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Commander X

Feb 27, 2004, 2:25:23 PM2/27/04
* Conspiracy Journal *
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Like a silent, unwelcome guest, the biting cold pours down from the
frozen north - encasing all that it touches in an icy grip of stygian
paralysis. Now is the time when the old ones rise from their dusty
abodes, seeking the warmth and vitality of the young and living. But
when darkness falls, and the living nightmares of ancient sorrows
once again prowl the backroads of the unconscious - comfort can
always be found in your latest edition of your favorite weekly e-mail
newsletter of the weird and strange - Conspiracy Journal!

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such funkadelic stories as:

- Pentagon Downplays Climate Change Report It Commissioned -
- The Extraterrestrial Spies -
- Bush Administration "Distorts Science," says Report -
- Fumes at Woman's Death still Mystery After 10 Years -
AND - Woman Nearly Battered to Death by "Imp" -

All these exciting stories and MORE in this weeks issue of

Keep up to date on all of the worlds strangest news stories updated
daily at the Conspiracy Journal Breaking News page.

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CHECK OUT Tim Swartz's new column - UFO DATABASE - on the Amethyst
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Left in the Dark: UFOs and Power Blackouts

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

Pentagon Downplays Climate Change Report It Commissioned

The Pentagon is downplaying the significance of a report it
commissioned on the potentially devastating impact of global climate

The report prepared by two private analysts paints a bleak future if
there is significant global warming in the 21st century. It predicts
widespread military confrontations over dwindling natural resources
such as energy, water and food. It says "warfare would define human

The study also foresees major European cities sinking beneath rising
seas and Britain will have a "Siberian" climate by 2020. Nuclear
conflict, major droughts, famine and widespread rioting will spread
across the world. famine, disease and weather-related disasters,
creating what it terms "a sense of desperation."

The 21 page document says the United States and Australia are likely
to build defensive fortresses around their countries because they
have the resources and reserves to achieve self-sufficiency, even in
the face of shortened growing cycles and harsher weather.

But the report warns of what it describes as "inevitable" nuclear
arms proliferation in a world of warring states and that climate
change "should be elevated beyond a scientific debate to a U.S.
national security concern." Sudden climate change is "plausible and
would challenge United States national security in ways that should
be considered immediately." They predict widespread flooding due to a
rise in sea levels by next year.

The document states clearly that its views are those of the two
authors and not the Pentagon's. It also makes clear that "the purpose
of this report is to imagine the unthinkable."

However an article published last Sunday in The London Observer
heightened interest in the study, characterizing it as a "secret
report, suppressed by U.S. defense chiefs."

The Pentagon denies suppressing anything and has made the report
available to reporters asking for copies. But it has also issued a
statement emphasizing the report is speculative and asserting defense
officials routinely study possible future world scenarios.

In the case of global climate change, the Pentagon says the reasons
for commissioning such a study include a desire to anticipate
possible climatic conditions U.S. forces might encounter as well the
need to know what countries might suffer or benefit from climate

Source: VOA News

The Extraterrestrial Spies

Now that humans have sent probes successfully to another planet to
discover its secrets, could any extraterrestrial civilization have
done the same thing? Sent intelligent, sophisticated probes to spy on

It is the most interesting thought that light years away from the
Earth, someone could be watching us, monitoring our evolutionary
progress and sending back the data to an unknown far off planet.

Sounds like a sci-fic episode, doesn't it? But some of the expert
scientists seem to think it might be possible. Allen Tough of the
University of Toronto is of the opinion that a serious search for
these possible "Alien Bugs" should be undertaken. One might ask to
what purpose would this alien spying make any sense. What would it
achieve? After all there has to be a reason for this snooping around.

There are many hundred billion star systems in our galaxy and the
idea of sending probes across such vast distances in space would be a
tough thing to get approved by some alien "high command. "A distance
of a 100,000 light years in diametre is hardly "in the neighbourhood."

Though a far-fetched scenario, this idea can't be outrightly termed
as impossible, think scientists. Dr Seth Shostak of the SETI
Institute says, "advanced societies, even those that are modestly
beyond our own, will have catalogues of planets known to support
life. This inventory can be assembled by using large telescopes to
collect and analyze the light reflected from the atmospheres of other
worlds; looking for 'biomarkers,' such as oxygen and methane."

