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Fun at ACen

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Jeffrey T. Jhee

2001年5月13日 下午3:29:422001/5/13
I got some answers directly from Animeigo's Robert Woodhead and Shin
Kurokawa, as well as one from Egan Loo, regarding past questions
regarding Macross.

1) SD Openings in the Animeigo Box set

What Shin had to say: The SD opening to Macross was done by an
independent studio. Getting the appropriate licensing is nearly
impossible (he later then corrected that to "impossible"), so don't
count on it. :-(

2) Why Animeigo got Harmony Gold's masters of the Macross footage
instead of Tatsunoko's

What Robert had to say: Because Harmony Gold owns the licensing outside
of Japan, Animeigo had to consult them before doing anything concerning
the series. To try to get it from Tatsunoko would involve having to get
permission to make discussion first, and then having to open new
discussions about acquiring film. So, they just got HG's stuff instead.
BTW, the results of restoration were rather incredible. They only
showed the first pass, but the improvements were practically night and
day over the Japanese discs. I highly encourage you to get the Animeigo
discs. Don't even THINK about getting the Japanese discs; you won't get
the quality, the price, or the translations. ;-)

3) Will Animeigo release DYRL?

What Robert had to say: Nobody knows who owns the license. Really, he
said something along those lines. Not a good sign for those hoping for
a Stateside release.

4) Will Animeigo release Macross 7?

What Robert had to say: He mentioned the flying pig, Pigasus. :-)

5) With Macross 3D canned, what's next?

What Egan had to say: No comment. Also, who said Macross 3D was canned?

6) Release date of the Box Set

What Robert had to say: August 1. I hope he meant 2001...

It was a fun, 2 hour panel. I'm glad I went.

Jeffrey T. Jhee
AIM: MahKuRoss ICQ: 4289637


2001年5月13日 下午3:43:042001/5/13
In article <>, says...

> I got some answers directly from Animeigo's Robert Woodhead and Shin
> Kurokawa, as well as one from Egan Loo, regarding past questions
> regarding Macross.
> 1) SD Openings in the Animeigo Box set
> What Shin had to say: The SD opening to Macross was done by an
> independent studio. Getting the appropriate licensing is nearly
> impossible (he later then corrected that to "impossible"), so don't
> count on it. :-(

Oh well, no biggie.

> 2) Why Animeigo got Harmony Gold's masters of the Macross footage
> instead of Tatsunoko's
> What Robert had to say: Because Harmony Gold owns the licensing outside
> of Japan, Animeigo had to consult them before doing anything concerning
> the series. To try to get it from Tatsunoko would involve having to get
> permission to make discussion first, and then having to open new
> discussions about acquiring film. So, they just got HG's stuff instead.
> BTW, the results of restoration were rather incredible. They only
> showed the first pass, but the improvements were practically night and
> day over the Japanese discs. I highly encourage you to get the Animeigo
> discs. Don't even THINK about getting the Japanese discs; you won't get
> the quality, the price, or the translations. ;-)

If the AnimEigo disks are "night and day" compared to the poorer qulaity
Japanese DVDs, I wonder what the differences between the AnimEigo
release and the Robotech releases are like!

> 3) Will Animeigo release DYRL?
> What Robert had to say: Nobody knows who owns the license. Really, he
> said something along those lines. Not a good sign for those hoping for
> a Stateside release.

Just goes to show that Harmony Godl doesn't hold sway over everything
Macorss outside of Japan. I call that a good sign.

> 4) Will Animeigo release Macross 7?
> What Robert had to say: He mentioned the flying pig, Pigasus. :-)

In other words: Waste of time

> 5) With Macross 3D canned, what's next?
> What Egan had to say: No comment. Also, who said Macross 3D was canned?
> ^_^

No comment? When did Egan suddenly become Shoji Kawamori?

> 6) Release date of the Box Set
> What Robert had to say: August 1. I hope he meant 2001...

LOL, "I have a bad feeling about this"

> It was a fun, 2 hour panel. I'm glad I went.



2001年5月13日 下午4:30:302001/5/13
>I got some answers directly from Animeigo's Robert Woodhead and Shin
>Kurokawa, as well as one from Egan Loo, regarding past questions
>regarding Macross.
>1) SD Openings in the Animeigo Box set
>What Shin had to say: The SD opening to Macross was done by an
>independent studio. Getting the appropriate licensing is nearly
>impossible (he later then corrected that to "impossible"), so don't
>count on it. :-(

Bah, pure lack of effort. It's out there, Big West has no trouble including it
with their sets, it's cool, it shouldn't cost too much, & it doesn't need to be
remastered. They'd fare well to include it. Though if not, we just need to find
out which volume of the Japanese DVD's it's included in. If not, then we just
need someone who has the LD's to make us some VCD copies, no biggie.

>2) Why Animeigo got Harmony Gold's masters of the Macross footage
>instead of Tatsunoko's
>What Robert had to say: Because Harmony Gold owns the licensing outside
>of Japan, Animeigo had to consult them before doing anything concerning
>the series. To try to get it from Tatsunoko would involve having to get
>permission to make discussion first, and then having to open new
>discussions about acquiring film. So, they just got HG's stuff instead.
>BTW, the results of restoration were rather incredible. They only
>showed the first pass, but the improvements were practically night and
>day over the Japanese discs. I highly encourage you to get the Animeigo
>discs. Don't even THINK about getting the Japanese discs; you won't get
>the quality, the price, or the translations. ;-)

The B.S. about the Japanese masters not being maintained as well wasn't
necessary then. Bottom line is that they're on HG's leash with this release.

>If the AnimEigo disks are "night and day" compared to the poorer qulaity
>Japanese DVDs, I wonder what the differences between the AnimEigo
>release and the Robotech releases are like!

Mud & water?

>3) Will Animeigo release DYRL?
>What Robert had to say: Nobody knows who owns the license. Really, he
>said something along those lines. Not a good sign for those hoping for
>a Stateside release.

Well someone must know, because Best Films has continued to put it out, with
Kiseki doing their dub only DVD + Macross II release in Europe. Solution, call
up Kiseki. Kiseki roughly translates to best, therefore it must be their U.S.
arm that's released it here.

>Just goes to show that Harmony Godl doesn't hold sway over everything
>Macorss outside of Japan. I call that a good sign.

No shit, all it means is exactly what we've known all along. HG has no control
over "anything" but the name, and SDF Macross TV. They can't license DYRL,
Plus, II, 7, or anything but Macross TV. All they can do is say "you owe us
money for use of the Macross name." The series themselves still have to go
through Big West.

>4) Will Animeigo release Macross 7?
>What Robert had to say: He mentioned the flying pig, Pigasus. :-)

Even AnimEigo & Robert Woodhead shall listen to Basara's song!

