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If your under thirty YOU voted for Ronnie

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The Independents - SUNY Buffalo

May 21, 1993, 7:38:00 PM5/21/93
Ronald Reagan (Ronaldus Maximus) was voted into office TWICE
by LANDSLIDES. The American people loved him and continue to do so
despite the Orwellian re-writing of history that is being attempted.
Also, Reagan was the most voted for bye people in the 18-24 and
25 - 30 age groups (this is a fact, the demographic studies and exit
polls are a matter of record). Wether you see him as Satan Incarnate
who trod upon the helpless proleterait (in which case wake up and
smell the nineties babe) or The Greatest President Since Jefferson ('I
knew tthomas Jefferson, I worked with Thomas Jefferson, and Bill
Clinton is no Thomas Jefferson.' Ronald Reagan 1992 Rpublican
convention) he was the greastest LOVED president of our times. The
people wanted him and they got him. Joan Baez said in an interview on
Mchneil Lehrer (that bastion of unadulterated truth) that she thaught
the American people had gotten what they wanted and it was stupid. She
did not carry that to the next logical step, the American People are
thus STUPID. Of course we are, thats why we need Big Brother to hold
our hands and take care of us and take fifty percent of our checks
each week.
Of course its also a matter of demographic record that the
group that most voted for Nixon was the group that identified
themselves as Hippies. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Will wonders never stop?
One final note:
- Equinox

May 21, 1993, 10:13:39 PM5/21/93
In article <>, (T writes...

> Ronald Reagan (Ronaldus Maximus) was voted into office TWICE
>by LANDSLIDES. The American people loved him and continue to do so
>despite the Orwellian re-writing of history that is being attempted.
>Also, Reagan was the most voted for bye people in the 18-24 and

>25 - 30 age groups (this is a fact, the demographic studies and exit
>polls are a matter of record). Wether you see him as Satan Incarnate

>who trod upon the helpless proleterait (in which case wake up and
^ ^^

>smell the nineties babe) or The Greatest President Since Jefferson ('I
>knew tthomas Jefferson, I worked with Thomas Jefferson, and Bill

>Clinton is no Thomas Jefferson.' Ronald Reagan 1992 Rpublican
^ ^

>convention) he was the greastest LOVED president of our times. The
>people wanted him and they got him. Joan Baez said in an interview on
>Mchneil Lehrer (that bastion of unadulterated truth) that she thaught
^ ^

>the American people had gotten what they wanted and it was stupid. She
>did not carry that to the next logical step, the American People are
>thus STUPID. Of course we are, thats why we need Big Brother to hold

>our hands and take care of us and take fifty percent of our checks
>each week.
> Of course its also a matter of demographic record that the

>group that most voted for Nixon was the group that identified
>themselves as Hippies. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Will wonders never stop?
> One final note:
> - Equinox
I don't have a spell-ckecker. What's your excuse?

"I hate to advocate drugs, violence, or insanity to anyone, Garrett Johnson
but they've always worked for me. - Hunter Thompson
"Life is just one damned thing after another" - Elbert Hubbard

Todd Andrew Simpson

May 21, 1993, 10:38:46 PM5/21/93
to (The Independents - SUNY Buffalo) writes...

Ronald Reagan (Ronaldus Maximus) was voted into office TWICE
by LANDSLIDES. The American people loved him and continue to do so
despite the Orwellian re-writing of history that is being attempted.
Also, Reagan was the most voted for bye people in the 18-24 and
25 - 30 age groups (this is a fact, the demographic studies and exit
polls are a matter of record).

I guess I ought to take back what I said in an earlier post about Edwin
Meese. I shouldn't have criticized him, because he was appointed by
Ronald Reagan, and I voted for Ronald Reagan. I don't remember doing
so, but I am under 30 (just barely) so I must have voted for him....

There is an alternative explanation: I am not American. Is it possible?
Why would they let me vote here then? If I'm not American, what am I?
[NB: These are RHETORICAL questions, if you know what that means]


May 21, 1993, 11:49:56 PM5/21/93
In article <1993May22.0...@pony.Ingres.COM>, gar...@Ingres.COM writes...[long post deleted]

>> - Equinox
>I don't have a spell-ckecker. What's your excuse?

Oops! That's spell-checker. Good thing I'm the first to catch it.

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