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Who the Hell is He?

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Dec 30, 2008, 7:15:14 PM12/30/08

"But Tom Purvis KNOWS -- because he's talked with Dr. Boswell. And I
guess Boswell confessed all kinds of secrets to only Thomas Purvis
about JFK's real wounds. So we're supposed to scrap all of this
"Warren Commission" stuff and go with Tom's bill of goods instead."

(David Von Pein/aka Von Parrot)

David, if your current employment positions requires you to "shill"
for the VB Book, that is fine with me.

However, rather than hide all over the internet, why not come around
those areas where I am usually found and debate the factual evidence
with me, as opposed to hiding at various locations and expousing on
what you actually know little about.

In event that I wanted to merely here the WC and/or HSCA, then I would
either buy a recording or, for more entertaining enjoyment, purchase a

Any Parrot can repeat the WC and/or HSCA. But then again, so can any
functional idiot!

Since I have never personally seen you and have no idea as to whether
or not you are covered in feathers, I would not, at this point in
time, know exactly which category to place you into.

However, most Parrots that are also Idiots, can still be made to
repeat. Just as can most idiots be made to "parrot".

"he's talked with Dr. Boswell"


As well as:

1. Dr. Humes*
2. Dr. Finck*
3. Dr. Malcolm O. Perry
4. Dr. Cyril Wecht
5. Dr. Russell Buhite
6. Dr. William Eckert
7. Dr. Thomas Noguchi
8. Dr. Clyde Snow
9. Dr. Robert Ringrose
10. Dr. Jack Doyle
11. FBI Agent Robert Frazier
12. FBI Agent John Gallagher
13. FBI Agent Bill Heilman
14. FBI Agent Henry Heiberger
15. FBI Agent James Worrell
16. Mr. Robert West, County Surveyor, Dallas, TX.

(*would not discuss the subject)

Now, Mr. Von Parrot!

Just exactly who was it that you discussed the subject matter with in
your research of the facts?

Since you quite obviously sneak around this forum, gather information
and then run somewhere else to post it, would you care to come around
this forum and argue/debate a few of the forensic; ballistic;
pathological; and physical facts of the JFK assassination.

Autopsy Personnel:

Dr. Humes: Spoke with Dr. Humes two times. Both times Dr. Humes
refused to discuss the issue.
This is of course due primarily to what other authors had accused him
of with absolutely no foundation in fact.
Nevertheless, I continued to forward correspondence to Dr. Humes home,
and am aware that he and Dr. Boswell discussed some of these

Dr. Finck: Spoke with Dr. Finck on only one occassion. (Long Distance
to Switzerland). First off, he wanted to know exactly how it was that
I located him. (Which I did not divulge*).
Thereafter, he too refused to discuss the subject matter for much the
same reasons as Dr. Humes.

*I happen to have a good friend who was a Full Colonel in the Swiss
Army, and rest assured, a Colonel in the Swiss Army can find anyone in
And although I could have potentially utilized this contact as a
"personal reference", I had made contact with Dr. Boswell and he was
willing to discuss the subject matter with me.
Therefore, I saw no need to call upon the friendship of someone for
such a favor.

Dr. Boswell: Dr. Boswell openly discussed the autopsy with me on
multiple/multiple occassions. In many of these instances I "pre-sent"
to him the information which I was attempting to resolve in order that
he could have some time to think on the matter.
We discussed aspects of the autopsy so many times that even I do not
recall exactly how many it was.
And, during one or two of these conversations Dr. Boswell indicated
that he and Dr. Humes were in fact discussing me and the materials.

In that regards, just as I do here, no punches were pulled. And I
fully informed Dr. Boswell that I was of the impression that they had
physically missed an entrance wound into the skull of JFK and had
thereafter blamed all of the cerebral damage on a single shot.

Despite this direct conflict, Dr. Boswell and I remained completely
cordial and he willing accepted my telephone calls as well as written
communications and always responded/replied accordingly to anything
that was asked.


FBI Personnel:

Robert Frazier: Multiple and extensive communications which included
forwarding copies of materials for his review and then follow-up
telephone conversations.
Major topics of discussion included examination of CE399; examination
of JFK's clothing and subsequent testimony; missing copper jacket base
to CE399; WC assassination re-enactment; examination of bullet

Agent Frazier was always completely forthright when asked a specific
question. Through our discussions I came to fully believe that he
knows much more about the actual facts of the assassination than he
has ever revealed, and just perhaps has never been asked the exact and
correct question.

