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The leftwaffe continues to hate america

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Oct 31, 2003, 5:46:58 PM10/31/03
I have tried but I cant even fathom what goes on in the mind of a
liberal. They seem to be joyous when one of our soldiers is killed or
injured. They hate that Bush is popular. They hate everything America does.
They hate that the economy growth is far better than that of their lover
Billy Bubba. They hate the fact that America is the most generous and
compassionate country on the earth. They are not of America. They crawled
from a hole in the ground. Liberals are the lowest of low of all. They hate
America and everything it does.

"Florida, home of sunshine, warm weather, the 2002 Super bowl Champions,
and the 2003 World Series Champions."

Eric Chomko

Nov 7, 2003, 2:59:07 PM11/7/03
102 ( wrote:
: I have tried but I cant even fathom what goes on in the mind of a

: liberal. They seem to be joyous when one of our soldiers is killed or

You're too dumb.

: injured. They hate that Bush is popular. They hate everything America does.

We question Bush and America and what he does in the interest of America.

: They hate that the economy growth is far better than that of their lover

: Billy Bubba. They hate the fact that America is the most generous and
: compassionate country on the earth. They are not of America. They crawled

Generous and compassionate to whom? Like your generousity and compassion
toward liberals?

: from a hole in the ground. Liberals are the lowest of low of all. They hate

: America and everything it does.

No we hate reckless conservatives that hurt the country in the name of
claiming to love the country.


: --

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