>5) With Macross 3D canned, what's next?
>What Egan had to say: No comment. Also, who said Macross 3D was canned?

Which most likely means only the CG only tone of Macross 3D may be scrapped.

>6) Release date of the Box Set
>What Robert had to say: August 1. I hope he meant 2001...
>It was a fun, 2 hour panel. I'm glad I went.
>Jeffrey T. Jhee

August 1st. Does that mean shipping preperation will begin in July? Or that it
won't begin until August....

Kanashii dekigotoga blue-ni someta kokoromo
Tenshi no enogu de nurikaeruyo
Omoinomamani -Lynn Minmay
ORE NO UTA WO KIITE! -Basara Nekki


2001年5月13日 下午5:30:142001/5/13
I say:
1) Fuck Harmony Gold in the neck with a stick.

2) So basically, they canned Macross 3D and they're working on... Macross
3D? Thuh hell--?! ^_^
Doesn't necessarily mean that they've canned the 3D only platform, Keith.
They could just be... umm... er... tweaking!
(GO GONZO!! Teach the bastard Macross fans some manners! @_@ LOL!!)

And now for a quotation breakdown:

> >Will Animeigo release DYRL?
> >
> > What Robert had to say: Nobody knows who owns the license. Really, he
> > said something along those lines. Not a good sign for those hoping for
> > a Stateside release.

> Just goes to show that Harmony Gold doesn't hold sway over everything

> Macorss outside of Japan. I call that a good sign.

Let's speculate irresponsibly once more:
So, it looks like they're arguing over the definition of "derivative
property" then! (duh) I wonder if they'll get any further than what Keith
and myself have put forward, LOL!! We're going to be here for a very long,
lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ng time!

If they're haggling over sequel properties, then it makes sense that we will
see domestic Macross 7 and DYRL when pigs take graceful flight...

(*O.D. iterates: "I can't wait for Ghost in the Shell 2 to save me from
Macross legal hell >_<")

"Keith" <> wrote in message


2001年5月13日 下午5:51:482001/5/13
>2) So basically, they canned Macross 3D and they're working on... Macross
>3D? Thuh hell--?! ^_^
>Doesn't necessarily mean that they've canned the 3D only platform, Keith.
>They could just be... umm... er... tweaking!
>(GO GONZO!! Teach the bastard Macross fans some manners! @_@ LOL!!)

I'm hoping for something more in the style of Blue Sub (only with natural CG
improvements), 2D animation, CG mecha.


2001年5月13日 晚上7:24:062001/5/13
You forgot your famous line: "Interlaced"


2001年5月13日 晚上11:15:592001/5/13
That post didn't qualify for the Interlaced certification...

I didn't pick apart the post to add a response here and there...

It was a solid post.

Umm... and now I shall recite just a few of the many forms of election
ballot chads:

hanging chad.
pregnant chad.
semi-detached chad...

"Comic-Kaze" <> wrote in message


2001年5月13日 晚上11:33:102001/5/13
I hope they do it like FLCL...



"Keith" <> wrote in message

Paul Santa Cruz

2001年5月14日 凌晨12:33:552001/5/14
On 13 May 2001 20:30:30 GMT, (Keith) wrote:

>>I got some answers directly from Animeigo's Robert Woodhead and Shin
>>Kurokawa, as well as one from Egan Loo, regarding past questions
>>regarding Macross.
>>1) SD Openings in the Animeigo Box set
>>What Shin had to say: The SD opening to Macross was done by an
>>independent studio. Getting the appropriate licensing is nearly
>>impossible (he later then corrected that to "impossible"), so don't
>>count on it. :-(
>Bah, pure lack of effort. It's out there, Big West has no trouble including it
>with their sets, it's cool, it shouldn't cost too much, & it doesn't need to be
>remastered. They'd fare well to include it. Though if not, we just need to find
>out which volume of the Japanese DVD's it's included in. If not, then we just
>need someone who has the LD's to make us some VCD copies, no biggie.

I have the SD opening in .mpg or .avi format on a Macross CD that I
have. It's pretty funny.



2001年5月14日 凌晨1:40:262001/5/14
>I have the SD opening in .mpg or .avi format on a Macross CD that I
>have. It's pretty funny.

We need it on VCD, perhaps with A Future Chronicle & Mecha Graffiti. That
should all be within 75 minutes, and that way those of us who have DVD players
can all watch on TV's. We just need a Macross fan with the propper setup &

Jeffrey T. Jhee

2001年5月14日 凌晨1:02:312001/5/14

"O.D." wrote:
> I say:
> 1) Fuck Harmony Gold in the neck with a stick.

You might be right, but to give this group a must-needed optimistic spin
on the matter, let's also be grateful that Harmony Gold decided to let
Animeigo release the forthcoming box set. They could've easily let
Macross rot for future audiences, but they didn't.

I don't mean to suggest that I like Harmony Gold, or approve of
everything they've done, but despite all the negative things that they
are supposedly responsible for, things could be a lot worse for us
Macross fans.

> 2) So basically, they canned Macross 3D and they're working on... Macross
> 3D? Thuh hell--?! ^_^

Not necessarily. My impression was that we just shouldn't expect
anything specific in terms of future projects.

Jeffrey T. Jhee

Paul Santa Cruz

2001年5月14日 凌晨2:32:102001/5/14

Hmmmmmmmmm......... actually, I DO have all the equiptment to make
VCDs of this stuff (burner, A/V Capture setup with a dedicated VCR and
Pinnacle Capture Card, and said videos.......) ..... With summer
coming up and me not having to teach all day, I might have just found
a summer project.

-Paul, not promising anything, but.......


2001年5月14日 凌晨2:55:462001/5/14
>You might be right, but to give this group a must-needed optimistic spin
>on the matter, let's also be grateful that Harmony Gold decided to let
>Animeigo release the forthcoming box set. They could've easily let
>Macross rot for future audiences, but they didn't.

Decided to let my ass. Worse came to worse, they got some licensing money. Best
case scenario, they get 12,000 people worth in royalties, as well as masters
that are so good that Big West would want copies of them.

>I don't mean to suggest that I like Harmony Gold, or approve of
>everything they've done, but despite all the negative things that they
>are supposedly responsible for, things could be a lot worse for us
>Macross fans.

No, things are about as bad as they get for Macross fans.

>Not necessarily. My impression was that we just shouldn't expect
>anything specific in terms of future projects.
>Jeffrey T. Jhee

To the contrary, my impression was that Macross 3D got scrapped in favor of
something good for the 20th Anniversary.

