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OT:To all the people on the board who are mad at me

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Chaos Knight

Jan 10, 2003, 9:14:20 PM1/10/03
A comment earlier about webtv. I'm sorry if my mommy and daddy didn't by
me a computer. I kinda cant afford that type of thing. Working 2 jobs
and supporting my family kinda leaves me a little broke. I don't have
kids yet my parents are unable to work. I only having fun on this board
cause I've been sick for this whole week.
My girlfriend said I shouldn't bother with this board anymore cause more
then half you kids are way too uptight about everything.
Oh except Hentai I see alot of you kids like that, wow a anime character
naked oo..hey everyone has there thing (no matter how weird it is, not
my thing though.. jeaz that how I know 90% of people here are kids. But
hey some of you actually know what your talking about but others just
reply so negitive to everything. One kid posts about more
then half bitched about oh that illegal. Who cares! This is a discussion
board. Why do most of you act like you have sticks up your asses your
young, you have the whole rest of your life to be a uptight asshole. No
one likes a asshole, and everyone that acts they way some of you kids
act wouldn't last 10 seconds in this world. I'm not going to sit here
and single everyone out here but most of you know who you are. Every
post I see some of you guys make is really negative if your that pissed
off at everything, go play a sport or something, I don't care if I get
replies to this. I post here for fun some of you take this way too
seriously. I mean what would Goku think huh? *Smirks*lol

Rachel Oliver

Jan 10, 2003, 10:32:28 PM1/10/03
Chaos Knight wrote:

> I mean what would Goku think huh?

Gokuu would probably say, "Hara hetta naa..."

-The Ayatollah of Coca-Cola, FKA Triple Rach

James Allen Stanfield, 03/19/86-10/01/02
Rest in Peace, Jim, we love you.


Jan 11, 2003, 1:00:31 AM1/11/03

"Chaos Knight" <> wrote in message

> jeaz that how I know 90% of people here are kids. But

I'm an adult. You would actually be surprised at how many of the regular
posters here are adults. I do agree that some of us act kinda
immature(myself included), but thats just the nature of newsgroups like this

> hey some of you actually know what your talking about but others just
> reply so negitive to everything. One kid posts about more
> then half bitched about oh that illegal. Who cares! This is a discussion
> board.

We stopped running out of good DBZ-related topics a while ago, now we gotta
settle for what we got. The reason we bitch about DBGT
fansubs) is not that we dislike piracy that much, but we dislike those who
don't read the rules. If something is clearly stated in the AFD FAQ and
someone goes against it, we get angry. That is what we are really bitching

> Why do most of you act like you have sticks up your asses your
> young, you have the whole rest of your life to be a uptight asshole. No
> one likes a asshole, and everyone that acts they way some of you kids
> act wouldn't last 10 seconds in this world.

Its a newsgroup, people come here to have fun and let loose. A lot of the
stuff I say here I wouldn't have the balls to repeat in public. Newsgroups
allow you to drop your polite face and act like the badass you want to but
dont have the balls to in real life.

> Every post I see some of you guys make is really negative if your that

> off at everything, go play a sport or something.

Check the past 3 or 4 threads that I have started, they all deal with DBZ
topics that have real, normal discussion and such.

> I don't care if I get replies to this.


> I post here for fun some of you take this way too seriously.

I agree some people take it too seriously, but they just don't like idiots.


Jan 11, 2003, 1:07:09 AM1/11/03
This isn't a board.


Pahsons, new and improved with special XY-87

Jan 11, 2003, 7:46:36 AM1/11/03
Now with more horsepower and better gas

> A comment earlier about webtv. I'm sorry if my mommy and daddy didn't by
> me a computer.

Me and my wife bought our own comp. You're still an idiot.

> I kinda cant afford that type of thing. Working 2 jobs
> and supporting my family kinda leaves me a little broke.

Gee, I do that, sounds like you work some shit jobs. Wait, my OWN family,
you know, married, house, etc...

> I don't have
> kids yet my parents are unable to work.

? I don't see what either has to do with the other, but, I have a kid, and
I have parents too!

> I only having fun on this board

Newsgroup, this is not a message board you twit

> cause I've been sick for this whole week.
> My girlfriend said I shouldn't bother with this board anymore cause more
> then half you kids are way too uptight about everything.
> Oh except Hentai I see alot of you kids like that, wow a anime character
> naked oo..hey everyone has there thing (no matter how weird it is, not
> my thing though.. jeaz that how I know 90% of people here are kids.

The kids here are the most mature ones

> But
> hey some of you actually know what your talking about but others just
> reply so negitive to everything. One kid posts about more
> then half bitched about oh that illegal. Who cares! This is a discussion
> board. Why do most of you act like you have sticks up your asses your
> young, you have the whole rest of your life to be a uptight asshole. No
> one likes a asshole, and everyone that acts they way some of you kids
> act wouldn't last 10 seconds in this world.

Sounds like advice you should follow

> I'm not going to sit here
> and single everyone out here but most of you know who you are. Every
> post I see some of you guys make is really negative if your that pissed
> off at everything, go play a sport or something,

Troll hunting is a sport

> I don't care if I get
> replies to this.

Yes you do

> I post here for fun some of you take this way too
> seriously. I mean what would Goku think huh? *Smirks*lol

He would think, "What a wimp, why doesn't he fight?"

This is the way we bash the skull
Bash the skull, bash the skull
This is the way we bash the skull
And don't bother mourning!
Some Everquest player on Portal


Jan 11, 2003, 5:30:48 PM1/11/03

"Chaos Knight" <> wrote in message

You just repeated about 200% of what every idiot that gets flamed says to
this group and, you know what? It doesn't mean jackshit to anyone here!

