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(OT) : Prez Obama's Enemies {List} -aka- Enemies of The State

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Jul 6, 2010, 5:57:19 AM7/6/10
On Jul 5, 2:59 pm, Mike <> wrote:
> On Jul 5, 3:26 pm, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung <> wrote:
> > A List of ObaMao’s Communist Friends and Terrorist Associates
> >
> > Communism and the Obama Connection
> >
> > What Barack Obama learned from the Communist Party
> >
> > Who is Mike Klonsky?
> > Mike Klonsky is one of the founders of Communist Party (Marxist-
> > Leninist) (USA) and the Students for a Democratic Society a fervent
> > Obama supporter, friend and former member of the terrorist group the
> > Weatherman.
> >
> > (...) a notorious ally of Bill Ayers for many years, Mike Klonsky, is
> > an open member of the Obama campaign. Klonsky runs a blog on the
> > official Obama website here where he claims to be a "professor of
> > education"... and says he blogs for Obama on "education politics and
> > teaching for social justice."
> > Who is Mike Klonsky? Well, on one level, he might just appear to be a
> > protege of Bill Ayers in the education world. He received, as I detail
> > below, a $175,000 grant from the Ayers/Obama-led Annenberg Challenge
> > to run the Small Schools Workshop that he and Ayers started in Chicago
> > to push their school reform agenda.
> > But that is only half the story. Klonsky was one of the most
> > destructive hardline maoists in the SDS in the late 60's who emerged
> > from SDS to form a pro-Chinese sect called the October League that
> > later became the Beijing-recognized Communist Party (Marxist-
> > Leninist). As chairman of the party, Klonsky travelled to Beijing
> > itself in 1977 and, literally, toasted the Chinese stalinist
> > leadership who, in turn, "hailed the formation of the CP(ML) as
> > 'reflecting the aspirations of the proletariat and working people,'
> > effectively recognizing the group as the all-but-official US Maoist
> > party." (Elbaum, Revolution in the Air, 228).
> > I know of no indications that Klonsky has ever expressed any regrets
> > about that activity. Perhaps like his SDS comrade, Ayers, he, too,
> > thinks he did not do enough back then. In my view they did more than
> > enough.
> > An excellent profile of that maoist milieu is available in a book
> > called Revolution in the Air by Max Elbaum,
> > a first hand participant whose sympathy for the maoism of the period
> > does not get in the way of an excellent account of these idiot savants
> > of the left.
> > How is it possible that someone of Klonsky's ilk would now be playing
> > a visible role in the Obama campaign itself on such an important issue
> > as education policy - apparently with free reign to push his
> > authoritarian "social justice" agenda?
> >

- You should really keep this up.
- It helps the Dems to see how insane
- Obama's enemies are. Keep it up!
- Mike

MWB -why- the use of the term Obama's Enemies ?

*MWB* One begins to wonder -if- Prez Obama
and the Obama Regime have/are compiling an
Enemies List like Nixon . . .

*MWB* Did Prez Clinton have Enemies ?
Obsessed {White Water & Lewinsky} Political
Opposition Yes -but- no one in the Clinton
Administration was talking about Enemies
of the Prez Clinton. {Presidential Enemies List}

*MWB* Did Prez Bush have Enemies ?
Rabid and Hateful Anti-Bush Political Opposition
Yes -but- no one in the Bush Administration was
talking about Enemies of the Prez Bush.
{Presidential Enemies List}
-ok- may be a vp 'cheney' enemies list

? Are your so-called Obama's Enemies :
Enemies of The State ?

? Is Prez Obama just a 'temporary' 4-Year
Employee of the People -or- Has Prez Obama
Now Become "The State" and President-for-Life ?

? What Should Prez Obama Do With These
Enemies of The State {Himself} ?
? Interment Camps for Insane Enemies of The State ?
? Gulags {Work Camps} for Criminal Enemies of The State ?
? Send Enemies of The State All Back To Europe ?
? Executions for Dangerous Enemies of The State ?
* Note even John Hinckley, Jr got a Fair Trial;
went to Jail/Hospital {Insanity} and is alive today.,_Jr.

*MWB* Since when did having and expressing
Political Views that are opposed to any US
President make American Citizens Enemies
of The State {President} ? --- After all the First
Amendment to the United States Constitution
provides for :
* Abridging the Freedom of Speech,
* or {Freedom} of the Press;
* or the Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble,
* and to Petition the Government for a Redress
of Grievances
! So these In/Un-Alienable Rights No Longer Exist
Under The Obama Regime -aka- The State !
{Un-Done-by-Obama Rights}
Praise Be The Obama ! - my prez-a-duntz ~ RHF
All Hail to Our Lord and Savior Prez Obama !


Jul 6, 2010, 6:42:39 AM7/6/10
> went to Jail/Hospital {Insanity} and is alive today.,_Jr.

