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Phil Gramm

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William C. Barwell

1992年9月1日 12:27:581992/9/1
Eris Seiferman, (Aug 31), posts the thought that Danny Boy's main
opponent in 96 will be Pat "Cultural Warfare" Buchanan. Soory to say this
is wrong. It will be Texas' own Senator Phil Gramm. For those who don't
know Gramm is one of the handful of Congresscritters that were Reagan
Robots in 1980. He was one of the true architecys of Reaganomics, and as
dangerous a fool as you will find in the Congress. Watch this guy. He
is creepy in a special way that only old time Phil Gramm watchers can
really appreciate.
Old Washington joke. What's the most dangerous place in Washington D.
C. ? The spot between Phil Gramm and a TV camera.
He will be running in 96. He is an expert at gathering huge amounts of
money. He is shameless. He may be the Reagan of the late 90's.
You have been warned.

William C. Barwell [] // Pope Charles
Pope Of the Church Of The SubGenius for the Golden Triangle Area
Laughing at everything in the Universe...including the concept of
laughing at everything in the Universe!

Edward J. Branley

1992年9月2日 08:52:401992/9/2

The only problem with Phil Gramm is that a group called is
bound to boring as hell. He won't be half as much fun as Dano. Even his
gaffes are boring.

|Edward J. Branley ele...@mintir.New-Orleans.LA.US|
|Seashell Software UUCP: rex!mintir!elendil|
|3508 North Woodlawn Avenue Compu$erve: 71237,2227|
|Metairie, LA 70006 voice: +1-504-455-5087 bbs: +1-504-455-8665|

Eric Sieferman

1992年9月2日 11:55:021992/9/2
In article <> (William C. Barwell) writes:
>Eris Seiferman, (Aug 31), posts the thought that Danny Boy's main
>opponent in 96 will be Pat "Cultural Warfare" Buchanan. Soory to say this
>is wrong. It will be Texas' own Senator Phil Gramm. For those who don't
>know Gramm is one of the handful of Congresscritters that were Reagan
>Robots in 1980. He was one of the true architecys of Reaganomics, and as
>dangerous a fool as you will find in the Congress. Watch this guy. He
>is creepy in a special way that only old time Phil Gramm watchers can
>really appreciate.

I should be upset that you misspelled BOTH of my names, but
since this is I take it in stride.

Interesting point, though. Gramm is often exhibited on tv
shows like THIS WEEK and MACNEIL-LEHRER as a conservative
intellectual and economics expert, but an examination of his
statements shows him to be just another party hack more than
willing to suck-up to the Religious Rite (sic). Being from
Texas he fits in with the RepubliCon southern strategy.
He is a Washington DC insider (what! GHWB always claims that
his gang is composed of outsiders. silly me) and probably
has accumulated enough poliltical debts to make a run
at the top job.

I had been thinking of other 1996 candidates who are photogenic
conservative barfers (bushers) like Newt Gingrich or the
irrepressible Jack Kemp. Your warning about Gramm will be kept
in mind.

BTW, if Gramm is nominated, what sort of VP should he choose?
Someone from the North, for regional balance. Someone younger
than himself. Someone with a nationally known name.
Someone popular with the party right wing. Hmmm ...

>William C. Barwell [] // Pope Charles

| Eric Sieferman | |
| U. of W., M.C.I.S. | (206) 685-3104 |

Andy Wolfsberg

1992年9月2日 13:08:441992/9/2
In article <> (Eric Sieferman) writes:
>BTW, if Gramm is nominated, what sort of VP should he choose?
>Someone from the North, for regional balance. Someone younger
>than himself. Someone with a nationally known name.
:O I love it. a.f.o.n. This is a true candidate to be as good as a.f.d.q

Bryan L. Allen

1992年9月2日 17:37:401992/9/2
In article <> (William C. Barwell) writes:
>Eris Seiferman, (Aug 31), posts the thought that Danny Boy's main
>opponent in 96 will be Pat "Cultural Warfare" Buchanan. Soory to say this
>is wrong. It will be Texas' own Senator Phil Gramm. For those who don't
>know Gramm is one of the handful of Congresscritters that were Reagan
>Robots in 1980. He was one of the true architecys of Reaganomics, and as
>dangerous a fool as you will find in the Congress. Watch this guy. He
>is creepy in a special way that only old time Phil Gramm watchers can
>really appreciate.

If his speech at the RepubConvention was any indicator, this guy
has all the panache and popular appeal of an Andy Gump Pumper Truck.

Kinda like J. Dan Quayl on industrial-strength barbituates.

("Andy Gump" is the company name of a supplier of portable outhouses
in the Los Angeles area).