We have Agent Frazier to thank for having provided us with the
information relative to who it was that removed the missing lead
fragment from CE840 (first revealed here), as well as giving us the
ability to determined the dimensions of that fragment.

At times, I think perhaps I should re-contact Agent Frazier and find
out exactly what else he "told us" without actually having "told us".

FBI Agent John Gallagher: Multiple conversations relative to the NAA
work as well as the spectrographic examination of the clothing worn by

FBI Agent Bill Heilman: Only a couple of conversations relative to the
NAA work and examination of the clothing worn by JFK and who did the
spectrographic analysis.

FBI Agent Henry Heiberger: Multiple conversations relative to the
spectrographic examination of the clothing worn by JFK.

????????: One other FBI Agent from the Spectrographic Analysis Lab who
assisted Gallagher in the NAA work.

FBI Agent James Worrell: Retired FBI Agent who reviewed much of that
information relative to CE399, it's anomalies and how they came to
exist, as well as the wounds it is responsible for.

[b]Firearms & Toolmark Examiner[/b]

James Looney, Firearms & Toolmark Examiner, Oklahoma State Bureau of
Investigation: Agent Looney reviewed the "comparative analysis" work
which had been done in determination of exactly how CE399 came to

"I could do what you have already done, but the results would be the
same" James R. Looney to Tom Purvis.


Additional Medical Personnel Consulted:

1. Dr. Robert Ringrose, Medical Examiner, Logan County, OK.

2. Dr. Jack Doyle, retired military surgeon, avid hunter/sportsman,
and considerable wounds ballistic experience.

3. Dr. Cyril Wecht

4. Dr. William Eckert

5. Dr. Malcolm O. Perry

6. Dr. Thomas Noguchi

7. Dr. Clyde Snow

8. Dr. Charles Wilbur


1. Mrs. Abraham Zapruder

2. Henry Zapruder (son of Abraham Zapruder)

3. Robert H. West (Dallas County Surveyor)

4. Larry Howard

5. Dr. Russell Buhite

6. Hugh Aynesworth

7. Nurse Lozano (now Ferrington) of Parkland Hospital

8. Massad Ayoob

9. Nurse Henchcliffe of Parkland Hospital

And many, many others of which, if I have an official record of, it is
stored away in some survey data notebook in some box which I have yet
to find, which also contains the notes of all of the coversations with
the above persons.


He is a former Captain in the U.S. Army as well as a combat veteran of
He is a former RA enlisted (Mechanized Infantry Unit) member of the US
He is a former enlisted member of the Mississippi National Guard

He has served tours of duty with:
a. The 82nd Airborne Division
b. The 173rd Airborne Brigade
c. The 3rd Special Forces Group
d. The 5th Special Forces Group
e. The 6th Special Forces Group
f. Commanding Officer, Advanced Airborne Division, Specialized
Training Department, Special Forces Schools.
g. Commanding Officer, Underwater Operations Divlsion, Specialized
Training Department, Special Forces Schools.
h. HALO Instructor, HALO Committee, Specialized Training Department,
Special Forces

Member of a select group which participated in MFF (Military Free Fall/
HALO) jumps from altitudes which reached 29,700 feet in altitude.

Military Awards and/or decorations & Qualifications.
a. Meritorious Service Medal
b. Bronze Star Medal *(second award)
c. Armed Forces Expeditionary Force Medal
d. Special Forces Officer Qualification
e. Master Parachutist Rating
f. MFF/HALO Rating
g. SCUBA Rating (SCUBA BADGE) Open circut & Emerson Re-breather
h. Instructor Rating
I. Jungle Warfare (School of the America's/Panama)
J. Nuclear Weapons Employment Officer

Specifically selected by Commanding General, USJFK Center for Special
Warfare as the Special Warfare Narrator for BRASS STRIKE V and BRASS
STRIKE VI, the largest Strike Command Demonstration conducted within
the continental United States.

Specifically selected to participate in a "recruiting" film with
APOLLO XIII Commander, James Lovell, for the President's Council on
Physical Fitness & Army Recruiting Command.

Originally under consideration as one of the Son Tay Prison Raid Team
members. Deleted from consideration due to receipt of orders to
return back to Vietnam.

Former President, 2nd Infantry Division Sport Parachute Club. Republic
of South Korea
Former USPA member, Class "C" and "Jumpmaster" ratings.
Former "Instructor" rating from PADI (Professional Association of
Diving Instructors)

Lastly, what I am not!

