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Teigan's Angel

06.10.2005, 02:15:0706.10.05
an is a disorganized bunch of low rent nazi

Who pretends to be in middle management for a Multi National
Corporation that does nothing but process meaningless paperwork for no
monetary reward? I can name names and point you to their blogs...and I
just might if anyone cares.

Who are these individuals who delight in Corporate manipulation as a

If you are not familiar with Neurocam it is an Australian based sort of
ARG, that claims not to be a game. It is not a game because usually a
ARG has an organized plot. Neurocam consists of meaningless assignments
that are performed by their secret operatives. These assignments are
designed to appear as if they had some meaning...but they do not. They
are fabrications made up by the latest group of middle magagement to
manipulate the operatives.

How this cycle perpetuates itself is the mystery. Where do the middle
managers go when there is a big schism and they disappear? Are they
still so loyal to their corporate cult that they do not expose the
silly meaningless corruption that this pretend company has spawned. I
have heard they are dealt with the same as The Gaurd of Faggio, tossed
to the bottom of the lake.

Neurocam has been around since at least Feb. of 2000, but it seemed to
have more class in the early days with Billboards and Ad trailers at
the theater, face to face contact and interesting converstation.

The game seems to consist of internal backstabbing and corporate
plotting, or at least that is how it is being played today.

Tea again with Hastings...and I am his personal angel
sent from the Nautioneer...


Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Simon Shamed by Soss
Simon was defeated by association with small minded creeps and the
Neurobaord has fallen. It did not take long for Soss to supress the
ability to share ideas in the community. i remakred form the very start
of his agression that SOSS would be responsible for killing the

And we know why and how. Bullsh*t promotion...well all I can say is
that the next two memebers of management to surface are dead meat...

I liked Jack Sampson...I do not like Soss...

This signfies the death of all that was fun about Neurocam. The
authorities of American Home Security have been notifed that the game
phase of terrorist reqruiting has seemed to end and a whole new stage
of private insurrection seems to be taking place.

I can guarantee that you will be investigated by the Federal
Governement should your name appear in the Neurocam files.

There seems to be nothing but a fachist reactionary management left...

if you dont belive me...take to test...and see what a Nazi you have
become...just trying to get ahead in a make believe corporation!

Teigan's Angel

14.10.2005, 06:45:5314.10.05

Saturday, May 14, 2005

of the...

From: Gertrude Zelle
Date: May 14, 2005 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: another enquiry
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Dear Operative Tript,

Thank you for raising this matter with me. You would be surprised how
many operatives have decided to publicly comment on and discuss this
issue without first checking the potential operational consequences
with the Human Resources Security Division.

Normally Neurocam International has a policy of not revealing the
"status" of any individual operative. In this instance, however, due to
the sensitive and potentially damaging nature of this issue, Neurocam
International's senior management has decided to forgo this protocol.

The Human Resources Security Division has observed, over the last few
months, a systematic attempt by the individual known as "Chris Titan"
and his associates to undermine Neurocam International's reputation and
operations. Operating under an auspice of "working in the
organization's best interest", "Chris Titan" has been generating an
inordinate amount of fabricated material which reports to relate to
Neurocam International. I can, however, assure you that it does not.
The origin of this material is the imagination of "Chris Titan".

Neurocam International is unaware of "Chris Titan's" motivation for
acting in such a manner. Whether it is merely indicative of a desire
attention, or whether it is, in fact, evidence of a more concerning
delusional state, is uncertain. As, however, Neurocam International's
health benefits package does not include mental health assistance for
entry level operatives, a determination of his motivation is

To address the potentially damaging nature of this situation, Neurocam
International has undertaken two security-orientated measures.

The first is that the individual known as "Chris Titan" was dismissed
from Neurocam International as of 8.40am on Thursday May 12, 2005.

The second is that the Human Resources Security Division has assigned
Special Operative Samuel Paris ( to this
Special Operative Paris will be researching this occurrence, closely
monitoring which operatives continue to interact with (and, thus,
encourage) "Chris Titan", and will finally make recommendations as to
which operatives should be subjected to similar disciplinary action.

If you have any material which relates to this case, then I strongly
recommend that you forward it to Special Operative Paris.

Furthermore, I strongly encourage you to refrain from interacting with
"Chris Titan" and his associates.

I trust this email satisfactorily clarifies this matter for you.


Gertrude Zelle
Head, Human Resources Security Division (ACTING)
Neurocam International

// posted by Tript @ 12:16 PM
postCount('111603736639124592'); Comment (1)

Teigan's Angel

14.10.2005, 06:47:3714.10.05
The Good Old...
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 06:59:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Chris Titan" Add to Address Book
Subject: Tenex has turned you out!

Mr. Sampson,

I would say that your trust in Mr. Tenez is ill founded.

I gave him every oportunity to resolve this situation quitely.

I would like to work for mnemonic development.

I will require Mr.Tenex to ship a brownie before I can relent on my

I wanted to allow you to pressure him as your office has very little to
gain over this exposure.

