."

Clancy Dalebout

Oct 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/29/98
> Version: 3.12
> GCM/S d+ s:- a->? C++$>++++$ UHL--@ P- L+ E--- W-@ N++@ o? K?
> w++++$ O---($) !M V-- PS+ PE++ Y+>++ PGP++>+++ t+ 5++ X++ R*
> tv+ b+++ DI++ D++ G>++++ e* h+ !r y?
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

It just occurred to me, that now that you have posted an indignant
pseudo-threat to a.r.k., you can now change the "K?" portion of your
geek code block.

Yay! You and MS are now more allowed than ever!

Clancy Dalebout | xmsho@!spam!nein!

Clancy Dalebout

Oct 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/29/98
In alt.religion.kibology Juergen Nieveler <> wrote:

> Theresa Willis schrieb in Nachricht <>...
>>Oh, you're just upset that I caught you trying to forge me. But
>>that's OK, I forgive you. All's fair in Usenet and War, right?

> Don´t tempt us!!! Does anybody know where Mike Sparks hangs out? I guess
> it´s time to let him loose on A.R.K......

Don't start.
Whoever Mike Sparks is, he can't be nearly as terrifying as Mike O.

Clancy Dalebout | xmsho@!spam!nein!

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