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Democrats Hillary Clinton And Barack Obama Two Scary Presidential Canditates

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Jun 26, 2007, 2:56:55 PM6/26/07
They are scary because they are both radical "liberals", i.e. socialists.

They both promise (actually threaten) to "take back America" by raising
and raising spending. Also, of course, they are for bigger government.

Clinton stated in a campaign speech that under her presidency government
would have
"to take more" from many Americans. That would be from more affluent
middle-class Americans
to be given to the lazy, shiftless underclass in a form of "wealth
distribution". She should have
stated that she is really for the confiscation of private wealth, but not
including that of her and
her weeny husband Bill.

Both Clinton and Baa would reduce the security of American citizens in that
as leftists are
against the military and for pacifism and appeasement. Baa said that he
would fight the
Islamic Jihad in the courts, and by negotiation and expanding the Peace

If Americans want to survive they will turn thumbs down on these two
socialist demagogues,
and the rest of the Democrat party that has been hijacked by the radical


Jun 26, 2007, 3:05:02 PM6/26/07
You are going to need quite a bit of time to get used to the victory
of the Democratic Party in 2008. I suggest you start now.

Will this mean a slide into European style government? It doesn't seem
likely to me but I suppose we will move in that direction. It won't
hurt if we do.

It's going to happen, though. Get used to it. Start now.


Posted Via Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services


Jun 26, 2007, 3:06:23 PM6/26/07

bush has created the biggest spending government in history and is
losing two wars at the same time, that is really scary. romney mccain
and guiliani are the scarriest losers of all, mccain is insane from
his pow experience, romney is a flip flopper and rudy is
acrossdressing fag who let 911 happen on his watch, 3 very scary
losers indeed.


Jun 26, 2007, 3:27:18 PM6/26/07
to , have a look at this article from DailyKos.

If the source of ths article bothers you, do a bit of Googling and you
will find that the jist of it is true. The GOP is not raising money
like it used to. The money is following the winners, as usual. It is
now going to the Democratic Party.

You know, there is no reason to be so alarmed, anon. Those 8 years of
peace and prosperity under Bill Clinton were not so bad, were they?

Don't worry so much. It will be pretty much business as ususal.

Amanda Williams

Jun 26, 2007, 4:00:56 PM6/26/07
to allegedly said in

> They are scary because they are both radical "liberals", i.e.
> socialists.

The only thing "scary" is that slack-jawed, drooling, fuckwits like you,
get to vote... now THAT'S really scary...


Gonzo Funeral Watch: 106 days 15 hours 59 minutes and counting


<small but dangerous>

Server 13

Jun 26, 2007, 4:13:02 PM6/26/07

<> wrote in message

> They are scary because they are both radical "liberals", i.e. socialists.


Tom Gardner

Jun 26, 2007, 4:50:44 PM6/26/07

"Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message

> allegedly said in
> news:Wjdgi.175301$
>> They are scary because they are both radical "liberals", i.e.
>> socialists.
> The only thing "scary" is that slack-jawed, drooling, fuckwits like you,
> get to vote... now THAT'S really scary...
> rotfl..

Maybe the Dems will have figured out the complex voting process by then.


Jun 26, 2007, 4:57:57 PM6/26/07

<> wrote in message

> They are scary because they are both radical "liberals", i.e. socialists.

They are neither radicals, nor socialists.

Why do you right-wing radicals tell so many lies?

"History! Read it and weep!"
When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Jun 26, 2007, 6:32:26 PM6/26/07
On Jun 26, 11:56 am, wrote:

Fear not, Sir or Madam. Sexist America will not elect a slit
president, and racist America will not elect a jig president. As for
Socialism, read any almanac and find that the societies scoring best
in all important national rankings have Socialist or semi-Socialist
governments. You should really read more, travel more and fear less.

Nebuchadnezzar II

Jun 26, 2007, 7:01:30 PM6/26/07
"Tom Gardner" <tom(nospam)> wrote in message

Maybe Reichtards will figure out how NOT to vote for a pair of convicted
criminals and untreated alcoholics. I know this is asking for a lot,
but I can certainly dream.


Jun 26, 2007, 7:03:49 PM6/26/07
> They both promise (actually threaten) to "take back America" by raising
> taxes

Did some moron say, "raising taxes?"

And just what do you think a 50% devaluation of the greenback is? To me,
that's even worse than raising taxes. It means everything I own or have
saved was taxed 50%. And yes, our holy, sitting on top of the mountain US
Dollar has been devalued against all currencies. And that even includes the
currencies of the banana republics.

Reagan used to call the Democrats, the "tax and spend Democrats." That sure
beats the "spend, borrow and blame the next administration for the mess"



Jun 26, 2007, 10:27:51 PM6/26/07
They both suck. But all Democrats suck, so don't expect anything better from

<> wrote in message


Jun 26, 2007, 10:33:11 PM6/26/07
On Jun 26, 7:27 pm, "BibsBro" <> wrote:
> They both suck. But all Democrats suck, so don't expect anything better from
> them.
> <> wrote in message
> > left.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

republicans suck more just ask gannon, haggard and bush, the 3 biggest
right wing cocksuckers on earth


Jun 26, 2007, 11:59:46 PM6/26/07
BushRuinsTheWorldandtheUSA <> wrote in

at least not with my vote! I fell for their crap hook, line and sinker
in the last election.. but so far, they are a Bush poodle... now
Immigration Reform has got me, and all of my relatives, fighting mad.
The only question is, WHO is the LEAST harmful? A choice between evil
people who I have absolutely nothing in common with.