That being the fact that I AM NOT so stupid or gullible as to believe
the Warren Commission and their completely asinine "THE SHOT THAT
MISSED" scenario.


Are you merely an alter ID of Von Parrot? Or perhaps his shill?
Exactly what has your research consisted of???? Review of Von
Parrothead's website?
Or perhaps you too have read the WC Report. (which you could not have
understood or else you would have known that Z313 was the SECOND SHOT
fired in the shooting sequence.)

Whichever, in event that you fell for and believed the WC, and
especially their "THE SHOT THAT MISSED", then rest assured that you
too are in the finals for the "BONEHEAD OF THE YEAR" award for the
upcoming 2009 period.


Dec 30, 2008, 7:31:01 PM12/30/08

Firstly Purvis, did you lose that dumb cap in your photo?

Now, I too have spoken with Humes on two occassions. Humes adamantly
stands by the offical autopsy results which he Boswell and Finck

I've also spoken with six of the forensic pathologists assigned to the
various commissions. One, and only one shot entered JFK's head. You
can sit there and attempt to impress us all.....but you'll always be a
dedicated conspiracy theorist. It's how you validate your life it
seems. You may very well fool those on Simkins Forum because they
like you have the same level of anti-intellectualism required to be a
conspiracy theorist. Everything about you Purvis reeks of
narcissism. In reality, for you to have spoken with the experts you
claim you have and to have reached the conclusions you apparently have
only reinforces what has become painfully obvious about you Purvis:
you're a kook......and will always be looked at that way.


Dec 30, 2008, 8:17:06 PM12/30/08

Well now!

Under the assumption that what you state is factual, were you also
fully informed that the entrance wound into the scalp at the back of
the head was at the lower edge of the hairline???

If so, are you so generally stupid of the physical facts that a 6.5mm
Carcano bullet travelling at approximately 1,800 fps, can not
physically be fired on a downward angle of 12 to 13 degrees, strike a
person at the lower edge of the hairline, then turn upwards to tunnel
through the soft tissue at the base of the neck to thereafter strike
the skull in the EOP region at a point which is higher in elevation
(as one sits vertical) than the entrance into the scalp, and then
thereafter continue through the mid-brain and exit in the forward/
frontal lobes of the brain.

If, as you say, you actually discussed the issues with Humes, then you
should also know that he; Boswell; and Finck, firmly stand by the
pathological reports and statements which they have testified to.

All of which merely means that they FOUND one, and only one bullet
entrance in the back of the head.

What one "finds", and what actually "is", are sometimes quite

Humes "found" the third shot bullet pathway through the mid-brain
several days later when the brain had been "fixed" and was then fully

He attributed it to a purported "fragment" which seperated immediately
upon the bullet entering at the EOP/upper edge of the occipital lobe.

So! Do you wish to discuss the EOP entry which all three autopsy
surgeons have adamantly stated existed, or do you wish to discuss the
Cowlick entry in which the entire Clark Panel as well as HSCA Medical
Panel adamantly states exists also.

Or, are you one of those who are of the misguided impression that
three qualified MD's mis-measured the entry wound in JFK's head by
some 4-inches and thereafter stated that the entry wound was at the
lower edge of the hairline at the back of the neck when in reality it
was at the rear top portion of the head.

You quite obviously have not done your homework when it comes to the
forensics and pathology of JFK's headwounds!

Had you done so, then you would know that JFK has a wound across the
top of his brain which reaches some 1 and1/2 inches in depth with
tears in all directions.

In addition to this, he has a penetration which begins at the upper
edge of the occipital lobe and thereafter passes through the mid-
brain, terminating at the frontal lobe.

The two seperate and distinctive wounds of the brain only intersect in
the frontal lobe vicinity, where both projectiles exited.

So, be sure and come back and visit when you actually have learned
something in regards to the pathological damage to the brain of JFK.

Z313 Impact: Cowlick entry with bullet severely fragmenting (due to
manner of exit against skull), tearing through the upper lobe of the

Altgens/Third/Stationing 4+95 Impact (JFK leaned well forward and to
the left): Bullet went through the coat of JFK at the edge of the
coat collar, exited to strike at the lowereedge of the hairline,
passed through the soft tissue of the neck to strike the skull in the
EOP region, and thereafter continued on it's downward angle through
the mid-brain.