> *MWB* Since when did having and expressing
> Political Views that are opposed to any US
> President make American Citizens Enemies
> of The State {President} ? --- After all the First
> Amendment to the United States Constitution
> provides for :

> * Abridging the Freedom of Speech,
> * or {Freedom} of the Press;
> * or the Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble,
> * and to Petition the Government for a Redress
> of Grievances

> ! So these In/Un-Alienable Rights No Longer Exist
> Under The Obama Regime -aka- The State !
> {Un-Done-by-Obama Rights}
>  .
> Praise  Be The Obama  ! - my prez-a-duntz ~ RHF

> All Hail to Our Lord and Savior Prez Obama !
>  .- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Uh, Roy, unless you believe that I am really President
Obama, you can calm down. Those were my words, not
Obama's. I should have used the words "political
opponents" instead of enemies.

But thanks for your warning about the internment camps
that Obama is planning for his enemies. I'll start watching
for the unmarked black helicopters and the troops with
blue helmets. I hear they're looking for someone named
"Roy Fisk," but they can't find him thanks to your tinfoil hat!

Have a nice day, Roy!



Jul 6, 2010, 10:13:25 PM7/6/10

Prez Obama's Enemies {List} -aka- Enemies of The State

Praise Be The Obama ! - my prez-a-duntz ~ RHF
All Hail to Our Lord and Savior Prez Obama !

- Uh, Roy, unless you believe that I am really President
- Obama, you can calm down.

Dang you was impersonating Prez Obama
MWB you got him down real good
* How's Your Elvis ?

- Those were my words, not Obama's.

But you sound just like Prez Obama/Rahm Emanual
MWB did you come by that naturally ?
-or- you been practicing . . .

- I should have used the words "political opponents"
- instead of enemies.

Doesn't Prez Obama/Rahm Emanual thunk that
they are all one and the same :
-wrt- Political Opponents = Enemies of The State

MWB - I thunk that you was 'channeling' Prez Obama
* well at least Rahm {Dead Fish} Emanuel

- But thanks for your warning about the internment camps
- that Obama is planning for his enemies.

Every kid wants to go 'to kamp' in the summer
-so- now as adults they will get to stay all year
hey - it's just an endless vacation . . .
for those in need of a long rest.

- I'll start watching for the unmarked black helicopters

Nah the formerly plain black helos have the ObamaCorps
symbol on them now

- and the troops with blue helmets.

? Troops ? & "Blue Helmets"
Nah just Obama Death Squad Red Caps

- I hear they're looking for someone named
- "Roy Fisk,"

They should check MVC in Oakland

- but they can't find him thanks to your tinfoil hat!

Yeah the Obama-Rays are everywhere . . .
- Have a nice day, Roy!
- Mike

tyvm & tsty ~ RHF


Jul 9, 2010, 12:36:53 PM7/9/10
On Jul 9, 8:40 am, wrote:
> Commie lib Jimmy Buffet blames the British POLLUTION (BP) oil gusher on
> Bush! Can you beat that?
> cuhulin


Some like Prez Obama beat the Drum Head of
blame, Blame. BLAME ! - blame, Blame. BLAME !
and Scream & Rage against BP for the Oil Spill...

Some like Jimmy Buffet beat the Drum Head of
blame, Blame. BLAME ! - blame, Blame. BLAME !
and Scream & Rage against Bush for the Oil Spill...
-or- Scream & Rage against Cheney for the Oil Spill...

The Laws, Rules and Regulations that were in-effect
before the BP Oil Spill; and are currently still in-effect
today were Written by the US Congress and not by
any single US President : Prez Obama has had more
that One Year to 'Change' any and all of these Laws,
Rules and Regulations on his own as President; and/
or with the US Congress' help -but- Prez Obama has
Done Nothing to do so : That's a Clear Failure of
Presidential {Executive} Leadership by Prez Obama.
* The Failure is Prez Obama's
* The Fault is Prez Obama's
* The Blame is Prez Obama's
Hello - Prez Obama Quit the Blame Game
and 'Change' to the Get It Done Game.

After the first 7-Days that's One Week
? ? ? What Did Prez Obama Do ? ? ?
? ? ? What Did The Whole US Federal Government Do ? ? ?
nothing, Nothing. NOTHING !
-except- Blame BP for the Oil Spill : Instead of
Stopping the Leak and Cleaning-Up the Mess

After the second 7-Days that's Two Weeks
? ? ? What Did Prez Obama Do ? ? ?
? ? ? What Did The Whole US Federal Government Do ? ? ?
nothing, Nothing. NOTHING !
-except- Blame BP for the Oil Spill : Instead of
Stopping the Leak and Cleaning-Up the Mess

After the third 7-Days that's Three Weeks
? ? ? What Did Prez Obama Do ? ? ?
? ? ? What Did The Whole US Federal Government Do ? ? ?
nothing, Nothing. NOTHING !
-except- Blame BP for the Oil Spill : Instead of
Stopping the Leak and Cleaning-Up the Mess