AIM: Schmuck65

<MiraiMatt> Anyway, I hate everything and think that most people are stupid.

RIP Jim Stanfield - One Awesome Dude

Chaos Knight

Jan 11, 2003, 5:20:16 PM1/11/03
LOL you with a family!? Right you have a wife too? Wow..umm...I didn't
think we had kids in here that young. Now you have a wife and kids, wow,
thats really funny... IF your telling the truth which your not but I'll
humor you, you kinda got the depressed mad at the world thing going for
ya. Which alot of people tend to lash out at people you don't even know.
cause there mad at the way there life turned out. Hey don't worry you'll
be retiring in about 50 or so years. Then when your kids are all grown
up and doing fine you'll have money for yourself. But hey your too old
to really enjoy it, awwww too bad.
Anyway don't lie to your elders, its very disrespectful. Now go stand
in the corner!


Jan 11, 2003, 6:42:30 PM1/11/03
Chaos Knight threatened to throw the computer out the window and got it to

> A comment earlier about webtv. I'm sorry if my mommy and daddy didn't by
> me a computer.

I'm sorry that my parents couldn't 'by' me a computer either. They have
much more disposable discretionary income than I do.
(On the other hand, the laptop I am typing this on,was $30 on eBay.)

Seru isu Iviru! Laatsu ofu Puuru Fiishu Dai!

Random #afd quote: <Jim> I haven't heard of it either, and I like to think
I stay right on top of the latest sex accessories.

Chaos Knight

Jan 11, 2003, 6:20:25 PM1/11/03
ummm I wasnt talking about the group.
I was talking about (Pahsons, new and
improved with special XY-87)
lol whatever.


Jan 11, 2003, 10:24:22 PM1/11/03

"Chaos Knight" <> wrote in message

Chaos Knight, there are plenty of people here with spouses and children.
This is one of them. You are being a complete idiot. This isn't some flame
board where we are pathological liars or something. If someone says they
have kids, they do. I personally am a college student studying for my
Computer Engineering degree. I am an adult and I don't pretend to be
anything else. You think you are the only one who works hard, well you are
wrong. I worked about 50+ hours a week from the week that school ended last
summer to the week it started this fall. This was to help pay for some of
my college. I am taking what is considered the hardest degree at my school,
which is ranked like 26th by US News and World Report's Best Public Colleges
list. Your problems are not that big of a deal compared to some, so stop
acting like you deserve to be praised just because you think you are the
only adult here.

Pahsons, new and improved with special XY-87

Jan 11, 2003, 11:41:31 PM1/11/03
Now with more horsepower and better gas

> LOL you with a family!?


> Right you have a wife too?


> Wow..umm...I didn't
> think we had kids in here that young. Now you have a wife and kids, wow,
> thats really funny...

25 is young?

> IF your telling the truth which your not but I'll
> humor you, you kinda got the depressed mad at the world thing going for
> ya.

I don't like webtv users, they tend to be dumb, case in point

> Which alot of people tend to lash out at people you don't even know.
> cause there mad at the way there life turned out. Hey don't worry you'll
> be retiring in about 50 or so years. Then when your kids are all grown
> up and doing fine you'll have money for yourself. But hey your too old
> to really enjoy it, awwww too bad.
> Anyway don't lie to your elders, its very disrespectful. Now go stand
> in the corner!

I guess that tax right-off I did last year and will do this year was a lie.
I also have my OWN home too, must suck to be you. I'm going to play with
my network!

Pahsons, new and improved with special XY-87

Jan 11, 2003, 11:49:15 PM1/11/03
Now with more horsepower and better gas

> was $30 on eBay


I wish I could have gotten that deal



Jan 12, 2003, 2:59:51 AM1/12/03
"Chaos Knight" <> wrote in message
<snip your bullshit>

Shut up, and go jump out of a window.

a.) stop whining
b.) stop being an idiot
c.) the jets are going to win in the morrow \:o



Jan 12, 2003, 3:35:53 AM1/12/03

"Pahsons, new and improved with special XY-87" <>
wrote in message news:Xns93004E74...@

> > I post here for fun some of you take this way too
> > seriously. I mean what would Goku think huh? *Smirks*lol
> He would think, "What a wimp, why doesn't he fight?"

I think he'd wonder what all the bickering was about and ask if we can all
get along.


Dragon Slayer

Jan 12, 2003, 6:41:12 AM1/12/03
From what I remember everyone started calling him names... not him. Read
the posts if you don't believe me. He just talking about slayers and
everyone yells at him that doesn't understand, he called some of you
kids cause adults don't call people names like some of you where. I
don't even know this guy but from what I've read everyone started
yelling at him for like no reason. If most of you have wifes and kids or
whatever act like it then! He doesn't go around flaming people, most of
you do, though some one comes around and ask a question or whatever alot
of you guys yell at them. When most of you in real life don't even got
the balls to talk to anyone like that. I'm not online much, usually
don't post on this board too much, I love DB and slayers, as well as
alot of other anime. This guy seems like a really nice guy. Some people
are the newsgroup are too. I just don't like how some of you respond to
this guy. From what I read about this guy though his post it seems he
only got mad when 1. someone called him a name, or 2. People said things
like oh Goku would win ..a duh...he's faster then Lina..meanwhile some
of you don't know a thing about what he's talking about so, instead of
not replying or saying hey whose the lord of nightmares!? Some of you
say really dumb things. That where insulting him and other people. Some
of you are messed up in a head a little. The guys sick he just typing
here for fun and some of you just bash him down. Mean while next week
he's or whatever he's got to go back to his normal life and he wont post
for a while. While he's not here how about the flames stop ok? I bet you
he wont flame anyone if he's not being flamed. Pahsons or whatever you
name is. Your like the worst one here. If your 25 act like it. You don't
just flame chaos knight you flame like everyone that posts here. You'll
most likely flame me. I can see why he thought you where lieing, mean
act your age, you act like a angry teenager, whose mad at the world.
Don't mean to single him out, but if anyone looked up his posts 99% are
I'm sorry if I'm talking chaos knights side on this one, but everyone
ones yelling at him for like no reason, when some of you guys post alot

