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Furry Vehicles

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Raymond Dobbs

Apr 22, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/22/97

Here's a conversation starter:

Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'

I own a 1996 Dodge Intrepid - Polar Bear White. While Dodge (Chrysler)
doesn't call it Polar Bear White, I do because of a certain fuzzy female
I am involved with on FM. While it was not my original intention to buy
a white car, the idea kinda lent itself to me... :)
I'm trying to find out about customizing the plates for it, to
something with an Anthro/Furry theme. Any suggestions?

Just my $0.02;
Raymond Dobbs

Tehrasha Darkon

Apr 22, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/22/97

In article <>, Raymond Dobbs <> wrote:

>Here's a conversation starter:
> Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'

My 94 White Mustang has plates that read 'YIFFY'
and If all goes well, I plan to have my motorcycle
airbrushed this winter...its gonna be mephitized! :)

Tehrasha Darkon ---- The Official 'Relaxed' Dragon of #furry
Proud New Owner of an Original 030 NeXT Cube --- SN #0000045
EfNet #macintosh/YiffNet #furry/FurryMUCK/Furtoonia/CU-SeeMe

Landon Solomon

Apr 22, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/22/97

Raymond Dobbs <> writes:

>Here's a conversation starter:

> Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'

> I own a 1996 Dodge Intrepid - Polar Bear White. While Dodge (Chrysler)
>doesn't call it Polar Bear White, I do because of a certain fuzzy female
>I am involved with on FM. While it was not my original intention to buy
>a white car, the idea kinda lent itself to me... :)
> I'm trying to find out about customizing the plates for it, to
>something with an Anthro/Furry theme. Any suggestions?


>Just my $0.02;
>Raymond Dobbs

Just my $0.03;
Trot Fox

M. Mitchell Marmel

Apr 22, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/22/97

Raymond Dobbs wrote:
> Here's a conversation starter:
> Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'
> persona?

Welp, my 1982 Nissan 200SX doesn't leak oil; rather, it marks its
territory... :)


Steve Gattuso

Apr 22, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/22/97

M. Mitchell Marmel wrote:

> > Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their
> > 'furry' persona?
> Welp, my 1982 Nissan 200SX doesn't leak oil; rather, it marks its
> territory... :)

I used to own a VW Rabbit. But unfortunately, it also took after it's
color. Lemon yellow... =};-3

Unca Spooge, the automotive mayo monk...

George R. Eddy

Apr 22, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/22/97

Raymond Dobbs <> wrote in article

> Here's a conversation starter:

> Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'
> persona?

I don't own such a car, but on my way to a district Eagles meeting, I once
saw a Ford pinto disguised to look like a mouse. It had large round ears,
eyes painted on the windshield, and a long tail sticking out the back.


Apr 22, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/22/97
to Raymond Dobbs

Raymond Dobbs wrote:

> Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'
> persona?

For the answer, click here:

License plate was NOT altered or airbrushed.
Joe Ekaitis
/ .. \

Matt J. McCullar

Apr 23, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/23/97

> Raymond Dobbs <> writes:
> >Here's a conversation starter:
> > Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'
> >persona?
> >
Red Green does. It's called the Possum Van.

"No, Harold. Possum Van won't burn; believe me."

Matt J. McCullar
_Quando omni flunkus moritati._
(When all else fails, play dead.)

Herman Miller

Apr 23, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/23/97

On Tue, 22 Apr 1997 11:37:32 -0500, Raymond Dobbs <>

>Here's a conversation starter:
> Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'

No, but I used to call my former car the Gerbil Car because it seemed as if
it had more gerbil power than horse power. I imagined it was probably
powered by gerbils running around on one of those little wheels that you
see in pet stores, and they had a hard time keeping up on the kind of hills
we have in Austin, especially with the air conditioning running. Every so
often I'd hear strange squeaks. Must be the gerbils complaining.