Rocket Number Nine

2001年5月14日 上午9:04:022001/5/14
This may have been mentioned before, but has anyone realized that the
original SDF Macross is once again bringing Robotech, and Harmony Gold, back
to life? and the announcement of all the new Robotech merchandise was
announced after Animeigo started the Macross DVD work. Whatever upfront
licensing fees that Animeigo had to pay HG to begin the Macross DVD
restoration is now funding all things Robotech. No wonder is
featuring pics and articles on the Animeigo DVDs... HG profit projections no
doubt hang heavily on how well the Animeigo sales do.

Animeigo will finally give North American viewers the chance to see a well
translated, restored version of SDF Macross; however, the success of these
releases will breathe new life into Robotech, the dismal translation that
overshadows all things Macross.

Of course, I'm talking out of my ass...

Jeremy (no, not that one)

Jeffrey T. Jhee

2001年5月14日 上午11:45:432001/5/14

"Keith" <> wrote in message

> >You might be right, but to give this group a must-needed optimistic spin
> >on the matter, let's also be grateful that Harmony Gold decided to let
> >Animeigo release the forthcoming box set. They could've easily let
> >Macross rot for future audiences, but they didn't.
> Decided to let my ass. Worse came to worse, they got some licensing money.
> case scenario, they get 12,000 people worth in royalties, as well as
> that are so good that Big West would want copies of them.

So what if Harmony Gold wants to profit off the restoration project? That
doesn't change the fact they still let Animeigo release a Macross DVD box
set, which is good for me, you, Animeigo, and Harmony Gold. I'm not
insisting that Harmony Gold did this out of some altruistic act (they
didn't), but it's still an act in which we can reap the benefits. I'm glad
I can about it, aren't you?

> >I don't mean to suggest that I like Harmony Gold, or approve of
> >everything they've done, but despite all the negative things that they
> >are supposedly responsible for, things could be a lot worse for us
> >Macross fans.
> No, things are about as bad as they get for Macross fans.

Baloney, and you know it. Have you all of the sudden forgotten what it was
like just 3 years ago when there was no reason to believe that any sort of
subbed Macross would ever come out, besides the incomplete Streamline
Perfect Collection release? What about 1994 when there wasn't even a
Perfect Collection? WE ARE BETTER OFF, as fans, as a result of impending
release of the boxed set. Our boxed set will be better than the Japanese

Yeah, I know we can gripe about Harmony Gold's decision to prevent us from
getting what would've been Toycom's Macross Plus collection. A lack of a US
release is bad, but a lack of any release is worse. Would you rather
import, or not have the option of at all? Our options of getting Macross
Plus toys are better now than they were just a couple of years ago. The
same can be said about the lackluster video games for PSX and Dreamcast.

A post such as this one is exactly why I claimed this group needs an
optimistic spin once in a while. Have you ever heard of accentuating the
positive? I know I'm not happy when I refuse to take any concessions from a
less-than-preferrable situation, and I'm guessing you aren't either (unless
you just like to complain and be bitter).

> >Not necessarily. My impression was that we just shouldn't expect
> >anything specific in terms of future projects.
> >
> >--
> >*****
> >Jeffrey T. Jhee
> To the contrary, my impression was that Macross 3D got scrapped in favor
> something good for the 20th Anniversary.

It's a bit presumptuous to claim that Macross 3D wasn't something good for
the 20th Anniversary. Then again, it's probably not a good idea to argue
about matters of taste and opinions with certain individuals.



2001年5月14日 晚上7:23:042001/5/14
Just take a look @ Bandai's current situation. Can you imagine the state of
Gundam in America (which is literally swelling right now with the release of
Wing and soon UC Gundam) if some lame company butchered it in the 80s?

I could just imagine a "WHAT IF" scenario in the 80s with a Harmony Gold
clone company releasing Gundam with some lame name like: "Guntek Battlers"
and calling Amuro Rey "Brad Wolf" or something and making an Americanized
dub as was the trend those days (ie: Voltron (Dairugger and GoLion), Star
Blazers (Space Battleship Yamato)). And similarily, as a Valkyrie is a
Veritech...we'd have the RX-78 as "Guntek MechBattler" or something equally
ridiculous belonging to the Earth federation fighting against "Jar" or

Then instead of the generous amounts of Gundam goods we are suddenly seeing
in America (Bandai America probably hopes for another Digimon, Power
Rangers, etc success), that company would resurrect some old lisense and
slow everything to hell. If you look @ it, Gundam has moved extraordinarily
fast. Wing was suddenly released to everybody's surprise by Bandai on
Toonami. Less than 6 months later there is news Bandai will unleash
repackaged Modelkits, Playstation games, and right now a plethorah of
Universal Century goods (some of which haven't even seen a Japanese release

Yamato/Toycom's Valkyries were announced what... 2 years ago? VFX-2 was
announced around that time as well...Bandai was backing VFX-2...they dropped
the project very much near the end. Ads were showing up in magazines but it
was suddenly canned (many speculate licensing problems arising from Harmony
Gold). That just enrages me. Toycom put out their magazine ads as well...and
then Harmony Gold suddenly hit them on the head during a convention.

Macross simply suffered being part of an era where anime was Americanized
and thus its current fate today. DYRL, being one of the more importany Anime
movies hasn't been released in a domestic form to the American market
(Europe has one I think) even after 15 years.

That isn't to say that all of the Americanized anime in that era was bad. My
all-time favorite is Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs (Sei Juishi Bismarck)
because of its excellent dub and music. But that is (as Saber Rider said),
another story.



2001年5月15日 凌晨4:36:062001/5/15

"Jeffrey T. Jhee" <> wrote in message

> "O.D." wrote:
> >
> > I say:
> > 1) Fuck Harmony Gold in the neck with a stick.
> >
> You might be right, but to give this group a must-needed optimistic spin
> on the matter, let's also be grateful that Harmony Gold decided to let
> Animeigo release the forthcoming box set. They could've easily let
> Macross rot for future audiences, but they didn't.
> I don't mean to suggest that I like Harmony Gold, or approve of
> everything they've done, but despite all the negative things that they
> are supposedly responsible for, things could be a lot worse for us
> Macross fans.

Exactly. Where the hell are my Alpha fighters? All I see at the anime store
are Valkyrie figurines, Macross posters, RDF/UN Spacey symbol t-shirts,
those big boogers the Zentraedi fly around in, etc.


2001年5月15日 下午1:53:322001/5/15
Hey Comic-Kaze, I played this "WHAT IF" scenario in my mind a lot of times.
And I agree all the way with what you said in your post - sadly your analysis
is right.
Now I've just a thing to add about DYRL distribution in Europe. I know about
the existence of the following European but non-english dubs : French, Italian,
Spanish, Greek.