Dragon Slayer

Jan 12, 2003, 6:18:25 AM1/12/03

Dragon Slayer

Jan 12, 2003, 6:15:50 AM1/12/03

Dragon Slayer

Jan 12, 2003, 6:43:32 AM1/12/03

Dragon Slayer

Jan 12, 2003, 6:17:20 AM1/12/03

Dragon Slayer

Jan 12, 2003, 6:48:01 AM1/12/03

Andy R

Jan 12, 2003, 10:33:33 AM1/12/03

"Dragon Slayer" <> wrote in message
<Snip drivel>

> I'm sorry if I'm talking chaos knights side on this one, but everyone
> ones yelling at him for like no reason, when some of you guys post alot
> worse.

Ok, either Chaos is your twin brother or there's a big coincidence.
You both both have terrible grammar (not saying mines perfect by any means
but..)can't spell. You don't know the meaning of the word paragraph.
Identical style posts, and your both from webtv, HMMMM.

Kinda funny actually


Jan 12, 2003, 12:52:46 PM1/12/03

"FT" <> wrote in message

> Chaos Knight threatened to throw the computer out the window and got it to
> send
> > A comment earlier about webtv. I'm sorry if my mommy and daddy didn't by
> > me a computer.
> I'm sorry that my parents couldn't 'by' me a computer either. They have
> much more disposable discretionary income than I do.
> (On the other hand, the laptop I am typing this on,was $30 on eBay.)

But didn't you need a computer to bid on that computer?



Jan 12, 2003, 1:00:48 PM1/12/03

Why the multiple postings?



Jan 12, 2003, 1:20:40 PM1/12/03
Pahsons, new and improved with special XY-87 wrote:
> Now with more horsepower and better gas
>> LOL you with a family!?
> ...
>> Right you have a wife too?
> ...
>> Wow..umm...I didn't
>> think we had kids in here that young. Now you have a wife and kids,
>> wow, thats really funny...
> 25 is young?
>> IF your telling the truth which your not but I'll
>> humor you, you kinda got the depressed mad at the world thing going
>> for ya.
> I don't like webtv users, they tend to be dumb, case in point
>> Which alot of people tend to lash out at people you don't even know.
>> cause there mad at the way there life turned out. Hey don't worry
>> you'll be retiring in about 50 or so years. Then when your kids are
>> all grown up and doing fine you'll have money for yourself. But hey
>> your too old to really enjoy it, awwww too bad.
>> Anyway don't lie to your elders, its very disrespectful. Now go stand
>> in the corner!
> right-off



"Though only one enemy calls you out
Be on your best guard.
To deal with one adversary in the spirit of facing ten thousand
Is the Way if the Warrior."
Ueshiba Morihei O Sensei, founder of Aikido


Jan 12, 2003, 1:20:27 PM1/12/03
Dragon Slayer threatened to throw the computer out the window and got it to

plz to not spam the newsgroup thx.

Seru isu Iviru! Laatsu ofu Puuru Fiishu Dai!

Random #afd quote: [08/24 17:25:13] <Zibro> Jim, you're so gravid.


Jan 12, 2003, 1:27:24 PM1/12/03
FT wrote:
> Chaos Knight threatened to throw the computer out the window and got
> it to send

>> A comment earlier about webtv. I'm sorry if my mommy and daddy
>> didn't by me a computer.
> I'm sorry that my parents couldn't 'by' me a computer either. They
> have much more disposable discretionary income than I do.

My parents didn't 'by' (let's beat the joke to death, shall we) a computer
for me either, the computer I'm typing this on belongs to everyone in this
house (not counting the cat). And it's quite old too, and not liable for
replacement anytime soon, if my dad can decide (which he can).

> (On the other hand, the laptop I am typing this on,was $30 on eBay.)

Yikes! My laptop (which I'm not typing this on) cost €1349.


Jan 12, 2003, 1:28:38 PM1/12/03
distant wrote:
> <snip>
> Why the multiple postings?

Six times even (three here, three elsewhere in the thread). He's got to be
trying to set a record of some sort.


Jan 12, 2003, 1:35:46 PM1/12/03
distant threatened to throw the computer out the window and got it to
send news:avsa1e$sh4$

Yeah, but nobody ever said it had to be a computer that I owned.

Seru isu Iviru! Laatsu ofu Puuru Fiishu Dai!

Random #afd quote: [03/11 19:35:01] <Poke> Either that or my grandfather
died in WWII and was replaced by a robot.


Jan 12, 2003, 2:59:04 PM1/12/03
"Dragon Slayer" <> wrote in message
<snip your bullshit>

1.) who the fuck are you.
2.) what the fuck are you talking about.

Dragon Slayer

Jan 12, 2003, 4:24:44 PM1/12/03
EEEE! Sorry about posting that many times!
Whats wrong with my grammer?!

Lucky Devin

Jan 12, 2003, 5:32:57 PM1/12/03
> (Chaos Knight)

So, uh, Dragon Slayer, or Chaos Knight or whatever you are calling yourself
now, if you were talking to Pahsons, then why did you title the thread "to ALL
the people on the board who are mad at me"?

Oh, and you are getting oWnEd, badly!

If you are going to keep posting ridiculous shit and spam like you have been
doing, let me know so I can plonk your dumbass right now, OK?

i 0\/\/nZ j00!
Devin Tregre - 'yaherdzmeh?