If these valuable clues are detected on another planet, they would
prove the presence of biology. It is a surprising fact that even
microbes can be detected by this method over vast distances of light
years. If life is a common occurrence in the galaxy, then maybe one
that is detected close enough to an advanced alien civilization will
merit sending in a probe.

Also, it is not necessary to have a large number of probes, believes
Allen Tough. He writes that these bugs "could be smarter than any
human being, smaller than a basketball or baseball."

The reason for the small size would be that less energy would be
required to send them hurtling to distant worlds and they would be
much harder to find and destroy by inhospitable beings.

But there is an important aspect here. If the probes are too tiny
and do not possess the required power to send back important data,
they would be useless. This could be done by radio signal or by
infrared laser. Dr. Shostak feels, "the aliens might opt for a
'master-slave' set-up somewhat akin to the scheme used to retrieve
data from the Mars rovers."

Near the orbit of Earth, a small probe could go round collection
valuable information and high resolution images and "beam" it back to
a "mothership" positioned somewhere in the asteroid belt. This
"mothership" would receive the data and relay it back to the home
planet. However, there is also another possibility. There could be
just one probe orbiting at a further distance...probably on a short-
period comet. Which would keep it out of sight and come close
occasionally. Maybe every few decades. How expensive would such an
adventure be for the aliens? Not very exorbitant, feel the experts.

According to Dr. Shostak, "If the probe weighs ten pounds, the
minimum energy necessary to rocket it to target and then slow it down
on arrival is roughly 5,000 trillion joules. If you buy that much
energy from your local electric company, it will cost you $120
million." Though a reasonably high cost, it is not unachievable if
the aliens are really interested and rich.

And why might one ask, would they be so interested. After all, they
can easily catch our television broadcasts and find out what's
happening. But, finding a planet with evolving biology for 500
million years, leading to intelligent life, might warrant a closer
look. We are, not to sound too pompous, a truly beautifully
landscaped world filled with innumerable species of animal and plant
life. A giant "natural history" museum full of wonderful and complex
creatures. Thus, one can safely assume that the "alien bugs" and
probes are a strong possibility.

"Maybe one was launched our way, sometime in the last two billion
years," assumes Dr Shostak. He further states, "we might still be
able to find it if we knew where to look. Should we make a careful
investigation of the asteroid belt? The Earth-Moon Langrage points?
Perhaps parked in a nearby orbit, or on Earth itself?"

The problem is that scientists do not know where to begin to look.
The search would be a most daunting one. When the first extra solar
were found around other stars, former Nasa administrator, Daniel
Goldin, on a PBS television show, in 1997, enthusiastically
exclaimed, "Could you imagine if in twenty-five or thirty, or forty
years, we could take the picture of a planet that's perhaps fifty
light years away from Earth, and...if the resolution was high take a picture of oceans and clouds and continents and
mountain ranges, breathtaking!"

If an alien civilization is advanced enough, it too would be most
interested and intrigued. So what would a civilization 50 light years
require to map another world? And if the aliens really do have
accurate information regarding the movements and distances of stars,
something that our astronomers on Earth will probably have in a
century, they will be able to send broadcasts to just the inner solar
systems of likely candidate stars.

According to Dr Shostak, what would a civilization 50 light years
away require to map another world? "with a bit of high school
physics, you can work out that this necessitates a telescope with a
mirror two thousand miles across. It wouldn't have to be a one-piece
mirror of course: you could borrow a technique in vogue with
contemporary astronomers, and construct your instrument out of
smaller, widely separated, individual telescopes."

The extremely large "spy-glass" would have to be space-based so that
there could be no atmospheric blurring and if a civilization is
capable of building such a telescope, it would also have the know-how
and power required to lift it off into space.

Could the aliens have known about the dinosaurs just by taking an
image of them from far away? Is it possible for a civilization, which
is capable of huge engineering projects to build instruments that
could "see" life on Earth?

Making an image of a T-Rex or even a human being would require foot
size pixels, according to scientific estimates. At a distance of 50
light years, this would require a 500 million-mile telescope.
Something that, if built by human beings, would fit between the Sun
and Jupiter!