PS : Amuro as "Brad Wolf", now that's a funny quote ^______^

Major Yoshikazu
UN Spacy


2001年5月15日 下午2:35:452001/5/15

I'd like to see you try editing my emoticon army on AFM:

@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
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@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
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@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
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@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@

AAAAAAAAAAHHH!! Revenge is sweet!! @_@

"Yoshi" <ijuinyo...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message


2001年5月15日 下午5:33:582001/5/15
>I'd like to see you try editing my emoticon army on AFM.

Argh...... O.D you traitor... -____-
My powers are disabled by the kryptonite...oops wrong line - I mean my powers
are disabled when I'm out of the MW board. I'm too weak here !

*suddenly run and retreat back to the MW board*

Stephen FPilot Bierce

2001年5月15日 晚上10:11:292001/5/15

I wish I had known you were there. I would have shaken your hand and treated you to my traveling companion's
Mountain Dew and Pocky.

I was the guy in the red vest.

Stephen "FPilot" Bierce
IPMS #35922/Rosa Maeroris--Queregnine Forces of Verres
"The people who sell 'Jesus' trinkets have conveniently forgotten what Jesus did to sellers of religious trinkets."--Tepid 3:23

Carsten Priesch

2001年5月16日 凌晨1:52:522001/5/16
On 15 May 2001 17:53:32 GMT, ijuinyo...@aol.comnospam (Yoshi)

>Now I've just a thing to add about DYRL distribution in Europe. I know about
>the existence of the following European but non-english dubs : French, Italian,
>Spanish, Greek.

There is also a german sub on VHS and DVD. The DVD also includes M2
but the quality is not very good.



2001年5月16日 凌晨2:40:162001/5/16
>So what if Harmony Gold wants to profit off the restoration project? That
>doesn't change the fact they still let Animeigo release a Macross DVD box
>set, which is good for me, you, Animeigo, and Harmony Gold. I'm not
>insisting that Harmony Gold did this out of some altruistic act (they
>didn't), but it's still an act in which we can reap the benefits. I'm glad
>I can about it, aren't you?

The thanks should go to AnimEigo for their interest period. No thanks to HG

>Baloney, and you know it. Have you all of the sudden forgotten what it was
>like just 3 years ago when there was no reason to believe that any sort of
>subbed Macross would ever come out, besides the incomplete Streamline
>Perfect Collection release?

A fansub project was underway.

>What about 1994 when there wasn't even a
>Perfect Collection? WE ARE BETTER OFF, as fans, as a result of impending
>release of the boxed set. Our boxed set will be better than the Japanese

And even if HG hadn't decided to rise from the dead, AnimEigo still could have
licensed it from them.

>Yeah, I know we can gripe about Harmony Gold's decision to prevent us from
>getting what would've been Toycom's Macross Plus collection. A lack of a US
>release is bad, but a lack of any release is worse. Would you rather
>import, or not have the option of at all?

Again, the Toycom/Yamato toy projects would have occurred with or without HG's
current ressurection. All HG did was screw things up. What's worse, no hope for
a release with no release planned, or no hope for a release with them sitting
right across the ocean?

>Our options of getting Macross
>Plus toys are better now than they were just a couple of years ago. The
>same can be said about the lackluster video games for PSX and Dreamcast.

Which again won't see the light of day here because of HG. Yeah we can (and
are) all import, but saying being deprived of something that is there is better
than being deprived of something that isn't there is bullshit.

>A post such as this one is exactly why I claimed this group needs an
>optimistic spin once in a while. Have you ever heard of accentuating the
>positive? I know I'm not happy when I refuse to take any concessions from a
>less-than-preferrable situation, and I'm guessing you aren't either (unless
>you just like to complain and be bitter).

Bottom line, HG is trying to userp everything Macross. That is significantly
worse than them being dormant with them having nothing to pirate.

>It's a bit presumptuous to claim that Macross 3D wasn't something good for
>the 20th Anniversary. Then again, it's probably not a good idea to argue
>about matters of taste and opinions with certain individuals.

If it were worthy, Kawamori wouldn't have put it on back burner/canned it.

Jeffrey T. Jhee

2001年5月16日 凌晨4:34:202001/5/16

Keith wrote:
> >So what if Harmony Gold wants to profit off the restoration project? That
> >doesn't change the fact they still let Animeigo release a Macross DVD box
> >set, which is good for me, you, Animeigo, and Harmony Gold. I'm not
> >insisting that Harmony Gold did this out of some altruistic act (they
> >didn't), but it's still an act in which we can reap the benefits. I'm glad
> >I can about it, aren't you?
> The thanks should go to AnimEigo for their interest period. No thanks to HG
> whatsoever.

And who gave Animeigo the masters? Without Harmony Gold's cooperation,
the Macross boxed set never comes out. Animeigo's words, not mine.

> >Baloney, and you know it. Have you all of the sudden forgotten what it was
> >like just 3 years ago when there was no reason to believe that any sort of
> >subbed Macross would ever come out, besides the incomplete Streamline
> >Perfect Collection release?
> A fansub project was underway.

If you'd rather have the fansubs than these DVD's, fine by me. I'll
take the DVD's.

> >What about 1994 when there wasn't even a
> >Perfect Collection? WE ARE BETTER OFF, as fans, as a result of impending
> >release of the boxed set. Our boxed set will be better than the Japanese
> >discs.
> And even if HG hadn't decided to rise from the dead, AnimEigo still could have
> licensed it from them.

I'm not glad Harmony Gold has risen from the dead. I made no reference
to being glad about it. All I claimed was that we should be glad that
Harmony Gold gave Animeigo the license. If you're not glad that Harmony
Gold gave Animeigo the license, then don't buy the boxed set.

> >Yeah, I know we can gripe about Harmony Gold's decision to prevent us from
> >getting what would've been Toycom's Macross Plus collection. A lack of a US
> >release is bad, but a lack of any release is worse. Would you rather
> >import, or not have the option of at all?
> Again, the Toycom/Yamato toy projects would have occurred with or without HG's
> current ressurection.

See above.

All HG did was screw things up. What's worse, no hope for
> a release with no release planned, or no hope for a release with them sitting
> right across the ocean?

Which brings up the second point, things could be worse. Does it suck
that we can't by what would've been Toycom Valkyries stateside?
Absolutely. However, having the option to import is far better than
having no option whatsoever. All I wrote in my original post was
"despite all the negative things that [Harmony Gold] are supposedly
responsible for, things could be a lot worse for us Macross fans." The
situation isn't ideal, but it could be a lot worse.

<snip a bunch of whining about Harmony Gold>

> If it were worthy, Kawamori wouldn't have put it on back burner/canned it.

Purely speculation on your part.

Jeffrey T. Jhee


2001年5月17日 凌晨1:48:152001/5/17
>And who gave Animeigo the masters? Without Harmony Gold's cooperation,
>the Macross boxed set never comes out. Animeigo's words, not mine.