"...don't love ya, don't need ya, so why the fuck would I feed ya?"

"You know I luvz you babygirl..."


Pahsons, new and improved with special XY-87

Jan 12, 2003, 5:47:58 PM1/12/03
Now with more horsepower and better gas

>> right-off
> <anal>write-off</anal>


I've been had


Chaos Knight

Jan 12, 2003, 8:31:22 PM1/12/03
I'm not Dragonslayer1234, the way she types types kinda should have
hinted you.
If you couldnt tell thats a girl typing then God help some of you lol.
She takes my side people get mad fine whatever I dont care. I just post
about anime here, someone said I spam, I'm just going to say no. I dont,
I never have and never will. I rather talk about something else please.
I doesnt look like I'm going to work anytime soon with this damn flu.
Anyway I dont feel like yelling at anyone anymore so lets just drop it

Pahsons, new and improved with special XY-87

Jan 12, 2003, 9:10:09 PM1/12/03
Now with more horsepower and better gas

> I'm not Dragonslayer1234, the way she types types kinda should have
> hinted you.

Sooooo, you got your girlfriend to type that?



Jan 13, 2003, 12:20:15 AM1/13/03

"Andy R" <> wrote in message

Not to mention Dragon Slayer triple posted. Regardless of whether Dragon
Slayer is Chaos Knight or not(while it is likely), his defense of Chaos
don't mean jack if no one knows him. You gotta have name recognition and
history in this newsgroup for a message like that to carry any clout.

Dragon Slayer

Jan 14, 2003, 1:28:19 AM1/14/03
Sorry about that post that showed up like 6 times or something, werid
webtv. Its not spam its a mistake. Anyway..
Clout huh? hehe thats cute.That chaos knight is not my bf I have one
already! How could you guys think I'm a guy! :p I mean ewww gross.
Who would want to walk around with one of those things! There all
inbetween and in the way..Gross...!


Jan 14, 2003, 1:58:59 AM1/14/03

"Dragon Slayer" <> wrote in message

Most people on the net are men. Also I never put any weight in someone
telling me they're female.



Jan 14, 2003, 4:24:03 AM1/14/03
Computers cost sub $400.
If you really don't care about being somewhere near the avg computer, then
it's closer to $300.
That's 1 car payment, or a month of gorceries, etc.
Save your pay checks, allowance, alimony, whaterver.
It's expensive, but not TOO expensive

Rachel Oliver

Jan 14, 2003, 7:24:55 AM1/14/03
Dragon Slayer wrote:

> How could you guys think I'm a guy! :p I mean ewww gross.
> Who would want to walk around with one of those things! There all
> inbetween and in the way..Gross...!

I like boys. They're awesome.

-The Ayatollah of Coca-Cola, FKA Triple Rach

James Allen Stanfield, 03/19/86-10/01/02
Rest in Peace, Jim, we love you.

Pahsons, new and improved with special XY-87

Jan 14, 2003, 9:06:15 AM1/14/03
Now with more horsepower and better gas

> Who would want to walk around with one of those things! There all

> inbetween and in the way..Gross...!

You're right, they are made for that gap between your legs


Jan 14, 2003, 11:52:29 AM1/14/03

"Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message

> Dragon Slayer wrote:
> > How could you guys think I'm a guy! :p I mean ewww gross.
> > Who would want to walk around with one of those things! There all
> > inbetween and in the way..Gross...!
> I like boys. They're awesome.

S/he meant a penis. Who'd want to walk around with one of those.

Unless you're a cock worshiper, Rachel? Maybe just a fond admirer?



Jan 14, 2003, 12:45:14 PM1/14/03

"distant" <> wrote in message

Wouldn't that be like a Guy asking a girl how she keeps from constantly
playing with her breasts?

The same answer applies to both questions. You just do.


Jan 14, 2003, 1:21:03 PM1/14/03

"Phantom6" <> wrote in message

I worship my cock. It's great.

> The same answer applies to both questions. You just do.

Just do it?



Jan 14, 2003, 1:31:38 PM1/14/03
"distant" <> wrote in message
> "Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message
> news:3e240196$
> > I like boys. They're awesome.
> >
> S/he meant a penis. Who'd want to walk around with one of those.
> Unless you're a cock worshiper, Rachel? Maybe just a fond admirer?

Oh my, distant. Have you recently taken up the art of tact?

The only reason I ask, of course, is because you seem to fail when trying at
anything, and you're failing badly at using a little tact here.

Of course, it could also be that you're just a fucking moron who is a loser
of life, but...

Well, I like to think positively, you know?



Jan 14, 2003, 2:44:14 PM1/14/03

"Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message

You, don't be dissin' my main man distant, got dat?


Jan 14, 2003, 2:59:00 PM1/14/03

"Viahatuso" <> wrote in message

It depends though. If you are like me who knows how to get the cheapest
parts(not crappy parts, just cheapest) and how to build a computer well, you
can spend next to nothing and get a pretty nice machine. Even with overhead
from Dell and such you can get a barebones computer for like $500. Its all
about finding the price breaks. You will find the difference between two
speeds, for example 1.7 Ghz and 1.8 Ghz, is like $15, and between 1.6 and
1.7 is only $13. But then between 1.8 and 1.9 will be like $50 more
dollars, so you buy the 1.8 Ghz.

If you want some of the best prices, check out I've built my
last 3 computers from parts I ordered there. You just gotta find the best


Jan 14, 2003, 3:26:47 PM1/14/03

"Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message
> "distant" <> wrote in message
> news:b01f8d$7rn$
> > "Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message
> > news:3e240196$
> > > I like boys. They're awesome.
> > >
> >
> > S/he meant a penis. Who'd want to walk around with one of those.
> >
> > Unless you're a cock worshiper, Rachel? Maybe just a fond admirer?
> Oh my, distant. Have you recently taken up the art of tact?

