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The Murder Plot was in Texas

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Gil Jesus

Aug 27, 2007, 8:24:55 AM8/27/07

Connally fought hard for the Trade Mart location for the President's
Dallas Luncheon Speech. In effect, he was fighting for the motorcade
route which depended on the luncheon site.


Connally flew to Washington for an October 4th meeting with Kennedy to
press the President for the Trade Mart site. Kennedy finally agreed.
Twelve days later, on October 16th, Oswald is given a job in a
warehouse on the motorcade route, where no job existed.


The Texas School Book Depository was a building owned by D.H.Byrd, a
crony of Clint Murchison (a Johnson and Hoover pal) and creator of the
Civil Air Patrol, the group Oswald belonged to as a teen in New


Before leaving Fort Worth, on either the evening before or the morning
of the assassination, Kennedy and Johnson get into it about the
seating arrangements for the Dallas motorcade. Johnson wants Connally
to ride with him, citing Senator Yarborough's refusal to ride with him
as the cause. When Kennedy refuses to budge, Johnson then wants Mrs.
Kennedy to ride with him. Again, Kennedy refuses. The seating
arrangements were made to display a sense of UNITY of the warring
factions: Kennedy/Connally in one car, Johnson/Yarborough in the


Jack Ruby visited the Offices of Hunt Oil shortly before the
assassination and many of Hunt's right-wing publications were found in
the trunk of his car after he was arrested.


Jack Ruby was connected with General Walker in the spring of 1963.
Ruby was known to have visited the general on numerous occasions.
Walker was connected to the training camp at Lake Ponchartrain outside
New Orleans though his gunrunning operations. Witnesses claimed that
Ruby and Oswald ran weapons to that camp in the summer of 1963.


Oswald's letter to "Dear Mr. Hunt" inquiring about "information
concerning my position" and asking for it "before any steps are taken
by me or anyone else." The letter surfaces in Mexico, where the kill
team was training.


Although he knew that Kennedy would be shot, Connally never expected
to be shot himself. When he was finally hit, he screamed out, "My God
they're going to kill us all !!!"


Billie Sol Estes told a Texas Grand Jury in 1984 that Lyndon Johnson
was directly involved in the assassination of President Kennedy.
Johnson's lawyer Barr McClellan said the same thing. And in his death
bed confession, Watergate burglar E.Howard Hunt said that Johnson was
behind it.

Even Jack Ruby blamed "the man currently in the White House" for the

Oswald was an informant on a major gunrunning operation. It involved
the Dallas-New Orleans-Miami corridor and the purpose was to get
weapons into the hands of groups who were violently anti-Kennedy. From
Klansmen to anti-Castro Cubans, weapons and training were available to
anyone brave enough to stand up to the Communist takeover of the US

Oswald was seen receiving envelopes from a Treasury agent in the
summer of 1963 in New Orleans. At the time of his mail-order weapons
purchases, a senate committee was looking into the ordering of weapons
through the mail.

Oswald was the informant on the July 1963 raid at Lake Ponchartrain.
When Banister found out, he set him up as a Castro sympathizer.
Present to videotape Oswald handing out handbills was one of General
Walker's cronies, a man named John Martin from St. Paul, Minnesota.


Aug 27, 2007, 9:06:29 AM8/27/07

Once again Chico Jesus misinforms. Roy Truly is ON record
as stating that he was hiring temporary workers for both TSBD
locations in Dallas. Either Jesus is aware of this fact and ignores
completely OR he is AGAIN lying. Either way, his ignorance of
this case is apparent. Whenever Jesus states anything as FACT,
interestingly enough, it is ONLY fact to Jesus. To most in the
research community, it is pure and total bullshit. Check it out


Aug 27, 2007, 9:14:16 AM8/27/07
> yourselves.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Provide citations for EACH of your FACTS.

IMHO, once again, we have the queen of pathological liars
doing what he does best. How this individual can even show
his name on this newsgroup is astounding. He's been shown
over and over and over again to do nothing but lie and deceive.
He now posts FACTS as if he has PROOF, yet he doesn't.
As always, he makes ridiculous accusations which he can
provide NO evidence for and his speculation and conjecture

How many times must we endure this crap from this poster?


