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[STH] SFR7 MiST: Part one

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21 ian. 1999, 03:00:0021.01.1999
Mystery Sonic Theatre: Sonic Fights Robotnik 7

In the not-too-distant future
Not too far from this Scene
Dr. Eggman and Baron Jaguar
Were hatching an Evil Scheme
Their experiment needed a good test case
So they conked Mach on the noggin
and they shot him into space...

"We're sending him awful fanfics
The worst we can find(la la la)
He'll have to sit and watch them all
And we'll monitor his mind."

MACH (Get my name right!)
JAMES (Seinority ho!)
NATASHA (I'm the cute one.)

If you're wondering how they live and breathe
And other science facts (la la la)
Just repeat to yourself: "It's just a show"
You should really just relax!
For Mystery Sonic Theater 3000!

<We see the Bridge of the SoL, Mach and James are playing a video game, with
all the gear and wires spread out on the desk>
Mach: Haha! I'm gonna win!
James: Yeah? Try me!
<A pause, you can hear the different video game sound effects, finally you hear
"Game Over" and Mach throws his controller down in discust>
Mach: aww, that's the fifth time in a row! <Mach sees Cambot> Oh, hi, and
welcome to the Sattilite of Love, where your dreams come true.
James: This So-called Dreamcast is quite an Invention. Methinks I'll take it to
my room for "Study".
Mach: Hey, I thought I got to keep it! After all, I'm the one who found it.
James: Seniority.
Mach: Hrumph.
<Natasha enters from left>
Natasha: Hey, what's up?
James: We found a nice little Toy called a "Dreamcast"
Natasha: Oh, I have one of those.
Mach: WHAT?!?
James: Why didn't you tell us?
Natasha: I thought you wouldn't be interested.
<MADs light flashes>
Mach: Eggman over Easy, pepper to taste. You mind gettign that, James?
James: I'd be dee-lighted. <James presses the button>


Eggman: Hello boys and girls, are you ready to begin today's experiment?


Mach: Do we have a choice?


Eggman: Actually, No. Look, we don't really have the time to make sure you're
behaving, so we'll just record your misery to watch later.


James: What if we decide we don't want to go into the theater?


Jaguar: Then we hope you can hold your breath! Hahahahahahaha!
Eggman: Push the button Jaguar.
Jaguar: Done.
Eggman: Nothing happened. Is that the right button?
Jaguar: Wait, what about this one?


Mach: We're Waiting...


Jaguar: Aha! Here it is!

<Sol, the lights and seirens begin to go off>


<6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Theater>

James: Hey, he never even told us what today's experiment was.
Mach: I guess we'll find out.


James: Hey.

> hey

Natasha: Hey.

> hey.

Mach: Hey.

>Welcome to what I hope will be my masterpeice fanfic.

All: SO DO WE!

>Or at least the most masterpeiceful one until I write another fanfic.

All: Huh?

> "huh?" you say.

James: Allright, that was just a little too strange, too early.

> Nevermind.

Mach: Uh-oh. I've got a baaaaad feeling about this...
Natasha: I hope you're not thinking what I'm thinking...
James: I hope you both aren't thinking what I'm thinking...

>Time to start the fic, but first, of course the....

James: Cheese.
Mach: Appitizers.
Natasha: setup.
James: Title.
Mach: Legal stuff.


James: Mach, don't do that.


Natasha: place your riff here.
James: Hey I can do that-MMFF!
Mach: You do, and you're going on a walk out the nearest airlock.

>Time for, of course the LEGAL STUFF.

James: Is there an ECHO in the building?
Mach: Is there an ECHO in the building?
Natasha: Is ther an ECHO in the building?

>Let's start off by saying Sonic is copyright SEGA and
>archie comics. The other sonic characters are copyright archie, fanfic
characters like
>Packbell and FX ferret are copyright their owners. Packbell copyright David
Pistone. The

Mach: <pulls out a legal pad> One.
Natasha: You're not really going to write in every typo he makes, are you?
Mach: <looks at pad> I hope I have enough paper...

>of these characters in this story does not necessarily reflect their true

James: What A nice way of saying that every character in this story isn't
anywhere close to thew way that they were created to be.

>Other things like mountain due,

Natasha: No!
Mach: <scribble>

>pee-wee herman,

James: AGH!


Mach: YIPE!

>tina turner songs,

James: Everyone, Eggman is out to kill us.
Mach: Must... remain... calm.

>other songs and
>in fact any song you see in this story is DEFINITELY NOT a copyright of SONIC

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*falls out of chair*
James: Goodness!
Mach: How much air is on the bridge?
Natasha: I'd guess Zero.
Mach: Good. *Gets up to leave*
Natasha: wait! We need to stick togeather! We can get through this! Going to
the bridge is the easy way out!
Mach: I... I guess so. *Sits back down*

>and is,
>instead copyright their respective owners. In other words, SONIC FAN does not
mean to imply
>ownership of ANYTHING or ANY CHARACTERS or ANY PART of the following story.
>doesn't own any copyrights to this story and, doesn't even own the story,
technically, you can
>do what ever you want with this story. Just don't try to sell it for money.