I could take this question seriously from some people, but not you Zibro :>


(he loves the cock)


Jan 14, 2003, 4:03:01 PM1/14/03
"distant" <> wrote in message

> I could take this question seriously from some people, but not you Zibro

Yes, yes.

I suppose our differences are quite obvious. That being that I have tact,
and simply know when (or when not) to use it.

On the other hand, you lack it altogether.



Jan 14, 2003, 4:03:01 PM1/14/03
"Omega037" <> wrote in message

> You, don't be dissin' my main man distant, got dat?

Or else what.

Are you going to make up some sorry shit in a sad attempt to insult me, or
just the usual nonsensical bullshit?



Jan 14, 2003, 4:17:34 PM1/14/03

"Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message

Rachel can handle herself from ribbing, so what are you on about?



Jan 14, 2003, 4:43:24 PM1/14/03
"distant" <> wrote in message

> Rachel can handle herself from ribbing, so what are you on about?

In a war, one side sends 1000 men to the battlefield.

The other side could probably handle the 1000 with 1000 of their own.

But they send 1500 instead.


Rachel Oliver

Jan 14, 2003, 5:52:09 PM1/14/03
distant wrote:

> Rachel can handle herself from ribbing,

Of course I can.



Jan 14, 2003, 7:43:27 PM1/14/03
If you are like me who knows how to get the cheapest
parts(not crappy parts, just cheapest) and how to build a computer well, you
can spend next to nothing and get a pretty nice machine.

Everybody should know how to build one.


Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Jan 14, 2003, 7:48:39 PM1/14/03

But they can also provide a convenient outlet for your soul.
Reverend David "PPV" Hawthorne -

The Beast that shouted 'Videl-chan' at the heart of the world.

/ HENTAI \========@
/ ___________________ \
\/ _===============_ \/

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Jan 14, 2003, 7:52:27 PM1/14/03
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 18:21:03 +0000 (UTC), "distant"
<> wrote:

> I worship my cock. It's great.

Isn't is great to have a penis?
Isn't it wonderfull to have a dong?
It's superb to own a stiffy!
It's divine to own a dick!
From the world's smallest Codger!
To the world's biggest Prick!
So three cheers for your Henry or John-Thomas!
Hooray for your one eyed trouser snake!
Your wife's best friend,
Your piece of pork,
Your Percy or your cock.
You can tie it up in ribbons,
You can slip it in your sock!
But don't take it out in public!
Or they'll throw you in the lock!
And you won't...come...back.

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Jan 14, 2003, 7:57:50 PM1/14/03
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 16:52:29 +0000 (UTC), "distant"
<> wrote:

>"Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message
>> Dragon Slayer wrote:
>> > How could you guys think I'm a guy! :p I mean ewww gross.
>> > Who would want to walk around with one of those things! There all
>> > inbetween and in the way..Gross...!
>> I like boys. They're awesome.
> S/he meant a penis. Who'd want to walk around with one of those.

The ability to piss standing up, piss over high walls and direct your
piss stream more than makes up for the inability to have multiple

Pahsons, new and improved with special XY-87

Jan 14, 2003, 8:49:13 PM1/14/03
Now with more horsepower and better gas

> On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 18:21:03 +0000 (UTC), "distant"

> <> wrote:
>> I worship my cock. It's great.
> Isn't is great to have a penis?
> Isn't it wonderfull to have a dong?
> It's superb to own a stiffy!
> It's divine to own a dick!
> From the world's smallest Codger!
> To the world's biggest Prick!
> So three cheers for your Henry or John-Thomas!
> Hooray for your one eyed trouser snake!
> Your wife's best friend,
> Your piece of pork,
> Your Percy or your cock.
> You can tie it up in ribbons,
> You can slip it in your sock!
> But don't take it out in public!
> Or they'll throw you in the lock!
> And you won't...come...back.

Yesh, my favorite song!!!

Pahsons, new and improved with special XY-87

Jan 14, 2003, 8:50:07 PM1/14/03
Now with more horsepower and better gas

> On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 16:52:29 +0000 (UTC), "distant"

> <> wrote:
>>"Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message
>>> Dragon Slayer wrote:
>>> > How could you guys think I'm a guy! :p I mean ewww gross.
>>> > Who would want to walk around with one of those things! There all
>>> > inbetween and in the way..Gross...!
>>> I like boys. They're awesome.
>> S/he meant a penis. Who'd want to walk around with one of those.
> The ability to piss standing up, piss over high walls and direct your
> piss stream more than makes up for the inability to have multiple
> orgasms...

I disagree, I'd like to feel that. I've seen the glow from some of those,
and I was jealous


Jan 15, 2003, 12:11:04 AM1/15/03

"Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message

Well, I was gonna do the usual but you didn't give me a chance to, you


Jan 15, 2003, 12:14:14 AM1/15/03

"Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message

Thats a horrible analogy. Its also completely untrue. There are many other
factors involved in battle. 1000 vs. 1000 will never come out in a tie in
war. So many political, social, technological, and strategic variables must
be taken into account. Besides, distant and I can take your ass anyday.


