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Sonic fights Robotnik 100, Sonic Fan's Final Insult!

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Aug 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/28/98

This is my parody story of Sonic fights Robotnik, it takes place here
in this NG! You could MST this if you want. Let me know what you think!

It was a typical day in People writing and
posting stuff about what they thought of the Sonic games, comic books, and
cartoons, and about the new series, Sonic Underground. Suddenly, Sonic
Fan, the author of those annoying, 'Sonic fights Robotnik' fanfics came on
and announced his new ideas for his story.

Sonic Fan: Hey everyone, guess what?! I'm writing a new chapter for
Sonic fights Robotnik! My idea is that Sonic and Antoine become like
Beavis and Butthead while they do battle with Robotnik! Also, Robotnik
captures the FF's and only Sonic and Antoine could save them! Cool, huh?
Also, I'm getting Sally killed off, too, Ken Penders is going to blow her
head off! I never liked her anyway. Also, Snively gets a girlfriend in
my next story, too! So, stay tuned for Sonic fights Robotnik 8! I'll bet
you can't wait!

All the members of the newsgroup kept convincing
Sonic Fan that nobody likes his stories, and nobody ever will. But he
ignored everyone's comments, and writes it anyway. Right when Sonic Fan
is about to write this story, a 1995 Geo Prism runs by the newsgroup.
Sonic Fan looks, and sees nobody other than Princess Sally Acorn come out
of the car, and she starts walking up to Sonic Fan.

Sonic Fan: CRUD!!!! (Jumps in a manhole)

Sally: Where did he go?

Members of AFSH: He's down there, Sally! (The people who didn't like
SAlly have left the premises.)

Sally pulls Sonic Fan out of the manhole.

Sonic Fan: FOCK!!!

Sally: So, you've been writing disgusting stories about my boyfriend and
Freedom Fighters, and annoying the good people here on this newsgroup. Am
I right?

Sonic Fan: (In a squeaky voice): Yes, ma'am!

Sally: I got news for you, nobody here likes your stories! Also, we
Freedom Fighters never cared for Beavis and Butthead and South Park!

Sonic Fan: I thought it would be funny! (pouting.)

Sally: Well, it's not. I don't hear anybody laughing! Anyway, your

Sonic Fan: What might that be?

Sally: (Ripping off Sonic Fan's pants releveling his boxer shorts, and
she hands him a Barney doll, and a walkman with a Hanson tape inside):
You are to march in front of everyone on this newsgroup in your boxer
shorts. Also, kiss the Barney doll, and dance to the Hanson tape!

Five minutes later, everyone lined up to see Sonic Fan humiliate
himself. Sonic Fan was walking in front of Sally's car and she was
driving behind him.

Sally: Hey everybody! It's that kid who writes disgusting, degrading
stories about Sonic the Hedgehog! What do we say?!

Members of AFSH: Your stories suck, Sonic Fan! BOO!!!!! (Everyone was
throwing eggs at him.)

Sonic Fan: (Bawling): I hate you all! I'm really a die-hard
Nintendo/Mario fan! I just like to make fun of Sonic, because it's stupid
just like you all are! Mario rules! Sonic sucks! WAH!!! WAH!!!
(sobbing.) I hate you especially, Princess Sally Acorn! You should be a
damsel-in-distress like Peach!

Sally: Well, that's just too bad! Kiss the Barney doll, dance to the
Hanson record! (Honking the horn.)

Sonic Fan was sadly kissing the Barney doll, and dnacing to the Hanson
record, and everyone continued to throw eggs at Sonic Fan.

Epilogue: Sonic Fan never showed his face on or
wrote another 'Sonic fights Robotnik' story again. He lived miserably
ever after with this painful memory truamazing him, and the only way he
coped was by playing Mario games on N64.

THE END!!!!!

Joya Nappo

I was a Young Boy Who Had Big Plans!
-Green Day!


Aug 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/29/98
That was cool! I'm thinking about writing my own fanfic on here someday.

Frank Hansen

Sep 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/1/98
Excellent sadistic touch...I LOVE IT! =)
cmj skrev i meldingen ...


Sep 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/9/98
Correction: Sonic Fan LIKES dancing in his breifs (he proabably wears breifs)
to hanson

Jose Solano

FX Ferret

Sep 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/15/98
That already happened in The Simpsons.
Go to my webpage.....OR DIE!

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That can't be good."---Geoffrey St .John

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