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Can "self-healings" by self-release of "placebo effects" save us from deadly superbugs (like that German E.coli) mutated after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown, as well as from ordinary pains, illnesses, infertility, overweight, addictions, etc.?

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Jun 10, 2011, 6:57:00 PM6/10/11
On the subject of our own health it is better to "know" than to remain
in darkness. Therefore, it is worth to be informed that there is a
simple method of "self-release" of what medical doctors call "placebo
effect" - and what allows a fast and free of charge "self-healing" of
our pains, illnesses, infertility, overweight, addictions, etc. -
without any use of pharmaceuticals and without visiting doctors. This
method is described below. It does NOT cause so-called "side effects"
- such as these triggered by modern medicines, it is always available
- so it can be used in every situation, in every place, and in every
moment of life, it is easy to use - it suffices to just "change own
beliefs and views", while in my own case it already have proven in
action that it is highly effective. Further versions of this method
seem to be suitable for use in completely unexpected problems, e.g. in
prevention of pregnancies, restoration of fertility, addictions,
overweight, and even protection from cataclysms. But what is more
important, this method releases healing effects without any
antibiotics or other medicines. Thus, it has the potential to turn
effective against a new generation of antibiotic-resistant "superbugs"
- of the kind of recent deadly German E.coli which mutated after the
atomic meltdown in Fukushima, Japan.

The development of this method of "self-healing" took place in result
of the discovery accomplished by the new "totaliztic science" (i.e.
the science which follows the philosophy of totalizm), that all people
are subjects of the "principle of confirming every strong belief".
This discovery is described, amongst others, in item #A2.2 of the web
page named "totalizm.htm" and in subsection A16 of my newest monograph
[1/5]. It causes that "every intellect (e.g. every individual person,
every community, every scientific discipline, etc.) always receives
confirmations for beliefs that this intellect is using as a basis for
its behaviour or actions". This principle causes, amongst others, that
people who begin to strongly believe that they are sick on some
illness or that one of their organs gets degenerated, in fact receive
also a confirmation for this particular belief - and in fact become
ill with this sickness or that particular organ begins to malfunction
in them. But the philosophy of totalizm goes further with its
deductions and states that this principle of confirming our beliefs
works also after it is reversed. Namely, according to the statements
of totalizm if, in spite that someone is already attacked by an
illness, this someone begins to strongly believe (and begins to act on
this belief), that this is NOT an illness, but just an "illusion of an
illness", then this illness disappears and heals just by itself. On
this totaliztic "reversal of own beliefs" are based principles of
"self-healing" and "self-determination" described in "part #G" of the
totaliztic web page named "healing.htm" - addresses of which are
provided near the end of this post. These principles do NOT require
any medicines nor costly intervention of experts. They also do NOT
leave any "side effects", are completely "free of charge", everyone
can apply them in all circumstances, places, situations, and moments
of time in which he currently is, are already checked in practice as
working and highly effective, and in addition they display an
extraordinary potential and hope for the future - namely due to
healing without antibiotics most probably are able to fight-out even
these antibiotics-resistant "superbugs", which "atheistic orthodox
medicine" to-date is unable to heal. Only that probably these
principles require that the person who implements them on himself or
herself practice actively the so-called "formal version of totalizm"
which allows to take control over the content of our beliefs. I have
premises to claim that people who do NOT practice this advanced form
of totalizm, are unable to effectively "reverse their beliefs". (The
reason for which I suspect that for the use of that principle of "self-
healing" it is necessary to previously practice the "formal totalizm",
is that as so-far, I am myself the only person whom I know that
effectively started to practice on himself this principle of self-
healing - in turn as this is obvious, being a creator of this
philosophy I myself practice the advanced version of "formal
totalizm".) However, I would be very interested to receive an
information, whether someone who practices e.g. the "philosophy of
parasitism" would also be able to effectively "reverse own beliefs"
and effectively self-heal with the use of the same principle - the
practical use of which I am describing below.

