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The truth about picking on Chelesa

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May 1, 1993, 2:17:46 AM5/1/93
Did Rush really compare Chelsa to a dog? I find it hard to believe, as
he does not sound like he'd do something like that. So please tell me the

Steve Shapiro

May 3, 1993, 2:17:48 PM5/3/93

In article <>,

> Did Rush really compare Chelsa to a dog? I find it hard to believe, as
>he does not sound like he'd do something like that. So please tell me the

This is REALLY old news as it occurred last NOVEMBER. But, in an effort to
remove those who would continue to attempt history...

Having seen the show on which it occurred, here is my testimony. 8-)

Rush had a list and was drawing comparisons between Bush & Clinton and the
differences now that Clinton was in and Bush was out.

One of the things on the list that Rush had stated during the radio show was
something to the effect that there is no longer a dog in the white house, that
there is a cat and that there is now a cute kid in the whitehouse (and there
hadn't been since the days of Jimmy Carter).

Well, on TV he made the 'cute kid in the whitehouse' statement first, and
whoever the engineer was flashed the picture of the Bush's dog by mistake. I
assumed that it was an honest mistake since during the day Rush did 'dog' then
'kid'. Maybe he blew the script or the the engineer wasn't listening. However,
IMMEDIATELY upon the screwup, he apologised profusely.

I feel that it is highly unlikely that this was intentional since a week
(weeks?) before he made some sort of statement as to Chelsea being 'homely' (or
somesuch similar) and got so much grief over it (including admonishment from
his mother) that I am sure that he wanted to tread lightly ( lightly
as Rush is capable of treading 8-).


* Steve Shapiro * All views and opinions expressed *
* SKS Computer Consulting, Inc. * are my own and are offered as-is *
* BBS: (508) 664-6354 N81 *

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