Correction, who restricted AnimEigo from going to Big West for the masters.
Again, no HG, no problems, AnimEigo would have just gone direct. You'll note
they only spoke of how HG kept their masters (btw, where did HG get THEIR
masters from? :) ) nothing of how badly the Japanese masters were kept.
AnimEigo had no choice but to use HG's masters.

>If you'd rather have the fansubs than these DVD's, fine by me. I'll
>take the DVD's.

Just don't pretend this is the only way we would have gotten Macross. Again,
without HG's ressurection, they could have gone directly through Big West.

>I'm not glad Harmony Gold has risen from the dead. I made no reference
>to being glad about it. All I claimed was that we should be glad that
>Harmony Gold gave Animeigo the license. If you're not glad that Harmony
>Gold gave Animeigo the license, then don't buy the boxed set.

They didn't give it to them, AnimEigo paid for it. In case you haven't noticed,
HG "wants" to be associated with Macross now, so naturally they want it out

>See above.

Second verse same as the first.

>Which brings up the second point, things could be worse. Does it suck
>that we can't by what would've been Toycom Valkyries stateside?
>Absolutely. However, having the option to import is far better than
>having no option whatsoever.

No option whatsoever is exactly what HG is trying to create, in case you
haven't been paying attention to what's been going on. They want to be the end
all & be all source of everything Macross everywhere but Japan (though if they
could be there too they would be).

>All I wrote in my original post was
>"despite all the negative things that [Harmony Gold] are supposedly
>responsible for, things could be a lot worse for us Macross fans." The
>situation isn't ideal, but it could be a lot worse.

Yeah, Japan could get nuked by HG...

>Purely speculation on your part.

Based on the facts given.

Jeffrey T. Jhee

2001年5月17日 凌晨3:20:122001/5/17

Keith wrote:
> >And who gave Animeigo the masters? Without Harmony Gold's cooperation,
> >the Macross boxed set never comes out. Animeigo's words, not mine.
> Correction, who restricted AnimEigo from going to Big West for the masters.

The funny thing is, AnimEigo went to Big West to open discussions
regarding Flashback 2012. Big West wasn't cooperative. On the other
hand, Harmony Gold was very cooperative in getting out this boxed set.
It's very much possible that getting masters through Big West would've
been much more difficult.

> Again, no HG, no problems, AnimEigo would have just gone direct. You'll note
> they only spoke of how HG kept their masters (btw, where did HG get THEIR
> masters from? :) ) nothing of how badly the Japanese masters were kept.
> AnimEigo had no choice but to use HG's masters.
> >If you'd rather have the fansubs than these DVD's, fine by me. I'll
> >take the DVD's.
> Just don't pretend this is the only way we would have gotten Macross.

No, it's not the only way, but could you propose a better way? Paying
$500 for the LD set? $500+ for the DVD set? Getting cheapy fansubs?
I'll take AnimEigo's DVD's.

> without HG's ressurection, they could have gone directly through Big West.

about them; in fact, I wouldn't mind seeing less Robotech stuff and more
Macross stuff. All I'm saying is that I'm glad they licensed Macross
over to AnimEigo. Of course, you don't want to address this issue and
would rather complain about Harmony Gold because you clearly have a
grudge against them, and would never forgive them unless they sent you a
big fat check to make you happy (which, of course, will never happen, so
you'll go to your grave hating them).

> >I'm not glad Harmony Gold has risen from the dead. I made no reference
> >to being glad about it. All I claimed was that we should be glad that
> >Harmony Gold gave Animeigo the license. If you're not glad that Harmony
> >Gold gave Animeigo the license, then don't buy the boxed set.
> They didn't give it to them, AnimEigo paid for it.

Transactions are two way streets-- you only get something if you give
something. They GAVE AnimEigo the license in exchange for AnimEigo's
PAYING for it.

In case you haven't noticed,
> HG "wants" to be associated with Macross now, so naturally they want it out
> now.

Obviously, why make a transaction if you don't get anything out of it
(or at least anticipate getting something in return)? I never claimed
that they are doing this out of some sort of act of kindness to Macross
fans. However, there is some benefit for us, as fans, by Harmony Gold's
willingness to deal with AnimEigo. I don't care so much for their
motives, but rather that I get something good because of it. And if you
can't acknowledge that you're getting anything good out of the
AnimEigo/Harmony Gold deal, then I highly recommend that you don't get
the boxed set. I don't know the structure of their contract, but some
of the money you pay for the boxed set might go to Harmony Gold. You
wouldn't want that, would you?

> >See above.
> Second verse same as the first.
> >Which brings up the second point, things could be worse. Does it suck
> >that we can't by what would've been Toycom Valkyries stateside?
> >Absolutely. However, having the option to import is far better than
> >having no option whatsoever.
> No option whatsoever is exactly what HG is trying to create, in case you
> haven't been paying attention to what's been going on.

Actually, they would prefer if there were an option. They just want to
profit from it.

I feel like a broken record, but for the final time, I DO NOT like the
fact that I have to import Yamato Valks. I AM FRUSTRATED that Harmony
Gold proved to be the major stumbling block. In fact, I DO NOT LIKE
Harmony Gold. However, in this day in age, despite the fact that
Harmony Gold's legal actions cost us getting a stateside release, being
able to import new toy valkyries now is better than back in, say, 1998,
when we couldn't import anything at all because there were none. So,
because now, 2001, is better than the past, then I say things could be
worse, because we've seen worse.

They want to be the end
> all & be all source of everything Macross everywhere but Japan (though if they
> could be there too they would be).
> >All I wrote in my original post was
> >"despite all the negative things that [Harmony Gold] are supposedly
> >responsible for, things could be a lot worse for us Macross fans." The
> >situation isn't ideal, but it could be a lot worse.
> Yeah, Japan could get nuked by HG...
> >Purely speculation on your part.
> Based on the facts given.

Whatever... I'm not arguing matters of taste and opinion with you, nor
will I ever expect you to give any concession to Harmony Gold.


2001年5月17日 清晨6:14:152001/5/17
>The funny thing is, AnimEigo went to Big West to open discussions
>regarding Flashback 2012. Big West wasn't cooperative. On the other
>hand, Harmony Gold was very cooperative in getting out this boxed set.
>It's very much possible that getting masters through Big West would've
>been much more difficult.

Can you honestly blame Big West? They're currently being severely burned, and
like it or not, AnimEigo currently working with HG (be it for a good purpose)
is damned well likely to make Big West wary of them. Again, the source of the
trouble lies wih HG's actions. Though Flash Back 2012 being R1 compatible,
makes it a non-issue.

>No, it's not the only way, but could you propose a better way? Paying
>$500 for the LD set? $500+ for the DVD set? Getting cheapy fansubs?
>I'll take AnimEigo's DVD's.

