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Another Sirius Rant-Marty

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May 15, 2007, 12:20:16 PM5/15/07
So at first I didnt' want to believe Marty. I am the first to admit
it. I thought GK was a man of integrity. I guess Friday that changed.
I was listening to his show on sirius and GK states the following.

" When I introduced Elvis to the Beatles it was a meeting of the
superpowers. I was in awe, here my best friend Elvis was hosting the
most dynamic group in popular music, and I was in the middle of it,
thinking to myself GK, you've come along way son."

I don't recall GK being mentioned as the introducer of that particular
meeting, or am I to stand corrected.

Also, why does he speak in third person about himself.


May 15, 2007, 12:49:20 PM5/15/07

"ELVIS61" <> wrote in message

The only thing Klein introduced Elvis to was Ginger and a a couple of other
girls, he was Elvis' glorified self styled pimp.

He had nothing to do with Elvis and the Beatles meeting. That was done by
Colonel Parker and Brian Epstein.

Bill Burk can tell you all the other things that Klein claims he did for


Bill Burk

May 15, 2007, 3:08:33 PM5/15/07
Marty: >> The only thing Klein introduced Elvis to was Ginger and a a
couple of other
girls, he was Elvis' glorified self styled pimp.

Bill Burk can tell you all the other things that Klein claims he did for
Elvis. >>

Moon . . . I am tempted here to really unload and just write it ALL, but no.
Still, allow me to fill in for "Elvis61" and any others out there who may be
interested in setting the record straight.

I graduated South Side High School in Memphis four years before you guys
graduated from Humes. I then spent a little time over at Arkansas State on
a sports scholarship, then went 4 years into the Air Force, coming out in
time to enroll at Memphis State in January 1955. At that time, Elvis was
building a strong following in the Memphis area and all you Humes people
were at MState with me. Practically everybody I met from Humes knew Elvis
(or so they said), and George Klein, who was in many journalism classes with
me (as was Wink Martindale), was already claiming he was "Elvis' best friend
all the time at Humes." I had no reason to disbelieve it (at the time).

George graduated and went off to KOSE in nearby Osceola, Arkansas, returning
to Memphis stations a year or so later. I seem to recall he was with old
WHHM for awhile. Then WHBQ, where, for a long time, he was the morning
drive time and that included reading the news. George was horrible in
pronouncing the names of foreign cities and countries doing the news. I will
always remember an item coming out of Montevideo, Uruguay. In those days
you announced the dateline (origin of story) first, then read what was
happening there. George for endless and awkward minutes was on the air
saying "Montie" ... "Mont" ... "Mon" ... long pause, and he finally blurted
out "Uruguay."

Thruout his radio career in Memphis (and I may be wrong, but for the Life of
me I can't remember GK EVER being rated #1 and I followed the ratings every
6 months when they were released) . . . GK has made his meal ticket the FACT
he was "Elvis best friend at Humes."

I was one of the founders of the Great Wine Race back in the late '70s (and
still being run as part of Memphis in May). We would hire GK as the emcee
and forever he would embarrass me from the stand by announcing things like,
"I saw my good friend Cybill Shepherd in the crowd minutes ago. Come on up
here Cybill." And year after year he'd use that same gimmick, just
substituting names for whoever was HOT at the moment. (It wasn't until I
read the recent book on Dewey Phillips that I remembered Dewey was forever
pulling that trick on the air, saying someone famous has just walked into
the studio. I guess when Dewey died, GK picked it up.)

I'm sure GK never mentions it on Sirius Radio about being convicted in court
for getting caught trying to mess with the Arbitron (or whichever) Ratings
system to make his station look better in the ratings. When that case went
to court, I volunteered to GK to testify for him as a character witness,
explaining to him I played golf with that particular judge and my standing
there might be helpful to GK. He refused me, bringing in Vernon Presley
himself. It failed. GK did time and was allowed to serve it in Memphis City

While GK was doing time, I was a member of the Memphis Music Commission and
one day we were meeting at the Shelby County Courthouse. Not knowing anyone
was in this meeting room at the time, GK, dressed in prison garb, opened the
door and stepped in with broom and scoop and dust rag to clean it. When he
saw us (and we all knew him), he quickly ducked out without saying "hello."
Fact is, someone in the group shouted as he was exiting, stage right, to
come on in and join us ... but GK was so ashamed he wouldn't. He NEVER
mentions his jail time to anyone.

