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All dem Joos and Niggers and Honkeys and Chinks

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Kwang Taeg Rim

10. maj 1997, 03.00.0010.05.1997

The Booger-Eatin' Hillbillies

Now people, let me tell you 'bout a guy named Milt
The thought of multiculturalism makes his woody wilt
He writes on the Net what a leader he would be
While he rants all about the Joo conspiracy
ZOG, that is...
...sneaky folks
...rule the world

So he says "All Joos must move away from heres
Take all the Blacks and the lib'ruls and the queers"
He says, "Aryania is the place I want to be
Where nobody has mud lurking in their family tree!"
Blacks, that is...
...horny folks
...outnumber Whites

Then his crackpot leader sold his bible to the Joos
And he told everybody he was leaving in the news
He says, "California is the place I want to be
To find a virtuous woman and raise a family!"
White, that is...
...subservient folks his world

<six-fingered banjo player riff here -- Hit it, Les!>

And now it's time to say goodbye to Pierce and all the skins
Acknowledge WP warriors' warts, deficiencies and sins
Alas! A lying Nazi-boy to us he'll always be
And his words and deeds will follow him into eternity
Hell, that is...
...gnashing teeth
...flames of fire

Do not come back now! Hear?

<six-fingered banjo fade-out>

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