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Jim Fetzer

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David Von Pein

belum dibaca,
20 Feb 2012, 03.44.1320/02/12

If you want a few hearty belly laughs, take a listen to the radio
program linked below. It's an episode of James Fetzer's "The Real
Deal" Internet radio podcast from January 23, 2012, in which Jim talks
with another conspiracy kook, a fellow by the name of James Norwood.



At the "excerpts" link above, the two conspiracy nuts named Fetzer and
Norwood go on and on about how the Zapruder Film has been faked. And
among the many alterations that were done to the film (according to
the two conspiracy nuts on the radio program) is some fakery involving
the several female witnesses who were lined up along the north side of
Elm Street as JFK was being assassinated.

According to Fetzer, the ladies we see lining Elm Street in the
Zapruder movie were actually filmed PRIOR to President Kennedy's car
turning the corner from Houston Street to Elm.

The reason Kook Fetzer thinks that that particular part of Zapruder's
home movie is a forgery is because none of the women appears to be
reacting to the President being on Elm at that time. Therefore, per
Fetzer, the images of those women must have been edited into the
current (faked) version of the film at a later time.

Of course, Fetzer doesn't bother to explain WHY in the world any film-
fakers would have any desire (or need) to fake the images of the women
lining Elm Street. After all, weren't those SAME WOMEN still standing
there, in pretty much the very same place, when JFK's car was really
on Elm Street that day?

Therefore, why would the conspirators feel the need to insert
different PRE-motorcade images of those same people into the film?
Fetzer doesn't say. He just tells us that he knows for a fact that the
images of those witnesses have been altered in some fashion, even
though it makes no logical sense whatsoever to want to fake that area
of the film.

That's the type of senseless, mindless drivel that people have to
endure when they cue up an episode of Jim Fetzer's "Real Deal" radio
show. And Fetzer's and Norwood's other comments about the additional
things they think have been altered and faked in the Zapruder Film are
equally as hilarious.

Plus, Professor Fetzer once again informs his listeners of his off-the-
wall belief concerning the number of bullets that Fetzer thinks struck
the body of President Kennedy in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.
This is what Fetzer said (and he has said this on many other occasions
as well):

"We know that JFK was hit at least four times." -- James H.
Fetzer; January 23, 2012 [Audio below.]

Fetzer, in another audio excerpt provided below, also says that Frank
Sturgis was a gunman in the Book Depository (on the west side of the
building) and that the bullet which hit JFK in the upper back was
fired from the top of the County Records Building by a Dallas Deputy
Sheriff named Harry Weatherford.

It's fairly obvious, of course, that Professor Fetzer doesn't give a
hoot about the fact that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever
that even remotely suggests that Harry Weatherford was shooting at
people in the President's limousine on 11/22/63. Fetzer has merely
pulled his insane theory about Weatherford out of thin air--and out of
his very fertile (and strange) imagination.

For those who are interested, Deputy Weatherford filled out an
official Sheriff's Department Supplementary Investigation Report on
11/23/63. Weatherford's report begins with these words:

"On Friday, November 22, 1963, at about 12:30 PM, I was standing
in front of the Sheriff's Office watching the Presidential Motorcade."




>>> "Anyone who would cite Vincent Bugliosi on the assassination has thereby disqualified himself as a student of the case." <<<


The above comment by James H. Fetzer comes from a person who takes
seriously the idea that Mary Moorman and Jean Hill should have
performed a multiplicity of activities in just 1.6 SECONDS while on
Elm Street on 11/22/63 (which was the total amount of time those two
women were visible in Abraham Zapruder's home movie).

Prof. Fetzer has disqualified himself (many times) from being
considered a "reasonable" and/or "rational" researcher when it comes
to the topic of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. (Not
to mention other topics--like 9/11.)


>>> "Are these guys as dumb as they sound? We know the [Zapruder] film has been massively edited and the timeline has been contracted. The driver, William Greer, actually brought the limo to a halt to make sure JFK would be killed. .... So von Pein [sic], who actually knows better, is displaying a degree of hypocrisy that ALMOST defies belief. If anyone here thinks he or his running mate, Paul May, are sincere, then check out the sources I am providing. And in relation to Mary Moorman and Jean Hill, all you have to do is read or listen to their own words. .... And...David Lifton reports how Gary Mack, who serves as the curator of The 6th Floor Museum, as incredible as that may be, attempts to manipulate Mary." <<<


So, Professor Fetzer, do you still think that Mary Moorman and Jean
Hill could have accomplished everything on your previously published
laundry list in the 1.6 seconds that are afforded them in the Zapruder
Film (as discussed more fully at the link below)?

Good gosh, even if you tack on an additional five seconds, Moorman and
Hill could still not have done everything you claim we SHOULD be
seeing those ladies do via an "unaltered" version of the Zapruder

Get real. And then grab some common sense, Jim. You could use a lot
more of that stuff.


The above link contains reference to this 2009 gem from the lips of
Professor Fetzer:

"There are several possibilities, including that Zapruder was
made of rubber, that Zapruder was not there at all, and that someone
else stood in for him." -- James H. Fetzer; March 11, 2009


belum dibaca,
20 Feb 2012, 07.57.2820/02/12
> The above link contains reference to this 2009 gem from the lips of
> Professor Fetzer:
>       "There are several possibilities, including that Zapruder was
> made of rubber, that Zapruder was not there at all, and that someone
> else stood in for him." -- James H. Fetzer; March 11, 2009

The foolishness of one person does not mean that there is no
evidence, or that others that have looked at or dug up evidence are
wrong in their finding that the murder of KFK was a crime of multiple
shooters and ordered from above.

Be careful of using links supplied here, as you cannot guarantee
the information you see is legitimate at this private website.



belum dibaca,
20 Feb 2012, 08.19.4520/02/12
Fetzer is a gift that keeps on giving. DVP is merely expressing his
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