The procedure of self-healing of pain with the use of the principle of
"reversing own beliefs" described here is very simple. Namely, each
time when something starts to emit a strong pain (e.g. a joint, our
back, muscles, a heel, etc.), then after each wave of a strong pain I
repeat in my thoughts the statement expressing something along the
line "I know that this pain is just a test that checks my beliefs, NOT
the actual pain of an ill part of my body - therefore I refuse to
accept that the part of my body in pain is actually ill, I forbid my
body to treat it as an actual illness, and I believe that this pain is
just a temporary ‘illusion’ which soon is going to cease just by
itself". (The exact wording with which this thought is expressed is
NOT important, the vital is just an idea which is expressed with these
words.) The catch in the above statement is that we are NOT allowed to
lie in what we say. If we lie, than the "self-healing" will NOT take
place. On the other hand, the repetition of just this message in our
thoughts would be easy - if the message would boil down to just words,
not to beliefs. The point is, that when something in us induces a
strong pain, then the entire our conscience is "screaming" that we
believe that our body is in pain because it is sick. However, in the
method described here we must overturn in us this belief of
disobedient conscience (i.e. the belief that this is our body which is
ill), and we must force this disobedient conscience to start truly
believe that the pain we feel does NOT represent a real feeling, but
just a temporary "illusion" imposed onto us in order to test our
beliefs - which "illusion" is going to disappear just on its own if we
really start to believe that it was NOT real. (Notice how highly
agreeable is this self-imposed belief with what the new "totaliztic
science" states about the design and operation of the surrounding
reality and our bodies.) In other words, in the discussed method the
most vital component is the "reversal of our beliefs" from the one
that is told to us by the disobedient conscience (that the feelings of
our body are true and real), into the new one established by the
"totaliztic science" (that our pain is just an "illusion of illness",
the reason and source of which are attempts to test our beliefs). Such
a "reversing of beliefs" is the most difficult component of the method
described here, while on the success of correct accomplishing it
depends whether our "self-healing" will in fact take place. Because I
have reasons to suspect, that in order to be able to "reverse our
beliefs" in just such a way, firstly one needs to practice actively
for some time the "philosophy of formal totalizm", thus I personally
believe, that only an "active totalizt" is able to apply on himself or
herself the described here method of "self-healing" via the "reversal
of own beliefs". (This is pity, because this method has so many
advantages and capabilities.) After such a "reversal of own beliefs"
caused by a given wave of pain, in spite that this pain still
persists, I always behave as if I feel no pain at all - means I act
and do everything in a normal, everyday manner, overcoming the pain in
myself and forcing myself to act is I do NOT feel any pain. I noted,
that in the result of such a behaviour and the "reversal of my
beliefs", whatever would be in pain, it usual - depending on the
advancement of the given painful "illusion of illness", ceases to
generate pain after the elapse of two days to at most a week - means
after a typical time that is required for the mechanism of work of
this "self-healing" could be rationally explained on several other
manners than it is explained by the new "totaliztic science". (The
point is, that everything is always carried out in such a manner that
it fulfils the so-called "canon of ambiguity" described, amongst
others, in item #C2 of the web page named "will.htm", therefore also
this "self-healing" must be explainable on several further manners
agreeable with principles described in item #C2 of the web page named
"tornado.htm" - e.g. must be explainable that our ill tissues that are
the source of a given pain managed to regenerate just by themselves.)
On the other hand, before I started to apply the method of "self-
healing" described here, some amongst such pains persisted sometimes
for many weeks or even many months.

I also use the above method of self-healing in cases of "infections" -
i.e. when I feel that I already caught a beginning of e.g. flu or sore
throat. Only that typically I do NOT want to risk then the checking
whether this method would turn out to be fully effective just on its
own - means without the use of any medicines. Therefore, with the
exception of one case, so far I used this method several times mainly
as a complement and addition to natural medicines about which I know
that they are effective in cases of my typical infections of throat,
nose and lungs. (I.e. I use it as a complement and addition to the
Chinese syrup called "mother and son" and to throat lozenges with the
herb called "Echinacea" - which I always use when I notice symptoms of
a beginning of flu, sore throat, or cold infection.) That case when
with the method described here I managed to heal an "infection"
without a use of any medicines or antibiotics, was catching an
equivalent to that deadly "superbug" E.coli - which after the atomic
meltdown in Fukushima, Japan, mutated in Germany and probably also in
several other countries of the world. That case I am describing more
comprehensively in item #E2.2 of the web page "healing.htm", and also
in item #M2 of a different web page named "telekinetics.htm". In
result of such acting, as so-far, since the half of 2010 I do NOT
catch yet my yearly spring or autumn cold or flu - so it looks as if
that method increases also the resistance to "infections". (After all,
previously I also used the same medicines, and still I used to catch
such "infections".) Of course, I will continue my tests of this method
of self-healing, while outcomes of these tests I am going to describe
here in future.