Jan 15, 2003, 12:17:58 AM1/15/03

"Pahsons, new and improved with special XY-87" <>
wrote in message news:Xns9303D3DF...@

> Now with more horsepower and better gas
> > On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 16:52:29 +0000 (UTC), "distant"
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>"Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message
> >>news:3e240196$
> >>> Dragon Slayer wrote:
> >>>
> >>> > How could you guys think I'm a guy! :p I mean ewww gross.
> >>> > Who would want to walk around with one of those things! There all
> >>> > inbetween and in the way..Gross...!
> >>>
> >>> I like boys. They're awesome.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> S/he meant a penis. Who'd want to walk around with one of those.
> >
> > The ability to piss standing up, piss over high walls and direct your
> > piss stream more than makes up for the inability to have multiple
> > orgasms...
> I disagree, I'd like to feel that. I've seen the glow from some of those,
> and I was jealous

I always wondered if it felt the same or different between a guys and a
girls orgasm. However, it is untrue that guys can't have multiple orgasms.
Its just a lot more difficult and limited to 2(unless you are very


Jan 15, 2003, 12:20:54 AM1/15/03

"Gamer" <> wrote in message

It really is pretty easy. I built my first when I was like 11 or 12.
Granted, I'm much better at it now.


Jan 15, 2003, 12:57:55 AM1/15/03
Omega037 threatened to throw the computer out the window and got it to
send news:G66V9.168601$

>> In a war, one side sends 1000 men to the battlefield.
>> The other side could probably handle the 1000 with 1000 of their own.
>> But they send 1500 instead.
> Thats a horrible analogy. Its also completely untrue. There are many
> other factors involved in battle. 1000 vs. 1000 will never come out
> in a tie in war. So many political, social, technological, and
> strategic variables must be taken into account. Besides, distant and
> I can take your ass anyday.

This class, is what is known as: "Completely failing to get the point."

-FT. Class dismissed.
Seru isu Iviru! Laatsu ofu Puuru Fiishu Dai!

Random #afd quote: [08/17 00:37:12] <jibaku> MiraiMatt has yet to deny
seeing my testicles! WHAT A DEVELOPMENT!


Jan 15, 2003, 1:51:57 AM1/15/03

"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message

> On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 16:52:29 +0000 (UTC), "distant"
> <> wrote:
> >
> >"Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message
> >news:3e240196$
> >> Dragon Slayer wrote:
> >>
> >> > How could you guys think I'm a guy! :p I mean ewww gross.
> >> > Who would want to walk around with one of those things! There all
> >> > inbetween and in the way..Gross...!
> >>
> >> I like boys. They're awesome.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > S/he meant a penis. Who'd want to walk around with one of those.
> The ability to piss standing up, piss over high walls and direct your
> piss stream more than makes up for the inability to have multiple
> orgasms...

I can have multiple orgasms. You can too, practice hard.



Jan 15, 2003, 1:51:55 AM1/15/03

"Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message

> distant wrote:
> > Rachel can handle herself from ribbing,
> Of course I can.
> Bitch.

Careful, that only turns me on.



Jan 15, 2003, 1:52:40 AM1/15/03

"FT" <> wrote in message

> Omega037 threatened to throw the computer out the window and got it to
> send news:G66V9.168601$
> >> In a war, one side sends 1000 men to the battlefield.
> >>
> >> The other side could probably handle the 1000 with 1000 of their own.
> >>
> >> But they send 1500 instead.
> >
> > Thats a horrible analogy. Its also completely untrue. There are many
> > other factors involved in battle. 1000 vs. 1000 will never come out
> > in a tie in war. So many political, social, technological, and
> > strategic variables must be taken into account. Besides, distant and
> > I can take your ass anyday.
> >
> This class, is what is known as: "Completely failing to get the point."

Well Zibro started that, with thinking it's a war anyway.



Jan 15, 2003, 2:41:21 AM1/15/03

"distant" <> wrote in message

Battles can be quick, but wars take time. Currently I am gathering troops
for a second offensive wave against Zibro's Eastern Army to retake any land
I lost so far...


Jan 15, 2003, 2:41:52 AM1/15/03

"distant" <> wrote in message

Yeah, everytime Rachel talks it gives me a funny feeling...


Jan 15, 2003, 8:02:48 AM1/15/03
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 07:41:52 GMT, "Omega037" <>

I hope that funny feeling is suicidal depression!
We miss you Jim. 3.19.86-10.01.02

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Jan 15, 2003, 10:11:23 AM1/15/03
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 05:17:58 GMT, "Omega037" <>

I wouldn't say that I've managed 'multiple' orgasms, but sometimes (if
I'm very excited) my dick doesn't go all the way down and I'm ready to
rock and roll again about 5-10 minutes later.


Jan 15, 2003, 10:32:54 AM1/15/03

"SK" <> wrote in message

> On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 07:41:52 GMT, "Omega037" <>
> wrote:
> >"distant" <> wrote in message
> >news:b030eb$had$
> >>
> >> "Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > distant wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > Rachel can handle herself from ribbing,
> >> >
> >> > Of course I can.
> >> >
> >> > Bitch.
> >> >
> >>
> >> Careful, that only turns me on.
> >
> >Yeah, everytime Rachel talks it gives me a funny feeling...
> I hope that funny feeling is suicidal depression!


Rachel Oliver

Jan 15, 2003, 11:47:44 AM1/15/03
Omega037 wrote:

> Besides, distant and I can take your ass anyday.


Rachel Oliver

Jan 15, 2003, 12:21:24 PM1/15/03
distant wrote:

> Careful, that only turns me on.

Don't patronize me, asshole.

Rachel Oliver

Jan 15, 2003, 12:23:33 PM1/15/03
Omega037 wrote:

> Yeah, everytime Rachel talks it gives me a funny feeling...

Every time you talk I feel like calling the zoo and telling them one of their
idiots have gotten loose.


Jan 15, 2003, 12:40:24 PM1/15/03

"Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message

> distant wrote:
> > Careful, that only turns me on.
> Don't patronize me, asshole.

Don't be a dick, bitch. Everything said before was light hearted, forget


Lucky Devin

Jan 15, 2003, 3:02:23 PM1/15/03
> (Dragon Slayer)

>Sorry about that post that showed up like 6 times or something, werid
>webtv. Its not spam its a mistake. Anyway..
>Clout huh? hehe thats cute.That chaos knight is not my bf I have one

>already! How could you guys think I'm a guy! :p I mean ewww gross.