Who says fansubs would be cheap? I've seen some very good quality fansubs. And
again, without HG, Macross would be just as licensable for AnimEigo.

>about them; in fact, I wouldn't mind seeing less Robotech stuff and more
>Macross stuff. All I'm saying is that I'm glad they licensed Macross
>over to AnimEigo. Of course, you don't want to address this issue and
>would rather complain about Harmony Gold because you clearly have a
>grudge against them, and would never forgive them unless they sent you a
>big fat check to make you happy (which, of course, will never happen, so
>you'll go to your grave hating them)

No, you're ignoring the issue, specifically of "why" they licensed Macross to
AnimEigo. Just because you choose to ignore the facts does not take the
justification of a rightful grudge against HG away.

>Transactions are two way streets-- you only get something if you give
>something. They GAVE AnimEigo the license in exchange for AnimEigo's
>PAYING for it.

Which is what I just said.

>Obviously, why make a transaction if you don't get anything out of it
>(or at least anticipate getting something in return)? I never claimed
>that they are doing this out of some sort of act of kindness to Macross
>fans. However, there is some benefit for us, as fans, by Harmony Gold's
>willingness to deal with AnimEigo. I don't care so much for their
>motives, but rather that I get something good because of it. And if you
>can't acknowledge that you're getting anything good out of the
>AnimEigo/Harmony Gold deal, then I highly recommend that you don't get
>the boxed set. I don't know the structure of their contract, but some
>of the money you pay for the boxed set might go to Harmony Gold. You
>wouldn't want that, would you?

No one said we're not getting something good because of it, but your tone seems
to be that HG is doing us some favor by licensing through AnimEigo. What you're
missing again is that they "want" original Macross out, they "want" a foothold
to claim all of Macross with. If not AnimEigo, then it would have been someone
else, be it to lessor results in the remastering department.

>Actually, they would prefer if there were an option. They just want to
>profit from it.

No, they want one thing & one thing only, dominance over the Macross name. As
such they want no product that they have no dealings with to reach the fanbase.

>I feel like a broken record, but for the final time, I DO NOT like the
>fact that I have to import Yamato Valks. I AM FRUSTRATED that Harmony
>Gold proved to be the major stumbling block. In fact, I DO NOT LIKE
>Harmony Gold. However, in this day in age, despite the fact that
>Harmony Gold's legal actions cost us getting a stateside release, being
>able to import new toy valkyries now is better than back in, say, 1998,
>when we couldn't import anything at all because there were none. So,
>because now, 2001, is better than the past, then I say things could be
>worse, because we've seen worse.

And again, you're missing the point that the Japanese releases benefit the
Japanese fan. HG's current stance & presence internationally hurts the
international Macross fan. So while Macross is currently in a new renisaunce,
the U.S. Macross fan is virtually in the dark ages (save for AnimEigo's
release). As such, this is still a dark time for the U.S. fan, as not only are
we being hindered from what should be our rightful purchases, but also stuck
entirely under HG's thumb.

While we didn't have a ton of product to import before, except for model kits,
resin kits, CD's, wallscrolls, etc, we also didn't have to deal with HG.

>Whatever... I'm not arguing matters of taste and opinion with you, nor
>will I ever expect you to give any concession to Harmony Gold.

They deserve none to begin with. They're art pirates, plain & simple.

Jeffrey T. Jhee

2001年5月17日 中午12:53:002001/5/17
This is pointless. I practically said nine negative things about
Harmony Gold, and one good thing (it wasn't even about Harmony Gold, but
rather about something they did), and you get angry about the one
positive thing.

And just for a final clarification, I don't think currently things are
perfect for Macross fans, but things could be worse. What's wrong about
trying to accentuate the positive once in a while, even if the negatives
might outweigh them?



2001年5月17日 下午3:47:482001/5/17
"Jeffrey T. Jhee" <> wrote in message

> This is pointless. I practically said nine negative things about
> Harmony Gold, and one good thing (it wasn't even about Harmony Gold, but
> rather about something they did), and you get angry about the one
> positive thing.
> And just for a final clarification, I don't think currently things are
> perfect for Macross fans, but things could be worse. What's wrong about
> trying to accentuate the positive once in a while, even if the negatives
> might outweigh them?

It's hard to take the optimistic route when the negatives tip the scale...
That drop of white barely even turns the paint grey...

(*O.D. advertises: "If you're a die-hard pessimist, go to a file sharing
network and download 'Paint it Black' by The Tea Party...")

Jeffrey T. Jhee

2001年5月17日 下午6:33:202001/5/17
OD, that's the problem. It might just be my imagination, but this
group, as a whole, tends to dwell only on the negative things. Yes,
perhaps the negatives outweigh the positives, but maybe we would all
feel a bit better if every once in a while we just enjoyed every shred
of good news we get. I don't know about you guys, but I don't feel
better after complaining about all the bad things that happen; rather, I
feel worse.



2001年5月17日 晚上7:30:152001/5/17
In article <>, says...

> OD, that's the problem. It might just be my imagination, but this
> group, as a whole, tends to dwell only on the negative things. Yes,
> perhaps the negatives outweigh the positives, but maybe we would all
> feel a bit better if every once in a while we just enjoyed every shred
> of good news we get. I don't know about you guys, but I don't feel
> better after complaining about all the bad things that happen; rather, I
> feel worse.

Well, considering both Macross and Akira are coming out, digitaly
remastered, on DVD this summer, I'd say overall things are going pretty
well, wouldn't you?

I'd like to see if AnimEigo can stick to their "August 1st" release
date, and I've already pre-ordered my Akira limited edition 2 DVD set.

If, by the end of the summer, I have both the Macross series and Akira
in my DVD collection, I'd say things turned out pretty positively.

> "O.D." wrote:
> >
> > "Jeffrey T. Jhee" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > This is pointless. I practically said nine negative things about
> > > Harmony Gold, and one good thing (it wasn't even about Harmony Gold, but
> > > rather about something they did), and you get angry about the one
> > > positive thing.
> > >
> > > And just for a final clarification, I don't think currently things are
> > > perfect for Macross fans, but things could be worse. What's wrong about
> > > trying to accentuate the positive once in a while, even if the negatives
> > > might outweigh them?
> >
> > It's hard to take the optimistic route when the negatives tip the scale...
> > That drop of white barely even turns the paint grey...
> >
> > (*O.D. advertises: "If you're a die-hard pessimist, go to a file sharing
> > network and download 'Paint it Black' by The Tea Party...")


Rocket Number Nine

2001年5月18日 中午12:29:352001/5/18
How about I throw some gasoline on a newsgroup that has been smoldering for
some time?