A massive instrument by any standard. But, assumes, Dr. Shostak,
"what's to stop an alien civilization from scattering small
telescopes throughout its solar system, thereby achieving this
impressive aperture size?" Not much, really. That is if they are many
millennia advanced than us.

So, are we being watched, scrutinized and assessed by some alien
civilization while we watch another planet?

While we try to put another alien world under a microscope, are we
being closely observed? We don't really know and won't till we catch
and alien "bug."


Bush Administration "Distorts Science," says Report

Top scientists and environmentalists accused the Bush administration
Wednesday of suppressing and distorting scientific findings that run
counter to its own policies.

They backed a report from the Union of Concerned Scientists that
said the administration had suppressed research on global warming,
air quality, sexual health, cancer, and other issues.

The report said there had been a systematic effort to manipulate the
government's supposedly independent scientific advisory system "to
prevent the appearance of advice that might run counter to the
administration's political agenda."

"We are not ... taking issue with the administration's policies,"
said Dr. Kurt Gottfried, a professor of physics at Cornell University
and chairman of the UCS. "We are taking issue with the
administration's distortion of the process with which science enters
into its decisions."

Russell Train, head of the Environmental Protection Agency under
former Republican presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, said that
during his tenure "I do not recall ever receiving a suggestion, let
alone an order, from the White House as to how I should make a
regulatory decision. How times have changed."

Neal Lane of Rice University in Houston and former science adviser
to ex-president Bill Clinton said scientific findings were being kept
from decision-makers.

"I am afraid that our leading policymakers simply don't know what
they don't know given the manipulation of the science advice
process," Lane told reporters.

The White House denied the accusations.

"I can assure you that this is an administration that makes
decisions based on the best available science," President Bush's
spokesman Scott McClellan said.

"I just don't think these incidents or issues add up to strong
support for the accusation that this administration is deliberately
acting to undermine the processes of science," said John Marburger,
director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Marburger noted that the group making the complaints included
esteemed scientists and said the government obviously needed to do a
better job of communicating its policies.

The UCS reviewed long-standing complaints that the federal
government had deliberately disregarded a worldwide consensus that
human industrial activity is to blame for much of the steady warming
of the planet's climate over the past century.

It also cited what it called the suppression of an EPA study that
found the bipartisan Senate Clear Air Bill would do more to reduce
mercury contamination in fish and would prevent more deaths than the
administration's proposed Clear Skies Act would.

"This is akin to the White House directing the National Weather
Service to alter a hurricane forecast because they want everyone to
think we have clear skies ahead," said UCS president Kevin Knobloch.

Public health groups have long complained that the White House
changed advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to
support the administration's abstinence-only sex education policy.

They have said it removed from the CDC's Web site a CDC fact sheet
on condom use.

"I don't know anything about that," Marburger said.

Source: Reuters

Fumes at Woman's Death still Mystery After 10 Years

RIVERSIDE, Calif. - The source of noxious fumes that sickened
emergency room staff as they worked to save a woman's life remains a
mystery a decade after her death at Riverside General Hospital.

Gloria Ramirez, 31, suffered from ovarian cancer when an ambulance
crew brought her to the hospital with chest pains 10 years ago this

While doctors and nurses tried to save her life, they began getting
ill. Some passed out. Others were nauseous. Fumes overwhelmed them,
and the emergency room was evacuated.

"It was very, very chaotic," recalled Joan Breeding Letbetter, a
fire department spokeswoman who was there while hospital staff became
victims themselves. "It made it a very unreal experience."

No one has ever determined the source of the fumes. An autopsy
conducted under a tent of protective sheeting determined that Ramirez
died of kidney failure brought on by the cancer.

"The situation was a fluke and it was unexplainable," said Mary
Dilley, the county's risk manager. "That is the mystery and it
probably will remain a mystery forever and ever."

The case led fire officials to rethink how they handle hazardous
materials cases, and it highlighted the need for a new coroner's
facility where autopsies could be performed without jeopardizing the
health of workers.

The coroner's office has since abandoned its old Riverside offices
and now operates from new quarters in Perris.

The hospital was later bulldozed to make room for a shopping center
and the county opened Riverside County Regional Medical Center in
Moreno Valley four years after Ramirez's death.