I have heard that your operations in London are still a mystery to
deeply placed operatives...I can respect that...your reputation is on
the line.

Sack Tenex and give me his job and send a Brownie to the address listed
on my blog, article titled scientiology blind...and I will cease and
desist any further investigations into this botched
instinct says that this op serves the greater good, but the way tenex
lies about the brownie...the entire office of mnemonics has suffered a
blow to its reputaton. I can solve your problems...if only because I am
creating them.

I look forward to working with you in the future.


Chris Titan

Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 04:12:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Tenex has turned you out!
From: "Jack Sampson" Add to Address Book
To: "Chris Titan"

Chris - Your hot air is of no consequence. You are your own problem,
not mine. I have added a note to your file though recommending your
dismissal at the slightest indication to Gertrude that you're wasting
International's time, resources and a security risk.

Jack Sampson
Manager, Mnemonic Development
Operations Division
Neurocam International

Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 07:10:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Chris Titan" Add to Address Book
Subject: Fwd: Re: Tenex has turned you out!

Ms. Zelle,

I wonder why he is so mad?

Is it that his agents keep exposing the inconsistancies in their story?

I apologize if I have overstepped my bounds. I must trust my intuition
to the very last.


Chris Titan
Neurocam International

Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 21:38:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Security Risks
From: "Jack Sampson" Add to Address Book
To: "Chris Titan"


The security concern is only your behaviour. I am well aware of the
activities of the others. My opinion will not change, and your request
for a transfer to work with me has been approached in such a way to
it will never happen.

Jack Sampson
Manager, Mnemonic Development
Operations Division
Neurocam International

Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 22:43:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Chris Titan" Add to Address Book
Subject: Uno Mas!


Perhaps I can appeal to your sense of humour...

Found this and it made me think of you...

Chris Titan


Jobs are toss. thus they smell of sex wee
Only gaylords and losers try to work productively.
Bothered face, wish we could be slobs
Seems we have to whore our bottoms (or get jobs)

Anyhoo, after cv's, interviews, shifts, you get contracted
Realise that jobs are gay and your boss is a smelly ratbastard
Everyone should kick their boss in the nuts at least once daily.

Good god it hurts to get up for this piece of jism
And pretend to your "team" that you actually like them
You know most of them are gay (and one is probably a paedophile)

Why do i have to get up so bloody early to come to work?
And how come people i work for with are dumbass jerks?
Now lets fuck off and go to the pub and drink til we go blue.
Knowing your nuts are still massive and that noone can take that away
from you. ever.

Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 19:39:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Chris Titan" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Security Risks

Dear Sir,

It would benefit me in the future to understand what particular
behavior has displeased you to such a degree.

Is there something that I have said in particular about yourself?

I feel that my entire operation involved only playing on the leaks that
Dan Pritchard had provided that you may not have made it out of the
situation with the COL. Please correct me to where I crossed the line.

I understand it was poor judgment to contact you when I was overheated.
I was having a nice Cinco De Mayo party drinking tequila, I checked the
board when I took a little break and discovered that the remarks about
the brownie had been taken out of context and everyone was kicking me
in the balls. I sorta flipped. I saw the danger that we were in if COL
had managed to influence so many field operatives. I contacted you to
warn you about what was happening. My back-brain was soaked in tequila
and a MexiCali rage. If I lacked tact I apologize.

My intentions remain clear. I desire to work for Mnemonic Development.

Your time and insight are very appreciated.

Chris Titan, Junior Operative
Neurocam International

Operations Division
Neurocam International

Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 20:00:19 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Intell of the COL in Neurocom Mangement
From: "Gertrude Zelle" Add to Address Book
To: "Chris Titan"

Dear Operative Chris Titan,

Thank you for the submission of your report which details your
investigation into the attempted infiltration by Circle de Luce

I have reviewed its contents, including the correspondence with Ms.
Helena Bond, and have tasked a number of the Human Resources Security
Division's analysts to determine the veracity of some of the

I must, however, make two things abundantly clear.

The first is that Mr. Jack Sampson, Manager of Neurocam
Mnemonic Development Unit of the Operations Division, is a long-time
Neurocam operative, a close working colleague of mine and a personal
friend. His loyalty to the organization is beyond question and has
been demonstrated convincingly on a large number of occasions.

Whilst I do not discourage your investigations, I suggest that you tone
down the rhetoric you have adopted when referring to Mr. Sampson. Had
you considered the possibility that your public musings regarding Mr.
Sampson are in fact serving a purpose for the Circle de Luce? By subtly
suggesting that a loyal Neurocam manager may be treasonous, the Circle
de Luce could slowly remove confidence in that manager, thus rendering
of Neurocam International's most important human assets ineffective.