After the fourth 7-Days that's Four Weeks
? ? ? What Did Prez Obama Do ? ? ?
? ? ? What Did The Whole US Federal Government Do ? ? ?
nothing, Nothing. NOTHING !
-except- Blame BP for the Oil Spill : Instead of
Stopping the Leak and Cleaning-Up the Mess

After the 30-Days that's One Month
? ? ? What Did Prez Obama Do ? ? ?
? ? ? What Did The Whole US Federal Government Do ? ? ?
nothing, Nothing. NOTHING !
-except- Blame BP for the Oil Spill : Instead of
Stopping the Leak and Cleaning-Up the Mess

After the 60-Days that's Two Months
? ? ? What Did Prez Obama Do ? ? ?
? ? ? What Did The Whole US Federal Government Do ? ? ?
nothing, Nothing. NOTHING !
-except- Blame BP for the Oil Spill : Instead of
Stopping the Leak and Cleaning-Up the Mess

Now after 80-Days that's Two Months and
Almost Three Weeks
? ? ? What Has Prez Obama Done ? ? ?
? ? ? What Has The Whole US Federal Government Done ? ? ?
nothing, Nothing. NOTHING !
-except- Blame BP for the Oil Spill : Instead of
Stopping the Leak and Cleaning-Up the Mess

The Year is 2010 and Prez Obama is In-Charge
and Doing nothing, Nothing. NOTHING ! :
That Nothing Is Prez Obama's Fault [.]
That Nothing Is The Obama Regime's Fault [.]
That Nothing Is the whole US Federal Government's Fault [.]
To Stop the Oil Spill Leaks and Clean-Up the Mess.

US Presidents Lead By Doing : Not By Blaming. ~ RHF


Jul 9, 2010, 2:11:48 PM7/9/10

And then there are people as stupid as you who close their eyes and run
repeatedly into the same wall and wonder why you can't move forward.


Jul 9, 2010, 10:53:15 PM7/9/10
- - The Year is 2010 and Prez Obama is In-Charge
- - and Doing nothing, Nothing. NOTHING ! :
- - That Nothing Is Prez Obama's Fault [.]
- - That Nothing Is The Obama Regime's Fault [.]
- - That Nothing Is the whole US Federal
- - Government's Fault [.]
- - To Stop the Oil Spill Leaks and Clean-Up the Mess.
- -
- - US Presidents Lead By Doing : Not By Blaming. ~ RHF
- - .

- And then there are people as stupid
- as you who close their eyes and run
- repeatedly into the same wall and
- wonder why you can't move forward.

US Presidents Lead By Doing :
Not By Blaming. ~ RHF

Message has been deleted

Jul 16, 2010, 8:41:47 AM7/16/10

>> I'm sure there can be more to a 'coalescence' of people than Race.
>Yes, it takes more than just being of the same race, as Bosnia amply
>But being of the same race is one of the _essential_ conditions of
>peoplehood, and only a united people are likely to throw off the
>chains of the oligarchs. Without it, you have no chance.
>A mish-mash of tribes with no sense of peoplehood or historical
>destiny is more likely to snipe at each other in between bouts of
>meaningless fornication, consumption of carcinogenic corporate
>products, and watching television sets on which Big Brother
>constantly tells them to embrace "equality" and "there's no such
>thing as race."
>Which is exactly the way the international parasites (who, by the
>way, are one of the most racially exclusive peoples on Earth) like
>it. They know that such a mass of contemptible peons is very
>unlikely to ever make a revolution.
>That is why the rulers of empires, from the Assyrians to the one now
>centered in New York and Tel Aviv, preach the idea of "tolerance"
>and "oneness" and "diversity" to their slaves. It keeps the slaves
>confused, ignorant of who they really are, and ignorant of their
>true condition. If the "multiculturalism" goes on long enough, many
>of the slaves will mix randomly and will actually cease to be,
>biologically, what they were before. That's one way that empires
>commit genocide.
>Look at what's happening in Tibet. The empire there may not use
>precisely the same terminology used here in the former West, but for
>all practical purposes they accuse the Tibetans who want their
>children to remain Tibetan of "racism" and "hate."

Tribalism is key to a strong and prosperous people. Western Voices World News

Bob LeChevalier

Jul 16, 2010, 3:56:18 PM7/16/10
to wrote:
>>A mish-mash of tribes with no sense of peoplehood or historical
>>destiny is more likely to snipe at each other in between bouts of
>>meaningless fornication, consumption of carcinogenic corporate
>>products, and watching television sets on which Big Brother
>>constantly tells them to embrace "equality" and "there's no such
>>thing as race."

Sounds like American style democracy to me, especially the sniping.

Don't like it? Leave. We won't miss you.

>>Which is exactly the way the international parasites

You mean the subhuman racist slime, like you? Racists are inherently

>>They know that such a mass of contemptible peons is very
>>unlikely to ever make a revolution.

Better a mass of contemptible peons, than a mass of abominable slime.

Bob LeChevalier - artificial linguist; genealogist Lojban language

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