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[AFU] UtenaCode 1.01

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Jul 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/1/00
Hi minna! Since it hasn't been done for awhile (gomen), I'm reposting
the UtenaCode specifications! See below...

Member of the Shiori Appreciation Society, Driver of the Shiori Car.
"Utena is an ideal, but Anthy is the reality." - Ikuhara Kunihiko
UtenaCode(1.01) U:6 F:Hi++Ju+:pSC D:Sa-Na X:*:a[SC][BR-]++ M:f"Shi no
Aphrodite"/"Baiser"/"Virtual Star Hasseigaku" (Banyu Inryoku)


The Utena Code (a classification system for Shoujo Kakumei Utena fans)
Created on: 2 August 1999, reviewed 13 June 2000
Current version: 1.01
Author: SenshiNeko <>

Recent Updates: Added indicator for the Utena movie, 'Adolescence
Mokushiroku', for the Favorites and Experience sections.

By popular demand, with the creation of the newsgroup and
growth of the Duellists mailing list came the need for a quick reference
to an individual's thoughts and feelings concerning Shoujo Kakumei Utena
- without having the same poll questions coming up twice a week.
Originally inspired by and shamelessly adapted from the MoonieCode of, here is the UtenaCode!

How does this thing work, what do I have to do?
The UtenaCode consists of a few sections: Devotion, Favorites, Dislikes,
Experience, and Music. Each section starts with a capital letter and is
used to describe your personal beliefs regarding Utena. You'll learn
more about the sections (as well as about the qualifiers) later, for now
just please remember you shall pay special attention to

How to create *your* very own UtenaCode:

Start with 'Code Identification'. Because there are various Codes on the
net, the first thing is to identify the code you're using. Begin your
code by writing something like:


The numbers enclosed in parentheses indicate the version of the code.

Now try to determine just how much you like Revolutionary Girl Utena!
For your Utena rating, start with a...

...and add a qualifier numeral that matches you most closely:

0 You think you watched Utena once by accident.

1 You mean this isn't that "Sailor Moon" show?

2 You watch Utena because you like hot guys and/or skinny girls, but its
nothing special.

3 You sometimes watch an Utena tape when there's no Sailormoon or
Pokemon on TV.

4 You think Utena is a cool show and like watching it. You've bookmarked
the best Utena websites, and want to see the rest of the series!

5 Utena is one of your favorite anime and watch it regularly. You've
lurked on and/or have a web page for Utena, and have gone
out of your way to find some nice Utena merchandise. You've wondered if
there are fencing classes in your area and if you could make one of
those Utena outfits for Halloween?

6 Utena is one of the only things you watch on television - you have all
the episodes from commerical release and are at least seeking the
fansubs and the final few in raw Japanese if you don't have them yet.
You're posting on or one of the mailing lists, and when
your non-otaku friends come to visit they ask 'what's with you and this
pink-haired girl'? You choose to listen to Utena music instead of
'favorite' artists and groups.

7 You wear your rose signet ring everywhere you go, hoping someone will
recognize you as a Duellist. You dream about your favorite character...
and insist your significant other dye their hair to match theirs. You
have all the episodes, soundtracks, plush dolls, etc... and wonder how
much trouble it would be to take a 'vacation' to Japan so you could see
the 'Adolescence Mokoshiroku' movie.

8 You have taken to wearing Utena-style uniforms everywhere and are
taking fencing classes just in case someone challenges you to a Duel.
You've memorized all the dialogue of the series, which is actually a
documentary story portrayed in an anime format. You've been taking piano
lessons, just so you can play "The Sunlit Garden". You dumped your
long-time boy/girlfriend to search for a Touga/Saionji/Akio or
Utena/Juri/Anthy lookalike.

