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al urker asks a question

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mathew grove

May 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/22/96

hey new bloke here - asking a simple question - I am fairly new to
afp and to Mr Pratchett himself ?

I can't remember which book either TLF or TCOM but Rincewind visits
the patriarch of A-M and his diet is remarkable similar to that of the

people at the end of the book - the ones who use the hydrophobes?
Hey I was paying attention! I do really know what I am talking about!

well what was the significance of this - an ideas - its been bugging
me since


Dick Eney

May 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/23/96

In article <>,

Since both cultures are by the ocean, both cultures eat a lot of seafood.
For several books, nearly all the food references are to seafood. In
TCOM, Rincewind meets what seems to be a prototype patrician, since the
description changes in later books; the patrician eats preserved sea
urchins IIRC. The same are offered later to Rincewind in TLF. But
earlier in TLF, when Rincewind is homesick, he remembers the food of A-M
and it is all seafood.

I doubt that there is any greater significance, since in those early
books, virtually all cultures that had cities had a similar level of
rapacity and violence among the upper classes.

-- Tamar


Jun 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/7/96

- hi. in afparticle, <>, "mathew grove" sought enlightenment:

> hey new bloke here - asking a simple question - I am fairly new to
> afp and to Mr Pratchett himself ?

- i believe so; though something about the match, or lack thereof
between your e-address and your afparticle id makes me wonder...

> I can't remember which book either TLF or TCOM but Rincewind visits
> the patriarch of A-M and his diet is remarkable similar to that of the
> people at the end of the book - the ones who use the hydrophobes?
> Hey I was paying attention! I do really know what I am talking about!
> well what was the significance of this - an ideas - its been bugging
> me since

> thanks
> (mathewg)
- well, it _could_ be read as an indication that lord vetinari is
related to the hydrohobes by family line; but i think it's much
more likely to be one of the ways in which the patrician is shown
to be a man who is in complete control - not just of the city of
ankh-morpork, but of his own self: and who better than someone so
capable, to be ankh-morpork's tyrant ? [1]

- love, ppint.

[1] - the greek word, "turannos" - which became our "tyrant" -
did not originally mean cruel, nasty, or even unplesant, a ruler;
"tyranny" was a word, almost a technical term, indicating a form
of government comparable with theocracy, monarchy, oligarchy and
democracy (etc.); one in which the sole ruler owed his (i don't
know of a female example: the greeks weren't too keen on allowing
women as much freedom as slaves...) position to popular support
and to his personal power,rather than to the support of one or
another of the establishent.

- would rule by rincewind be a thaumaturgocracyy, or a timocracy ?
"the life of a vegetable is of no interest to anyone whatsoever -
including to the vegetable in question. i speak from personal experience."
- ppint. at the sf, fantasy and horror book and role-playing game shop,
interstellar master traders, lancaster

Lethargic Man

Jun 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/10/96

A long time ago, on a Usenet far, far away, ppint. scribed:

> - hi. in afparticle, <>,
> "mathew grove" sought enlightenment:
>> hey new bloke here - asking a simple question - I am fairly new to
>> afp and to Mr Pratchett himself ?
> - i believe so; though something about the match, or lack thereof
> between your e-address and your afparticle id makes me wonder...

Maybe he's just got a split personality...

> - would rule by rincewind be a thaumaturgocracyy, or a timocracy ?

Neither. It would be a contradiction in terms.

Mchl Grnt

"Don't look behind you; the lemmings are catching up."=8-0| Risus Sardonicus :-]
"Abruptly, as I crossed the bridge, the sound of 'fnord, | (Michael S. Grant)
fnord, fnord' ceased. It was, as it were, cut off." |
----------< >---------------------------------

Michael Nachtigaeller

Jun 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/11/96

> - would rule by rincewind be a thaumaturgocracyy, or a timocracy ?

Or perhaps a traumarchy, or an ineptocracy ?

mathew grove

Jun 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/12/96
to (Lethargic Man) wrote:

> bl
>A long time ago, on a Usenet far, far away, ppint. scribed:
> ^
>> - hi. in afparticle, <>,
>> "mathew grove" sought enlightenment:
>>> hey new bloke here - asking a simple question - I am fairly new to
>>> afp and to Mr Pratchett himself ?
>> - i believe so; though something about the match, or lack thereof
>> between your e-address and your afparticle id makes me wonder...

>Maybe he's just got a split personality...

no, we are fine just as we are thanks!!

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