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(Fanzine Advert): TRENCHCOAT 4

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James Bow - Planner

22. 12. 1994 14:58:0622.12.94

One more time for good measure...
Please send any inquiries to


THE GRAVEYARD OF TIME (by Martin Proctor)
By destroying Skaro, the Doctor has thrown down the gauntlet, and the
Daleks have set a trap. It has caught numerous innocents in its snare.
What have the Daleks planned, and why can't the eighth Doctor remember
his seventh persona using the Hand of Omega to destroy them? What
possessed his earlier self to do something so rash?

In 432 a.d. a man from Britain converts the Celts to a new
religion. A bard named Eamon sees his way of life slowly disappearing
and he asks the forest spirits for help. In 1994 Ireland, the Doctor
questions his right to put his companion through so many dangers.
Fayette is concerned at his melancholy attitude, but can do nothing. But
Eamon, Fayette, the Doctor and the Celts must realize there is only one
place where the relentless forces of time can not lay siege.

The Toymaker returns, but the games he plays have a new, more
sinister purpose.

THE CAPTIVE SLEUTHS (by Patricia Smith)
Just how far can you take literary piracy?

INTO THE FIRE (by James Bow)
On Polaris VI, the Doctor and Fayette find Professor Grant. He has
been beaten by members of his archaeological expedition and left for
dead. Once they help him recover, the three set out to find out why the
behaviour of Grant's colleagues changed so dramatically, but it is the
very thing the archaeological party seeks that is filling their mind with
unnatural greed, and not even the Doctor and Fayette are immune.

THE SEA OF DOUBT (by James Bow)
It can not be just coincidence that the Doctor just happens to show
up in the middle of a top secret F.B.I. investigation, can it?

The Daleks have altered Earth's history, and now the Doctor must
change it back, but at what cost?


Imagine that Doctor Who was not cancelled, that it returned to our screens
after its 1990 hiatus. Imagine that the BBC commissioned an independent
producer, and that after a couple of seasons, the seventh Doctor and Ace left
the TARDIS ans a new crew took over. Imagine that, by 1993, there was no
question that the BBC would renew the show for another 26 episodes each year.

This is the concept behind "Trenchcoat." The four fanzines of "Trenchcoat"
follow the adventures of a ficticious eighth Doctor from the time his new
companion, Fayette Calonne, comes aboard the TARDIS. Each issue represents a
season of "Doctor Who," starting from Season 29 and finishing at Season
32. Unlike other fan fiction, the stories in "Trenchcoat" are longer,
more involved, and attempt to mimic the style of "Doctor Who," with
cliffhangers, monsters, villians, everything but the theme credits.

Watch the Doctor and Fayette travel to 1851 Yorkshire, 1994 Vancouver, and 1881
Arizona. Watch them board Amtrack in 1989 and battle foreign terrorists. See
the Doctor face Cybermen, the Autons, the Master, and, of course, the Daleks.

Why not give "Trenchcoat" a try, and imagine that "Doctor Who" is safely back
on the air, producing new episodes. Each issue is over 200 pages long and
comes in a spiral binding. The low price for each issue is:

$15 Canadian for Canadian addresses
$17 Canadian or $15 U.S. for U.S. addresses
$18 Canadian or 10 pounds U.K. for overseas addresses

Please send all orders to: James Bow
99 Krug Street
Kitchener, Ontario

Special offer: If you are new to the "Trenchcoat" series, you can order all
four issues in one single payment and SAVE $20 off the regular price. By
sending a check or money order for $40, you will receive copies of issues
3 and 4 immediately, and will receive a special reprinted edition of
TRENCHCOAT 1 & 2 in December, when it is released (The New Year, for sure!!).

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