Dec 30, 2008, 10:27:43 PM12/30/08

Since we know as fact that Oswald was the ONLY assassin and he fired
twice from the TSBD, what you claim as sinister is to more intelligent
people human error. You, as conspiracy conspiricists look into the
forest of evidence against Oswald and then pick individual leaves or
anomolies, which by themselves mean absolutely nothing. If one works
from the premise that all physical evidence points to only Oswald,
individual anomolies can be discarded. This is how science works. We
may know the world is round but that doesn't stop the Flat Earth
Society from maintaining a webiste no matter how foolish it is. You
Purvis do what EVERY single conspiracy theorist does. In my
experience I've found most conspiracy theorists to be profoundly anti-
intellectual even though they may produce reams of what they consider
proof and evidence to support their position. CT's almost never
concede even the hypothetical possibility that their paradigm might be
flawed in some fundamental respect. You Purvis are a cliche. Your
mind is so fundamnetally associated with conspiracy that it negates
everything you say. Once again, typical of the conspiracy community.
This is exactly why you belong on Simkins Forum. The nuts shouldn't
fall far from that tree. I would even find it difficult to believe
you're married. Nobody could love you more than you love yourself.
And lose that silly beret. You're not 22 years old anymore.


Dec 30, 2008, 10:51:39 PM12/30/08

People once knew for a "fact" that the earth was flat and that it was
also the center of the universe.

Fortunately, those persons who are willing to accept new knowledge,
left those behind who continued to repeat things as if fact, which
could not be proven to be.

A factual analysis, based on all of the eyewitness testimonies as well
as the physical evidence, certainly would seem to indicate that the
shooter (who was most probably LHO, but can not be proven as absolute
fact), shot three times.

Now, I ask again! Are you a fellow follower of Brother Von Parrothead
in that you actually fell for and believe "THE SHOT THAT MISSED".

1. LHO was a damned excellent shot by the way.
2. The Model 91/38 Short Rifle is a damned accurate weapon by the
3. The longest shot distance (the one to down directly in front of
James Altgens) was only 297 feet/aka 97 yards.
4. For virtually any Marine, a 97 yard shot with an excellent quality
weapon, is a "gimme:!

For the enjoyment of the reading public, why not attempt to explain
exactly where that third/last/final shot went to.

P.S. You are of course aware that multiple witnesses testified to
having seen JFK react to having been hit by the first shot, are you

You are of course aware of the multiple witnesses who so informed us
that the shot in which JFK's head exploded was the SECOND SHOT, are
you not?

You are of course aware of the eyewitness who stated that he observed
JFK's head explode and then turned just in time to see the last shot
fired from the sixth floor window of the TSDB, are you not?

You are aware of those several witnesses who testified that the last
shot was fired when the Presidential Limo was farther down Elm St.,
down close to the concrete steps, are you not?

You are aware that James Altgens was standing almost directly across
the street from the concrete steps, and he so testified that the LAST
shot was fired as JFK was directly in front of his position, and that
he not only observed the impact to the head, but also observed debri
being blown out of his head in his (Altgen's) direction, are you not?

Obviously, you are not aware of these simple facts or else you would
know that there was no "THE SHOT THAT MISSED", as well as the fact
that Z313 impact was the SECOND SHOT and the third shot impact
occurred some 30-feet farther down Elm St directly in front of James
Altgens, just as Altgens and the other witnesses claimed, and exactly
where the US Secret Service as well as the FBI surveyed in and had
platted the last shot impact.

Be sure and come back and visit when you actually know or learn
something about the forensic; ballistic; pathological; and/or physical
facts of the assassination.

David Von Pein

Dec 30, 2008, 11:24:12 PM12/30/08

Mr. Purvis,

Do you believe the SBT is true? (I forget whether you do or not.)

If you do believe it, you've got a big problem with respect to
Governor Connally's testimony ("The first shot did not hit me").

And if you want to think that a fragment from one of your two head
shots hit Connally (instead of CE399), then your problems are even
bigger....because of the existence of a whole bullet called CE399
being found on Connally's stretcher at Parkland.

Notice, though, how a scenario which includes a "missed" shot from
Oswald's gun fits in like a perfect-fitting glove when the totality of
everything is assessed.

And such a "3 SHOTS, WITH 1 MISS" scenario not only fits perfectly
with the medical evidence in the case, but it also fits beautifully
with what we find on the Zapruder Film....and it fits perfectly with
regards to the one and only whole bullet that is connected with this
case (CE399)....and it fits perfectly with respect to John Connally's
never-wavering testimony about how he heard the first shot, but was
definitely not hit by it, then he was hit with Shot #2, and then he
was covered with JFK's brains after Shot #3.

