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George Gollin Lies about Public Service

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Falsus In Uno

2005年6月29日 11:21:392005/6/29
The corrupt George Gollin spin machine continues unabated.

The radical socialist college professor and outspoken critic of the
Bush administration tells anyone who will listen that his personal
vendetta against unaccredited Christian schools is part of his "public
service" work for his employer, the University of Illinois at

Unfortunately, as with many of Gollin's allegations, people don't
bother to check the truth of his assertions and simply publish his lies
as fact. For example:

"George Gollin...teaches both undergraduate and graduate students and
collaborates occasionally with faculty in the departments of Dance and
Architecture on interdisciplinary projects. His investigation of
diploma mills is a recent pursuit, and is an example of the sort of
public service work expected of University of Illinois faculty."

"His attention to the dangers posed by fake universities is done as
faculty public service, required of all University of Illinois

Those statements are complete lies. The true facts are stated by UIUC
spokeswoman Robin Kaler in this article in the Chronicle of Higher

"But Robin Kaler, a spokeswoman for the university...says the
university does not view Mr. Gollin's research into diploma mills as
meeting the institution's public-service requirement since the work is
not related to physics, his area of expertise. "He has a lot to offer
the community and the world outside of his discipline," she says. "But
for the university support he receives, it's for his work in his

Gollin lies to justify his attacks on fundamentalist Christian
colleges. Contrary to his publicly stated purpose of thwarting "degree
mills," his true impetus is not so noble, and is entirely personal.

Gollin, who is Jewish, has a 16-year old daughter who has publicly
stated that she is a homosexual. Gollin fears fundamentalist
Christians, whose dim view of homosexuals is shared by most normal,
civilized people.

Gollin and his wife, UIUC administrator Melanie Jane Loots-Gollin, also
hate Roman Catholics and refer to them by the slur "papists."

Gollin's openly gay daughter states she listens to music with her
father that contains lyrics such as "suck my dick fuck my ass," and
discusses the phallic qualities of spring rolls with her mother, to
whom she gives chocolate vagina-shaped confections.

Child welfare authorities are said to be investigating the situation in
the Gollin household for further signs of child abuse.

For more information about this news article, or to engage in deviant
acts of a homosexual nature, contact:

Alan L. Contreras
Oregon Office of Degree Authorization
Oregon Student Assistance Commission
Posted via the -Web to Usenet- forums at^M
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2005年6月29日 11:21:432005/6/29
I love this post! Soooooooooooooooooo true.

University of Illinois, do you enjoy the ramifacations of your radical
professors crap? Everyone can see this is a troubled man.

Stand up and defend this nut job or denounce the idiot and his ilk. :-)

The public is watching.


2005年6月29日 21:56:092005/6/29
Was Gollin with him?
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