>Who would want to walk around with one of those things! There all
>inbetween and in the way..Gross...!

So...either you are indeed a young female, probably aged 7 judging by your
rather limited overall opinion on male genitalia; or you are Chaos Knight
making a very poor attempt at sounding like a girl.

Try again...

i 0\/\/nZ j00!
Devin Tregre - 'yaherdzmeh?

"...don't love ya, don't need ya, so why the fuck would I feed ya?"

"You know I luvz you babygirl..."


Lucky Devin

Jan 15, 2003, 3:12:02 PM1/15/03
>Psaiyan Prince Vegeta ppve...@hotmail.communism

>On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 16:52:29 +0000 (UTC), "distant"
><> wrote:
>>"Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message
>>> Dragon Slayer wrote:
>>> > How could you guys think I'm a guy! :p I mean ewww gross.
>>> > Who would want to walk around with one of those things! There all
>>> > inbetween and in the way..Gross...!
>>> I like boys. They're awesome.
>> S/he meant a penis. Who'd want to walk around with one of those.
>The ability to piss standing up, piss over high walls and direct your
>piss stream more than makes up for the inability to have multiple

Being able to piss just about anywhere and everywhere is undoubtably a cool
feature, but I sure wish I could spurt out multiple orgasms worth of Lil' Lucky
D's. I wonder if we would nut a good bit more if we (guys) had multiple
orgasms, rather than a whole lot of nut on the first spurt. Maybe the emissions
would be moreso far between and contain less content if we experienced multiple

Everyone ponder this...and think about my penis while you are doing so... ;D


Jan 15, 2003, 3:32:45 PM1/15/03
"distant" <> wrote in message

> Don't be a dick, bitch. Everything said before was light hearted, forget
> it.

Oh distant, it's too bad that you can't even argue without getting vulgar.

Maybe in your next life, you won't be such an idiot?

Just bad luck, I guess.



Jan 15, 2003, 3:32:45 PM1/15/03
"Omega037" <> wrote in message

> Thats a horrible analogy. Its also completely untrue. There are many
> factors involved in battle. 1000 vs. 1000 will never come out in a tie in
> war. So many political, social, technological, and strategic variables
> be taken into account. Besides, distant and I can take your ass anyday.

So if it takes two of you to "take my ass", you're saying I'm better than
the both of you, right?



Jan 15, 2003, 3:33:53 PM1/15/03
"Omega037" <> wrote in message

> It really is pretty easy. I built my first when I was like 11 or 12.
> Granted, I'm much better at it now.

Too bad you can't say the same for your logic!



Jan 15, 2003, 4:40:10 PM1/15/03

"Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message

> "distant" <> wrote in message
> news:b046e8$pr0$
> > Don't be a dick, bitch. Everything said before was light hearted,
> > it.
> Oh distant, it's too bad that you can't even argue without getting vulgar.

She, and you, took it to that level before I did Zibro .. but you sniped
that out. Nice.

> Maybe in your next life, you won't be such an idiot?


Yes, I will try to avoid banter with assholes.



Jan 15, 2003, 4:43:04 PM1/15/03

"Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message

Zibro if you insist on this analogy then you're now contradicting yourself.
The entire point of your original point was that you felt the need to go 2
on 1 (or 1.5 on 1) in whatever 'war' it is you're on about. So I don't see
how can now use "two of you" as some kind of insult.
But if you want to fight a war with me you'll find it's 1.5 on 0, or
whatever on 0. I don't care about you.



Jan 15, 2003, 5:13:13 PM1/15/03
"distant" <> wrote in message

> Zibro if you insist on this analogy then you're now contradicting
> The entire point of your original point was that you felt the need to go 2
> on 1 (or 1.5 on 1) in whatever 'war' it is you're on about. So I don't see
> how can now use "two of you" as some kind of insult.
> But if you want to fight a war with me you'll find it's 1.5 on 0, or
> whatever on 0. I don't care about you.

Well, you sure do spend a lot of time replying to my posts, considering you
don't care about me!



Jan 15, 2003, 5:14:49 PM1/15/03
"distant" <> wrote in message

> > Oh distant, it's too bad that you can't even argue without getting
> >
> She, and you, took it to that level before I did Zibro .. but you sniped
> that out. Nice.

Yes, well, you know how it is.

Friendly fire isn't very good.

> > Maybe in your next life, you won't be such an idiot?
> >
> <snip>
> Yes, I will try to avoid banter with assholes.

Try all you like, but do remember the whole "birds of a feather" analogy.

It might be kind of hard, you see.



Jan 15, 2003, 5:14:31 PM1/15/03
distant threatened to throw the computer out the window and got it to
send news:b04kfq$ls3$

> "Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message
> news:NzjV9.5918$
>> "distant" <> wrote in message
>> news:b046e8$pr0$
>> > Don't be a dick, bitch. Everything said before was light hearted,
> forget
>> > it.
>> Oh distant, it's too bad that you can't even argue without getting
>> vulgar.
> She, and you, took it to that level before I did Zibro .. but you
> sniped
> that out. Nice.

Nice try, but it doesn't work that way. *You* knew you were being light-
hearted, they thought you were being serious. You don't have that excuse.

Hope this helps!
Seru isu Iviru! Laatsu ofu Puuru Fiishu Dai!

Random #afd quote: [12/08 22:10:00] <zibro|sleep> We were both laughing
because the girl was so fat and of course a fat girl would win a pie eating
contest, but it just seemed so funny at the time

Rachel Oliver

Jan 15, 2003, 5:30:23 PM1/15/03
distant wrote:

> She, and you, took it to that level before I did Zibro .. but you sniped
> that out. Nice.