But Mr. Purvis has an even bigger problem than trying to shoehorn his
crazy "2 Head Shots" theory into something called reality (and the
true evidence in the case).....and that much-bigger problem is when it
comes time to satisfactorily answering the following question (and
it's a question that Purvis can never answer satisfactorily, because
there IS no satisfactory or logical answer to it). That question is
this one:

If Tom Purvis' scenario is correct, then WHY on this green Earth of
ours would the autopsy doctors and the Warren Commission and (later)
the House Select Committee have had ANY desire whatsoever to want to
start covering up that true scenario?

In other words --- Why would the Government (et al) think it was
important to have America believe that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK
via a three-shot shooting scenario that included one MAKE-BELIEVE
MISSED SHOT....vs. having America believe the REAL TRUTH (per Purvis),
which still has Oswald doing the shooting all by himself, but with all
three of his shots hitting somebody in the limousine?

Can't even Mr. Purvis see how totally idiotic it would have been for
the U.S. Government (et al) to play such a silly game regarding the
shooting of the President? Especially when EITHER option takes us
right back to the very same bottom-line conclusion -- OSWALD DID IT

I'll repeat a comment I made earlier (I think it fits in here nicely


"There aren't two separate entry holes in the back of JFK's
head, and even Purvis knows this. But he'll pretend he doesn't know
it, because he wants to pull a Fuhrman and be "different", while at
the same time remain an LNer.

"People like Fuhrman and Purvis The Kook have me stumped --
i.e., they get to within shouting distance of accepting the obvious
truth about the assassination, but they just can't quite cross that
line in the sand marked "WC".

"Instead, they'd rather "think outside the box" and start
inventing theories that the hard evidence simply does not support and
that nobody else on Earth believes (including the many, many people
who were assigned the task of investigating the case for the WC and
HSCA)." -- DVP; 12/29/08



Dec 30, 2008, 11:30:43 PM12/30/08

I have for years discarded ALL witness or con.
Witnesses mean absolutely nothing. I stand on the physical evidence
which points in ONLY one direction. Three shots, all from the TSBD.
While nobody can say with 100% certainty LHO pulled the trigger, based
on what we Oswald behaved....and Oswald's history, 99.9%
might very well be accurate. I suggest you watch your film again.
You are absolutely WRONG about the location you claim was platted by
the SS. Interesting that I've never heard any testimony whatsoever
from the SS in the car claiming there was a shot at the point you
profess. You choose to make conspiracy oriented comments of YOUR
witnesses....and yet, other witnesses, which again I ignore have
claimed after the first shot, gravel from the street blew into the
limo at approximate ZAP frame 160-185. Physical and scientific
evidence trumps witness testimony every single time. This is basic to
investigative techniques. You apparently have very limited knowledge
of how investigations happen.


Dec 30, 2008, 11:31:54 PM12/30/08

Try to grab a clue. You can't ask if something is *true* if you don't
bother to even define it. Which SB scenario are you trying to push in
the first place? Are you even aware that there are differences
between the WCR, HSCA and (gasp) Posner?

David Von Pein

Dec 31, 2008, 12:45:12 AM12/31/08

>>> "Try to grab a clue. You can't ask if something is *true* if you don't bother to even define it. Which SB scenario are you trying to push in the first place? Are you even aware that there are differences between the WCR, HSCA and (gasp) Posner?" <<<


Oh, for Pete sake. Grab a clue yourself.

There are only minor differences when talking about anyone's version
of the "SBT". And these differences are ONLY in the exact timing of
when the bullet hit the two victims.

But all SBT versions are the same with respect to the fact that one
bullet (CE399) went through both victims (JFK & JBC), causing all non-
fatal injuries to both men, with 399 ending up on Connally's
stretcher, to be later found by D. Tomlinson.

And any way Mr. Purvis elects to go when it comes to the "SBT", he's
got some difficulties. But that probably doesn't matter to a theorist
like Mr. Purvis, since he enjoys making stuff up out of whole cloth
anyway (as all CTers do). So, it's probably no biggie to him one way
or the other.


Dec 31, 2008, 11:35:16 AM12/31/08


"And such a "3 SHOTS, WITH 1 MISS" scenario not only fits perfectly
with the medical evidence in the case, but it also fits beautifully
with what we find on the Zapruder Film....and it fits perfectly with
regards to the one and only whole bullet that is connected with this
case (CE399)....and it fits perfectly with respect to John Connally's
never-wavering testimony about how he heard the first shot, but was
definitely not hit by it, then he was hit with Shot #2, and then he
was covered with JFK's brains after Shot #3."