If it wasn't for Robotech, the following might be true:

1. Most of the people in this newsgroup wouldn't be here.
2. This newsgroup probably wouldn't exist.
3. Macross Plus and perhaps Macross 7 probably wouldn't exist.
4. Anime in the states would be ten years behind.
5. The film ID:4 wouldn't have been made. (might be a good thing)
6. The amount of Macross fan websites wouldn't equal Star Trek websights.
7. There sure as fuck wouldn't be any new Valkyries being made.
8. Harmony Gold and Intersound's main income would still be dubbing foreign
9. Carl Macek would be editing said porn. Or watching it.



2001年5月18日 下午1:13:262001/5/18
In article <P5cN6.14593$>, says...

> How about I throw some gasoline on a newsgroup that has been smoldering for
> some time?
> OK!
> If it wasn't for Robotech, the following might be true:
> 1. Most of the people in this newsgroup wouldn't be here.

I was an anime fan before Robotech, and I probably would have come
across DYRL, II, or Plus at some point anyways.

> 2. This newsgroup probably wouldn't exist.

Hard to say, but I would tend to believe their would be.

> 3. Macross Plus and perhaps Macross 7 probably wouldn't exist.

That's a complete load of crap. Macross Plus and Macross 7 were Japanese
products, and had NOTHING to do with Robotech. You do realize that
Robotech is fairly unknown in Japan, don't you?

> 4. Anime in the states would be ten years behind.

It already is 10 years behind.

> 5. The film ID:4 wouldn't have been made. (might be a good thing)

Um, ok....

> 6. The amount of Macross fan websites wouldn't equal Star Trek websights.

Probably doesn't now, anyways. But, that's ok, I don't ewant to be
associated with those sorts of people, anyways.

> 7. There sure as fuck wouldn't be any new Valkyries being made.

Once again, Robotech is fairly unknown in Japan. The Valkyries are being
made for the Japanese market. There would most certainly be new
Valkyries being made.

> 8. Harmony Gold and Intersound's main income would still be dubbing foreign
> porn.

Um, ok.

> 9. Carl Macek would be editing said porn. Or watching it.

Carl Macek doesn't work for Harmony Gold anymore.
> R#9


Jeffrey T. Jhee

2001年5月18日 下午2:03:422001/5/18

Rocket Number Nine wrote:
> How about I throw some gasoline on a newsgroup that has been smoldering for
> some time?


> OK!
> If it wasn't for Robotech, the following might be true:

Well, at least you used the word "might."

> 1. Most of the people in this newsgroup wouldn't be here.


> 2. This newsgroup probably wouldn't exist.

Yeah, I'd agree. This newsgroup was made in 1997 as a response to
bickering in the Robotech newsgroup.

> 3. Macross Plus and perhaps Macross 7 probably wouldn't exist.

I'd vehemently disagree. If anything, Macross II wouldn't exist *as we
know it* because it's story is somewhat similar to Robotech's (it
probably would've been made regardless for the 10th Anniversary of
Macross). Macross Plus was originally created as a story independent of
Macross, but the Macross name was later tagged on to give it name
recognition. Since Macross had it's own popularity in Japan, being on
primetime, a major motion picture release, a good toyline, etc., I'd say
that it didn't need Robotech.

Also, I'll be darned if I see a Japanese Macross product with the words
"AKA Robotech outside of Japan."

> 4. Anime in the states would be ten years behind.

Again, I'd have to disagree. I wouldn't argue that Robotech didn't help
increase awareness of Japanese animation, but it's unreasonable to think
that it set the industry in motion, or at least to the degree that you
describe. First of all, it wasn't the first anime release on TV.
Secondly, it wasn't the only popular one around it's time. There were
others, such as Voltron and Tranzor Z out at similar times. The biggest
reasons why Robotech got popular, so it seems, is because the Macross
saga had transforming jets, and plotwise it was more compelling than
practically any other cartoon released. However, the primary audience
of Robotech, kids, often can't differentiate between a good and a bad
plot, and Robotech's best gimmick was easily overshadowed by Transformers.

> 5. The film ID:4 wouldn't have been made. (might be a good thing)

Yes, there are similarities, but didn't ID4 also get released during
some sort of UFO fad craze? I'm sure someone would've taken advantage
of it. On a side note, the first time I saw Robotech since the 80's was
right after I saw ID4.

> 6. The amount of Macross fan websites wouldn't equal Star Trek websights.

Well, there are a ton more Star Trek sites than Macross...

On the bright side, there wouldn't be all those websites with pictures
from DYRL and captions that, "Aren't Rick and Lisa ky00t together?" ;-)

> 7. There sure as fuck wouldn't be any new Valkyries being made.

You might be right there. My knee-jerk reaction would be to disagree,
but then I realized that the idea was spearheaded by a fan of both
Robotech and Macross.

> 8. Harmony Gold and Intersound's main income would still be dubbing foreign
> porn.
> 9. Carl Macek would be editing said porn. Or watching it.

I hope these aren't supposed to encourage us to appreciate Robotech... :-)



2001年5月19日 凌晨1:09:402001/5/19
>How about I throw some gasoline on a newsgroup that has been smoldering for
>some time?
>If it wasn't for Robotech, the following might be true:
>1. Most of the people in this newsgroup wouldn't be here.

Untrue. The vast majority of the anime fanbase has little to do with TV
broadcast anime. Macross being a legend in its own right would have found
popularity in the U.S. Hell, HG was far from the only company after it.

>2. This newsgroup probably wouldn't exist.

Sure it would, there's a newsgroup for damned near everything.

>3. Macross Plus and perhaps Macross 7 probably wouldn't exist.

Pure bullshit, neither have anything even remotely to do with Robotech.

>4. Anime in the states would be ten years behind.

Again, it is. Where the myth that Robotech was some huge success in the anime
industry is again pure bullshit. Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Gundam
Wing, etc are far more attributable to anime success in the U.S.. than Robotech
will ever be. Not to mention the late sci-fi channel anime festivals.

>5. The film ID:4 wouldn't have been made. (might be a good thing)

Where was the Robotech influence there...aside from fighter planes & aliens,
though what else would be fighting them? Exosquad wouldn't have existed, but
big deal.

>6. The amount of Macross fan websites wouldn't equal Star Trek websights.

Sure they would. Again, go look around for fansites for yet to be licensed
anime. Fansubs have a huge inlfuence.

>7. There sure as fuck wouldn't be any new Valkyries being made.

My ass. Toycoms involvement seems negligable at best. The majority of the work
was handled in Japan with Yamato. Besides which, valkyries were being imported
long before Robotech again.

>8. Harmony Gold and Intersound's main income would still be dubbing foreign

And badly dubbed at that.

>9. Carl Macek would be editing said porn. Or watching it.

What makes you think he isn't despite? Macross DYRL dubs would still have been
rampant & expository. We'd still have Macross today as big if not bigger.
Besides, someone who wouldn't have fucked it up so much would have licensed it
instead of HG.