Yes, that shot was very nice. I wish I were so skilled with a sniper rifle!

-The Ayatollah of Coca-Cola, FKA Triple Rach

James Allen Stanfield, 03/19/86-10/01/02
Rest in Peace, Jim, we love you.


Jan 15, 2003, 5:33:15 PM1/15/03

"Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message

It doesn't bother me to do it.



Jan 15, 2003, 5:35:04 PM1/15/03

"Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message
> distant wrote:
> > She, and you, took it to that level before I did Zibro .. but you
> > that out. Nice.
> Yes, that shot was very nice. I wish I were so skilled with a sniper

When I say sniped instead of snipped it's on purpose, btw.



Jan 15, 2003, 5:36:54 PM1/15/03

"FT" <> wrote in message

> distant threatened to throw the computer out the window and got it to
> send news:b04kfq$ls3$
> >
> > "Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message
> > news:NzjV9.5918$
> >> "distant" <> wrote in message
> >> news:b046e8$pr0$
> >> > Don't be a dick, bitch. Everything said before was light hearted,
> > forget
> >> > it.
> >>
> >> Oh distant, it's too bad that you can't even argue without getting
> >> vulgar.
> >>
> >
> > She, and you, took it to that level before I did Zibro .. but you
> > sniped
> > that out. Nice.
> >
> Nice try, but it doesn't work that way. *You* knew you were being light-
> hearted, they thought you were being serious. You don't have that excuse.

I thought it was pretty clear, and it's not like anyone tried to find out
different. Instead came wading in with insults.

I certainly did not mean to be either insulting or patronising so anyone
who took it that way has my apologies.



Jan 15, 2003, 5:51:16 PM1/15/03

"distant" <> wrote in message

> "Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message
> news:Z1lV9.6099$
> > "distant" <> wrote in message
> > news:b04kl8$m4v$

> It doesn't bother me to do it.

distant and I jsut find this whole conversation to be humerous, thats all.


Jan 15, 2003, 5:53:05 PM1/15/03

"Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message

I didn't realize it was legal to put people in cages and on display, even if
they are idiots. Unless the person wants to be on display...


Jan 15, 2003, 5:54:45 PM1/15/03

"distant" <> wrote in message

> "FT" <> wrote in message
> news:3e25dd47$
> > distant threatened to throw the computer out the window and got it to
> > send news:b04kfq$ls3$
> >
> > >
> > > "Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message
> > > news:NzjV9.5918$
> > >> "distant" <> wrote in message
> > >> news:b046e8$pr0$


> I certainly did not mean to be either insulting or patronising so anyone
> who took it that way has my apologies.

This thread has become so long and entertaining :)


Jan 15, 2003, 5:57:43 PM1/15/03

"distant" <> wrote in message

I hafta admit that didn't seem on purpose...


Jan 15, 2003, 5:59:55 PM1/15/03

"Lucky Devin" <devincom...@cs.comeBABY> wrote in message

> >Psaiyan Prince Vegeta ppve...@hotmail.communism
> wrote:
> >On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 16:52:29 +0000 (UTC), "distant"
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>"Rachel Oliver" <> wrote in message
> >>news:3e240196$


> I sure wish I could spurt out multiple orgasms worth of Lil' Lucky
> D's.

You do realize that you could technically impregnate over a million women
per drop of semen. It only takes one swimmer to dirty the pool...


Jan 15, 2003, 6:01:39 PM1/15/03

"Zibro" <zi...@zibro.zibro> wrote in message

Your right, I started doing logic problems back in 3rd and 4th grade, so I
would have been 9 or 10 instead of 11 or 12. Hell, I would goto these
competitions in elementary school because I could solve logic problems so


Jan 15, 2003, 6:03:14 PM1/15/03

"Lucky Devin" <devincom...@cs.comeBABY> wrote in message
> > (Dragon Slayer)
> wrote:


> So...either you are indeed a young female, probably aged 7 judging by your
> rather limited overall opinion on male genitalia; or you are Chaos Knight
> making a very poor attempt at sounding like a girl.

Actually, he/she could be both. It could be a 7 year old girl who is both
Dragon Slayer and Chaos Knight. Actually, that makes a ton of sense.


Jan 15, 2003, 6:16:06 PM1/15/03

"Omega037" <> wrote in message

It was, I've been doing it for ages. No ones picked up on it before tho.



Jan 15, 2003, 6:27:05 PM1/15/03

"Tim S. Knight" <> wrote in message

> >> Yes, that shot was very nice. I wish I were so skilled with a sniper
> >>rifle!
> >>
> >>
> >
> > When I say sniped instead of snipped it's on purpose, btw.
> It still does not change the fact that it is incorrect.

"snipe (SHOOT)
verb [I]
to shoot at someone from a position where you cannot be seen, or fig. to
criticize someone unpleasantly
Another of the rebels' tactics has involved sniping at and indiscriminately
shelling civilians.
FIGURATIVE The former minister has been making himself unpopular recently,
sniping at his ex-colleagues.

The bit that was being aimed at here was "or fig. to criticize someone
unpleasantly ".

I was going for a whole double meaning thing by saying one thing but
suggesting another by context.

No need for a big deal about it.



Jan 15, 2003, 6:27:50 PM1/15/03

"distant" <> wrote in message

Well there is obviously a reason no one has gotten it...


Jan 15, 2003, 6:35:47 PM1/15/03
"Omega037" <> wrote in message

> distant and I jsut find this whole conversation to be humerous, thats all.

What the hell are you talking about.

Hiding behind someone else in a sad attempt at making your own illogical and
nonsensical arguments seem stronger, well... it's not a very viable plan,
especially when you're such a fucking idiot.


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