So says the "Parrothead" as well as the WC, and even Posner, and of
course Mr. "YoHarvey".

However, there in fact remains a few problems with that line of BS.

Now, people who buy vacuum cleaners from door to door salesmen may
fall for this line of sweet talk on the part of Specter, Hoover, &
But not ole "Narcissistic"* Tom.

*Note: Actually, I would be under the impression that those who read
these forums do so in order to attempt to gain some knowledge of the
facts of the assassination. And, for the most part could care less if
the poster/provider of said facts is a narcissistic; a pessimist; a
realist; a communist; or whether they are writing from a mental
The "FACTS" remain just that, irrelevant as to who provides them.
That one cannot determine what is and is not factual without being
influlenced or "conditioned" by the person/organization providing the
facts, happens to be why idiots like Von Pein and YoHarvey are still
running around swallowing the BS of the Warren Commission "THE SHOT
THAT MISSED" scenario..

1. Multiple witnesses have testified to having observed JFK react to
having been hit by the first shot. To include SS Agent Glen Bennet
who even made written notes within a couple of hours of the event in
which he described having observed the impact of the first shot to the
upper back/shoulder of JFK.

SO! Parrothead and YoHarvey, would you like to tell us how wrong all
of these persons are, who were present and who's testimony fully
exists within the WC documents????

Meanwhile, why not attempt to explain exactly how it was the Time/
Life, on 11/25/63 could accurately place the impact location for the
first shot, if it was in fact "THE SHOT THAT MISSED"?

While you are attempting to explain that one away, why not also tackle
the explanation of why the US Secret Service as well as the FBI, also
determined a first shot impact point location (which was only some 8-
feet in difference from the Time/Life location).

So, are we to assume that Time/Life with the original Z-film in hand
and the US Secret Service and the FBI, with a first generation copy of
the Z-film, are all totally incompetent and that the First Shot
"MISSED", and now the WC; Posner; Parrothead; and YoHarvey are now
here to lead us to the promised land of truth; justice; and the
American way?

2. Multiple witnesses have testified that the Z313 impact was in fact
the SECOND SHOT in the shooting sequence.
To inclulde SS Agent Glen Bennet in his handwritten notes.

And, although not called to testify (how convenient), Motorcycle
Policeman Chaney is of record as having stated that it was the SECOND
SHOT which caused the President's head to explode.
In addition, most of these same witnesses have also stated that there
was a longer delay between the first and second shot, then the delay
between the second and third shot.
To include several who have also fully indicated that this delay was
within the five to six second time frame.

So! If the first shot did not miss, and the second shot did not miss,
are we to believe that it was the third/last/final shot that missed?
If so, exactly why was it that the WC deemed that no frames of the Z-
film past Z334 (21 elapsed frames past the Z313 headshot) were worth
looking at.

This ever-so (slight) sleight-of-hand becomes quite obvious when one
takes into consideration the true position of James Altgens (who the
WC attempted to not call to testify) and his testimonies, as well as
Malcolm Summers (who also conveniently was not called to testify)
as well as Emmett Hudson who also stated fully that it was the SECOND
SHOT which struck JFK in the head and that the last shot was fired
when the Limo was "down by the steps".

And, as the "icing on the cake", one just may want to take into
consideration the SS assassination re-enactment of December 2, 3, &
4th, 1963, as well as the FBI assassination re-enactment of 2/7/64, in
which the third/last/final shot impact was located at survey
stationing 4+95 (some 30-feet farther down Elm St. than was the Z313
impact point location), and which third shot impact was located in the
street directly in front of James Altgens position, just as he so
stated in his WC testimony.

3. One also should not ignore the handwritten notes of Nellie Connaly
which were made some 8-10 days after the event, and in which she
clearly states that JBC was down in the seat with his head in her lap
and she was leaning over him when the last shot impacted and blew
cerebral tissue (blood/etc) forward all over them.

Anyone see JBC and/or Nellie in this position here?:

Don't know about others, but ole narcissistic; pessimistic; realist;
etc; Tom, don't see that position for JBC and Nellie.