alien/fairy/furry art--> +----------<>----------
Thryomanes /"If all Printers were determin'd not to print any
(Herman Miller) / thing till they were sure it would offend no body,
moc.oi @ rellimh <-/ there would be very little printed." -Ben Franklin


Jack Furlong - HillBluffer

Apr 23, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/23/97

In article <>,
"M. Mitchell Marmel" <> wrote:

>Raymond Dobbs wrote:
>> Here's a conversation starter:
>> Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'
>> persona?
>Welp, my 1982 Nissan 200SX doesn't leak oil; rather, it marks its
>territory... :)

*collapses at his desk, giggling!*

If that's the case, then my 83' Reliant's
lighting it's own farts...*chuckle*
(yeah, it smokes a lot...)

Jack Furlong - Artist/MUCKer Details @
"Dont take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive!" - Bugs Bunny

James B. Littlejohn

Apr 23, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/23/97

In <> Raymond Dobbs <>
>Here's a conversation starter:
> Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'
> I own a 1996 Dodge Intrepid - Polar Bear White. While Dodge
>doesn't call it Polar Bear White, I do because of a certain fuzzy
>I am involved with on FM. While it was not my original intention to
>a white car, the idea kinda lent itself to me... :)
> I'm trying to find out about customizing the plates for it, to
>something with an Anthro/Furry theme. Any suggestions?
>Just my $0.02;
>Raymond Dobbs

Does an old beat up 67 Chevy Carryall (Saburban) painted 2 tone green
with 2 of Vicky Wymans gold dragons painted in the back windows count
as reflecting my reptilian side?

Reptiles need love to.

Jack Furlong - HillBluffer

Apr 23, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/23/97

In article <>,

"Matt J. McCullar" <> wrote:
>> Raymond Dobbs <> writes:
>> >Here's a conversation starter:
>> > Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'
>> >persona?
>> >
>Red Green does. It's called the Possum Van.
>"No, Harold. Possum Van won't burn; believe me."

Photo at:

(They've got a whole GALLERY of show photos there! Cool!...<g>)


Apr 24, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/24/97

My vehicle itself isn't furry, but I've got a real nice howling wolf
plate on the front. The sky matches the blue of the car. I also have a
were bumper sticker that reads "Werewolf on board: Do Not Moon".

Howlie the happy werewolf

"The feared pirate Don Karnage knows all that a feared pirate needs to know, you know?"

"If you haven't gotten where you're going, you aren't there yet."

Lisa Jennings

Apr 25, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/25/97

In article <>,
Raymond Dobbs <> wrote:
> Here's a conversation starter:
> Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'
> persona?

Well, I have a 1992 Hyundai Scoupe in metallic red with a matte-silver
underbelly. Her name is Kandi and her license plate is LA LYNX which is a
triple entrendre as per my punnish habit. She's small and fast and has
new tires that really grip the road like a lynx's big snowfeet. :3

> I own a 1996 Dodge Intrepid - Polar Bear White. While Dodge (Chrysler)
> doesn't call it Polar Bear White, I do because of a certain fuzzy female
> I am involved with on FM. While it was not my original intention to buy
> a white car, the idea kinda lent itself to me... :)

I'm not partial to red cars, myself, but Kandi kinda talked me into it.
I'm looking to someday in the near future buy my first _new_ car after
cruising the Auto Show in NYC last month. Likely it'll be an Infinity
i30t, but I'm still waffling as to whether I want the silver with a black
leather interior, or black with a grey or white leather interior. :3 Then
I'll have my ermine!

> I'm trying to find out about customizing the plates for it, to
> something with an Anthro/Furry theme. Any suggestions?

Check out your local DMV (if you can, I know you can do it in CA) to see
what plates are already out there. While Totem animals are nice, there's
a lot of folks that like them without being furs themselves. One of my
housemates likes coyotes, but she couldn't get COYOTE as a plate because
it's been taken by a guy whose _name_ is Coyote. So her plate is KAI OT
(kai O-T) which has caused some confusions among non-furs like her family
(What's Kiot mean? What's Kay Overtime mean?)

