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The Autopsy On The Not-So-Sudden Death Of America ( Jim Kirwan )

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2008/01/26 8:34:562008/01/26

The Autopsy On The Not-So-Sudden Death Of America
Jim Kirwan

When history looks back upon this nightmare there will no doubt be a vast
number of listed causes for the death of this Republic- among them will no
doubt be the critical failure of the individual citizens to even be conscious
of what was happening to their country or to their lives-while the Globalists,
the Money- Changers, the Secret Societies, and all the various political
cabals combined: to literally drain the wealth and life from a once proud
nation and its people.

The above process equates with 'Death by a thousand cuts' but that was subtle
compared to what happened to us on 911, after the gloves came off.
Virtually every area of human activity came under attack by the Federal
Government upon the very people they were supposed to protect and serve!

A primary example of these attacks came with the acknowledged spying on
Americans that began seven months before 911 happened, which set the tone for
all that was to follow. This was augmented by the near immediate passage of
the USA P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act which had been written and was waiting in the wings
to be implemented; shortly after the attacks on New York and the Pentagon.
Mountains of bureaucracy were imploded to forcefully merge 22 separate
agencies of the federal government into something called Homeland
Security-with 180,000 employees-to insure that virtually no complaints
concerning government actions would ever be heard.

Then in the middle on the unfinished War on Afghanistan, all focus was
suddenly shifted to Iraq with great fanfare and no plausible reason for our
even being there. Case in point:
"WASHINGTON - A study by two nonprofit journalism organizations found that
President Bush and top administration officials issued hundreds of false
statements about the national security threat from Iraq in the two years
following the 2001 terrorist attacks.

The study counted 935 false statements in the two-year period. It found that
in speeches, briefings, interviews and other venues, Bush and administration
officials stated unequivocally on at least 532 occasions that Iraq had weapons
of mass destruction or was trying to produce or obtain them or had links to
al-Qaida or both.

Named in the study along with Bush were top officials of the administration
during the period studied: Vice President Dick Cheney, national security
adviser Condoleezza Rice, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of
State Colin Powell, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and White House
press secretaries Ari Fleischer and Scott McClellan.

Bush led with 259 false statements, 231 about weapons of mass destruction in
Iraq and 28 about Iraq's links to al-Qaida, the study found. That was second
only to Powell's 244 false statements about weapons of mass destruction in
Iraq and 10 about Iraq and al- Qaida.

The center said the study was based on a database created with public
statements over the two years beginning on Sept. 11, 2001, and information
from more than 25 government reports, books, articles, speeches and

"The cumulative effect of these false statements - amplified by thousands of
news stories and broadcasts - was massive, with the media coverage creating an
almost impenetrable din for several critical months in the run-up to war," the
study concluded." (1)

Given this level of mega-lies and intentional official deceit that led to the
deaths of millions of people ­ it would seem that the public who supported and
paid for this war for six long years, would have made their objections very
clear, once the facts were exposed. This has yet to happen. However the far
greater threat to the Republic came from the apparent inability of the public
to understand how lawlessness at the very top would eventually undermine any
semblance of law and order in the nation as a whole.

When a Republic allows it's leaders to disregard the laws and simply write
their own tickets-for whatever momentary advantage- be that for torture, for
detention, for obstructing all investigations of their actions, while
undermining all the other civil laws and duties that government is and was
charged with maintaining: Turns any thought of a free and democratically
structured Republic, into a national and international farce, from which there
can be no recourse except that the Outlaws be overthrown!

Another area to be dissected in this Autopsy might look into what actually
happened to the once sovereign States that composed this country. The Outlaws,
in the personage of the Decider, first took away the State National Guard
units and federalized them, for use in their unilateral and illegal invasions
of both Afghanistan and Iraq. Most people followed that but have missed what
continues to happen in a myriad of new rulings regarding medicine, the new
National ID Card, as well as many decisions that involve issues that cross
state lines. Often these decisions are taken without the consent of the
governors-but always without the consent of the public. For all intents and
purposes there are no longer any State Governments in the US: they have become
merely fossilized parts of an unworkable bureaucracy that is routinely
overridden by federal governmental obsessions.