Thru the years he has taken credit for introducing Linda Thompson to Elvis,
and since he had introduced Ginger Alden to E, no one ever thought to
disbelieve him. Well, in the book, "Elvis, Linda and Me," by Jeanne LeMay
Dumas (out next week and I highly recommend it), Jeanne says she and Linda
were having lunch at TGI Friday's in Overton Square when TG Shepherd came by
and told them if they would come to the Memphian Theater that night, HE
would introduce them to Elvis ... and DID !

MY GREATEST DISAPPOINTMENT with GK came in 1991 when I wrote my book, "Early
Elvis: The Humes Years."

All along it had been my intention to do my very first interview with
"Elvis' best friend at Humes." I called GK and asked for the interview and
he said, "No, BB, I'm saving ALL my stories about Elvis for my book."

"But Geeker," I said, "tell me at least ONE story of your and Elvis because
it's going to look funny me doing a book about Elvis at Humes and leaving
out his best friend."

Again he refused.

"Well, how about ONE picture of you and Elvis together at Humes?"
"I'm saving everything for MY book."

GK was president of the Humes Class of '53. With him turning me down, I
went to the VP, Billie Chiles Turner. We sat with Billie a good two hours
and she told us quite a few stories, and gave us several leads of who to
talk to (Buzzy Forbess, Farley Guy and Paul Dougher, among others.) At the
end of our interview, I turned off the tape recorder, folded my notebook and
stood up from the couch when, for no reason, it just came out of my mouth:

"Billie, is it true George Klein was Elvis' best friend at Humes?"

Billie rolled her eyes upward in THAT gesture, then said, "We're not getting
into that."

I sat back down and said, "Dammit, Billie, we ARE getting into that."

And she told how NO ONE at Humes could EVER remember GK (representing "the
establishment") EVER saying one word to Elvis (the rebel), adding, "but when
'That's Alright Mama' became a hit, George was ALL over Elvis like a duck on
a june bug and stayed there."

That being our first interview for the Humes book, we then cranked that
question into more than 100 interviews with classmates, teachers, friends,
family: "Was GK Elvis' best friend at Humes?" Not a one said "yes," and
some actually got belligerent in the fact GK was making that claim all those

After the book was published in 1991, without GK ever being mentioned, NOT
ONCE, when he knows I am in the audience, has he EVER made that claim again.
A couple of times he hasn't known I was there and did claim it, however,
once telling a group from Sweden how, since Elvis was poor, he would come to
Klein's house every afternoon after school and his mom would feed him a
sandwich and give him a can of Coke. (I'm not even sure we had Cokes in
Cans pre-1953???)

One of the cruelest things ever printed about GK was when Memphis magazine,
early 1980s I think it was, presented a request list to Santa Claus and it
included the line: "And to George Klein, a present. ANY present. Because
all he's got is his past."

FOR YEARS, AS HE went to Elvis clubs doing talks, his agreement (contract?)
included: A limousine to meet him on arrival at the airport and be at his
beckoning call the whole time he was in town, 24 hours a day; a luxury suite
at the best hotel; $1500 for 60 minutes on stage and that's it -- no
autographs, no photos with GK. He has made thou$and$ and thou$and$ (in cash
payments) leasing and selling items that once belonged to Elvis.

THRU THE YEARS I've sort of let it slide. I hear all his ridiculous claims
and just smile and ask myself, "I wonder if anyone believes that?" When
he took that casino job in Tunica, he even offered me tickets to a show down
there once (but we didn't go). We've talked ever so often.

But since stepping into that Sirius Radio job, GK has been instrumental in
having my invitation to come on one of the shows cancelled. He's been
instrumental in keeping Sonny West (who has a new book out this week) and
Marty and Billy Smith off of Sirius programs. He's gone out of his way to
keep all but one or two away from the microphones fearing, I guess, we will
reveal HIM ... but I feel, Moon, you are like me, a professional, and were
we on Sirius we wouldn't do anything on purpose to embarrass him.

BUT GK's CLAIMS of late seems like he has really gone off the deep end,
claiming HE arranged the meeting between Elvis and the Beatles? Methinks
even GK is beginning to believe GK !

I would truly like to sit with GK some day (soon?) and tell him I believe he
needs to stop all this BS taking credit for everything from Gladys getting
pregnant in 1934 to Elvis rising from the grave on the 3rd day and ascending
into Heaven. But I "siriusly" doubt he will talk to me again.

AND, MOON, GK is but one of three people who have made their reputations as
being "Elvis' best friend." One has died sort of recently and one has a
Letter to the Editor in this morning's Commercial Appeal.

I promised myself I wouldn't "go long" with this, but I have ... though
there are still thousands of words to be written.