If you have an unusual animal like me, your chances are better -- but I
couldn't get ERMINE in California because a furrier had it! So I did LA
LYNX here in NJ to make it more unusual (somehow I suspect I could've
gotten LYNX, but by this point I didn't want to risk the chance it was

Things like 4PAWZ, TAILWAG, MEOW, PETIGRE, and stuff tends to be
attractive to breeders of show animals, and general animal enthusiasts.

Based on your vehicle, I'd look to see if POLAR, SNOWBEAR, PLR BAR,
BIGFOOT, BGFOOT, FURREE, FURRY, 2FURRY, etc., are available. Be creative
with the spelling -- as long as you and your friends can puzzle it out,
don't worry about the rest. :3

(aka Micole The Ermine, Lisa Jennings, lynx and ermine enthusiast)
home email: <>
Okay, can anyone guess the 3 different plays on LA LYNX? Admittedly, you have to
know me to catch all of them... :3

Caer Carnivore, house of the vanity plates: LA LYNX, KAI OT, COUG R
...and Wolf might get his own someday when Colleen the LandRover is
restored. :3

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Dale Farmer

Apr 25, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/25/97

Lisa Jennings ( wrote:
: Caer Carnivore, house of the vanity plates: LA LYNX, KAI OT, COUG R

: ...and Wolf might get his own someday when Colleen the LandRover is
: restored. :3

I have a friend whose white Volvo bears the plate SNOLPRD
(pronounced "SnowMeow"), I have never done the vanity plate thing
myself tho. Thought about it, looked at the prices that the DMV
wants for vanity plate, and said "nope.". Plus since my totemish
critter is a bear, and I have no desire to emcumber myself with
the sexual baggage that comes along with that label.


Dale Farmer Personal opinions only.
Due to recent mail unreliability at Digital Express Group, Please
do not use the Reply to: feature, reply to the above address only.


Apr 25, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/25/97

In article <>, Lisa Jennings <>

>Based on your vehicle, I'd look to see if POLAR, SNOWBEAR, PLR BAR,
>BIGFOOT, BGFOOT, FURREE, FURRY, 2FURRY, etc., are available. Be creative
>with the spelling -- as long as you and your friends can puzzle it out,
>don't worry about the rest. :3

To quote Chris Morris: "Fur Q" ;)


Furry Lifestyle Web Site coming soon...
watch this space!


Apr 26, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/26/97

> Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'
> persona?

Hope mine doesn't. I have a Yugo!! =)

Matt J. McCullar

Apr 27, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/27/97
I'm well over six feet in height, but I fit comfortably in and drive a
Geo Metro. Some of my coworkers gather in front of the building at the
end of the lunch hour just to watch me climb out of the thing.


Apr 27, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/27/97

On 26 Apr 1997 23:04:17 GMT, "Dingo" <> wrote:

>> Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'
>> persona?
>Hope mine doesn't. I have a Yugo!! =)

You're telling me? I have two VW

electro<at> atheist#344
"My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man
as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral
purpose of his life, with productive achievement as
his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute."