And of course, we then have the statements of Emmett Hudson who not
only told us fully that the impact to JFK's head as seen at Z313 was
the SECOND SHOT, but that the last shot was fired when the
Presidential Limo was "down by the steps".
Which by the way places the limo location directly parallel to the
position of James Altgens and Malcolm Summers as he dives to the

Mr. HUDSON - Well there was a young fellow, oh, I would judge his age
about in his late twenties. He said he had been looking for a place to
park and he walked up there and he said he finally just taken a place
over there in one of them parking lots, and he come on down there and
said he worked over there on Industrial and me and him both just sat
there first on those steps. When the motorcade turned off of Houston
onto Elm, we got up and stood up, me and him both. He was on the left
side and I was on the right and so the first shot rung out and, of
course, I didn't realize it was a shot, what was taking place right at
that present time, and when the second one rung out, the motorcade had
done got further on down Elm, and you see, I was trying to get a good
look at President Kennedy. I happened to be looking right at him when
that bullet hit him - the second shot.
Mr. LIEBELER - That was when the bullet hit him in the head; is that
Mr. HUDSON - Yes; it looked like it ht him somewhere along about a
little bit behind the ear and a little bit above the ear.
Mr. LIEBELER - On the right-hand side or the left-hand side?
Mr. HUDSON - Right hand.

Mr. LIEBELER - How many shots did you here altogether?
Mr. HUDSON - Three.
Mr. LIEBELER - Three shots?
Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir.
Mr. LIEBELER - Are you sure about that?
Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir.
Mr. LIEBELER - You say that it was the second shot that hit him in the
head; is that right?
Mr. HUDSON - Yes; I do believe that - I know it was.
Mr. LIEBELER - You saw him hit in the head, there wasn't any question
in your mind about that, was there?
Mr. HUDSON - No, sir.
Mr. LIEBELER - And after you saw him hit in the head, did you here
another shot?
Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. HUDSON - Yes; so right along about even with these steps, pretty
close to even with this here, the last shot was fired - somewhere
right along in there.

Mr. ALTGENS - Because I didn't see who fired it. After the
Presidential car moved a little past me, I took another picture--now,
just let me back up here--I was prepared to make a picture at the very
instant the President was shot. I had refocused to 15 feet because I
wanted a good closeup of the President and Mrs. Kennedy, and that's
why I know that it would be right at 15 feet, because I had prefocused
in that area, and I had my camera almost to my eye when it happened
and that's as far as I got with my camera.

Mr. LIEBELER - Could you tell us approximately how many shots there
were between the first and the last shot--as you well know--there were
supposed to have been three shots, but how many shots did you hear?
Mr. ALTGENS - Well, I wouldn't want to say--I don't want to guess,
because facts are so important on something like this. I am inclined
to feel like that there were not as many as I have heard people say. I
think it's of a smaller denomination, a smaller number, but I cannot--
I can really only vouch for the two. Now, I know that there was at
least one shot in between.
Mr. LIEBELER - At least one?
Mr. ALTGENS - I would say that--I know there was one in between. It is
possible there might have been another one I don't really know, but
two, I can really account for.
Mr. LIEBELER - And that's the first one and the last one?
Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - So, it is clear from your testimony that the third
shot--the last shot, rather--hit the President?
Mr. ALTGENS - Well, off and on we have been referring to the third
shot and the fourth shot; but actually, it was the last shot, the shot
did strike the President and there was no other sound like a shot that
was made after that.


Malcolm Summers

Well, then the car kept coming, and then the second shot rang out. And
then the third was just about where I was at, rang out

OH! Let's see if we can figure out this highly complex problem.

A. Multiple witnesses have testified to having seen JFK react to
having been hit by the FIRST SHOT, to include a SS Agent who fully
documented the impact of this shot to JFK's back.

B. Multiple witnesses have testified to the fact that the impact to
JFK's head in which his head exploded, was in fact the SECOND SHOT

C. Multiple witnesses have testified that the THIRD (LAST) SHOT was
fired when the Presidential Limo was so far down Elm St. that it was
down by the steps which lead up to the stockade fence.

D. One single witness has clearly testified that JFK was struck in
the head by the LAST SHOT, which struck when JFK was some 15-feet
directly in front of his position, which position happens to be almost
directly across Elm St. from the concrete steps and also happens to be
directly adjacent to Malcolm Summers who also stated that the last
shot was fired when the limo was in this location.

E. The SS as well as the FBI conducted assassination re-enactments in
which the THIRD SHOT impact point was down at survey stationing 4+95,
which places this point directly in front of James Altgens location.