! You are the one destined to bring the Revolution, the reincarnation of
the Victor of the Duel. You actually _have_ a Chu-Chu, complete with

If you feel you fit somewhere 'between' two of the above, choose the one
that fit you most and add a "+" or a "-" depending if you're more or
less advanced, respectively. Additionally, if you do things listed in
two or more very different categories, write the one that most closely
matches you, then the highest of the other categories enclosed in square

Example: someone who watches Utena only to see skinny long-legged girls
wearing short skirts and couldn't care less about the storyline, but has
dreams about Utena, collects her pictures, and urges his girlfriend to
dye her hair salmon pink would be: U:2[7]

It's time to tell everyone who your favorite characters are and how much
you love them!

This is a separate section of the Code, so add a space after your Utena
Devotion rating, then write:


And choose up to two of the following character identifiers:

Ut...Tenjou Utena / Victor of the Duel
Hi...Himemiya Anthy / Rose Bride
To...Kiryuu Touga / President of the Student Council
Sa...Kyouichi Saionji / Vice-President of the Student Council, Kendo
Club Captain
Ju...Arisugawa Juri / Student Council, Fencing Club Captain
Mi...Kaoru Miki / Student Council
Wa...Shinohara Wakaba / Utena's best friend
Na...Kiryuu Nanami / Touga's sister
Ka...Kaoru Kozue / Miki's sister
Sh...Takatsuki Shiori / Juri's friend
Ts...Tsuwabuki Mitsuru / Nanami's 'boyfriend'
Ak...Ohtori Akio / Dean of Ohtori Academy
Mk...Souji Mikage / Host of Mikage Seminar
Ma...Chida Mamiya / Mikage's 'friend'
Oh...Ohtori Kanae / Engaged to Akio
Ho...Hozumi Mari / Tsuwabuki's friend
Kz...Kazami Tetsuya / Wakaba's friend
Di...Dios / The Prince
CC...Chu-Chu (yes, Chu-Chu)
Ke...Sonoda Keiko / Nanami's flunky and Duellist
Ai...Wakiya Aiko / Nanami's flunky
Yu...Oose Yuuko / Nanami's flunky
Tc...Tsuchiya Ruka / Juri and Shiori's friend
Tk...Chida Tokiko / Mamiya's sister
S3...Suzuki, Yamada, Tanaka / Nanami's suitors
SP...Shadow Play Girls / A-ko, B-ko, and C-ko

Now, to the identifier of each one you chose add the qualifier:

blank You like this character just a bit more than the others.
+ You like this character and enjoy discussions about them. You have
some pictures of them and visit their web shrines once in a while. Kind
of like Wakaba's 'crush' on Saionji.

++ You _really_ like this character. When watching Utena, you pay
special attention to their actions. You join every discussion about
them. Your computer is full of pictures featuring them and have at least
seriously considered creating a shrine devoted to them. You would be
great friends with this character, like Utena and Anthy.

+++ This character is the only reason you watch Utena. In fact, the
anime should be named for them. You're their Miko, and everyone who
doesn't recognize their glory must be converted. Think Nanami's
'obsessive' feelings toward her onii-sama.

As the suffix to the qualifier, add:

< If you find this character less interesting than you used to.
blank If your opinion about this character has been stable for a long
time, and you doubt it'll change.
> If you feel your obsession with this characteri is increasing.

Example: Utena is just the best! I want to be like her when I grow up.
:) I also like Touga, he's dreamy. ::: heart shaped eyes :::

Example: Why do all these people say those horrible things about my
Saionji-sempai? He's so misunderstood! I'm really beginning to
appreciate and understand what Nanami has to go through protecting Touga
from those after him!

Now what's your favorite arc of the story? Remember to write a ":" if
you have favorite characters info stated, then write "p",and pick the
saga you like the most.

SC Student Council Saga (episodes 1-13)
BR Black Rose Saga (episodes 14-24)
OA Ohtori Akio Saga (episodes 25-33)
AP Apocalypse Saga (episodes 34-39)
AM Adolescence Mokushiroku (the Utena movie)

Example: You find the Mikage and Black Rose storyline the most
interesting and compelling part of the entire series.

If there are Utena characters you dislike or a part of the Utena story
you can't stand, list them in the Dislikes section.