Ayn Rand

Raymond Dobbs

Apr 27, 1997, 7:00:00 AM4/27/97

Lisa Jennings wrote:
> In article <>,
> Raymond Dobbs <> wrote:
> > Here's a conversation starter:
> >
> > Does anyone own a vehicle that somewhaty reflects their 'furry'
> > persona?
> Well, I have a 1992 Hyundai Scoupe in metallic red with a matte-silver
> underbelly. Her name is Kandi and her license plate is LA LYNX which is a
> triple entrendre as per my punnish habit. She's small and fast and has
> new tires that really grip the road like a lynx's big snowfeet. :3
> > I own a 1996 Dodge Intrepid - Polar Bear White. While Dodge (Chrysler)
> > doesn't call it Polar Bear White, I do because of a certain fuzzy female
> > I am involved with on FM. While it was not my original intention to buy
> > a white car, the idea kinda lent itself to me... :)
> I'm not partial to red cars, myself, but Kandi kinda talked me into it.
> I'm looking to someday in the near future buy my first _new_ car after
> cruising the Auto Show in NYC last month. Likely it'll be an Infinity
> i30t, but I'm still waffling as to whether I want the silver with a black
> leather interior, or black with a grey or white leather interior. :3 Then
> I'll have my ermine!
> > I'm trying to find out about customizing the plates for it, to
> > something with an Anthro/Furry theme. Any suggestions?
> Check out your local DMV (if you can, I know you can do it in CA) to see
> what plates are already out there. While Totem animals are nice, there's
> a lot of folks that like them without being furs themselves. One of my
> housemates likes coyotes, but she couldn't get COYOTE as a plate because
> it's been taken by a guy whose _name_ is Coyote. So her plate is KAI OT
> (kai O-T) which has caused some confusions among non-furs like her family
> (What's Kiot mean? What's Kay Overtime mean?)

Already made that step, and found out that a few of the more interesting
names are NOT taken (!!!). So as you'd expect, I am going to leap on
the opportunity.

My family really doesn't understand my want for Furry-type license plate
(and neither does the DMV). They want some sort of explanation for any
type of customized plates, so I've got to come up with one to explain my

> If you have an unusual animal like me, your chances are better -- but I
> couldn't get ERMINE in California because a furrier had it! So I did LA
> LYNX here in NJ to make it more unusual (somehow I suspect I could've
> gotten LYNX, but by this point I didn't want to risk the chance it was
> taken).
> Things like 4PAWZ, TAILWAG, MEOW, PETIGRE, and stuff tends to be
> attractive to breeders of show animals, and general animal enthusiasts.

> Based on your vehicle, I'd look to see if POLAR, SNOWBEAR, PLR BAR,
> BIGFOOT, BGFOOT, FURREE, FURRY, 2FURRY, etc., are available. Be creative
> with the spelling -- as long as you and your friends can puzzle it out,
> don't worry about the rest. :3

> *******************************************************************************
> ermine
> (aka Micole The Ermine, Lisa Jennings, lynx and ermine enthusiast)
> home email: <>
> *******************************************************************************
> Okay, can anyone guess the 3 different plays on LA LYNX? Admittedly, you have to
> know me to catch all of them... :3

> Caer Carnivore, house of the vanity plates: LA LYNX, KAI OT, COUG R
> ...and Wolf might get his own someday when Colleen the LandRover is
> restored. :3

Dave Wright

May 11, 1997, 7:00:00 AM5/11/97

I knew a guy who'd named his Honda "Fenris".

Think about it.

:Dave Wright * Gentaur on FurryMUCK
DUELING MODEMS * <> * <news://>
Head Sysop, BESTIARIA Furry Forum & AH!LOGY Science and Research Forum
<> * <news://*>
My life is like a coloring book. Every day I have a new page with new
pictures to color. --Rerun, "Peanuts" strip by Charles Schulz


May 11, 1997, 7:00:00 AM5/11/97

What does a 73 VW Thing thats hit hard in the front fall under?
Or a 73 Mercury Capri that that had a squirrel icon for it from McMoo.
How about a 88 Isuzu Trooper?

I like the Thing best! P,)


Chris Baird

May 11, 1997, 7:00:00 AM5/11/97

Dave Wright,

> I knew a guy who'd named his Honda "Fenris".

An avid ornithologist acquaintance of my Mother's bought a Ford
Falcon, and being a bird-geek that he was, also ordered the
personalised license plate TERCEL. He had it for a couple of years,
all his fellow bird-geek buddies thinking it was the greatest idea
ever, then ?Toyota brought out their "Tercel"...

At Newcastle University (Australia), in the vicinity of the Arts
Departments, there's a ?Valiant painted all yellow with black



May 12, 1997, 7:00:00 AM5/12/97
to G. Raymond Eddy

G. Raymond Eddy wrote:

> I happen to own a Toyota Tercel. What in the animal kingdome /is/ a
> tercel anyway?
> I also used to own a Valiant. Battleship gray.