F. There are "yellow curb" marks as seen on the Zapruder film, which
yellow curb marks make a "reference point" within the film as to the
location of the Presidential Limo as well as the time of impact for
shots fired. The SECOND/aka Z313 impact was just after the
Presidential Limo had passed the first yellow curb mark at which Jean
Hill *& Mary Moorman stood.
The LAST/aka THIRD SHOT IMPACT was down in front of James Altgens
location, which placed the position of JFK slightly behind the
location of the second yellow curb marking which was some 3 to 5 feet
farther down Elm St. from the Altgens position.

Only a complete idiot ( or a "Parrot" such as we often have here,
would assume that anyone could make a mistake in location of the
President/aka Presidential Limo when in fact the Limo has fully passed
the first yellow curb marking at the time of the SECOND/aka Z313 shot,
and the President (as well as Limo) has not passed the yellow curb
marking down in front of James Altgens in which the SS as well as FBI
determined the THIRD/LAST shot impact location to be.

Let it be stated for the record:

This is so simple, a "caveman" could figure it out.

But then again, a caveman is not a thoughtless parrot, nor is it some
other parrot who has his head up the ass of the first parrot.

Now that we have "talked the shots"

Shall we eventually proceed on to demonstrate exactly how little Mr.
Von "Parrothead" as well as "Head-up-the Ass of Von Parrothead"
actually knows about the forensics; ballistics; pathology; and
physical facts of the wounds of JFK and JBC.

As most are aware, anyone who is so stupid and gullible that they
would fall for "THE SHOT THAT MISSED", most certainly has not
demonstrated the ability for independent and self determination of
anything closely related to the facts.

P.S. For "Parrothead" & Partner.

"Failure to understand the evidence has no bearing on the validity of
that evidence.
As a general rule, it merely means that one does not understand the

(Tom Purvis)

Or, in many cases, that one is merely "BONEHEAD STUPID"!


Dec 31, 2008, 12:10:52 PM12/31/08

Now you have!

Last Shot: Survey Stationing 4+95, directly in front of James
Altgens, some 28+feet farther down Elm St. from the SS surveyed and
platted impact point for the Z313 headshot impact. As surveyed in and
positioned by the US Secret Service as well as the FBI.

Z313 impact: Survey Stationing 4+65.3, approximately 2-feet
difference in location between SS surveyed position and WC's surveyed
position for the Z313/aka SECOND SHOT impact location.

Certainly glad that I am not so "narcissistic" that I operate under
the highly misguided assumption that I am smarter than the US Secret
Service, as well as the FBI, in determination of the simple facts of
the assassination.

Especially when they were in possession of virtually all of the
evidence; witness testimonies; and first generation copies of the Z-


Can a "Parrotf" be narcissistic?

Does a "Parrot" with another Parrot's head up his ass constitute

Or, is it merely "compound stupidity"?


Dec 31, 2008, 12:28:42 PM12/31/08

> Z313 impact:  Survey Stationing 4+65.3, approximately 2-feet
> difference in location between SS surveyed position and WC's surveyed
> position for the Z313/aka SECOND SHOT impact location.

> Certainly glad that I am not so "narcissistic" that I operate under
> the highly misguided assumption that I am smarter than the US Secret
> Service, as well as the FBI, in determination of the simple facts of
> the assassination.
> Especially when they were in possession of virtually all of the
> evidence; witness testimonies; and first generation copies of the Z-
> film.
> Questions:
> Can a "Parrotf" be narcissistic?
> Does a "Parrot" with another Parrot's head up his ass constitute
> "narcissisticism's"?
> Or, is it merely "compound stupidity"?

Purvis? Comprehending stupidity should not present problems for you.
You spend much time on Simkins Forum, do you not? Case closed.


Dec 31, 2008, 1:14:14 PM12/31/08
Top Post
your gonna lose the turd, Tom. Keep it real simple for he/she/it...


> Z313 impact:  Survey Stationing 4+65.3, approximately 2-feet
> difference in location between SS surveyed position and WC's surveyed
> position for the Z313/aka SECOND SHOT impact location.


David Von Pein

Dec 31, 2008, 3:32:52 PM12/31/08

>>> "your [sic; as per the Crackpipe's norm] gonna lose the turd, Tom...." <<<

As if Healy agrees with anything a kook named Purvis is regurgitating.


Dec 31, 2008, 6:43:21 PM12/31/08


Dec 31, 2008, 6:50:40 PM12/31/08


Dec 31, 2008, 6:53:40 PM12/31/08
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