I had NO opportunity so-far to test this method for cases when there
is a need for some form of an intrusive surgery intervention, e.g. for
ulcers, pimples, infected wounds, toothaches, etc. So I am unable to
report about the effectiveness in such cases. But I suspect that its
utilisation for such cases will require some additional extension of
this method - which at the present stage I am not able to define yet.
After all, also the "orthodox medicine" is unable to heal such cases
exclusively with chemical pharmaceuticals, but must resort to various
intrusive operations.

Loosing weight is yet another area about which I am absolutely sure
that the method described here turns out to be highly effective. But
in this case I do NOT intend to check how effective it is. After all
the principle of the method described here is such, that it would be
able to fast decrease the appetite for food and cause the loss of
weight. However, in my own case I am NOT interested in the good look
or in being hansom, while tasty food is one amongst last pleasures
which still remain for my enjoyment. Therefore I am NOT even going to
try to loose weight with the use of this highly effective method (nor
any other one). But it should NOT stop readers who are interested in
good look and in being hansom, to use this method for loosing their
appetites and thus also for loss of their weight.

In addition to checking of the method described here "in action" -
through "self-healing" my own illnesses, in the meantime I also seek
evidence which would additionally confirm the effectiveness of this
method. I am going to summarise here examples of such evidence which I
encountered so-far. The first (1) example of just such evidence takes
form of a statement said by an Arab from Dubai, who appeared in the
English documentary film entitled "Piers Morgan On Dubai" broadcasted
from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm, on the channel "Prime" of the New Zealand
television, on Friday, 13 May, 2011. Namely, this Arab stated
something along the lines, that his countrymen believe that "it is
forbidden to speak loudly about the possibility of being overwhelmed
by a specifically named illness, e.g. by cancer, because whatever is
spoken and named loudly, it in fact later may come true". When this
folklore belief of Arabs from Dubai is interpreted with the previously
described finding of the philosophy of totalizm, then if someone
loudly considers the possibility of being overwhelmed by a
specifically named illness, e.g. by cancer, then with the elapse of
time he or she may begin to believe that is going to get this illness.
In turn after starting to believe in getting sick with this illness,
this someone is receiving the standard confirmation about the truth of
his or her beliefs - which in this case takes just a form of actual
getting sick with this particular illness. I also identified the
second (2) example of evidence, which confirms too the high
effectiveness of the method of "self-healing" described here. But to
read about it, you need to look at item #G2 of my web page named "
healing.htm", addresses of which I am providing near the end of this

If principles of work of the "self-healing" method described here is
explained from "a priori" approach of the "totaliztic science", then
this work could be defined in a following manner: the "self-healing"
accomplished due to "reversal of our beliefs" boils down to benefiting
from one amongst principles learned by the "totaliztic science" and
applicable to regaining health in cases and situations when this
principle is at work. In other words, the "totaliztic science"
explains that the method of "self-healing" described here utilises for
regaining health one amongst principles that the totaliztic science
first learned and described thoroughly, and only then started to use
in practice. In this way the method of "reversing our beliefs" is an
excellent reflection of the goal that the "totaliztic science"
proposed for itself, that is described in item #B1 of the web page
named "tornado.htm".