What you see here is the tip of the iceberg.


Bill E. Burk
Publisher, Elvis World Magazine

[Remove "NOSP" from my e-mail address]


May 15, 2007, 3:39:24 PM5/15/07

But if you went on his show and didn't correct his lies then you would
be going along with the lies. And in a way lying too.

I have seen a couple interviews with Linda Thompson where she says
George Klein introduced her to Elvis.


May 15, 2007, 3:46:23 PM5/15/07

"H" <> wrote in message


May 15, 2007, 3:55:25 PM5/15/07

"H" <> wrote in message


It's a moot point because what Bill is saying is that George keeps him off
of Sirius so he can't correct and expose him.

As for Linda, TG (Bill Browder), brought her to The Memphian and then GK saw
them sit down and immediately ran to Elvis before TG could to tell him that
Linda was sitting rows behind him. I don't like TG but he deserves the
credit for Linda and Elvis, although it's a bit ridiculous calling it

I know, I was there sitting next to Elvis.

George is a sad and pitiful human being. As I have written before in mags
and publications that it is sad that a few of the guys exagerrate and
sometimes lie about things pertaining to them and Elvis or take credit for
things they didn't do or put themselves in places they weren't, instead of
just being happy that they were close to Elvis. GK, Joe and one or two
others do that and it's a sad commentary on them.



May 15, 2007, 4:13:13 PM5/15/07

Ahhh, Wow, I didn't even deserve that full explination after half the
shit I've given marty over the years, but it's hard to dispute that
detailed history. It's a shame I guess that people like me got
suckered into believing GK, and the EPE staff. I guess they told us
what we wanted to hear, and not always what was accurate.

On May 15, 3:08 pm, "Bill Burk" <> wrote:


May 15, 2007, 4:18:05 PM5/15/07

"ELVIS61" <> wrote in message

> Ahhh, Wow, I didn't even deserve that full explination after half the
> shit I've given marty over the years, but it's hard to dispute that
> detailed history. It's a shame I guess that people like me got
> suckered into believing GK, and the EPE staff. I guess they told us
> what we wanted to hear, and not always what was accurate.

In addition, I don't recall George being at the Perugia Way house the night
The Beatles met Elvis.



May 15, 2007, 4:17:18 PM5/15/07

"Bill Burk" <> wrote in message

GK didn't give a can of Coke to Elvis -- it hadn't come on the scene in
Memphis yet. Here's a link to the history of the can and by doing a search
on "coke" you'll find some interesting info.

Bill Burk

May 15, 2007, 4:51:11 PM5/15/07
Elvis61: >> people like me got suckered into believing GK, and the EPE
staff. I guess they told us what we wanted to hear, and not always what was
accurate. >>

In March 1996 EPE shut me out completely and it wasn't until July 1997, when
I called Priscilla, that their "war" against me ended in somewhat of a
"peace treaty."

At the heart of their problems with me was items I was printing in our ELVIS
WORLD magazine in a section called "You Read It 1st in EW!"

They told me my "sin" was I was telling fans things they (EPE) either didn't
want them to know; or at least, not at that time.

My reply was: "All I am interested in is printing the Truth."
And the EPE reply was: "Well, you're right 98% of the time..."
to which I quickly replied: "I believe it's 100% of the time, but if you
say 98%, I can live with that."

We (EW) have, thru these past 21 years, revealed so many Elvis Myths and
given the correct version ... yet, even after we've revealed the Truth and
proven it, EPE still won't change its "official" version of the story . . .

. . . like "Elvis was working at Crown Electric when he FIRST walked into
Memphis Recording Service, paid $4, and did his first record ('My
Happiness')." NOT SO ! But even today you walk into Graceland shops and
they're selling Crown Electric shirts. (I guess "M. B. Parker Small
Engines" would be too much to print on a shirt at 10 cents per letter.


May 15, 2007, 4:55:19 PM5/15/07
Bill Burk <> wrote:

Interesting and appropriate post. Thanks Bill.

> I'm sure GK never mentions it on Sirius Radio about being convicted
> in court for getting caught trying to mess with the Arbitron (or
> whichever) Ratings system to make his station look better in the
> ratings. When that case went to court, I volunteered to GK to
> testify for him as a character witness, explaining to him I played
> golf with that particular judge and my standing there might be
> helpful to GK. He refused me, bringing in Vernon Presley himself. It
> failed. GK did time and was allowed to serve it in Memphis City Jail.