2001年5月19日 凌晨4:18:592001/5/19

"Jeffrey T. Jhee" <> wrote in message

> > 4. Anime in the states would be ten years behind.
> Again, I'd have to disagree. I wouldn't argue that Robotech didn't help
> increase awareness of Japanese animation, but it's unreasonable to think
> that it set the industry in motion, or at least to the degree that you
> describe. First of all, it wasn't the first anime release on TV.
> Secondly, it wasn't the only popular one around it's time. There were
> others, such as Voltron and Tranzor Z out at similar times. The biggest
> reasons why Robotech got popular, so it seems, is because the Macross
> saga had transforming jets, and plotwise it was more compelling than
> practically any other cartoon released. However, the primary audience
> of Robotech, kids, often can't differentiate between a good and a bad
> plot, and Robotech's best gimmick was easily overshadowed by Transformers.

Sort of a US anime fandom history:

The real "beginning" of anime fandom in the US were the Starblazers/Yamato
and Harlock fans that founded the C/FO in 1977. Before that there were fans
of Astro Boy, Speed Racer, etc, but they weren't really the organized fandom
that gets stuff done. Then, in 1984, Harmony
Gold's Macross dub came out and that was the start of a trend toward more or
less faithful dubs that would come later on in the 90s. Robotech had better
animation than those others you mentioned. It was also much closer, not in
the story but in the animation, to the
original Japanese shows than most other hacked up dubs. What Robotech really
did was increase the number of total non-Japanese anime fans through
worldwide broadcasts, help sustain US anime fandom throughout the 80s, and
increase the number of US anime fans, so that there would eventually be
enough relatively mainstream fans to go on to form the first US anime
translation companies in the early 90s like Streamline Pictures, AnimEigo,
US Renditions, and AD Vision and a big enough audience of comic book store
nerds to buy the $40 VHS tapes.


2001年5月19日 上午8:42:192001/5/19
>Sort of a US anime fandom history:
>The real "beginning" of anime fandom in the US were the Starblazers/Yamato
>and Harlock fans that founded the C/FO in 1977. Before that there were fans
>of Astro Boy, Speed Racer, etc, but they weren't really the organized fandom
>that gets stuff done.

That gets stuff done? What kind of flipping idiot are you anyway? Real anime
fandom has been around since long before.

>Then, in 1984, Harmony
>Gold's Macross dub came out and that was the start of a trend toward more or
>less faithful dubs that would come later on in the 90s. Robotech had better
>animation than those others you mentioned. It was also much closer, not in
>the story but in the animation, to the
>original Japanese shows than most other hacked up dubs. What Robotech really
>did was increase the number of total non-Japanese anime fans through
>worldwide broadcasts, help sustain US anime fandom throughout the 80s, and
>increase the number of US anime fans, so that there would eventually be
>enough relatively mainstream fans to go on to form the first US anime
>translation companies in the early 90s like Streamline Pictures, AnimEigo,
>US Renditions, and AD Vision and a big enough audience of comic book store
>nerds to buy the $40 VHS tapes.

No, all HG did was increase the number of idiots who think HG increased the
number of anime fans. It's the fansub groups pulling in fans that got people
hooked on "real" anime, and companies taking the chances with "real"
(subtitled) anime that got people hooked enough to go to the VHS only market.
All companies like streamline did (specifically streamline) was hinder things
by again doing it dub only.

Chris Fullbright

2001年5月20日 下午4:33:172001/5/20
Ill agree and disagree with Keith. Robotech DID introduce a lot of us to anime,
myself included. Robotech was the first cartoon I KNEW was japanese. Upon further
inspection, I realized a lot of other cartoons I loved (Starvengers, Voltron,
G-Force, Starblazers) were ALSO japanese. Robotech did NOT fuel the anime
explosion of the 90's, however. That happened on its own. What happened was that
all of us who watched anime in the 80's because of Robotech suddenly realized "Hey,
I haven't watched any anime in years" and started back on the trail. Robotech
introduced anime to a bunch of 80's kids, but the majority of anime fans nowadays
are probably 13-20 years old, which would make them more of a 90's generation,
uninfluenced by Robotech. A lot of the people I know that are my age (24) that
like anime got hooked on it through Robotech. Those younger than me don't know
what Robotech is.

If Robotech didn't exist, Macross popularity would have been only slightly affected
(in the states) I believe....Everyone flipped out over Macross Plus when it was
released over here in '95 or '96. Id say that not many of them saw or remember
seeing Macross, as part of Robotech or otherwise.

I tell you what, though, those Robotech toys were Hella Cool back in the 80's. I
wish I still had my diecast Alpha, my Cyclone, and my big transforming Cyclone with
the huge Scott Bernard figure...........


2001年5月21日 凌晨2:26:592001/5/21
>I tell you what, though, those Robotech toys were Hella Cool back in the
>80's. I
>wish I still had my diecast Alpha, my Cyclone, and my big transforming
>Cyclone with
>the huge Scott Bernard figure...........

No, those were repackaged Japanese "Mopseada" toys. The "Robotech" toys were
mangled pieces of crap.


2001年5月21日 上午9:10:482001/5/21
In article <>, keithl78 says...

> >I tell you what, though, those Robotech toys were Hella Cool back in the
> >80's. I
> >wish I still had my diecast Alpha, my Cyclone, and my big transforming
> >Cyclone with
> >the huge Scott Bernard figure...........
> No, those were repackaged Japanese "Mopseada" toys. The "Robotech" toys were
> mangled pieces of crap.
> ~Keith

I don't know who you were responding too (though I doubt anyone who was
alive through 80's would use a term like "hella cool"), but I infact had
Mospeada toys when I was younger. If I recall correctly, I used to be
able to get them at a toy store chain (along the lines of a Toys R Us)
called "Children's Palace" back in the mid 80's in the Pittsburgh area.


Chris Fullbright

2001年5月21日 晚上8:32:332001/5/21
He was talking to me. I use the term hella cool every now and

Whatever they were, Keith, damn, I mean, they had "Robotech" on the packaging. So
they are "Robotech" toys....................repackaged or otherwise. I remember
the Robotech action figures, now those were pieces of crap.


2001年5月22日 凌晨1:52:222001/5/22
>He was talking to me. I use the term hella cool every now and
>Whatever they were, Keith, damn, I mean, they had "Robotech" on the
>packaging. So
>they are "Robotech" toys....................repackaged or otherwise. I
>the Robotech action figures, now those were pieces of crap.

No, they were repackaged "Japanese" Mospeada toys. The Robotech toys were those
piece of crap mangled action figures, the bulky VF-1S with a VF-1J head, and
the hovertank. "Those" were the robotech toys, not the gakken Legioss.

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