But if any amongst "orthodox doctors" that use exclusively "a
posteriori" approach to investigations tried to explain the principle
described here, then most probably he would describe it with words,
that the "self-healing" accomplished through the "reversal of one's
beliefs" boils down to the "self-releasing a placebo effect". In other
words, such an "orthodox doctor" would provide a scientific name for
the principle of work of the method described here, but he would NOT
be able to explain "how" nor "why" this method works, or "what
mechanisms" this method uses to restore health. In addition, while
providing such explanation he would contradict the knowledge
previously prevailing in orthodox science about ways of releasing a
"placebo" effect. After all, the orthodox medicine so-far knew only
how a "placebo" effect can be released in other people, but was unable
to indicate a manner of releasing the "placebo" effect in one's own
body. (For more details see e.g. the article " 'Pretend medicine' has
healing power" from page B15 of the New Zealand newspaper "Weekend
Herald", issue dated on Saturday, May 28, 2011.)

The above comparisons of two explanations for work of the method
described here discloses the greatest weakness of the official human
science to-date (also called the "atheistic orthodox science"). This
weakness can be described that the "atheistic orthodox science" to-
date is able to learn at the most a "half of truth" about the reality
that surrounds us - as this is explained more comprehensively in item
#C1 of the web page "telekinetics.htm" and in item #A2.6 of the web
page named "totalizm.htm". Therefore, it is only able to just provide
some "cleaver name" to unexplained phenomena which we see around, e.g.
to "placebo", "El Nino", UFO, telepathy, telekinesis, ESP, NDE, etc.,
but is unable to explain how these phenomena really work. In order to
explain work of these phenomena, and also in order to benefit from
methods which these phenomena are able to bring to our civilisation,
it is necessary to abolish the present "monopole for knowledge" of
that old science by official establishing on the Earth also the new,
competitive, "totaliztic science" to accomplishments of which refers,
amongst others, this post and item #A2 from the web page

* * *

This post represents adaptation of items #G1 to #G2.1 from the
totaliztic web page named "healing.htm" (updated on 1 June 2011, or
later). Thus, reading the above descriptions would be even more
effective from that web page "healing.htm" than from this post, as on
the web page are working all (green) links to other related web pages
with additional explanations, it is printed in colour, it is supported
with illustrations, the content of it is updated regularly, etc. The
latest update of the web page "healing.htm" can be viewed, amongst
others, at addresses:
Notice that every above web site contains all totaliztic web pages,
including pages "text_1_5.htm" with free copies of monograph [1/5].
However, volumes 1, 4, 5, 12 or 13 of monograph [1/5], which represent
best examples of the "totaliztic science", I would recommend to
download from the address where
this monograph is updated the most frequently.

Each topic that I am researching with "a priori" approach of the new
"totaliztic science" and then subjecting to a public discussion,
including this one, is later published on all blogs of totalizm still
in existence (seek in there this topic under the number #201E). In
spite of "discrete persecution" to which the "totaliztic science" is
subjected continually, at the moment two blogs of totalizm still
remain operational. These can be viewed at following internet
addresses: or via the alias:
It is also worth to have look in there at related posts, e.g. at posts
number #200E, #195E, #171E and #151E - which also discuss incompetence
and errors of present official science in solving the most burning
problems of our present civilisation.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak


Jun 12, 2011, 8:03:20 PM6/12/11
> others, at addresses:

> Notice that every above web site contains all totaliztic web pages,
> including pages "text_1_5.htm" with free copies of monograph [1/5].
> However, volumes 1, 4, 5, 12 or 13 of monograph [1/5], which represent
> best examples of the "totaliztic science", I would recommend to
> download from the address where
> this monograph is updated the most frequently.
> Each topic that I am researching with "a priori" approach of the new
> "totaliztic science" and then subjecting to a public discussion,
> including this one, is later published on all blogs of totalizm still
> in existence (seek in there this topic under the number #201E). In
> spite of "discrete persecution" to which the "totaliztic science" is
> subjected continually, at the moment two blogs of totalizm still
> remain operational. These can be viewed at following internet
> addresses: or via the alias:  http://blog.zs.pl

> It is also worth to have look in there at related posts, e.g. at posts
> number #200E, #195E, #171E and #151E - which also discuss incompetence
> and errors of present official science in solving the most burning
> problems of our present civilisation.
> With the totaliztic salute,
> Jan Pajak

What are you on? PCP?

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