Tercel is a variant of tiercel, a bird whose name is derived from an Old
English word for "one-third". At maturity, the male tiercel is 1/3 the
size of the female.

May 13, 1997, 7:00:00 AM5/13/97

In article <>, wrote:
> G. Raymond Eddy wrote:
> > I happen to own a Toyota Tercel. What in the animal kingdome /is/ a
> > tercel anyway?
> > I also used to own a Valiant. Battleship gray.
> Tercel is a variant of tiercel, a bird whose name is derived from an Old
> English word for "one-third". At maturity, the male tiercel is 1/3 the
> size of the female.

Eh? Although tiercel does derive from "one-third" or "the third", it's
because the male is 1/3 *smaller* than the female, not 1/3 the size. And
it's a generic term for a male bird of prey, though it's usually used of
the peregrine, gyrfalcon or goshawk.

I'm not a falconer/austringer. I don't even know if I have the
temperament for it. But I'd love to try, were there but world enough,
and time. :)

The early Tercels (my dad had an '81 when I was in college and he let me
drive it sometimes ;) ) included a stylized stooping bird of prey in the
badge on the back and the one in the center of the steering wheel.

Last summer we bought an '88 Caravan. We named it Balto after driving
through a raging snowstorm to the hospital last Dec. 27, for the arrival
of Benjamin (our happy little polar bear "rrRRRRRrrr" :D ).

spc / Stauros the white panther / aspiring furry author

********** my opinions, not my employer's ********** don't SPAM on me

"Boot, you transistorised tormentor! BOOOOOOOT!!!"

- Alfred / "VeggieTales: Larry-Boy and the Fib from Outer Space"

Joe Ekaitis

May 14, 1997, 7:00:00 AM5/14/97
to wrote:
> Eh? Although tiercel does derive from "one-third" or "the third", it's
> because the male is 1/3 *smaller* than the female, not 1/3 the size. And
> it's a generic term for a male bird of prey, though it's usually used of
> the peregrine, gyrfalcon or goshawk.

OK, then, I was 2/3 right. :)
/ .. \ Joe Ekaitis


May 14, 1997, 7:00:00 AM5/14/97
to wrote:
> > > Tercel is a variant of tiercel, a bird whose name is derived from an Old
> > > English word for "one-third". At maturity, the male tiercel is 1/3 the
> > > size of the female.
> >
> > That makes sense. My Toyota Tercel acts like 1/3 of a normal automobile.
> I drive a Nissan Pathfinder, and I've been asked why I don't drive a Dodge Ram, since my totem/furry is a bighorn sheep.
> I like to say that it's because "Dodge Ram" is an oxymoron.

It is not, it's a decision tree

(Either that or a mantra)

Dodge? Ram? Dodge? Ram? Dodge? Ram? Dodge? RAM!!!!

. . Rorschach (Rors)
| \ / |
|/ """ \? A stark pattern of Black and White
//,\ /,\\ Within it you can find images, reflections. Maybe Balance.
\ |_| / I walk a risky path: alone, yet not: whole, yet fractured.
`=' "NOW is the time to RAGE against the dying of the light!"

May 15, 1997, 7:00:00 AM5/15/97

In article <>, wrote:
> wrote:
> >
> > Eh? Although tiercel does derive from "one-third" or "the third", it's
> > because the male is 1/3 *smaller* than the female, not 1/3 the size. And

> OK, then, I was 2/3 right. :)

WHOOP!! Got me! :D That was mostly amusing. ;)

spc / Stauros

Furry Code 1.2 FFP[white]3a A C* D H- M- P+ R T+ W+ Z++ Sm-
RLE/~TI a+ c+dmu !d e++ f h+++++ i+ p sm#

"I don't like SPAM!!" -- MPFC

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