I believe this was when GK had Elvis contacting President Carter to get the
case dropped. Unsuccessfully so. But I've read somewhere that Klein did
avoid serving his conviction in a "real jail" because someone pulled some
strings. Can't remember where I read it so I don't know if it's true or not.

> Thru the years he has taken credit for introducing Linda Thompson to
> Elvis, and since he had introduced Ginger Alden to E, no one ever
> thought to disbelieve him. Well, in the book, "Elvis, Linda and Me,"
> by Jeanne LeMay Dumas (out next week and I highly recommend it),
> Jeanne says she and Linda were having lunch at TGI Friday's in
> Overton Square when TG Shepherd came by and told them if they would
> come to the Memphian Theater that night, HE would introduce them to
> Elvis ... and DID !

Looking forward to receive the book.

> I'm not even sure we had Cokes in Cans pre-1953???)

According to Coca-Cola was sold in bottles for
the first time on March 12, 1894, and cans of Coke first appeared in 1955.
The first actual production can for Coke was a test market can which was
produced out of the Hayward, CA plant for export to American Troups overseas
in late 1955. A second can from the New Bedford Mass plant for export to the
American troops in the far east was produced in early 1956.

> Sonny West (who has a
> new book out this week)

Looking forward to receive this one as well.

> AND, MOON, GK is but one of three people who have made their
> reputations as being "Elvis' best friend." One has died sort of
> recently and one has a Letter to the Editor in this morning's
> Commercial Appeal.

My guess is the other two you are thinking of are both females...?
But where's Esposito on your "best friend" list?


May 15, 2007, 7:51:08 PM5/15/07

"Bill Burk" <> wrote in message

You have to also remember that contrary to what they try to make people
think, NOBODY at Graceland knew Elvis or was around him when he was alive,
therefore they really don't know the truth.



May 15, 2007, 8:10:44 PM5/15/07
Trust me I didn't believe it then, but I do now. One thing is for
sure, what does a Bill Burk or a Marty Lacker have to gain from lying
about Elvis, and then Look at what EPE has to gain...much in the way
of marketing, endorsements, books, etc. One thing I do know of 007,
his integrity has never been questioned.

> - Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Bill Burk

May 15, 2007, 9:51:04 PM5/15/07
You have to also remember that contrary to what they try to make people
think, NOBODY at Graceland knew Elvis or was around him when he was alive,
therefore they really don't know the truth.
Like, for instance, on the Graceland tour, when you entered Vernon's office
out back, you were told the film you were about to see came from the press
conference of 8 March 1960.

When I reported this as being wrong to Todd Morgan, Graceland's PR, he told
me 8 March was the right date; he had checked the newspapers.

What he had checked was the Commercial Appeal morning paper of 8 March 1960,
which was reporting on YESTERDAY AFTERNOON'S press conference in that

I told Todd I KNEW it was 7 March 1960 because I WAS THERE!

Much, much later, rather than change their narration to 7 March, they just
omitted the date.

I had once written in my column about Elvis' plans to build his own
recording studio at Graceland. Todd's reaction -- as it has been to ALL my
revelations -- was "there goes Bill off the deep end AGAIN."

Months later, silently, he called me to say he was wrong; that they had
found the blueprints for the planned recording studio. I told Todd, "I had
those damned blueprints on my desk when I WROTE that column!"

Or my revelation that E was working at M B Parker when he FIRST cut a $4
acetate at MRS. Same initial remark from Todd. Later, they found a June
1953 paycheck stub from M B Parker and silently slipped it into an exhibit
in the mini-museum across the street and he has NEVER acknowledged I was
right on this.

The list goes on and on.




May 15, 2007, 9:57:10 PM5/15/07

Hi Bill,

What was Elvis' job at M B Parker?



May 15, 2007, 9:59:25 PM5/15/07

amazing stuff. I guess this never does become public information
because the powers that be at epe don't want itto be,thus we the fans
never get the full story.


May 16, 2007, 4:27:56 AM5/16/07

"ElvisCollector" <> schreef in bericht

These details can be found in Bill's excellent books "The Tupelo years",
"The Humes years" and "The Sun years".


May 17, 2007, 5:17:48 AM5/17/07
In news:y0o2i.82$,
Marty <> typed:

What exactly are you trying to say Lacker ?

Your post is making no sense whatsoever and you need to sort your text
processing out !

Try to reply with something comprehensible.

Count Baldoni


May 17, 2007, 5:22:14 AM5/17/07
In news:464ac08a$0$7240$,
Luuk <fake...@fake.mail> typed:

I must get around to ordering those, I shall print this off now as a

The "Sun Years" ring a bell with me.

Count Baldoni

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