Separate this section from the previous one with a space, then write:


Now construct this section exactly like you did construct your
'Favorites'... the only difference are in the qualifiers:

blank...There is something in this character you don't like. Hair, tone
of voice, laugh.. whatever. You just don't like it.

- This character really gets on your nerves. You have no idea how
somebody can like them, since it's so easy to see how big a jerk this
character is. You show your dislike by joining threads in which people
bash this character and make occasional snide remarks regarding them

-- ...You hate this character. You _start_ discussions bashing them and
try to convince others that you're right.

--- ...You _really_ hate this character. In fact, you want to Duel them
just so you can humiliate and/or kill them off. You think the show would
be much more interesting without character X taking up so much screen

The suffix added to the qualifier means:

< Your hostility towards this character lessens.
blank You don't like this character and you like it the way it is now.
> This particular character peeves you more and more everyday.

Example: That ugly tomboy Tenjou Utena and that submissive whore Anthy
deserve each other. The more I watch, the more I realize what a bad
influence Anthy.

Example: Nanami's the Psycho Queen! She needs to be locked away in a zoo
full of animals and never heard from again, I wish the elephants had
squished her. And that Saionji, I don't like how he slaps Himemiya
around either.

Utena Experience
The description of your Utena Experience is a separate section of the
UtenaCode, so add a space after previous section[s] and write:


First, let others know for how long you've been experiencing the wonder
of Shoujo Kakumei Utena... for every full year you've lived as a
Duellist, write a '*'.
Of course, this part of code can be fine-tuned by making use of the
square brackets.

Example: someone who first saw Utena about six months ago would be: [*]
Example: someone who's been an Utena fan since it first came out in
Japan would be: ***

Now list how many episodes you've watched and how often you watch them.
Conclude the previous subsection with the ':' and continue...

Write "a" (for anime) and then the following:

The number of episodes you own or have have watched, followed by the
indicator how often you watch them. We're not going to indicate subbed
or dubbed here:

blank You've seen these eps once, maybe twice. The tapes gather dust on
the shelf.
+ You watch Utena every month or so, usually when you have nothing
better to do.
++ You can't stand a week without watching at least some episodes.
+++ 24 hours without Utena, and you start going into withdrawal.
++++ I can't talk with you now, she's in the middle of climbing the
stairs to the Duel Arena...

Alternatively, instead of the number of watched episodes you can list
the sagas you've seen, using identifiers from the 'favorite part'
section of the Code above in brackets.

Example: If you own the first thirteen episodes released commerically
and 14-25 fansubbed and you watch them every few weeks:
:a25+ or :a[SC][BR]

For many people, the music of Shoujo Kakumei Utena is one of the most
important and special parts of being a fan. Indicate your musical
preferences by adding:


And then your _favorite_ song or selection from Utena by adding an 'f'
and its name in quote marks like this:
M:f"Sunlit Garden"

If there is a song that grates on your nerves, and you mute the
television whenever it starts playing, tell us by adding a 'd' and that
selection's name:
d"When Where Who Which"


Example of completed UtenaCode (using above examples):

UtenaCode(1.0) U:2[7] F:Ut++To+:pBR D:Na---Sa:pSC X:[*]:a25+ M:f"Sunlit
Garden"d"When Where Who Which"

If everything went well, you're now a proud owner of your personal
UtenaCode! :D

Suggestions on improving and expanding the UtenaCode can be emailed to
SenshiNeko at


Emily Iizuka

Jul 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/1/00
In article <>,

SenshiNeko <> wrote:
> Hi minna! Since it hasn't been done for awhile (gomen), I'm reposting
> the UtenaCode specifications! See below...

A few minor corrections:

> Sa...Kyouichi Saionji / Vice-President of the Student Council

Since all the other names are written Japanese style, this should
be "Saionji Kyouichi". Saionji is his surname.

> Mk...Souji Mikage / Host of Mikage Seminar

Same here: Mikage Souji.

> Kz...Kazami Tetsuya / Wakaba's friend

That's "Tatsuya".

Emily Iizuka

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Before you buy.

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