Dr. Tim Nesper, the hospital's emergency department director, said
the hospital has a large decontamination center outside its emergency
department, and it now has trained its staff in how to better handle
patients contaminated with chemicals.

In the months following Ramirez's death, several theories emerged to
explain the source of the fumes, including that she drank a pesticide
in a suicide attempt; that she used a solvent as a home cancer
remedy; and that the hospital's plumbing emitted a noxious gas.

Maggie R. Garcia still believes her sister wasn't the source of the
mysterious ammonia-like fumes. She notes that no one in the ambulance
that brought Ramirez to the hospital got sick.

"I've always believed the source of fumes was within the hospital,"
Garcia said.

The family sued the county for medical malpractice and for general
damages stemming from the coroner's autopsy. The cases eventually
were settled for $800,000, without the county admitting any

Most of the money went to buy annuities for Ramirez' two children:
Evelyn Arciniega, now a 22-year-old student at Riverside Community
College, and Buddy Angel Arciniega, 19, who is serving a 12-year
prison sentence for voluntary manslaughter.

Source: AP Wire & The Mercury News

Unknown Object Crashes Into A Tree At Corinth, SC

Originally, it was a routine trip to their home in the Corinth
Community Sunday night for Dean and Carrie Martin.

Then, all that changed.

Carrie Martin told The Chronicle Monday that she was afraid at first
that "people would think we're crazy", but she said she and her
husband had just passed the Corinth Fire Department when they first
saw it. They were approaching the new home of their neighbors, Bryce
and Michelle Moss on Corinth Road, when they saw something in the sky
to their left.

Sparks which appeared to be several inches long were coming from the
unknown object in the sky. Carrie Martin said it was just high enough
to cross over utility lines. It crossed the road and struck a tree on
the Moss property.

"There was a car directly behind us so we couldn't just stop," she
said. They turned around after a short distance and returned to the
scene. "It was in the tree," Mrs. Martin said. They could still see
the sparks and the "ground was catching fire."

They drove to Bryce and Michelle Moss's present home and reported
the situation to them. Mrs. Martin dialed 911 and got Union County
Communications Department who advised they call on a "land line."
Mrs. Moss called Cherokee Communications who said they had already
been notified by Union County.

The incident occurred about 6:15 Sunday night, Mrs. Martin says.

The Corinth Volunteer Fire Department answered the call and
extinguished the fire. Chief Doug Bowers said that after a
conversation with the eyewitnesses, fire department personnel shined
a light into the top of a tree where the object crashed. Chief Bowers
said departmental personnel spotted a shiney object about 20 feet off
the ground in the tree. The object appeared to be about six inches
wide, Chief Bowers said.

Cherokee Communications Department contacted the Federal Aviation
Administration who said they had had no reports of any plane in the
area having any difficulty.

Bowers said FAA officials said they had no idea what had been
spotted in the skies of rural Cherokee County. "They called it a
'headscratcher'," Bowers said.

Carrie Martin said she and her husband went back to the scene on
Monday but could not find the shiney object in the tree. Too, they
checked the brush area which had burned and found nothing suspicious.

Mrs. Martin said she wondered if what fell could not have been some
piece of the experimental objects that are placed in the atmosphere
by the United States or some other government.

But for the time being, nobody knows what fell through the Cherokee
County sky and crashed into a Corinth tree Sunday night.
Source: The Chronicle

Expert Admits Tulloch Ghost Confounds Science

Ghostly goings-on at reputedly haunted Tulloch Castle Hotel in
Dingwall were this week put down to "extreme high levels of
electromagnetic-induced energy" from a minor earthquake which took
place in the Moray Firth. But the Dutch scientist who travelled to
Dingwall to investigate the terrifying experience reported by a hotel
guest admitted that one of the occurrences has left him baffled.

The Ross-shire Journal reported earlier how Tommy Tan (38), who
works for Vertex call centre operators in Edinburgh, stayed at the
castle last month while visiting the firm's Dingwall centre.