The second thing I would like to make clear is that I am rather
concerned by the way this issue seems to have diverted your attention
from the
task I had requested that you complete. I am aware of your recent
correspondence with Operative Midnight, and approve of your
collaboration in this task, but am still awaiting the submission of
your suggested
web journal post which will detail your encounter with Ms. Fischer and
entourage. As this is a task which you have been requested to
complete, as opposed to one you have chosen to adopt through your own
it must take precedence over your investigations.

In regards to the disinformation task - I recently sent you a
designed for inclusion in your post, but recent developments have
resulted in my desire to see an alternate document utilized. The new
is included with this correspondence. Please destroy all record of the
previous document.


Gertrude Zelle
Head, Human Resources Security Division (ACTING)
Neurocam International

Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 08:07:35 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Intell of the COL in Neurocom Mangement
From: "Gertrude Zelle" Add to Address Book
To: "Chris Titan"

Dear Operative Chris Titan,

Your decision to attempt to try and negotiate an avoidance of
publication of the document in question is commendable, as are your
thoughts on
fidelity, but I believe that you are operating under a misconception.

Even if I had, based upon your assistance thus far, been predisposed
towards permitting your attempts at negotiation, any such
predisposition evaporated the moment that Mr. Jack Sampson forwarded,
to me, the
latest mail you have sent him.

The contents of that email, which I see no reason to re-print here, are
a gross violation of Neurocam International's anti-sexual harassment
policies and constitute behavior which is extremely inappropriate for a
Neurocam operative. Mr. Sampson has called for your immediate
dismissal, but, based purely upon you recent willingness (although at
begrudging in nature) to assist me, I have decided to delay my decision
on this matter.

Your belligerence, however, in regards to the document I have requested
that you publish, has not inspired me to act in a charitable fashion.

Let me make your situation perfectly clear - You claim to be an
operative of Neurocam International, yet when given a direct
instruction by one
of Neurocam International's senior management, you believe that you
are in
a position to negotiate the terms of that instruction. If this is what
you believe, then you are grossly mistaken. The determination of the
nature of your involvement with Neurocam International is entirely mine

Secondly, you also seem to be operating under the misconception that
Neurocam International is required to provide you with reasons for the
requests it makes of you. I fail to see how you have arrived at this
belief, but can assure you that it is incorrect.

You will publish the document in the fashion that I have clearly stated
on no less than three occasions. Furthermore, as far as this matter is
concerned, I will not repeat myself again. From this point onwards I
will resort to disciplinary action.

Have I made myself clear?


Gertrude Zelle
Head, Human Resources Security Division (ACTING)
Neurocam International

posted by Chris_Titan at 2:48 PM 0 comments

[Just because i thought it was funny]

>From : Jack Sampson
Reply-To :
Sent : 12 May 2005 09:41:13
To : "Dan Pritchard"
Subject : Re: Letter/Celetje Claire



Thanks for the report mate. I've spoken with Charles and he is happy
you to file your reports with me, I will be sending them on to him.

Don't know the person in question, and haven't seen Henley for well
two years myself.

I wouldn't bother with Chris Titan, he's been spaming my inbox and I've
been in Gert's ear about getting him fired - she's stalling for some
reason. She does have a soft side there somewhere I'm sure. Why its for
idiots I don't know.

Busy mate - as you can guess. Standing orders remain the same.


Jack Sampson
Manager, Mnemonic Development
Operations Division
Neurocam International

Teigan's Angel

14.10.2005, 06:51:0914.10.05
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
The Reputation of the Organization
From: "Crispin Black" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Clairification
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 00:53:24 +1000
To: "Chris Titan"

Dear Mr. Titan -

I have been fully apprised of your history with Neurocam International.

The tone of your emails is somewhat overconfident, given that you are
no longer an Operative of the organization. You will recall you were
dismissed in May for reasons which I believe were made fairly clear at
the time.

We feel that your contribution has been interesting in some respects,
but that overall it has been a negative and vexatious one. You have
grossly violated protocol, created public confusion & hostility amongst

operatives, and generally undermined the good name of Neurocam
International with your confusing, sometimes obnoxious, and frequently
embarrassing behavior.(my bold face)

We are keen to encourage independent creative endeavor in relation to
Neurocam, but not in a way which damages the reputation of the

We are unable to stop you from submitting a new application (when these

reopen) and if you are able to conceal your identity from us, you will
be able to persue a new career with us that way. If we find out who you

are, we will dismiss you instantly and without negotiation - unless
your conduct under your new identity has been absolutely exemplary and
demonstrates a genuinely new approach and attitude.

To clarify this and correct a misunderstanding under which you appear
to be laboring - it is not the policy of Neurocam International to
willfully confuse or deceive operatives or anyone else, unless there
are very sound operational reasons for doing this. To the extent that
Neurocam engages in 'myth-creation' it does so in ways calculated to
serve its ends. The organization is a real entity, conducting real
operations, and not simply a fictional construct to be toyed with and
incorporated into whatever bizarre fantasies it may amuse you to

No further correspondence with you will be entered into at this time.


Crispin Black
Transitional Co-ordinator
Neurocam International

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