Aug 27, 2007, 2:09:17 PM8/27/07
MEET Yo(Momma)Harvey>>>

ALL in his own words.

"YoHarvey" <> wrote in message


Aug 27, 2007, 2:23:48 PM8/27/07
On Aug 27, 2:09 pm, "tomnln" <> wrote:
> MEET Yo(Momma)Harvey>>>
> ALL in his own words.
> "YoHarvey" <> wrote in message
> > yourselves.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

So if we are to believe Jesus, Connally lobbied hard to get a
motorcade routed through Dealey Plaza just so someone could take a
shot at JFK with Connally sitting right in front of him in the line of
fire. What is wrong with this picture. Was Connally willing to take a
bullet for the team?

The true fact is, Connally resisted the idea of a motorcade. JFK liked
motorcades and his staff tried to arrange for one every chance they
got. Connally was in charge of planning the details of the Texas trip
and didn't think there was time for JFK to visit four cities in one
day and still have time for a motorcade through Dallas. It was only
when the White House agreed to extend the trip to two days that
Connally dropped his opposition to having a motorcade.

It is also true that the motorcade route was not finalized until the
Trade Mart had been selected as the site for the luncheon and that was
not done until two weeks before the assassination, after Oswald was
already employed at the TSBD. No one could have possibly known at the
time Oswald was hired that this would place JFK in the range of his
rifle. There is no logical reason to believe that placing Oswald in
the TSBD was part of any great plot. The murder was a crime of
opportunity, not one of planning.

Aug 27, 2007, 3:17:09 PM8/27/07
That should make an honest person curious Gil.. I am a little
disappointed though that so many otherwise reasonable cter's still think
the CIA did it all...


Aug 27, 2007, 3:45:49 PM8/27/07
PROOF that bigdog is NOT familiar mwith Connally's testimont to the HSCA
wher he
admitted he worked for 1 1/2 Years to get JFK to Texas.

"bigdog" <> wrote in message


Aug 27, 2007, 4:50:29 PM8/27/07
On Aug 27, 3:45 pm, "tomnln" <> wrote:
> PROOF that bigdog is NOT familiar mwith Connally's testimont to the HSCA
> wher he
> admitted he worked for 1 1/2 Years to get JFK to Texas.

Proof that reading comprehension is not tomnln's strong suit. I stated
Connally initially resisted having a motorcade, which he did, and from
the tomnln thinks I believe Connally didn't want JFK to come to Texas.
Nothing I wrote is incompatible with Connally having worked hard to
get JFK to come to Texas.

> "bigdog" <> wrote in message

> > opportunity, not one of planning.- Hide quoted text -


Aug 27, 2007, 6:30:30 PM8/27/07
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Rossley thinks? Shit. Get real.


Aug 27, 2007, 8:31:01 PM8/27/07
You're STILL outta scotch.

Rossley also thinks these official records STILL scare the shit outta you>>>

"YoHarvey" <> wrote in message


Aug 27, 2007, 8:33:54 PM8/27/07
On Aug 27, 8:31 pm, "tomnln" <> wrote:
> You're STILL outta scotch.
> Rossley also thinks these official records STILL scare the shit outta you>>>
> > Rossley thinks? Shit. Get real.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Only your wife scares the shit out of people.
I've seen better heads on beer.


Aug 27, 2007, 11:20:11 PM8/27/07

"YoHarvey" <> wrote in message


> Only your wife scares the shit out of people.
> I've seen better heads on beer.

I left the video oy Me & your wife under your (empty) liquor cabinet

How do you likie being Replaced with a Dildo?

WHO is Yo(Momma)Harvey?>>>

ALL in his own words.

Try these>>>

Yo(Momma) Harvey RUNS from her/his own official records.


Aug 30, 2007, 4:24:07 PM8/30/07
SEE the video me & your wife made.

She LOVES Both of my HEADS.

"YoHarvey" <> wrote in message

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