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we need your help

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10.04.1999, 03:00:0010.04.99
Hello, my name is Gordon Chupko. The reason that i am posting this message is
to ask for your help. Last week, the Translucent Dreams Cast of Woodbridge NJ
lost a dear friend . Her Name Was Larisa Kabara. She passed away on April 1.
She was only 23. She had Accute Leukemia. She left behind her son(Kyi
Greenaway) who is only 2 years old. We Started a collection for Kyi
Greenaway's ( her son) Trust Fund . Our Goal is to reach $1,000 by the end of
the month. We are off to a good start, but we can not make it alone. If you
can, please contact me via email or if you are in the NY/NJ area please stop
buy see a good show. We are located on Rt1 South(accross from the Woodbridge
Mall) Movie City 6 in Woodbridge NJ every Fri night. The show starts at 11:30
pm. Thank you in advance


Gordon Chupko

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