Bryan L. Allen
Telos Corp./JPL (818) 306-6425

Tom Warner

1992年9月2日 17:26:371992/9/2
In article <1992Sep2.1...@leland.Stanford.EDU> wo...@leland.Stanford.EDU (Andy Wolfsberg) writes:
>In article <> (Eric Sieferman) writes:
>>BTW, if Gramm is nominated, what sort of VP should he choose?
>>Someone from the North, for regional balance. Someone younger
> ^^^^^
>>than himself. Someone with a nationally known name.

But who in the Republican party has a more nationally-known name than ....

..... Our man Dan !!!!

There may be hope for this group yet: imagine, Dan Quayle, the perennial
losing politician. First, he gets creamed in the 1996 Republican presidential
primaries. Then he gets picked as a VP, loses again. Runs for Senate in 1998
or 2000, loses again. We here among the "cultural elite" (I guess that's who
we must be, since we mock Quayle so much) will watch the increasingly
publicized failures with increasing jollity, as Dan spirals downwards,
eventually failing even to get his old job back as an assistant attorney
general in Indiana and has to settle for some kind of completely non-
functional position in the Pulliam newspaper chain. Even then, the press
will still follow his various failed attempts to strike out in new
directions. His gaffes will adorn the "People" pages of major newspapers
and the covers of supermarket tabloids even into the second and third decades
of the 21st century.


Michael Chaplin

1992年9月2日 17:50:471992/9/2
[things deleted]

=I had been thinking of other 1996 candidates who are photogenic
=conservative barfers (bushers) like Newt Gingrich or the
=irrepressible Jack Kemp. Your warning about Gramm will be kept
=in mind.

Let's not forget that there are others with their eye on the oval
office, such as:
the Rep.Gov. of Calif. Pete "Have an IOU, have two, they're small" Wilson
the Rep.Gov. of Mass. Bill "I wanna be a cockroach" Weld
and others.

The trick is too see who's dangerous, who's stupid, and who can get
A job done, let alone THE job. This, of course, applies to the
Dems as well as the Reps.

How many Quayles does it take to change a light bulb?
None. That's what the servants are for.


Michael Chaplin Language is a virus from outer space. - William S. Burroughs

The Einstein Papers Project The opinions contained herein reflect
Boston University neither those of the project,
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. nor those of Albert Einstein.

Diane Mathews

1992年9月2日 17:56:241992/9/2
>But who in the Republican party has a more nationally-known name than ....

> ..... Our man Dan !!!!

>There may be hope for this group yet: imagine, Dan Quayle, the perennial
>losing politician. First, he gets creamed in the 1996 Republican presidential
>primaries. Then he gets picked as a VP, loses again. Runs for Senate in 1998
>or 2000, loses again. We here among the "cultural elite" (I guess that's who
>we must be, since we mock Quayle so much) will watch the increasingly
>publicized failures with increasing jollity, as Dan spirals downwards,
>eventually failing even to get his old job back as an assistant attorney
>general in Indiana and has to settle for some kind of completely non-
>functional position in the Pulliam newspaper chain. Even then, the press
>will still follow his various failed attempts to strike out in new
>directions. His gaffes will adorn the "People" pages of major newspapers
>and the covers of supermarket tabloids even into the second and third decades
>of the 21st century.

YOu are one of the alien dream-snatchers, no doubt. This is one of my
fantasy dreams that I dream late at night, in the deepest depths of my
subconscious this is my dream. (Something must be terribly wrong with me,
or this country, if I'm not fantasizing about Costner or Van Damme!)

sine nomine

1992年9月2日 19:54:261992/9/2
Bryan L. Allen ( wrote:

: In article <> (William C. Barwell) writes:
: >Eris Seiferman, (Aug 31), posts the thought that Danny Boy's main
: >opponent in 96 will be Pat "Cultural Warfare" Buchanan. Soory to say this
: >is wrong. It will be Texas' own Senator Phil Gramm. For those who don't
: >know Gramm is one of the handful of Congresscritters that were Reagan
: >Robots in 1980. He was one of the true architecys of Reaganomics, and as
: >dangerous a fool as you will find in the Congress. Watch this guy. He
: >is creepy in a special way that only old time Phil Gramm watchers can
: >really appreciate.
: If his speech at the RepubConvention was any indicator, this guy
: has all the panache and popular appeal of an Andy Gump Pumper Truck.

in his senate campaign back when he opportunistically switched from
democrat to republican, gramm made a huge nonissue out of social
security and ran on the slogan "save momma's checks!" he was
incredibly successful with this in the dfw area, and i thought at the
time that he showed a reaganesque tendnecy to ignore questions about
inconsistencies in his record. and like reagan, he managed to get away
with it. gramm's a scaryweird *very* right-wing guy. don't
underestimate him.

sine nomine
debbie martinson
"--long enough and just so long/ will being pay the rent of seem/ and
genius please the talentgang/ and water most encourage flame" - cummings

Eber Lambert

1992年9月2日 19:56:401992/9/2
收件人 (Bryan L. Allen) writes:

>Kinda like J. Dan Quayl on industrial-strength barbituates.