Doug Bashford

Jun 27, 2007, 2:21:34 AM6/27/07

in, Itchy said about:
..if they pass "Immigration Reform" they won't win in '08

> > republicans suck more just ask gannon, haggard and bush, the 3 biggest
> > right wing cocksuckers on earth
> >
> >
> at least not with my vote! I fell for their crap hook, line and sinker
> in the last election.. but so far, they are a Bush poodle... now
> Immigration Reform has got me, and all of my relatives, fighting mad.
> The only question is, WHO is the LEAST harmful? A choice between evil
> people who I have absolutely nothing in common with.

Many people are not aware that
the current "immigration reform" bills have provisions
to also flood the market with high-tech and other high-pay
jobs. Why not hire discount immigrants to do the job, hire
those who don't demand American salaries, vactions, and all
that expensive stuff that Americans have earned?

And personal experience is, illegal day laborors in
Truckee CA turn down less than $15/hr. Immigrants in
in Fresno in roofing make $9/hr, one-time $15-$20/hr
jobs once held by middle class working Americans.
By and large, they are not working for mini-wage.

The Job Market is Like Any Market, just Bigger

Since the job market is like any other market, the economic rules
of supply-and-demand apply: Flood the market and demand drops
- causing wages, job security and benefits to also drop.
But employers love this. A sinking tide lowers all boats,
- not quite.

The Swift meat-packing plant in Greeley CO was raided and
over 1,000 Latin illegal aliens were arrested. Two days
later the line was out the door with mostly white Americans
seeking those same jobs! The slogan; "They do the work that
Americans will not," is employer propaganda, and simply
against the basic rules of economics which say that a local
shortage is impossible in a free market. What they really
mean is; "Americans will not work at Mexican wages, boo hoo."
And they expect Congress to JUMP.
They don't REALLY want a free market, what they REALLY want is
artificial/illegal over-supply. That too, is a simple economic
principle called, "public costs, private profits," (sometimes
called facism, or shady dealings, and is often highly illegal).

In WWII there was a real labor shortage. This was solved
with temporary work permits to Mexicans and was called
the 1942 Bracero program. It somehow continued until 1964.
Many Mexicans were never paid in full, and from a
humanitarian standpoint, was deemed a complete and utter
failure. However, agribusiness etc, got a taste of cheap
labor, and via political trickery, never gave it up.

The Real Problem

The problem is not Illegal Aliens, but Illegal Employers.
Start prosecuting Illegal Employers and we will need to
open our borders to let the newly unemployed Illegal Aliens
flood back into Mexico. Problem solved. It's that easy.
It's that quick. It's that cheap. Economic priciples at work.
But if it doesn't stay that simple it will fail, as
we shall see, as history (1986+) has shown.

(Gards and walls ignore economic priciples,
thus always fail.)

The Washington Post noted in a
shocking article on June 19, 2006:

1) "Between 1999 and 2003, work-site immigration enforcement
operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration
and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was submerged
into the Homeland Security Department.

2) "The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully
employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to 4 in 2003.

3) "Fines collected dropped from $3,600,000 to $212,000
according to federal statistics.

4) "In 1999, the United States initiated fines against
417 companies. In 2004, it issued only 3 fine notices."

The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored
by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation.

We see a repackaging of a remarkably similar bill of goods,
the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, now openly
called the Amnesty bill, which included in part a
hard-fought compromise: tough employer laws. Some Big
Things were given up to get that. But soon after the bill
was passed, that part was forgotten, not enforced, and
basically shitcanned. Big Money spoke. This is why REAL
immigration reform must not be a complex cobbling together
of conflicting sides. We want it, or we do not.
We must have a simple bill where failure can not be
conveniently passed around like a football; "THEY did it."

For example, the current bill has a soundsgood provision,
the Employment Eligibility Verification System, which is in
reality is a screaming joke. They wanna play us as fools.

A Push to Flood the Job Market

The current debate in Congress between Dems and Repubs is
not about; if our job market should be flooded with immigrants,
but how.
Why is this?
A reasonable question.
The Dems and Repubs who want fewer immigrants are divided by
political lines and so are un-united, helpless and ignored.
Big Money however, is united, wealthy, and so, listened to.
Again, simple economics in a new world where simple economics
is decreasingly regulated by common sense and morality.
The politicians love it! It's so easy! Rich Boys too!
Seemingly, corporations and government have joined forces
against the employees. (Soon it seems, only honest work
will be taxed, all other income is becoming taxfree.)
And most Americans just don't care.

"Fascism should more properly be called
corporatism, since it is the merger
of state and corporate power." - Mussolini.

Do words mean something?

info Google: "illegal employer" "middle class" supply market
keep the quotes.

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