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Wrecking Crew documentary

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Charles Ulrich

Feb 21, 2015, 11:49:28 PM2/21/15
I just got home from seeing the Wrecking Crew documentary. It was great.

It's only showing four times in Vancouver (one time left, at 4pm on
Thursday). I imagine that's typical of other cities. Better find out in
advance so you won't miss it. There's a list of screenings at

No one ever mentions FZ, but there is a brief interview clip wherein he
talks about Tommy Tedesco's appearance on the Gong Show.


Charles Ulrich

Feb 25, 2015, 7:29:08 PM2/25/15
In article <charlesulrich-8B67E2.20492621022015@shawnews>,
Charles Ulrich <> wrote:

> I just got home from seeing the Wrecking Crew documentary. It was great.
> It's only showing four times in Vancouver (one time left, at 4pm on
> Thursday). I imagine that's typical of other cities. Better find out in
> advance so you won't miss it. There's a list of screenings at
> <>.

Note in particular:

> West Los Angeles, CA: Nuart Theatre
> Los Angeles Premiere Screening at NUART Theater
> Join Wrecking Crew members Hal Blaine, Joe Osborn, Don Randi, Bill
> Pitman, and more of the cast of the movie March 13 at 7:30pm.
> Screenings at 2:30, 5:00, and 7:30pm. Denny Tedesco will appear for
> Q&As March 13 at 5:00pm and 7:30pm. Tickets still available for most
> showings! Come down and be a part of the celebration.

Too bad I no longer live on that block!


Mar 3, 2015, 6:57:15 PM3/3/15
I just finished reading Tommy Tedesco's autobiography, "Confessions Of a guitar Player", and he described the record date that he did with FZ as the most difficult sight reading experience he ever had in the studios.

There's a photo or two of FZ in there, also.
He seemed to be pretty good friends with FZ.
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