.... Quayludes?

(caution ->wind)


1992年9月7日 23:49:441992/9/7
收件人 (Eric Sieferman) writes:

ERRRR.. Sorry Eric. Actually, I didn't mispell you name, I mistyped it.
Actually I am more of a 'Gerald Ford' than a "Dan Quayle" when it comes
to typing. Beykord Dyslexia?
Gramm has gotten real slick as of late, but he used to get real off the
wall occasionally. For instance, when the Berlin Wall was being torn
down, Child Care was a big political issue. Gramm said something along
the lines of, 'Child care is the sort of socialism they're tearing that
wall down to escape!" He used to regularly shoot his mouth off like this
regularly. Unfortunately I did not clip any of his more bizarre
utterances, tho' if he runs, we will all probably see the press
resurrecting them for our enjoyment. Phil Gramm also has a reputation as
being vicious. He is almost as nasty as Robert dole on a bad day, tho'
he seems to be trying to clean himself up a little here. He also has a
habit of what is called here in Texas, "Grammstanding." That is, taking
credit for projects that other Texas politicians were responsible for,
and in many cases even opposed. He likes to set up press conferences to
crow about these things and it has left a lot of Texas congressman almost
apoplectic with rage to see Gramm get lots of air time, and credit for
things on which he did essentially nothing. Except have a better
understanding of how to manipulate the press. And he was one of the
masterminds of Reaganomics. He has a degree in economics, but then so
did David Stockman. But a lot of the Reagan right, as opposed to the
religous right likes him very well. He could be an important factor in
the upcoming battle for the Republican Party between the 'moderate' and
Christian Coalitian Repulicans. Gramm has picked a couple of careful
fights with the Far Right to positian himself here as the champion of the
Reagan Republicans. He an asshole, and oftentimes a fool, but he's a
good infighter with all the mercy of a barracuda and he's out to win.
It will be interesting to see if he can keep his tendancy to say
bizarre vicious things under control for the next 4 years.
Who would he choose. HMMMM. Hard to say. $ years is a long time to
be figuring that yet. He is one of the top money raisers, both for
himself, and for the Republican Party. Watch this clown. If Clinton
fucks up his term, even a little, Gramm willbe like a shark in blood
filled waters. I'll see if I can dig up some choice Phil Gramm
bizarre-isms. His speech at the R. Convention was fairly resrained for
Phil Gramm, and fell more than a little Flatt. Usually he's alot meaner
than that.

* Pope Charles - Subgenius pope Of Houston & The Golden Triangle Area*
* Laughing at everything in the Universe, including the *
* concept of laughing at everything in the Universe. *
* Houston, Texas *

Russell Roan

1992年9月10日 09:57:081992/9/10
In article <> (PopeC) writes:
>I'll see if I can dig up some choice Phil Gramm

Well, I remember one that was used by his opponent, Lloyd Dogget,
in the 1984 Senate race. Dogget ran an ad that contained some choice
Grammisms. For example, one time Gramm was condemning some sort of benefit
for disabled Americans, and said:

"Look at that! Look at that! They're encouraging people to be

It seems like there was another one about the elderly and Social
Security benefits. I've been trying to remember that quote for some time.
Would anyone care to refresh my memory?

Russell Roan |"Lord, teach us to respect our political opponents.... | In the hard campaign ahead, help us to never boast,
Vox: 214-497-4841 | nor to be uncharitable." - Dan Quayle at prayer.

sine nomine

1992年9月13日 23:01:071992/9/13
Russell Roan ( wrote:

: It seems like there was another one about the elderly and Social

: Security benefits. I've been trying to remember that quote for some time.
: Would anyone care to refresh my memory?

you mean his big campaign thing about "save mamma's checks!"? he was
pretending there was some huge danger of social security benefits
being drastically cut and only his election could keep all the elderly
in his district from being destitute. i think the phrase came from
some speech where he invoked the image of his own elderly mother, but
i'm not sure...

sine nomine
debbie martinson

"not so much banging one's head against a brick wall as being actively
attacked by a cliff." -- dick francis

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