Natasha: Blah.


James: -----------


Mach: And the villagers were happy.
All: <dully> Yay.

>Now letts get onto teh strory!

Mach: <Scribble>

Mach: He's out to kill us. He really is.


Mach: DON'T YOU DARE!!!!

>Looking for a little peace and quite?

Mach: <Scribble>
Natasha: Give it up, mach, it's totally impossible.


James: That was the sound of the plot giving way.
Mach: The story hasn't even started!
James: Exactly.

>Dint think so

Mach: <Scribble>

>Celine Dion Singing: Sooonic the hedgehog

Mach: <Gets up again> Goodbye cruel world.
Natasha: Wait!
Mach: Nat, no form of inspirational speech will keep me here.
Natasha: *sigh* Not even a cookie?
Mach: Not even a cookie.
Natasha: Fine.
<Mach leaves>
James: He'll be back.

>He fights

James: Say it all with me...


Natasha: <Takes mach's pad and marks it>
James: Thrill to the all-new half-Robot half-Aussie.
Natasha: <Rooobotnik> Let's put some bangers on the 'sizer, mate.

>and fights him GOOD

Natasha: How exactly could you not fight somthing good?
James: Fight 'em! Fight 'em bad!

>trumpets: (waah wwwaahhhh waaaaahhh waaahhh)

James: Now the trumpets are crying.

>(wwaaaah waaaah waah)

James: <singing> Roobotnik, he's sooo cool. Hedgehog? He's a foool.
Natasha: Agh! Don't talk like that! Mach would kill you!

>(waaahh waaaaaaaah)
>He fights him so goooooood!!!

James: And he FEELs good too!
Natasha: Hey! no Oscarfic here!

>(wwaaaaahh waaah waaah waaaah waaaaaaaaah)

James: sheez! Get those trumpets a bottle, or change their diaper, or somthing!


James: Hey, Sonic does Sally, too.
Natasha: James, you want a fat lip?
James: No, m'am.

>(clips from Sonic fights Robotnik stories)

Natasha: Been there, done that.

>(Sonic spin dashes 1000000 swat bots)
>(Sonic blow up the death egg)

Natasha: Does that count?
James: Grammar? I don't think so.
Natasha: Ok.

>(Rotor falls through the roof of the hut)

Natasha: <Scribble>
James: Hey! That was me!
Natasha: Oh. Ehe... <scribble>

>(Sonic snowboards down a mountain being chased by swatbots)

James: And what story was that from?
>(Sonic freezes Dr. Quack with the anti-mega-gem)
>(Sonic drives a golf cart through the mall)


>(Sonic flys a jet through a building)

Natasha: That was a kinda dumb thing to do.

>(Sonic eats a chili dog)



James: This is a preview?
Natasha: Just remember, don't think about the fic. That's the only way to

>Sonic Fights Robotnik

Natasha: Check.

>Sonic Fights Robotnik 2: The Next Battle

Natasha: *Sigh* Been there, done that.

>Sonic Fights Robotnik 3: Too Fast for the Naked Eye

James: <Pee-Wee> Aaah! Don't look! My eye's naked!

>Sonic Fights Robotnik 4: Meet Dr. Quack
>Sonic Fights Robotnik 5: The Good Snivley
>Sonic Fights Robotnik 6: The Final Chapter!

James: And yet, it really wasn't.
Natasha: Kinda like the neverending story ended.
James: Actually, it isn't like that.
Natasha: Yeah it is.
James: Not really.
Natasha: Don't annoy me.


James: It's a card house!

>Avaliable for download at
>If the site is still down try

James: Or if you still can't find it, look up your bunghole.

>Sonic says "PAST cooooL"

James: <story> Hey! It's a random thought! Kill it!


James: It's starting!


James: Sonic Fan looks inside his head.
Natasha: Hey, I thought we said we weren't going to insult the author.
James: We said that?
Natasha: Well... I guess not.

>The Final Frontier...
>These are the voyagers of the Starship Enterprise

Natasha: <Scribble>

>And now they don't have to wait to see Star Trek: Insurrection

James: Why not? It's already out.

>Because they can read....
>(Star Trek: The Next Generation theme song plays)
>STAR TREK: Alien Attack!

Natasha: and the villagers were happy.
Both: <dully> Yay.

>(Enterprise warps into space. ZOOOOOOOM!!!)
>They're fighting an alien attack....
>Worf: Captain, an unidentified flying object

Natasha: <Data> Actually, because we are in space, nothing is really "Flying".
James: You scare me somtimes.


James: Next week, Aliens from the planet Zorako!

>(Picard kicks an alien)
>(Hovercar speeds down the highway)
James: THE HECK?

>Data: We seem to have hit a warp zone
>(Riker and Wesley jam to Greenday)

Natasha: Head... hurts...
James: <Spock> Illogical.

>(Picard jumps through a store window)
>(Riker blows up a toilet)

James: Ouch... must not think... must stay togeather...
Natasha: Uh... prehaps we should take a break... before You Crack...
James: Good idea.

<Both get up and leave>
<1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... Break>

Rymes with "Smock"
With Content on loan from God:

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