Mr Tan was booked into Room No 8 at the historic hotel but became so
petrified by unexplained occurrences during the night that he checked
out the next morning saying he would never return. Mr Tan was twice
awoken in the early hours with a feeling that somebody or something
was pressing down on his chest, suffocating him, a feeling which was
so strong that he checked the en-suite bathroom and wardrobe for

He said during the night the temperature in his room fluctuated from
being cold to unbearably hot. Mr Tan also dreamt that there was a
knock at the door of his house in Edinburgh and he opened it to find
two young girls, aged about six and seven and wearing black dresses
with lace collars, while their mother, whom he described as wearing a
black Victoriantype dress, waited at the gate.

Unable to sleep he watched TV for the rest of the night but in the
morning, after relating his experiences to the duty manager, he was
astonished when he was taken into the Grand Hall of the castle and
shown a huge painting which depicts two little girls, aged about six
and seven, with their mother in a Victorian style dress, just as in
his dream. And curiously, when the manager switched on the lights of
the Grand Hall, they all blew except for the light over the portrait
and the emergency exit light above the fire door. When the manager
tried the lights shortly after, they worked perfectly.

Scientist John W Dijkslag and his team heard of the Tulloch Castle
incident and travelled to Dingwall to carry out their own
investigations. Mr Dijkslag believes that the reason for Tulloch
Castle being the subject of so many apparent hauntings can be
explained scientifically as the site lies between two natural
faultlines in the earth, the Tor Achilty fault and the Strathglass

He says that through a process known as tectonic strain, caused
either by a seismic event (earthquake) or human activity, energy is
released through a faultline or faultlines. While passing through the
faultline a certain amount of pressure is released which fractures
rocks creating an electromagnetic discharge to the surface.

Three days before Tommy Tan's experiences at Tulloch, said Mr
Dijksalg, there was a recorded earthquake in the Moray Firth basin,
at a depth of 4.8km and not able to be felt by local residents. He
believes that the suffocating sensations experienced by Tommy Tan can
be explained by extremely high levels of electromagnetic activity
stimulating the brain stem and causing minute fluctuations of
electric currents in the brain itself.

The sensation of a presence in Mr Tan's room can also be explained
by this, he said, as could the flickering of lights in the Grand Hall
which was was also experienced by others in the hotel. His team
surveyed residents in Marybank, Contin, Dingwall, Evanton and Alness,
and 94 per cent reported interference in TV and radio reception,
telephone lines and also flickering lights around that time.

However, regarding Tommy Tan's recognition of the two little girls
in the painting, the scientist reported, "This has to remain
unexplained within current parameters."

And in the foreword of his findings, Mr Dijkslag wrote, "I would
like to dedicate this Survey to 'The Green Lady of the Castle' which
managed to keep the last aspect of this survey still a secret."

Source: The Ross-Shire Journal

Mysterious Footprints Appear Again

Is it possible that huge sea turtles can live thousands of
kilometers from the sea?

A member of the Kosmopoisk research organization reported
investigation of Turtle Lake after he returned from a trip about
Mongolia at the beginning of 2004.

Old legends and contemporary witnesses state that lines of
footprints left by some big animal appear on the legendary lake
shores once a year, at the end of summer as a rule.

The footprints resemble those of a turtle, but really huge ones:
some footprints are 1 meter wide (ordinary turtles have footprints 30-
40 centimeters wide). Biologists say that turtles of this huge size
do not exist on land at all.

Is it possible that huge sea turtles can live thousands of
kilometers from the sea? Remoteness of the steppe lake does not allow
determining to what creatures the footprints may belong.

Soviet biologists described the strange footprints of huge turtles
for the first time in the 1980s. Though many people chanced to see
lots of fresh turtle footprints in the mornings, nobody has ever
noticed the lake creatures.

It was planned to have night vigils with night vision equipment, but
the breakup of the Soviet Union frustrated the plans. Now, in about
twenty years, Kosmopoisk has confirmed the turtle footprints issue is
not yet investigated. So, biologists are highly likely to further
investigate the mysterious huge footprints.

Source: Pravda

Argentina: Woman Nearly Battered to Death by "Imp"

SAENZ PEÑA (Agencia)-While the generalized commotion over the
appearance of an Aguara Guazú was still fresh in the public's mind,
after relating it to the legendary "Lobizon", a woman and neighbors
from Barrio Santa Teresita reported that a strange being "short and
black, like a dwarf" had appeared. It was linked to the legendary
"Pombero", but the possibility that it could be a product of black
magic was not dismissed out of hand, according to the protagonists of
this case.

