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[CC] Oops, Too Late

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প্রথম অপঠিত মেসেজটিতে চলে আসুন

Xydexx Squeakypony

পড়া হয়নি,
৩১ মার্চ, ১৯৯৯, ৩:০০:০০ AM৩১/৩/৯৯
[Carbon copied from dejanews.members.ent.videocube.burned-fur]

Hangdog wrote:
> Ottergame wrote:
> > I must say when I heard the news, I almost died laughing. Finally! Someone
> > is smart enough to say "No way!" to porn! Man of man, it's funny watching
> > all these over-sexed freaks of nature bitch about the loss of "Pornferance".
> > Artists will have to acutally USE THEIR IMAGINATIONS for a change! [snippage]
> Ottergame, I understand how a long, frustrating struggle can tempt one to be a
> bit savage in your rejoicing when something seems to finally fall your way.
> Resist that temptation.

Judging by his post to AFF this afternoon, I think your advice comes a bit too
late, Hangdog. Just my $.02. I don't think I need to elaborate further.

Unless, of course, you want me to.

(And I really, really don't think you want me to.)

> I think good can and ultimately will come of this situation, but that does not
> mean no bad has come of it, either. It is a painful and traumatic event. The
> people whom it has affected, and who are trying to deal with it, deserve our
> sympathy and respect.

I'm happy to hear Darrell Exline will be co-chair of CF in the future.
Hopefully, the new management will be able to make it a furry convention
everyone can enjoy.

Xydexx Squeakypony, not a Burned Fur [ICQ: 7569393]
Xydexx's Anthrofurry Homepage:

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পড়া হয়নি,
৩১ মার্চ, ১৯৯৯, ৩:০০:০০ AM৩১/৩/৯৯

Xydexx Squeakypony wrote in message <7du9ev$nlb$>...

>Judging by his post to AFF this afternoon, I think your advice >comes a bit
too late, Hangdog. Just my $.02. I don't think I need >to elaborate
>Unless, of course, you want me to.
>(And I really, really don't think you want me to.)

Hm, I've not seen Ottergame's post. Then again I've been a bit busy trying
to spread a bit of understanding and hope around the potential flame pits.

>I'm happy to hear Darrell Exline will be co-chair of CF in the future.
>Hopefully, the new management will be able to make it a furry >convention
everyone can enjoy.

From what I know of Darrel in my long years of knowing him, I'd say that is
a fair hope and one with a fair chance of coming true.

And I must say, that I am rather surprised, pleasantly so, at Hangdog's
comments to Ottergame, especially where he sees how the income artists are
affected. Now if only others would be so willing to step back and

--Tygger L. Graf, bouncing rather high on a cloud over GK 5...

Xydexx Squeakypony

পড়া হয়নি,
১ এপ্রি, ১৯৯৯, ৩:০০:০০ AM১/৪/৯৯
Tygger wrote:
> Hm, I've not seen Ottergame's post.

That's because he was posting under a different name. See my email for

> >I'm happy to hear Darrell Exline will be co-chair of CF in the future.
> >Hopefully, the new management will be able to make it a furry
> >convention everyone can enjoy.
> From what I know of Darrel in my long years of knowing him, I'd say that is
> a fair hope and one with a fair chance of coming true.

Thus far I've heard nothing but good things about him, so that's a reassuring

> And I must say, that I am rather surprised, pleasantly so, at Hangdog's
> comments to Ottergame, especially where he sees how the income artists are
> affected.

You'll have to forgive me if I'm a bit skeptical and think Hangdog may be
motivated more by a desire to do damage control and trying to disassociate
Burned Fur from being linked to responsibility for the CF10 mess.

Not saying a Burned Fur was responsible for it, of course. (But I sure
wouldn't be very surprised if one was, either...)

Xydexx Squeakypony [ICQ: 7569393]


পড়া হয়নি,
১ এপ্রি, ১৯৯৯, ৩:০০:০০ AM১/৪/৯৯

Xydexx Squeakypony wrote in message

>That's because he was posting under a different name. See my >email for

Got that and thank you. I pointedly refer to him in my post to Caballito.

>Thus far I've heard nothing but good things about him, so that's a
>reassuring sign.

*noddles* No one is sunshine and light, not even you you evil thing ^_^.
Darrel and I have had our differences, however, we talked about them, not

>You'll have to forgive me if I'm a bit skeptical and think Hangdog >may be
motivated more by a desire to do damage control and >trying to disassociate
Burned Fur from being linked to responsibility >for the CF10 mess.
>Not saying a Burned Fur was responsible for it, of course. (But I >sure
wouldn't be very surprised if one was, either...)

Oh, I fully unnerstand, hon. And I don't blame you. I level a huge amount
of wariness on the BF's, more than I like to but I'm taking no chances.
They treat me fair, I'll do the same. They give me good reliable facts,
I'll consider them.

--Tygger L. Graf

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