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Barack Obama, the most popular grassroots candidate evah!

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Jul 2, 2007, 5:58:20 PM7/2/07
Barack Obama! The most popular grassroots politician of all time?

One would have to think so. He has enjoyed very resonant support in
his run for President in 2008!

He must have the Hilary Clinton camp worried. His campaign has raised
much more money than hers. And, Obama has achieved it by collecting
money from more contributors than Hilary Clinton. The contributions
to his campaign average 1/2 of those to the Clinton camp. Also a
major point that MUST be weighed heavily as the Democratic primaries

John Edwards, despite going for the heart-string vote by the use of
his campaign of his wife's "illness", was only able to collect 1/3
(John's $9M) of what Clinton collected in the 2nd quarter, and only
about 22% of what Obama did. Even Bill Richardson, weighing in with
$7M looks to be catching up with "old Johnny boy" soon.

I guess, when it comes to the Edwards camp using this illness, the
cancer, again in preparation for the 2008 election like they did
(unsuccessfully) starting in 2003 for Edwards' unsuccessful
Presidential run. And I still argue that, had it not been for Edwards
being the VP candidate in 2004, John Kerry could well have won the

And there would not have been any 9/11/01, no "wars" ("occupations" is
sooo much better a description!) in Iraq and Afghanistan, the
corresponding $550B and counting for those "wars" would not have been
allocated - a lot of it being put on "the tab" (can anyone say
DEFICIT, and let the children and grandchildren pay for it?
yeahhhhhhhhhhh...i knew you COULD!), and, most likely, the
advantageous business climate legacy left by Bill Clinton would have

But....I digress.....

The Republican party candidates have not been near as successful as
either Obama or Clinton. The 3 main reasons cited are: 1) there is
uncertainty about the Republican candidates 2) they just aren't that
cute! and 3) there is a HUGE anti-occupation/anti-Bush sentiment just
now! Plain and simple! Read 'em and weep Republicans......the
Republican party will suffer even heavier losses in 2008 than they did
in 2006! And rats like Sean Hannity of FOXNEWS, and the evil man with
many bad habits, Rush Limbaugh, are HATING it right now!

Anyway, the only politicians that I can think that could possibly
rival Obama in his grassroots support are Abraham Lincoln and John F.
Kennedy. Lincoln was a hypocrite though, by outlawing slavery in the
South while still allowing it in the North, so that proves he was a
CHARLATAN! And Kennedy had many moral issues - remember sweet Marilyn
"Norma Jean" Monroe?

So, yes, I think my assertion stands as truth. Barack Obama - the
most popular grassroots candidate evah!

Jul 3, 2007, 11:04:46 PM7/3/07
Gee, and imagine that. He got there without any affirmative action.

Jean B.

Jul 4, 2007, 10:06:14 AM7/4/07
to wrote:
> Gee, and imagine that. He got there without any affirmative action.
Oh, but didn't he just say that without it (school version?)
he wouldn't be where he is now?

Jean B.

Jul 4, 2007, 4:43:38 PM7/4/07

Re: Barack Obama, the most popular grassroots candidate evah!

Group: alt.fifty-plus.friends Date: Wed, Jul 4, 2007, 10:06am (CDT+1)
From: (Jean B.)

Jean B.

School version? I have no idea what he said or didn't say. What does
that mean? I'm pretty dumb, so you have to explain some things to me.
I haven't been following him, as he is backed by a group I am O' leery
of, blake

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