The only person who managed to see this alleged "Pombero" is Liliana
Nieves, 26, who was allegedly assaulted by the entity. She described
it as small man, completely black, that "battered her and wanted to
drag her away". Until yesterday, this woman was confined in the
mental ward of the 4 de Junio Hospital.

The story gains credibility because over 10 eyewitnesses agree on
the events which commenced on Tuesday night, repeated on Thursday and
were expected to reoccur on Saturday night. And they are all the more
interesting because they occurred in a neighborhood considered
tranquil by its residents.

According to numerous statements collected by NORTE, the beginning
of the story must be traced to last Tuesday, when a shower of stones
fell over the home located at 31 and 0000 street in Santa Teresita.
No one could see who was throwing them. "She," --meaning Liliana
Nieves -- "saw something ripping out mandarin and tomato plants in
the back yard. She said a person ran out. This was on Tuesday. Her
husband and another man who was with her gave chase," said Norma
Cordoba, Liliana's sister in law, who lives on the same property as
the battered woman.

"While the two of us were alone, a brick hit the roof. She told me
come here, there's another one, and a shadow shot out toward the back
of the property. It kept throwing stones at the roof until 4 in the
morning, when I had a breakdown. They took me to the hospital because
I broke down."

Nothing happened on Wednesday evening. Just when the family started
to think Tuesday's ordeal was just a prank, the events repeated on
Thursday night, but with more serious consequences.

"Liliana and her husband were sitting the patio and I was in bed.
Stones were hitting the roof again, and when I went out, all of my
neighbors were up, because they'd heard the ruckus. The stones kept
falling on my house and neighboring houses alike. All the lights were
on, all of the people were in the back yard, and the stones keep

The neighbors' houses are joined by a common patio filled with trees
whose branches reach the ground. The alleged attack took place in
back of the dwellings, and residents claim that the shower of stones
came from the same area, but no assailant could be seen. "She
[Liliana] went back to see who was throwing the stones. And she
wouldn't come back. And we called out to her, until another man found
her spread on the ground with a blow to her face, part of her eye and
mouth. It's all broken [sic]."

"She says that it was a man this tall," the woman indicates the
height of her waistline, "who covered her mouth, dragged her to the
bushes and beat her. He let her go when he heard neighbors calling
her name, when they searched for her," said the battered woman's
sister in law.

"Later, when they brought her in, she fell to the floor. She asked
her brother and the neighbors to remove what ever was grabbing on to
her feet. They would stand her up and she would fall down as if her
feet were being pulled out from under her. No one could see anything,
and they rained machete-blows around her. She was desperate saying
that someone was there."

The woman remained in this frenzied state until the police arrived
to take her to the hospital where she remains in the Psychiatric Ward.

"She said that [it] would come back every so often, saying it wanted
to take her away," according to Mario Obregon, the young woman's
brother. "I would stand in front of her and would try to defend her
as best I could, but I couldn't see "it", and she would see it even
more. Then a neighbor came with a crucifix to pray, and the thing
came back even more. Liliana said it would grab her even more

"This was the scene that impressed neighbors the most, because it
seemed that a strange and invisible force was pushing the woman and
tried to drag her away. She said it was a little man, all black, that
she could see and who looked like an imp. We took her outside,
because it said that it wanted to take her away and beat her."

Midday yesterday, deacon Dionisio Castagna of the San José Parish
visited the locals, spoke to them and prayed with them, agreeing to
bless their homes. The clergyman didn't question whether the event
was true or not, but asked them to strengthen their faith in God and
reaffirm family ties.

The police reported yesterday that around 02:00 on Friday--
curiously, at the same time that the Aguara Guazu appeared in the
downtown streets -- they received a report from neighbors claiming
that a woman had been the victim of a brick attack. Police personnel
reported there and "witnessed brick shards at the site".

An hour later, the police returned to the site and undertook an
operation led by deputy sheriff Aldo Fernandez, who found an
unusually large number of peolpe who claimed that the woman in
question "was lifted and thrown against the wall, but we could not
see who was throwing her. She was bruised and had to be hospitalized."

Source: El Norte Digital - February 22, 2004

Translation (C) 2004. Scott Corrales, IHU.
Special thanks to Gloria Coluchi
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