The Clean Air Act in California, the Medical Marijuana Laws in California and
the rebellion among several states over the National ID Card, along with the
total collapse of the Southern borders that have left the border states open
to predatory migration: because the Feds refuse to stop the migrant workers
that continue to flood into the country, Without their own State National
Guard, the States are powerless to interrupt these practices. In instance
after instance the federal government has taken upon itself all sorts of
oversight responsibilities-despite the fact that everything they already
oversee has become nothing but a payola driven scheme that has nothing to do
with actual regulation: The FCC, The FDA, The EPA, and on and on.

Despite their horrific record of massive failures on all fronts the feds keep
on trying to force their way into every aspect of society, even and especially
when no one asked them to intervene. Look back upon The War on Poverty, The
War on Drugs, to name just two ­ these were exercises in complete fantasy that
left the nation much worse off today than ever before. (2)

Poverty has exploded and Healthcare is non-existent right along with job
opportunities so of course there will be bone-crushing poverty, complicated by
disease, and illnesses of all kinds. And as for "drugs" the DEA is known far
and wide, and their reputation is nothing to brag about. Now our spoiled brats
have taken to robbing their parent's medicine cabinets of prescription drugs,
no need to deal with the sleazy dealers in the streets. Did you know that
America has a "Drug Czar" ­ guess we thought the Russian twist might lend the
title something more than usual? But he's utterly useless, almost as useless
as the Director of Homeland Security; because in reality that is the job of
the president of the USA and it cannot legally be outsourced-yet it was!

But the greatest failures must be reserved for the people. Because in each and
every instance 'everything not specifically mentioned in the US Constitution
was by law reserved to the people.' And since the people became completely
enthralled within the hundreds of mirrors that they chose to represent their
every fantasy, in their all-too-busy existences, they have failed miserably to
hold any official to account, for any action taken or denied by this so-
called government. In doing this the people have spoken, and what they have
continued to say for the last seven years is very ugly.

"Go ahead, take my money, kill my job, crush my family life, steal my
constitutional rights and then lie about everything you've done to me." But
whatever you do-continue to keep the truth from me and from those I say I

This is what has become the new American Way of Death by dishonor, by fraud,
through deceit and always steeped in the Fear of Fear itself-topped off by
paranoia and segregated from all other people so that no suspicion can attach
itself to any action that the former-citizen-now consumer-might have been
involved in.

As if this were not enough now the public is about to have their thoughts
officially opened to governmental examination, and when appropriate,
individuals will be arrested and charged with the new Thought-Crimes
legislation that is still pending in the Senate (S-1959). When this law
passes, that will pretty much mark the end of any further pretence that there
ever was a free or democratic nation in this place. Any Questions?

Why would there be questions, now that you have nothing left to lose: you've
already given up-they own you outright! Just look again at the pitiful bribe
they want to get you to agree to. It's there tiny gesture to keep you from
turning out into the streets en mass! They've already taken everything, and
you let them - because you tried to be "the smartest people on the planet!"
When you "took their easy money: "Only suckers play by the Rules" that was
your motto: and now that has come back to bite you where it hurts the most.

There is a huge difference between Life and Existence; and they are not
interchangeable: xxi.htm

You have no money, your precious properties are tuning into nightmares, right
along with your credit ratings-and what do you do? You look to the same
Privateers that designed this Tar Baby to "bail you out" ­ you are pathetic
America. Not only because of all of the above, but because you still refuse to
fight this vile criminality in which you are complicit.

No nation can stand when its people refuse to think of anything or anyone but
themselves-while ignoring all else: how could so many fail to see this coming?
Whatever happened then, one thing remains crystal clear: if people do not
begin to speak up now then nothing on earth can save this former Republic.

1) False Statements Preceded War

2) The War on Poverty


It's SHOWTIME: 10.ShowTimeJimkirwan.htm

Freedom of Speech H,R, 1955 video v=9wJsovPRTEM



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