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Five-O Fan Fiction Submissions Wanted!

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Mike Quigley

no leída,
29 feb 1996, 3:00:0029/2/96
The following is passed along to me from Karen Rhodes ... it comes from the
Five-O Home Page.

PAU HANA ("After Work")

a fanzine of Hawaii Five-O


Pau Hana is an anthology of fiction, nonfiction, and artwork celebrating
Hawaii Five-O, the longest-running cop show in TV history. Pau Hana comes
out annually -- real life permitting! Cover art by Hawaii-born artist and
hula teacher Beth Mitchroney. We are now accepting submissions for Pau Hana
5. Follow the guidelines . . .


Short Stories

Stories may be set at any time during the 1968-1980 period, or before, or
after. Bear in mind the level of technology in the period 1968-1980, in
real-timeline stories. Don't set a story in 1975, for example, and have
McGarrett using a cellular phone in his car.

Adult themes are permitted and encouraged; Hawaii Five-O was not a
children's show. However, adult themes should be handled with taste,
sensitivity, and discretion. No 'slash' fiction accepted. (And if you have
to ask what that is, you probably don't indulge in it anyway, so don't
worry about it.) Any sex or violence in the story must advance the plot.

Stories may concentrate on action, on plot, or on character. Any of these,
or any combination of these, is welcome. Just be sure it is a story--that
it has a beginning, a middle, and an end. We welcome mysteries, spy tales,
comedies, romances--just about any style or genre! Even westerns! (Remember
"Paniolo," "We Hang Our Own," and "Requiem For a Saddle Bronc Rider"!)
Mysteries may be hard-boiled detective tales, police procedurals, suspense
thrillers, or "cozy" puzzlers. We also accept "crossovers" between series.
We've already had the Five-O team meet the cast of Star Trek. What if
Stoney Burke came to a rodeo in Hawaii?

Particularly welcome are tales which establish a background for the
characters, especially characters like Ben Kokua or Duke Lukela, who were
hardly fleshed out in the series. We don't worry if it isn't "canonical";
we don't like strait-jackets!

Know something about Hawaii. You don't have to have been there; your local
library should have some good sources. Bookstores carry J. D. Bisignani's
Hawaii Handbook, an excellent and thorough guidebook. If you want to use
some item of Hawaiian history in your story, seek out Gavan Daws's Shoal of
Time. It's an outstanding history of the state from earliest settlement
through statehood. Another fine source is His Majesty Kalakaua's The
Legends and Myths of Hawaii.

Poetry and Art Work

Poetry can be in any form, any length (now, let's not get carried away).
Try to avoid the syrupy, the sing-songy, and the trite. Don't be afraid to

Artwork should be polished and done with taste. It should look like what
it's trying to represent. Nothing will be rejected out of hand just because
it's done by an amateur; however, amateurish artwork won't be accepted. All
art should be of a type which will reproduce well through photocopying.
Generally, it should be no larger than a standard 8 1/2 x 11 page.

Articles, Essays, Commentaries

Articles should be based in fact; statements not the author's opinion or
personal observation must be attributed. Essays may consist of fact or
opinion or a combination of both. Just be sure that it will be clear in the
reader's mind what is fact and what is opinion. Commentaries may begin with
a fact or an observation, and then incorporate that into a 'thought piece.'

Personal attacks will not be printed. Unsubstantiated assertions not
clearly apparent as opinion will not be printed. Rumor will not be printed!

General Manuscript -- Preparation Guidelines

Submissions must be typed (or computer-printed) double-spaced, on one side
of the paper. Your name & address must appear at the top of the first page.
Second and subsequent pages must be numbered, with your name and/or a short
title at the top, so that if pages become disarrayed, we can put them back
together! Submissions may also be made on diskette in flat ASCII or Word
Perfect (preferably v. 5.1) format on MS-DOS formatted diskettes. We can
accept double-density or high-density diskettes, 5.25" or 3.5". Please
include a short personal biography; if submitting on diskette, this may be
included as a file called READ.ME. Submissions may also be made by modem.
Prior arrangement is necessary; write for details. We can now also accept
submissions as a File Attach to a message addressed to ASCII
files only!

Stories, poems, articles, essays, or artwork will NOT be returned unless a
SASE with sufficient postage is provided.

Send hard-copy or diskette submissions to:
MIDDLEBURG, FL 32068-3262

Check out the Hawaii Five-O Home Page:

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